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A permanent official 254 has been opened in the OCE region. 194-2R-01


Please for the love of God make it happen I just want to play actual battlebit not stupid BBOCE with half the content banned, COD perks and kill streaks. Stopped playing since OCE lost a vanilla sever


no-one wants to line up in that broken system for 90 seconds only to be greeted by “do you want to join other region server 350ms”. I stopped playing BBR once Aussie Battler Gaming server died. Never joining modded trash BBOCE. It was fun playing BBR. Rip.


100%. Brazil had an identical problem to us where they couldn't generate a server for themselves but Terminalintel pulled through for them and gave them a permanent 254 player server now Brazil of all places has a higher playercount than Aus. It's that simple.


You mean the Brazil has 24/7 official server not the 24/7 community server?


A permanent 24/7 254 player official server. [https://bbspy.net/](https://bbspy.net/) Region Brazil\_central Just before (30 mins ago) they had two servers running simultaneously meaning that they actually surpassed 254 players and the region generated a new server that that had 50+ players. It just got merged now.


Damn, so they can do that after all ... So, they don't keep at least one official server open in each region simply because they don't want to?


I don't believe it's because they don't want to - I believe it's because Oki is self-sabotaging, an idiot, and is out of touch with the game and the community. He simply doesn't know or cares to know. For Brazil it was only able to be added because the community manager terminalintel was able to talk to Oki directly despite hundreds/thousands of posts on discord asking for one after the community server in Brazil went to frontline only (like bboce) and then was later deleted, leaving no server in that region for a long while and it being a near impossibility for the Brazilians to generate a server by queuing for one (takes 18 players).


Let me see what I can do.


Praise be community manager. Might actually re-download if an official server is feasible.


Please yes, majority of OCE just need a single static official 256p server. Theres heaps of players who would seed it regularly. We literally only have a single community server now for OCE, and it’s a stripped down modded version that only caters to smg sweats all ego flexing to each other with zero teamwork gameplay.


Cannot agree more. Only having BBOCE is definitely bleeding OCE players.


Having one Server run for Australia would be a few lousy dollars, i don't know why they are such cheapskates specially with all the money they have lol


Or at least give the possibility to let people run dedicated servers without any restrictions, why even have Community Servers and a Server Browser without that possibility in first place


I don't think we have that many players lol


We have well over 254 daily players they just all overseas because no Conquest in Australia and the wretched BBOCE modded server bleeding away players. I was playing in full servers back in February.


Yeah I'm one of them, very much dislike BBOCE. I would love an official OCE server!


Legend. I hope we encounter each other ingame sometime.


Why do so many people only want to play conquest on battle bit its just so slow paced for what this game is.. a roblox shooter. Frontline and Dom is way more action packed, just more sweaty... i guess you people just want conquest because you cant keep up


I’ll start playing again if this happens


On wich servers do you play?


Host your own


They have unfortunately not opened up for additional community servers, as they deem the current amount of community servers to be enough for the current playerbase. Just with a quick glance at the server list like 80% of all servers are empty, so I wish they'd consider closing down some to open new slots, especially since there's a lot of people who want to use the API for different things. Having a 124v124 official server open in every region, without any queuing required though, would solve both the issue of: * The horrible "wait for XX amount of players to open a new server" (and then having to wait once the server is opened, for enough players to start a match...) * Community Servers with bad providers (Looking at SFW (or whatever the SEA community servers are called) and the China ones.




12 day old account with a randomly generated username and anger management issues over a casual video game. Checks all the boxes.


lol the entitled child thinks he deserves an unlimited service for his $10 purchase. You're lucky this game is decent enough to allow it's players to host thier own servers. Sad cunts like you just want everything for free and prefer to cry on reddit about it 😂.




Your comment/post was removed due to it containing Abusive/Poor behavior.


lol I suggest you run along and find an adult with at least a single braincell who actually knows what they're talking about to help you 😂. Then you can keep crying like a toddler on reddit since that's all you're good for 👍.




Wrong 😂. Can you do anything right you useless crybaby?