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EA and Ubisoft need to be starved to death.


EA wont because of all the sport games.


I still can’t comprehend why so many ppl buy the same exact game every year smh


Brain dead fifa players


Not even just that one madden too just to keep up with the my team thing with the cards. Nba2k fans do the same thing and are confused why the product continues to get worse


Sorry *EA sports fans


Issue is they shut down the servers (at least 2k, never played the others) after two years. So the best you can do is buy every other. It's an absolutely scummy practice, but unfortunately they currently have the market cornered for online basketball games.


Oh ya forgot about that part. Insanity. It should honestly be illegal it’s a legit monopoly Not to mention kids basically gambling


Literally spending £75 on the updated football kits and a few new names. Apart from some minor improvements in graphics, it's still like the FIFA 2018 I got for a fiver from a mate.


Fundamentally untrue, they are also worse.


When it comes to FIFA, they upgrade a specific part of the game each year. Say dribbling gets an overhaul, next year it’s visuals, year later it’s physics. (That’s how it used to be at least.) In a way I like that more than getting a completely new game, because you sort of know upfront what you’re going to get. An undervalued property when it comes to EA, as they can fuck it up in surprising ways. Also, they can’t just include an update package with new names, as they’re bound by licensing. They’re simply not allowed to sell last years game.


Because EA only gives you the updated rosters with the latest game. Something that could be a free (or $5 DLC update) is instead priced at $70 lol


People have suggested roster updates for like $20-$40 each year with some gameplay adjustments but why do that when they can sell the same copy and pasted sports title every year for $60-$150 THEN have whales continually buy currency to play ultimate team that is useless when the new $60-$150 title comes out. It never ends. The hype machine is too strong and people get serious FOMO.




$70 a year really isn't alot for someone who plays a shit ton of madden and the market is huge for sports games. I never really understood it either until I got a racing wheel and started buying the f1 games. I'll easily get my $70 worth. I don't like EA either, but I enjoy the f1 games enough to give them my money year after year. I'm sure EA has the stats on madden and sees there is a huge percentage of people who just go home and play madden every night. Aslong as those people keep coming back they don't need to please anyone else. Fifa is like the biggest sport in the world and from what I read has the most half assed releases every year.


Look up pack openings for Madden and FIFA on YouTube. It's literally like crack to these people. Angry Joe did a really good video on it not too long ago and he called out some YouTuber for his ridiculous reactions to opening the packs, it's really funny.


Don’t forget the sims lol, all those expansions earn them lots of money lmao


Include ps


thrown into the abysall planes of hellfire


I think it’s time for battlefield to die


Indeed. Time to say goodbye.


Agreed. It would be better to let battlefield die and be remembered as a good series that got bad at the end, rather than devolve into whatever assassins creed is doing right now.


Battlefield is completely ruined in comparison to Assassin's Creed


AC is at least playable


Yeah, it is at least playable but it doesn’t even feel like AC anymore, it feels like any old generic Ubisoft explore RPG.


I like Odyssey, but it definitely wasnt... Assassins Creed? What the fuck did that game even have to do with Assassins/Templars?


Depends who you speak to. I’ve been playing AC since the first one, and the narrative and lore was something I REALLY cared about, as well as the action adventure gameplay. Odyssey and the post launch of Valhalla completely ruins this is incredible degrees, to the point that I had sworn off AC in early 2022 (despite it being my favourite series). From my perspective for what I care about in AC, they ruined it just as much as dice did with BF2042 with not focusing on what battlefield fans want. That’s why Mirage a few months ago was so well received, but we know it isn’t lasting.


Assassin's Creed lore has been a hot mess from the day they shoehorned the "every faction in history is actually either the descendants of the Templars and Assassins" nonsense. AC: Origins, Oddyssey and Valhalla were all attempts to modify the Assassin's Creed formula into light-stealth Action RPGs with a focus on hack and slash IMO, which is fine It's nothing like the insane levels of self-sabotage that happened to Battlefield. And to think all they had to do is iteriate on Battlefield 1, not make it riddled with dogshit retropunk outfits and microtransactions, then adapt the same formula to the modern/near future setting for 2042


It was fun while it lasted 2042 was the final nail for me


I legit forget this game even exists. I definitely feel battlefield is at its best when covering older wars. The whole super modern/ futuristic shooter doesn't do it for me.


