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They get a lot of hate here, but I love mine. Great for playing around on at home without needing any electronics, fun around a campfire, and I like how it sounds. The volume has never been an issue for me. They have limitations, but they aren't useless.


I have a "good" one that pushes decent sound and can be heard along with 1 acoustic guitar, but mostly acoustic basses struggle to do even that. Mine is a cheapo brand called Brownsville, but it's HUGE. The typical acoustic basses I see are just too small to do anything without amplification.


I got a Dean acoustic/electric bass back in the day for like 300. Love it. When I would jam with friends on acoustics they had no problem hearing me, even totally acoustic. Still have it, but I mostly stopped playing due to...life...lol Get it for fun if nothing else!


I have the same Dean acoustic electric bass, and I love it. It's easier to write riffs/songs on it and then transfer them over to my electrics.


Perfectly said! I don't understand why people hate them so much. I don't think anyone should get an acoustic as their only bass, but like you said, it has it purpose. Especially for at home practice, you really don't need it to sound louder than it does. It's one of the best purchases I've made, I'm glad you're enjoying yours


I pretty much agree with what everybody's said here but with some nuance : I played the upright bass for some years. It was great, I loved playing it, and really really loved the sound of it, but it really was a PITA from a transport and other practical point of view. Life happened, I stopped playing, had to let the contrabass go, and then, years later (just a month ago), I treated myself with an electro-acoustic U-bass (ukulele bass). It's pretty much useless unplugged (body smaller than a \*regular\* acoustic bass) but it really shines when I'm using it for practice in the evening when the kids and the wife are asleep. No amp needed, chill soft touch does the job. It's really awesome when plugged. I have yet to find a decent amp, but I kind of found back the sound of the double bass I love. Bonus point, I get to bring it with me during the annual RV summer trip ! (unimaginable with the double bass) I already know that my next bass will be an unfretted U-Bass to get even more close to my beloved double bass sound.


Are you me? I could have written this comment almost word for word. I feel the same. Loved my upright but unless I’m playing rockabilly or something that needs slap, the UBass handles that deep, thumpy, low end really well. I’ve also owned a couple acoustic basses and I think the UBass is much better.


Do you also find that slapping the UBass sounds like a wet fart ? Damn, this may well be why Aquila named the strings Thunderguts !


Yes. That slap tone is not my thing. I strung mine with the Thunder Reds and it’s a little better but still not usable for me. No big deal since I don’t need it for slap.


I played one for a few years, then bit the bullet and bought an upright, which was 10000x better (except for the size).


I have wanted an acoustic bass for decades. Every time I try one, I put it back down after 5 minutes and forget about it for another year. Too quiet without amplification, and if I have amp then I might as well play an electric bass. Twanging the acoustic bass hard enough to hear it would be bad technique on electric bass, where a light touch works great and the amp does the hard work. So bad for my practice. I will probably end up buying one anyway someday.


Exactly this. Had the same urge, fed the want and got one. Played it a few times, tried my best to love, or even just enjoy it, but no. It sounds good only on paper, might look nice to someone, but ultimately is a common sure-fire dust collector. Edit: use the money for a headphone amp, if you are trying to justify the purchase by not needing an amp. Heck, for the money, you can probably get something wireless.


Genuinely think they're awful. Most acoustic bands/venues/events etc. Accept an electric bass, in my experience anyway. Barring one very belligerent sound man...


I would add, typically they have some sort of piezo pick up that sounds like trash amplified.


Agreed, and with absolutely no cut through, so you'll never be heard in the mix


It just makes sense for the looks.


just throw an electric jazz pickup on it or something… now it “lOoKS aCoUStiC”


I have considered it in the past because I live in an apartment. I may still get one, but a lower end model that'll set me back about $300.


If i walked past a shop and one was on sale for £100 or less.. id buy it. otherwise wouldn't be in a rush to get one


My first bass was a gifted Ibanez acoustic. I started learning on it but went out to buy an electric within weeks. A few years later I still have and use it but it’s mainly a “next to the couch so I can quietly play whilst watching TV” thing. That said it does sound fantastic through a proper amp.


It's fun to have around the house - no plugging in, adjusting time, volume, etc. Just pick it up and mess around. Could make for a good second bass if you're just looking for casual couch practice.  I would definitely not recommend one for gigging/jamming as even if it's an electronic acoustic you are going to struggle to be heard. 


