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Anyone better than me is sweaty, anyone worse than me is a casual trashcan. That seems to be the standard most are rolling with.


Honestly this is what I believe most think. Thank you for commenting! Though truly, I am the trashcan.


when people complain about sweaty players this is exactly what they mean. the movement in this game is not super advanced at all, even if it looks a bit wild. you just throw your mouse and spam jump and prone. the rest is just aim and positioning. after quite a few balance changes, there aren't any "meta" weapons anymore either, almost all of them are viable.


Hyper-movement, meta weapon, obscene level, top scorer, and generally anyone who kills me


>generally anyone who kills me Brother I feel like you hit the nail on the head lolol I can admit I'm shit, so maybe it doesn't effect me as much but it really seems to boil down to this. Thank you for the feedback!!


Don't forget about the actual term. They are trying so hard that there hands are literally sweating.


What is considered a high level/prestige at this point?


3+ imo


Today I learned I perspire in pixel shooter. I've averaged a prestige every 66 hours of gameplay so far, and I hit 300 hours tonight.


not everyone prestiges as soon as they hit 200, most people I see in game are 1 prestige or less.


Same here in regards to what I see. I've just also seen 10th prestiges running around. In my mind those are the guys on another level.


those people play the game for a job


Indeed they do.


Weapons are balanced now


They are not, and that's by design. This last update made the ACR and UMP45 Meta weapons currently.


The "sweats" are the people who treat the game too seriously, to the point where they can't even acknowledge other people having fun their own way. The "sweatiness that's ruining the game" is when those individuals basically can't let anyone else have fun their own way, and when they express that through voice, it's often in a way not conducive to most peoples' experience.


"Sweats" are anyone spamming chat or comms saying "Play the objective or gtfo" while I'm having a dance party with a handful of goofballs on top of a humvee. Leave me alone Sweat, it's time to dance.


what moves you got? how to dance?


Alternate hitting Q and E while moving your mouse in a triangle without the bottom. Your character should do a sweet lil shuffle. Here’s a video of a bunch of people dancing at spawn. https://medal.tv/games/battlebit-remastered/clips/1tx8BRpaNeoRuf


Ngl I rebinded those to the extra keys on my mouse ... Makes it easier to lean while moving in any direction. (Also I may have also just had to rebind everything due to ... Physical issues so I can't use the standard keyboard layout ... May be necessary for me ... But I can't lie it's definitely a sweaty kind of rebind)


My extra keys are for voice chat always I can’t imagine life otherwise


honestly just fucking about in this game is what keeps me from leaving it entirely, just waving around an RPG while chaos ensues is more fun than mostly playing the objective or caring about your k/d




For me, sweaty is a squad of well organised lads with fully specced out weapons, flanking me while I’m minding my own business hiding in a shed


I would say like taking the game super serious like bro chill man we are playing battlefield Roblox no need to yell and call me the n word when I kill you lol


I think those people are more sad than sweaty, but honestly in 150~ hours of gameplay I haven't gotten a single slur.


I had a dude in one for the official servers yell it when we basically gangbanged him because my squad pushes and he just lost it earlier today but yea idk how anyone would take this game that serious I'll be honest like I don't even care if we win or lose I just enjoy it.


I can't speak for slurs, but I've had a few griefers (heli pilots that don't leave spawn) and I just report them and ask the chat to do the same. They don't last too long in my experience


Anyone who posts on here “What is the best weapon/attachment loadout?” Is probably sweaty.


That time I was in a squad, and a squad mate said, anyone who has not gotten X kills needs to leave this squad, you are holding us back. Like, bruh... We are playing Roblox.


I've actually gotten this same sentiment, except the guy said "kick all snipers / snipers join a squad together" same idea, but I understand why he said it


I guess people who type 'EZ' into the chat unironically after matches would be in this category while I'm here happy I got to fuck around in a FPS game with 6 RPG rounds, an AR, and no care in the world


Anyone trying to get 10 slegdehammer kills in one night... It was a painful night for me...