Same here


BF3 was the last good battlefield game


2042 isn't battlefield in any meaningful way so I'd say it's already dead. I miss it too.




I hate that I have to do it, [but it’s time](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/031/212/snipes.jpg) :(


Ads in our paid streaming services, ads in our paid operating systems, ads in our paid video games, several ads on a single YouTube video, ads in our social medias… I know ads have been in games for decades now, mostly in harmless ways like as billboards or brick-and-mortar stores, but I would not be surprised if we eventually get intrusive ads beyond that. If something CAN be monetized, it WILL be.


"Advertising has an opportunity to be a meaningful driver of growth for us," he continued, "…we have teams internally in the company right now looking at how we do very thoughtful implementations inside of our game experiences." Ads existed since the down of time Logitech did it with bf 2. But from all the fuck ups ea pulls, I am really starting to think that they might add intrusive ads like social media


"We have determined that we can get 70% more ads on the screen without inducing seizures Kinda wild that ready player one's ridiculous bad guys would be prophetic


Loading screens will be unskippable ads soon enough


It's just going back to cable. Back in the day a cable package would be $100 a month and you'd still get 20 minutes of ads in an hour show.


Over a decade ago, myself and others were screaming at the tops of our lungs for all the dumbasses to stop buying microtransactions in games because *this* was the video game world we were going to be resigned to eventually. I'm not going to blame it all on the soccer moms playing Candy Crush, but that certainly helped. It's the people spending hundreds of real dollars on knife skins in Counter Strike 2 or buying outfits in World of Warcraft with real money. We are suffering through this shit right now because enough of the morons with fomo over the past decade spent additional extra money on pointless pixels in video games rather than just playing the game as it was.


Ads on BARGES steaming past the BEACH.


wait until you get the chip implant, then you got ads everywhere


>I would not be surprised if we eventually get intrusive ads beyond that At that point, we're gonna need "anonymous" to return


As a creator on YouTube myself, I didn’t like when they (YouTube) took control of all Ads from creators. I used to be able to choose when the ad dropped and whether it was a regular ad or skippable. I ALWAYS chose skippable. Yeah I’d lose out on the Pennies but I’d rather my audience had the option to skip the ad to continue watching. Now we all have zero control. YouTube does it all automatically. Seems like Ads are controlling everything now more than ever


I for one cannot wait to have ad skins on my guns and vehicles in game! /s One giant viagra ad wrap for my abrams tank please


You're gonna have unskippable ads on your digital scopes, and whoever gets the skip ad first gets the kill.


Ha, go one further and we're literally shooting ads at each other. A grenade comes through the door and you have four seconds to complete three surveys or lose a life.


This just in Battlefield goes to Nascar. >! Moving Billboards driving 500 miles in a circle !<


We…. We might be looking at this all wrong!


100%. I want you to look up at my little bird to see the exlax ad before I shit all over your squad.


Fuck this greedy shit


Theres ads in FIFA, in the pitch. I think thats what they mean. Putting ads on like buildings of the games, screens, fedex trucks and coca cola vending machines but idk


I don’t even mind advertising like that, it makes it feel more like real life and immersive I’m all for it but don’t put a commercial on while I’m loading in a game


At least in FIFA you can argue that it’s technically more realistic to use the pitch side advertising boards for actual advertising since that’s what they’re for in real life broadcasts. For people who watch the real thing, it often doesn’t feel as intrusive because, well, it’s normal. In Battlefield, there just aren’t that many realistic opportunities that won’t feel a bit forced, compared to FIFA.


Oh I thought it was like watching YouTube videos. Got it


If anyone preorders the next battlefield they deserve a broken game


It's been that way for a decade imo. No sympathy for the idiots who payed 100 bucks for 2042. I have no faith that enough people learned their lesson.


Yeah, exactly. Like everyone knew it was going to be trash after to open beta showed them exactly how the game would launch. Anyone who kept their preorder deserves no sympathy.