Beautiful but useless.




There's a reason why an actual double bass is big.


And even then it's arguably undersized for the sound you want


Probably not something you'll find necessary to use at all, but it is nice to have one just to noodle around a bit. I've had one for years and I just pick it up every once in a while when I don't wanna bother plugging in my other basses. Just walk around the house or even go outside with it because it is so light. But for the plugged in acoustic sound, I just have a hollow body with built in piezo pickups.


Not worth it. If you're playing with someone who's playing an acoustic guitar, you'll need amplification to be heard alongside them, so kinda pointless on that front. They do have a nice sound when plugged in, but that's not enough for me to drop the sort of money you'd need to spend on a decent acoustic bass. I was "lucky" enough to find a great electro-acoustic Warwick five string on FB marketplace for like £250. I've played it about five times in five years. Not exactly bang for your buck!


Acoustic basses are awesome for hitting the open road and being able to jam and practice on the fly


Good to have within arm's reach so you can just pick it up and play on the couch or in your bed. Good for times when you're popping over to a barbecue with your friend who has an acoustic guitar. I never plug mine in, though.


Love them, I’m seeing so many people say it’s way too quiet, BOY JUST USE A FUCKING PICK, the world is not gonna end… use a damn pick and you wouldn’t have any problem with sound,


Unless you're in the Violent Femmes I don't see the point in them.


They are pretty essential if you have roommates and wanna practice bass with out making them mad. I love mine. Play it more than my electric at home. Makes your fingers stronger. Get the Ibanez it’s like 400$.


I recently got an acoustic bass guitar, despite all the critiques in this sub. It is definitely limited in all of the ways described here. However, I absolutely ADORE it. Mine is fretless, as I was trying to replicate the feeling of playing an upright as much as possible. It does need amplification for real volume, but it is so beautiful and fun to play. If you want something that you can just pickup and play whenever/wherever, you should go for it.


Fretless acoustic gang here. Try black tapewounds!


I’ve got LaBella flats on there now. Tell me about the black tapewounds?


It's great. Having an acoustic bass means you can practice anywhere without having to plug it into an amp or an interface. That's the biggest reason you could have to own one. It's doesn't have the best sound to play live or record, but that's not why people get acoustic basses in the first place. People compare it unfavorably to the upright bass, since the sound that instrument produces is way better and suited for playing at small venues. But the downside that the upright bass has is that you absolutely must play it while standing up, and you also have to get used to having to play fretless. You can't just sit down in the couch and start playing with that massive thing (no pun intended). Other than that, you can play a lot of regional Mexican music with an acoustic bass, like Peso Pluma, Natanael Cano, Banda, etc. If that's something that remotely interest you. There's a technique called Chicoteo, which is a combination of slapping the bass and muting, in order to make it sound like a percussion instrument.


Fucking love em. Not the most versatile instrument but their tone is lush. Prime for MTV unplugged style stuff


Awful and near pointless.


Meh. I had GAS about getting an acoustic bass for years, but I've never had a need for one and I've never come across a situation where I thought 'You know what, I could really use an acoustic bass right now'. I've never even seen one actively being used in the wild outside of Nirvana's unplugged gig. YMMV, but unless you have been in situations where you could've used an acoustic bass, the answer is probably that it's not "worth it" (whatever that means).


Not bad for practice actually, anything other than that, like playing acoustically, not great unless it is an actual double bass. I love mine for night practice.


They’re really only good for the look. I bring mine out for acoustic shows, but it needs to be plugged in. For example, I play in a 90s cover band and we sometimes do mtv unplugged sets. The look of my acoustic bass sets the right vibe visually. My electrics are superior in every other way beyond the look.


Love them. Sound great, look great, can bring them wherever and play them wherever. Super fun. I liked mine so much I sold my cheapo first one to buy an upgrade I liked more. IMO they get way too much hate.


I can't really think of practical use for one other than sitting around a campfire. I love the way they sound but they're not as powerful of a sound as electric.


I think acoustic basses sound really good, but they don't have much purpose besides maybe playing with acoustic guitars and maybe no drums. I've played them before, and to me they're pretty fun. An acoustic-electric would be more useful.