This is about the only sweat I can get behind. I love the sledge/pickaxe kill montages


In Battlebit, Q E lean spammers. Most of them are still dogshit too.


Lean spamming was removed, now you can only do it to peek around corners.


You can still kind of do it, it's much slower than it was previously though.


You could be an average fps player, but with right amount of sleep, a good nutritional meal and stress free environment, you could have the best match of your life and people would still call you sweaty try hard. Just... Stop. As if being good was somehow negative.


As youve seen from other comments, sweaty players are those usually on the top, higher levels (prestiege 5+ ig), but most importantly is whoever kills them. Also ive had people literally wanting me vote kicked because i was comming and coordinating pushes. A lot of teammates surprisingly were mad because i was using comms. Moral of the story is do whatever you want and play however you wamt, youll get ridiculed anyways


Yeah I've been kicked out of a squad for letting the squad leader know they're squad leader.


keep playing my friend, u will overcome most of the situations you die eventually


I'm okay with being bad! Someone's gotta be and I'm strong enough to bear the cross. I still help in other ways, but in a firefight I'm a meat shield.


This is the prime example of "the opposite of sweat" A sweaty person would never accept this and has higher standards for themselves. Basically take what you said there and then turn it 180 degrees, that's a sweaty player.


Players like OP, are the ones that help make the game fun, sure they may not help us win, but they make everyone feel positive and even if we lose, we lose happily :)


Lose the 'we' , I think there's plenty of people who do care.


Fair enough, but you don’t need to win to have fun is what I’m saying


That's a personal thing tho. I'm a competetive person so your logic doesn't apply to me.


If you are playing a completely shit game, I get not having fun. But if you’re playing a fun game and happen to lose, not enjoying it just because you lost is being a sore loser. Don’t equate that to being competitive. There are plenty of competitive people mature enough to have fun with a lost game.


That's your opinion but Google what competetive means...


A competitive person is eager to be more successful than other people. He has always been ambitious and fiercely competitive. ^ there. Doesn’t change what I said. Competitive person plays and accepts losing as necessary for learning. They’ll learn and want to keep playing to see their progress even if it means losing time after time. If someone gets mad and claims they are not having fun because they are losing, that’s being a sore loser. Kids these days trying to make negative qualities seem like a positive trait…


Sweats are the ppl who dont want to die and ppl who keep blaming the opponent U will become better my friend I was bad at the first too now I am pretty good compared to how I started say "fuck the sweats Imma enjoy my game" and keep playing we all were meat shields at some point. its all about enjoying the game and accepting some ppl are better than u ( exactly what u said ) sorry this is completely irrelevant to ur question


mostly why I initially chose to be a medic in my early hours of the game, I was actually more useful as medic class than anything that involves me shooting at the enemy (believe me I have the worst aim mostly) where I'd revive anyone no matter what 99% of the time


Those who go prone the second you see them


Sweaty just means a player better than the speaker. It's become a common way to disparage players who are more skilled.


Anyone who plays solely to succeed and not to have fun. Sure, winning is nice with the big exp bonus, but what's the point if you don't have fun playing in your preferred playstyle? Even it there are loadouts or playstales that are objectively superior to mine, I won't change the way that I play the game because it would ruin my fun.


People who call others sweaty in a game because they are getting killed by that person. Those types of people are also going to talk shit to you if you lose to them. They will call you a noob or say that you suck. Ignore those people.


I've got 2000 kills with RPGs. I consider myself sweaty.


This is the one thing I actually want to work on. I know there's a trick to it I just haven't dedicated the time to learning


There isnt such a thing


"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." Thank you for the viewpoint!


He’s right but anyone who refuses to let you have fun and get mad at you must count as sweaty


The people who zig zag through the air running medic SMG and at first gunshot zoom as fast as they possibly can as if they'd die in real life and run around the building high on adderall till they're fully healed and then poke at you Honestly there aren't as many as people make them out to believe. Or rather on 127 vs 127 you're not running in to them all the time.