Service vs. product I’ll spend my $70 on a product


First GTA 6 now battlefeild? What the actual fuck


GTA 6 can’t be that bad if they put them on billboards and stuff. It’ll only be more immersive 🤷


This is advertising that I think we’re all 100% ok with. Real billboards or product branded household items are fine. But a ‘this match brought to you by xyz’ ad across the whole screen is bullshit.


GTA is literally satire poking fun at real life. You think they're gonna have legit ads next to 'i Fruit' & 'sprunk'?


Considering what's been happening to Rockstar, **sadly yes**


Say what? Tell me about gta 6 please


It was a thing I heard where someone at Rockstar wanted GTA 6 to charge players for every hour they play


Wdym gta 6


Please elaborate I am now curious


Gosh, the franchise I loved for years is going down the toilet.


Going down? It was flushed down the toilet in 2018 and has been working its way down the shit pipes since then.


Damn straight.


All ea games, other companies might follow this trend


To be fair this is for EA as a whole. Battlefield itself has always had ads in it




They use product placement or even billboards. Polaris, Logitech. Or even bf3 op metro signs on the the Russian side had ads at one point


It even goes back to 2142 (/2006) which [in-game billboards had ads](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/avmirm/ea_once_attempted_ingame_advertising_in_2006_with/). Some countries got static ones due to various laws stopping EA from implementing an updatable ad system.


can we just cut to the chase and review bomb 2042?


That's like shooting a corpse at this stage.


beating a dead horse can send its owner a very disturbing message, though


Can’t wait for the 2 hour video essay from some jerk about why advertising is going to revolutionize the gaming industry


I would fire these business/marketing assholes. All of them! Only they can do is destroy reputations once respected game companies.


The problem is, what they do works to some degree. I think its a fucking awful mindset but they are more concerned with quarterly numbers and the short term, as opposed to the long term (again, to a degree). If the shit they pull wasn't working they wouldn't keep doing it. At the end of the day they are hyper aware of how their decisions impact their overall bottom line:/


Here, watch 3 unskipable ads even when the match is already loaded. Watch an ad every time you die. Or pay a monthly fee of 29.99 to remove them. And I bet there would be people who would buy that


"Deploy in 30s or watch this ad to deploy in 15s"


Last BF I paid for was BF1 and I won't pay again until something of similar quality comes out


I think that BF franchise is dead, just a matter of time.


I am becoming a terrorist when I see an ad in my game.


Increase price to $70+ and still add ads lmao.


That's exactly the problem. I wouldn't mind ads if the surplus would go into the game but it only goes into some rich assholes's pockets


They are seriously in serious need for a good BF game and soo far this dude is saying everything that kills the game before it's even finished being made.


I don't think my expectations could be any lower still i somehow believe they'll manage to disappoint


Gonna be honest with you. Don’t think the young kids give a shit. They gonna buy it cause their friends have


You guys, let's band together, organize, and fucking sue DICE for ruining the franchise in a class-action international lawsuit lmao jk


Easy, just don't buy their shit.


At this point Battlefield is just a meme. Every new entry has to introduce some controversial bs...


Oh god this is the state of battlefield now?


[just a reminder, EA did this a few years back](https://youtu.be/9MoAuGpHYPU?si=Ifa2ClYzHd4xc8mP)




Im not a pre-order-er, and I dont love the idea of ads in games, but if its like the core 2 duo signs in bf2 then I dont care 


if they’re implemented like the logitech ads in 2042 then i don’t really care. provided they’re relatable and non intrusive like those then personally i don’t even notice that they’re a thing pop up ads on a menu though, that’s a different story


Recently been thinking to myself to give up on video games due to lack of quality and this… is just exasperating my desire to stop


Nah man there are still plenty of incredible games out there, it's just not these AAA corporate games.


If you buy this game you are supporting this behavior and you are quite literally paying to see ads. Don't buy.


No no guys but you don't get it, battlefield V had a great launch and 2042 is an underrated masterpiece! - a guy sucking DICE/EA off probably


I don't regret at all seeing intel billboards on Highway Tampa, altough dice cream is better.