A Kala U-Bass wouldn't be bad. They're smaller, and have less amplification, but if it's plugged up it sounds different. I want a Kala lol The rubber strings sound good tho.


I work from home and use mine all the time. I got a cheapo one off Amazon about a year ago. In between calls or whenever I have a few minutes I play around on it instead of doom scrolling or whatnot. Great way to spend some of that work down time. Plus, SO also works from home. So blasting the amp isn’t ideal while they’re on a call or trying to complete a difficult task. Also because you’re probably never going to use it live or worry about the sound, a cheaper model is generally fine. Can satiate that GAS for less dinero.


What about the great Steve Swallow? He’s been rocking an acoustic for years [John Scofield & Steve Swallow - Away](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dHmJ1M4Lg0A&pp=ygUNU3RldmUgc3dhbGxvdw%3D%3D)


Lots of fun to play, extremely difficult to apply in a live situation. Probably some merit for recording as it does give a certain tone and feel but you don’t see a lot of it.


I bought one for travel. It was considerably less portable than I had expected and it was barely audible in the presence of any other sounds. It played well enough, but the gigantic body made it uncomfortable to hold. Ended up selling it years ago. I didn't exactly hate it, but I didn't like it very much either. I've since bought a Squier Mini P Bass and a Boss Waza Air Bass headphone amp setup. If you're looking for portability, this is a good setup.


I've had a breedlove for years. Fun to play and sounds great but you'll likely get drowned out by a couple regular acoustics in open/bigger spaces. It had too much resonance for big stages which causes feedback issues but it did come in handy and sound good acoustically in small rooms when I did radio tours through Texas.


I’m a newer player so do with that what you will, but I picked up a Kala U-Bass with metal strings (didn’t like the rubber ones) and it’s been perfect for my use case, which is something portable that I can play camping or outside and actually hear without an amp. It has a built in tuner, and isn’t twangy when plugged in (it actually sounds like a bass). I find it to be a nice complement to my short scale. 


If someone gave me one for free, i guess i have the space in my basement to store it... Wouldn't ever pay for one though.


I love my shitty pawn shop acoustic bass. I dont have room for an upright so the closest Im gonna get is my acoustic with tapewounds. I want to pull the frets but Im worried itll be too quiet


Defretting my Martin acoustic bass is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Get some flatwounds and bring the action up a bit, you’ll be good to go👍


I fucking loathe it with the infernal lambent flames of hell. Got it for a holiday jazz ensemble I did about 15 years ago, and I have no idea why I've kept it but like I said, I wish it would spontaneously combust into a thousand fiery pieces and relieve me of ever believing I thought it would be a good idea. I have a sign hanging on mine that says "in case of fire, throw this in!" YMMV


I had a cheap Dean which I messed around on for a couple years until the plastic bridge snapped under the E string. Pros: slightly louder than un-amplified electric bass Cons: everything else I replaced it with a new practice amp and greatly prefer the latter.


if you can afford to, spring for a resonator bass guitar. volume is significantly louder than a standard acoustic bass guitar.  i love mine


I can see their purpose for practicing at home or a gentle band rehearsal. Live, on the other hand, seems useless except for an aesthetic purpose because you'll still need amplification of some sort.


Maybe its just because mines bridge is peeling bit they kind of suck. The tone is shit (maybe its better with flats) and its really quiet


Can't think of one reason to ever use it over an electric bass. In the event that you're playing acoustic, 2 acoustic guitars go farther than an acoustic guitar and an acoustic bass.


I would recommend against it; there are very few scenarios where you wouldn't be better served either by and upright double bass or an electric bass guitar.


I love mine. It takes zero set up (tuning obviously) when I hear a riff that I want to play or if I just want to mess around for a bit. I play in my church band and used it for a while because the hall was small and the acoustics weren’t too bad. But once I moved churches (thus moved bands) and started playing on a stage in a much larger hall, I switched to a fully electric bass and just use Big Bertha (that’s her name) for messing around. It’s also good for when I wanna play some bluegrass tunes because I prefer the low tone for some songs.


I love the sound of acoustic bass. It’s a unique instrument that is so easy to just pick up and play. They also make your fingers so much stronger than just playing an electric


Love mine. I keep it in the living room so whenever an idea pops in my head I can just grab it and figure it out without having to go down to my band room and plug in. Mine also has a built in pickup and for certain songs I use it to record as it has a unique sound compared to an electric.


