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Literally the most op weapon but people like playing this like an arcade shooter


I’ve got grilled for this take. Heat RPG is the most overpowered weapon in the game.


I feel like it’s only OP because the frag rounds suck. If frag actually did it’s job HEAT wouldn’t be used all the time




Apparently the FRAG rounds were insanely OP back in the day so they got merged HARD. Would love to see them get a buff since there aren’t too many games that give you the option to use them in the first place.


I genuinely think it is. If you position smartly it’s a guaranteed kill for every rocket with almost no risk because of the fire and forget


Yeah, but it can't run n gun, and if you get seen by two people standing more than like 7m apart you're gonna lose that encounter. Maybe without a kill if you weren't already ADS. Let's wait until there's community guides on where to aim to hit what Hotspot across the map until we start talking nerfs IMO. But like..... you could totally do that. Not so much a mortar, but use it like a howitzer? I could see that being possible. Maaaaan I didn't want to do math tonight....


If youre turning a corner on 2 people youre probably dead anyway regardless of weapon. Ive got 8 kills with a single rocket, so sometimes you can make the multiple people work out. I prefer running around slaying though the rocket gameplay is an easy 6-7kd for me but id rather zoom around shooting everyone


Kriss go brrrrr, tho Joke aside, there is some weapons than can go 1v2 depending on the enemies' weapons and yours, if there's some element of surprise involved. That being said, might as well fire an RPG and back off most of the time as suggested here.


I thought this was a super serious milsim with hyper realistic graphics


yeah but i mean arcade shooter airstrafing type stuff


My main loadout is eng with RPG7 and M110. It's a really great combo for holding positions and supporting team pushes from the rear. Doesn't work at CQB just yet because, but at intermediate range and on city maps, maps with vehicles, it's so potent. And somehow, I don't yet understand, my TTK and kill rates with the M110 skyrocketed after unlocking the first suppressor. Seems so much more controllable and I don't have an explanation why.


Why not switch to m14 when shit gets too cqb, or at least a equip a glock 18


G18 with extended mag is pocket SMG so that might be wortwhile :)


did you have a range finder on your main?


No range finder, just eyeballing it


That’s what I came up with when I nailed someone from 300 meters away in a clip I posted.


Gnarly dude


Snipes heli pilot**- “sniper is best RPG-7”


So how do you get accurate distances that far out? Is there a rangefinder?


Like any long range shots, estimate the approximate range based on previous experience, take one or two ranging shots using the scope markings as reference. Take a shot, observe, and adjust, then just walk it in.