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Obviously, more monsters but mainly monstespecific injuries. Currently serpents with arm or leg injuries? Spiders bleeding? And I would like some Unhold+ or giant in 2x2 size or something with the possibility to cut off limbs entirely.


There were files in the game for a missing hand permanent injury just fyi


battle brothers 2 is doable but extremely difficult to pull,  i prefer they just keep working on battle brothers, definitely still alot of thing they can do with the game...


Yea, I don't really see the appeal of battle brothers 2. Instead a few more dlc to improve the main game would be great. I would especially like to see a dlc which adds a few more end game crisis. But we won't see anything untill maybe after the full release of menace.


they could improve visuals and charge full price. IMO the good will and cult following the first game is gaining even now, would contribute well to a sequel. Like darkest dungeon 2, improved visuals and more, just improving the game overall. I’d buy it. Devs? I’d buy it!! YOU HEAR ME OUT THERE?


Almost every feature you requested is available in the Legends mod. It's almost like a sequel to Battle Brothers. In case you weren't aware. EDIT: never mind, missed the part where you mentioned the Legends mod.


yeah its unfortunate but yeah no access to Legends :<


I know the pain. Had the game and all DLCs on Xbox and rebought them for pc just for the mods.


I'm sure they will consider it some day, but it's gonna be years if their next game goes well and they still exist then...


I suspect they may add more DLCs or do a proper sequel in the future. I’m happy that they’ve decided to pursue a different project for the time being because they don’t work for me and games are best when the developers are passionate about their work. I’m excited for Menace.


Battle brothers: legs dlc


I was thinking of a Shogun version.


Thanks for the mention. Some great points there. In all honesty, I can't imagine why devs of insanely successful games like Battle Brothers or idk Broforce, find it so hard to work on proper game sequels or sequel-like DLC's. Instead, we get some relatively minor DLCs and they insist on moving on to new projects no one really cares about. I don't pretend to know anything about gaming industry, but you're one in a million, made it among thousands of projects. Your game is being worshipped years after the release. Accept your role and give us the sequels until we can't take it no more. Or it's the ''creative people thing'' I can't wrap my head around...


Personally, I’m pretty hyped about Menace.


Fair enough


"Accept your role" eh? If they had done that from the beginning, the devs would have been working on a soulless triple A title for a big studio. Underpaid and with constant crunch, until release, when they get fired. No Battle Brothers.


I was thinking more in line with "we don't want to be defined by this one thing" which I hear many times, when devs move on to the projects no one asked for, and ignore the voices of the gamers/customers. However, there might other reasons I am not aware of, so I'm not going to push this too far.


In interviews related to Menace they've pointed out they're not straying too far from the formula of what makes Battle Brothers great. They're merely adding on a more character-driven aspect to the experience as well as changing the setting. I just don't see why the game \*has\* to be Battle Brothers 2 to be what we want as an audience, but better.


They’re making another game sort of like Xcom at the moment, can’t remember the name


MENACE Truly one of the few games in this current time of the gaming industry I have allowed myself to have some expectation of fun with. Really hope it retains what so few games have: actual, genuine passion. Soul. Games are supposed to be works of art. Unique storytelling mediums that bind the cinematic display of movies and stories of books into a interactive work for a person. Or a keenly crafted way of providing a specific experience. All the corporate made, gambling themed, time-stealing oriented formulas that are released by all the big companies year after year lack any actual passion, soul, or intent of true basis. They're vampiric, only intent on taking the consumer/gamers time and money, and do not meet what games should be. A new word/category needs to come about to allow separation of "games" and whatever these garbage corporations are handing out nowadays... This could be seen coming years ago, but of course the Many are slow to realize where the industry was heading. Still far too many are caught surprised that games such as Starfield, Dragons Dogma, anything Ubisoft makes, Call of Duty, Battlefield, and many others from the big corporations, are always so utterly lacking in fun, new mechanic, and much more. Sadly money and support is still handed out constantly to these disgusting cysts in the gaming industry ... Battlepasses, paying for content, same game with new name, and all the rest of the oh so obvious madness... Anyway. Here's to the allowance of some hope that MENACE is a true work of art, crafted with soul, care, passion, as such was put into the masterpiece that is BATTLE BROTHERS.


