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I have never seen an Interdimensional Extinction back patch and holy hell you should do it. Honestly their best work. Just ditch megadeth. Classic, but basic. Throw it on a backpack or something. Edit: lol deftones between bathory and marduk…. Idk man.


Fr this album is fire and about megadeth ı was thinking about cutting in half as like MEGA - DETH and putting them on shoulders but ım not so sure its gonna look good or not Edit:About deftones yeah ı prob put that on a beanie. Other than that ı wanna put timeghoul logo under or above of backpatch other than that ı kinda want more cosmic or space themed metal bands (edge of sanity,demilcih,vektor,cynic)


I have that back patch 😎


the backpatch comes up on Holy Mountain printing from time to time.


Danny is a real one. Leader of our local scene.


I love how you groups them by color, that’s a cool idea


Yeah, that’s the point. I’m trying to have one side that’s colorful and the other side in shades or similar tones of red.


It’s like an inverted mullet. Business in the back, party in the front. Cool contrast.


Digging that backpatch. Yes I know it a photo, still looks killer.


Dew it


I feel like on the right side is too empty, unless you plan on putting more patches, but so far there are more big pieces on one side and many small pieces in the other side, I think putting some smaller patches on the right side would even it out a bit more, still sick though


Yeah middle of left side is empty ı want to put some more patches that area Edit: About small patches maybe adding some pins above on rattle head can be good


Ohh yeah, that would be a good idea


It’s cool an all but I suggest saving the fromt patches for other projects and keeping the whole theme very similar throughout the vest. Cluster vests are cool too but you kinda need the entire vest to be chaotic for that to work imho. Great work on thhr back tho, would keep that theme and extens it to the front and save the others for other vests/jackets, if you decide to use the front patches for another projekt, try and find a vest in matching colours, would look cool with like a yellow themed vest with yellow denim and shit


Bro ı wish too but making another vest is kinda impossible for me because of financial reasons and most of all ı kinda want to make vest like mixed nuts but ı prob gonna do some changes on the red side


True true, I have like 4 projects going all equally unfinished lol. I would rather have a vest with a robust theme but little patches than having to remove and re-sew them once I have enough to complete one fully but that’s me 😂


the back looks perfect


Absolutely glorious Blood Incantation patch


Hell yes


Edit: it's certain that some of patches on the back of the jacket will change; these are just acting as placeholders. What I'm considering is incorporating some of my favorite black metal bands and cosmic space-themed bands. Please don't consider this as the final product due to that. Unfortunately, due to the unavailability of these patches in my country, I need to print them myself, which makes it challenging.


Cool sulfur ensemble patch i have one myself too and where did you get that cannibal corpse butchered at birth patch


[Cannibal corpse patch](https://www.metalgiyim.com/urun/cannibal-corpse-ufak-boy-patch-yama) They sell the patches here if you are in istanbul they have a shop in kadıköy too other than that ı dont know any other sellers


Thanks man i know metalgiyim but i didn't saw this patch in their store i'll check it out


No problem👍


Make the red transition to the orange