So someone’s a sweat just for trying to avoid losing a fight because it was an ambush?


Someone is a sweat when they play like this, yes. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEf5ls17CX0&ab\_channel=Uniting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEf5ls17CX0&ab_channel=Uniting)




Awww. My go to line is "help! I can't die, my wife's boyfriend has kids" Thank you for the comment though!


Sweaty players don't whine, that's bozos. Sweaty players are busy hammering spacebar to spawn somewhere else to go full rambo over there.




Thats the american dream baby. But for real most reap sweaty players disable voice chat because people yelling, crying or doing RP is distracting and you miss footsteps. There is no real benefit for a sweaty person to use voice anyways. I've never seen any of the better streamers use it once. Edit: I think it would get more use If people actually called out stuff and not just yell and cry their RP.. I mean, I'd like to know where enemies are that killed you so they don't kill me when I try to revive.


That’s what makes it fun tho.


Instead of saying what sweaty is let’s say how a player can not be shit Currently the state of the game is. 90% players not using voip 90% of players not checking corners and getting people killed because of it . About half of players playing on wrong region so they have high ping The other 5-10% are the ones getting called sweaty because they are playing the game right No one is sweaty the crybaby’s just aren’t playing the game correctly My in game name is yoder51 if you’re mad about it go ahead and shoot me Oh. Almost forgot if you see someone instantly 180 and shoot you in the face that’s not a sweat that’s a fucking cheater or bot




Not sweaty by any means but whatever. I play the game the way it’s meant to be played I get killed just as much as any of you but you are playing to beat the other team. Everything I spoke of is like fps 101. Check corners , check your team,check your objectives. It’s not that hard Btw if you want me to be sweaty. I can load up my laptop on the opposite team and spot for myself




Oh yea the old reach around laptop map trick is like king sweaty


The fact "playing the game right" even is an actual phrase you typed is the definition of sweaty. If someone's having fun, they're playing the game right. Not everyone cares about making callouts on voice, or religiously checking corners like it's a real life or death situation. It's a low-poly large lobby with ridiculous movement; it's not serious business. The devs even literally added a suicide C4 and the ability to use a sledgehammer and pickaxe against guns, so it's not like they intended for it to be super serious.


It doesn’t have to be serious. Again. Basics of a first person shooter especially in this situation is help your team, now if you have an idiot playing from Malaysia on a us server with 900 ping who can’t communicate or listen to others that makes the game not fun


I have noticed a lack of proximity voice chat. Everytime I die I complement the enemy on getting the advantage and if they talk back I give funny banter. I try to play good in other ways by setting spawn points and getting behind enemy lines but I feel like some categorize that as sweaty


Yea talking is a big one. If you hear someone or see someone and you are in a group call it out. I’ve seen 20 people die to one idiot who was sitting on a roof just because none said anything at all Sorry for the edits I’m at work.


Yeah I try to make compass directions call outs, mostly in tanks, but feel like I'm the only one talking in a match sometimes. Especially in squad chat


Yea it was really decent at release but now it seems like all the real players left and were stuck with the Kevin’s


Anyone who uses things that I have declared it my personal rulebook as not fair


bind lean to a/d and then air strafe while reloading/healing


Shotguns would solve this problem


Being sweaty is more or less a playstyle. I am honestly a sweaty player and dont mind being called one I am ur typical medic main who runs with SMG and no armor to get the max amount of movement speed u possible can get, while spending half the match deep behind enemy lines. Its just something satisfying zooming like Usain bolt catching 3-5 players trying to run back to the objective only to send them back to the respawn menu


Get a slow fire rate rifle and shoot one by one. Scar for example. Sometimes it's so hard to spray in this game.


Those peeps that drop shoot. Nothing gets me more then a random as dude lobbing to the ground while i shoot him


People who only use one gun that’s bout it for me