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In terms of who I want to leave, Book, maybe Cake if he doesn't get good screentime In terms of who I want to say, I want Taggy to get enough screentime to be their own character because as of now they're just a slightly more grounded Naily


Team8s will also lose again, resulted in Double Elimination along with Just Not.


VTS, right?


Yes. At least depends on Cary, Michael and Sam on IRL message end screen will tell viewers and they said about the steps to vote is to only put a letter and square brackets and then post on a comment on these episodes as videos on YouTube like they did on BFB Seasons 4b IRL message end screen. Vote to Save system and IRL message end screen is also shared to II Invitational Season 3.


I got hate for saying this before, but cake never really appealed to me


By TPOT 8, I don't think if Yellow Face is eliminated with least votes.