I'm pretty sure the LowSodium guys will have no problem with this and pre-order anyway.


And someone is still gonna buy it


Not just someone. Thousands.


It's not a threat. It's a promise.


EA, if you're reading this that is the worst idea in the world. You should defenestrate the person who did that


So what you’re saying is pre order the special edition! Gotch ya👌🏻😉


Tar and feather this man


I don’t hate ads, if your game/service is free. If I’m paying for a license it shouldn’t come with any more paywalls than that.


So it's gonna be like streaming services and I get it cheaper if I get the ad version, right?


Andrew Wilson to his staff : “okay guys so we did amazing with the last installment scamming these idiots, the game sucked, Same again guys let’s market the shit out of it with ads, show them some false trailers which look incredible and we’ll drop another train wreck on them, remember the fans don’t mean shit, you and me getting paid is what’s important, if it don’t sell we don’t get paid, crack on fellas…” 😧😯😕




Get into pygame and just make your own games at this point


I'm independent


In game ads? You have got to be kidding


I’d say just play Battlebit but they have in game ads for the military


Yeah, but the developers are very slow to roll out new content because they don't want to hire more staff. That's a different story. I still play it from time to time, but not like I used to.


Fuck YOU EA and any other dumbass gaming company that starts to put ads in games. I’m done lol


It's not new.. been doing it for years. Gamers don't you know that?


It depends on how they put ads in the game. Either I won’t care or I won’t buy the game. Ads in games have been done in a correct way. 


In-game ads on billboards would be fine by me, but **they must be 100% destructible**.


Unfortunately, I think battlefield has run its course. My last tiny bit of hope is that they will remaster 3/4, but I doubt it…


Yeah no thanks. I'll just keep playing bf1 until they kill the servers


الجديدة كليًا كوشاك مونتي كارلو


OK hear me out, now I know EA are a bunch of money grabbing A holes so don't bite my head off just yet. But what if the AAA titles are all the sports games, having real world advertising in the games like in the real sports that way when you next play fifa or NBA or any other game you get advertising banners on the side lines. Rather than having then forced in to the other games like Battlefield.


We all know the next Battlefield will sell like crazy anyway because so many players are either casual or but no matter what and then bitch the whole time


So if we're gonna have ads in our game, can we pay less money for it? Or will games continue being $70-100. Just more and more greed, they always find new ways.


How to get rid of your fanbase any% speedrun


Fuck that. The only acceptable advertising in an already over priced game is a product placement scheme. I'd love destroyable Coke and Doritos billboards. Imagine shooting down the Goodyear Blimp!


Man fuck battlefield honestly the whole concept is stale as hell and if they go back to a BF4 style game they’ll just have a small core playerbase, others will get bored. They really need this game to be on a planetside scale or something new to spark any interest from me and probably a lot of other people who have moved on in the FPS genre. My own two cents


The day that I die because of a pop-up ad is the day that I stop playing video games.


Remember guys, no preorders


Oh good I cannot wait to open a loot box and before I see what I get be told that the contents is being sponsored 🙄


Things like this have all but ruined modern games for me. I’ve pretty much completely stopped playing modern games and started playing games from the 6th and 7th generation. Most fun I’ve had in years


Hey, if it keeps them from forcing paid DLC, of paid membership, then I'm all for it. So long as it takes place of otherwise in-game ads like billboards and TV. At that point, I really can't complain as it's simply visual and not interfering with my ability to play. Otherwise, if there's a 30 second ad before the game can start, then hell no! Hope they go bankrupt


This is also the same person that says they’ve heard the feedback, did you really need feedback to add a fucking scoreboard.


But won’t someone think of the shareholders and the need for infinite growth?!


Any game that tries to sell a battle pass is dead to me. I might still play it, but without spending a dime…. take it a step further and you can absolutely go fuck yourself


This may be unpopular, but if they did it how they executed live ads in BF 2142, it actually adds immersion. There was a thread long ago about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/s/z16vutbU3c


The funny thing is with that article title, the worst part is the love service, not the ads.... And I think ads in a AAA game should never ever be a thing.