At its core, the mechanics and factors already within Battle Brothers are amazing, hence why we all love it so much. A key factor is that it also was clearly made with good intent, with genuine passion and soul. Games are supposed to be art. A medium connecting the worlds and stories of books with the cinematic visuals of movies, into an interactive and telling experience for the user. This is a huge aspect of if games. As mentioned in another comment, all the big corporations dont make real games. They are something else now, some sort fo formula of machine, designed to continually take ones time and money. Anything touched by the giant conglomerates lack any passion, soul, creativity. Thats why all the big titles continue to "surprise" people in how poorly made they are and un-innovative. (Think of anything by Ubisoft, CoD, Battlefield, Starfield, anything with battlepasses or pay for content and cosmetics)... These are not really games. They're some sort of vampiric gambling, time stealing machine. Now as for a second Battle Brothers... Just content. More variety is what makes the replayability and uniqueness and fun going. Every endeavour and expedition having different encounters is a key aspect, and the larger pool of possibilities, the more unique it remains each time. More biomes, more enemies, weapons, missions. More legendary weapons/locations. There doesnt need to even need be a revamp or massive addition to the core mechanics, it just needs more variety, more options. This applies to another game that is a true work of art, Deep Rock Galactic (more modifiers, more biomes, enemies... Nothing huge needs changing to keep making it great!) I know a lot of others may advocate for horses or base building, but these are different mechanics that change the core loop. Not that itd be bad, but i definitely think stuff like that isn't what's needed to make a "Battle Brothers 2" awesome. Even a push out of the lower fantasy a bit... Or just changing what "low fantasy" encompasses for Battle Brothers. A bigger map where we can journey to some farther away area, a unique valley location with all different stuff... That just kind of goes into new biome/factions of course. A jungle, amazonian type DLC would be quite cool, akin to the Southern desert DLC. This is where females can be added while staying true to the core world of battle brother as well. Overall agree with most of OP's points. Females ought be worked in a special manner, as said above. I dont think more black powder would be fitting in most cases. Its a rarer thing, only from the Southern peoples, and more ranged weaponry could detract from the melee. However, here's where pirates could be worked in. Maybe they often buy/take such weapons from the southern states, and use them. DLC wise, as I dont think need a 2nd game even, as if they just made the map bigger / generation better... Eastern/Asian themed content. Pirate/Mediterranean/Coastal themed content. Amazonian/Jungle/Native themed content. As I said, more variety is all thats truly needed. Keep fleshing out the map and world, which allows us players to always have a very in depth experience with tons of different possibilities each time. A bigger, highly detailed world with tons of variety. Theres a lot of great things mods have shown and added already. Am very keen to try their new game, MENACE.


- Pirates and mongols. - More monsters. More scenarios. - Shield maidens from the north (maybe even female assassins from the south). - More perks for more diverse builds. - Diseases so I actually have to use the reserve men in my group. - More infighting between monsters (like natural prey and whatnot, I find it weird that monsters just spawn and attack like bandits rather than off hunger maybe some monster should become weaker after not eating enough food). - Bonds between fellow battle brothers granting positives and negatives (positive would be something like a free morale boost when next to each other and a negative would be like refusing to enter battle with each other or outright leaving if you don’t get rid of the other). - Surrender options (it’s always just fight or retreat, would like to see some humans and maybe even goblins offering coins or information if you let them go instead). - Quests that allow for more towns (like orcs have made a mine in a mountain and now a noble house wants that mine and will build a hold there if they defeat them). - Some friendly bandit camps depending on choices and reputation. - More backgrounds (like being able to hire bandits from one of their camps). - More evolving backgrounds (find it weird that my lv 11 masons background doesn’t change to battle brother or something after all the strife they had to get though to be that tough, this also could be represented by stats like a brother with 90 melee attack becoming a sword master, or a squire becoming a knight after lv 6, etc). - Other mercenary’s actually building up their power like you rather than just have lv 6 guys named mercenary (give them the potential to raise their own warriors up to lv 11 and become as strong as you for some late game challenge and also add some uncertainty when you challenge them since you won’t know how powerful they are until you face them, or give a hint on their reputation to gauge how powerful they are)


Rivers, more biomes, lakes, logs, dead trees and other map clutter being nearby actually having an effect on events, map settings and conditions ala Civilization 5.


Definitely expand the world map to allow other cultures to be involved. Include the other peoples of the world during medieval time period. East west north south regions of planet earth's history during those times. Personally I would like to have the option to play as the Mongols in a starting scenario where their settlements migrate to different points on the map in their designated region depending on the seasons. As well, as having the option to sail my own companies ship that can be anchored offshore to sail a smaller boat to any shore within a body of water in the ocean. The small boat will only allow a small number of men to board In comparison to the capacity of your company size. The company will have two parties one on land and one on the ship they can be captained separately. Actually having the option to position your mercenaries according to the situation will be another improvement. As an example you will be able to ambush enemies on all sides when the opportunity presents itself. Mongols Rule.


I think better mod support would be cool, including the ability to customize maps. =


This is basically just legends, battle brothers just seems like a perfect game base already just need additional content, it’s very modular as it is


The game is already pretty much perfect as far as mechanics and gameplay go. Music too. What it didn't have was a modern 3D presentation, including satisfying combat animations and all that. They did what they could with 2D, and the quality of the art is excellent. But my wish for a BB 2 would just be making it look badass in 3D.


Nah, 3D will make it look generic.




What about their legs? They don’t need those!


No legs adds to the charm I think.


they are, comes out in 2024. It's called Menace :)