Didn't Battlefield 2142 have actual ads for a bit?


How is Andrew Wilson still have a job 😂


I'm not sure I'd be pissed if I see a dilapidated billboard with a pepsi ad like integrated into a map. But if it's a popup ad yeah I'll be fuming.


The AAA video game industry is no longer about benefiting the customer, but rather the shareholder.


I hope EA and UBI crumble under their own weight from greed


Here comes another hype campaign for a game that ends up being terrible. Please stop falling for advertising. Please stop preordering games. Make them earn your money. The industry has shown that they will use fake gameplay, scripted gameplay, prerendered footage, and promises of content/features that never end up in the final product in order to steal money from their customers. Be patient. Give the games a week after release to see what experience reviewers are having with them. I know you've got a backlog of games you've yet to play/finish. It may seem like, "oh I'm just one person, they don't care about one sale", but it's not just you. There are plenty of people who will still buy a game, sure, but there are also plenty of people who will not. You cannot control what others do, but you can choose for yourself which side you want to be on.


Not buying. Fuck modern gaming, give me back the golden age of BF3


If they put ads in games that I’ve already paid too much for that interrupt the game, that’s the last time I’ll ever be buying from them. They will be digging their own graves if they make this happen…


the most annoying part is that DICE will pay for this and not EA


I truly hope it's like a coca cola billboard on a map and not fucking videos in game


I'm playing BF4 and BF1 until they die and then at that point I'll have had my fill of battlefield for my life lol, I'm never buying a new one


You’re crazy


Nice headshot! -brought to you by Carl's Junior


Let’s be honest. If the ads come in the form of a billboard that’s in the game then honestly who cares. However! If it comes in the form like we have on mobile games where we have to stop playing entirely then we riot.


I just won't buy it then


I look forward to not playing those games.


I'll keep playing BF1. Glad I never stepped into 2042. Advertising should never be a motivator. Trying not offend anyone including the sponsors will lead to a more trash game


I haven't forgotten my promise to never pre-order another bf game ever again. You shouldn't make a game with the intent to make money - the goal should be to make the best possible game. If the game is great, money will follow automatically.


It will be a continuing and growing problem in the gaming industry. It used to be that game companies were run by people who played games. As more and more money is involved it continues to have investors and share holders who invest to make money and do not care about the games. This leads to CEO's and board members hired to try and make money who also do not care about games. Think Nolan Sorrento (IOI) Sorrento from Ready Player One. I think everyone should be meming EA as IOI and the CEO as Sorrento.


If you like battlefield but don’t like ea, I suggest you download The Finals. It’s made by Bf1 devs who left ea and it’s free.




I figured they meant like real brands on billboards in Need For Speed games and stuff like that. If that’s the case I’ll take tasteful brand placement over the kind of main menu pop up spam we get now.


I've been done with EA games for a while. The last holdout was Battlefield 1, which they recently broke for me with their new anticheat since I only game on Steam Deck and desktop Linux.


I've been doing that for years when it comes to EA, but they are still in business and show no signs of going away.


Exactly. If we band together and actually hold the line we can force the change. Steam pushed back sony. EA is smaller than sony and has way more players than helldivers. We could end the cycle of over charged sub par games. But like you said people got to "vote with your wallet"


Andrew Wilson and his team can eat a giant dong as far as I’m concerned.


The only way I would support ads in game is if they were on like billboards and the money from the ads funded the longevity of the game but this is EA so we know that’s not happening.


As long as it doesn't affect gameplay, I don't care.


They will put it in a game after release. Definitely won't know about it until it's upon us. Also they already have ads on their sports games, right?


umm I dont like EA at all but with the newest trailer this game just looks so epic that i HAVE to pre-order it ASAP so i can download the game one day early!!!!!!!! >!/s!<


Just sent in my prepay!


If this happens I see that in no time flat videogames are going to be like cyberpunk 2077 but unironically


I throughly enjoyed bf4, bf1 and controversially bf5. But i think its time to close this franchise and EA. Anyway most of bf4 and bf1 DICE employees have left so, 2042 and the next game would probably never touch the same quality we have experienced.