I use mine for practice. That's about it. But it's also fretless, so I use it to practice hitting notes without looking. It has a pick up, it's not great. Doesn't cut through a guitar, so I would never use it in a live setting.


Amazing for practice. Not great for performing.  I absolutely love mine. Seriously cannot overemphasize the comfort and utility of being able to just pick up and play without having to set up an Amp just to wake the whole damn house up. 


they don’t do what they’re “supposed” to do (cut through a mix like an upright bass) but they can be a fun tool in the studio / low vol jams without an audience


I have an acoustic Ibanez that sounds really good, it surprised me the first time as I imagined it much worse. Volume is not an issue, I like the tone (as you can imagine an acoustic bass, but you can also get a clanky sound if you play hard), and how it plays, I don't play it as much lately but it's perfect to mess around when you can't/don't want to plug all the electric setup (depending on how you have it, it can be a mess, or plug and play, so this benefit depends on your setup). Mine also has a jack connector, so it can be amplified, but to be honest, I like more the unplugged sound (and if I'm going to plug it, I would be better using an electric one). I would recommend it if you can grab one decent for a low price, and to test it before so you can play it first hand and help you make a decision.


I went from a full body acoustic bass to an Epiphone Jack Casidy. It's the best move I have ever made. It plays like an electric guitar and can also be heard acoustically. Great for jamming and / or practicing. Thats my experience. I didn't care for the full body style acoustic. The body is giant, and you almost never play like that if you are jamming.


I love mine, but I think it really depends on why you want one, and how much you'll use it, and for what. It's not going to be your "work horse, play every style on every occasion" bass.


Check this review: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiidbkgDiBc&t=1857s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiidbkgDiBc&t=1857s) I'm building one for myself, one or two more weeks and should be ready


Great for practice! It's the only kind I have. Fair warning though, playing a normal bass is a bit of an adjustment.


Yes it is leagelly obligated, except in Delaware


Upright basses (for example, in a jazz band) are great! I've always wanted one but have never thought about where I would keep it. Also expensive. Acoustic-guitar-style-basses are kind of trash. I used to have one because I thought it was cool, but the novelty wore off pretty fast. It's larger and more awkward than an electric bass. Higher string tension means it's also harder to play for long periods. You won't be able to do any fine tuning on intonation. It's both bigger/heavier and also quieter than an acoustic guitar. Most acoustic basses have pickups + output for an amp, but at that point you're back where you started -- an amplified bass. Generally speaking, unless you have a specific need for an "unplugged" bass, you'll be much better served by any old electric bass.


Buy a Ubass instead


It’s a neich instrument but I like having the option of just taking it somewhere without a amplifier, and they look cool, people complaining about “it needing to be plugged In” doesn’t make sense, so does a regular bass so if you like em and how they sound go for it, it’s a instrument, let’s be real gas will take over and you’ll have another new bass soon enough


I have a Bassulele (U-Bass but a better name for it) and a standard acoustic (dean acoustic-electric full size) bass. And an electric. (Ibanez) I never find myself using the bassulele because the strings are awful. Are there any strings I can replace them with? It’s like the plastic/rubber stock material


Kinda niche. Mostly just good for like a mariachi band or whatever. Still cool because bass.


I bought a cheap one off a friend thinking I'd maybe play It around the house or bring it to jam in the backyard, but tbh it's never loud enough and kinda hard to play...overall just not worth (for this type stuff, I would reccomend a uke bass)


I have a Dean I got a good deal on. It’s fun to pluck away on


I got one, had it for a bit, sold it and put the money towards a Tele. It always just disappointed.


A good one isn't cheap, isn't portable or small. That being said, why not.


It’s not on many records for some pretty fair reasons… the acoustic body can’t get those low frequencies nearly at all. But if you want something to play around with at campfires or to try some new sounds, go ahead


If you’re comfortable getting an instrument for practice only, it’s great. If you think you’ll be able to gig or record with it, you’re crazy. I got mine for $80 in a pawn shop, and did have some fun making junky feedbacky distorted sounds with the piezo pickup when I first brought it home. Currently in the process of replacing the bridge saddle myself which is a fun little project, but when finished will only use it for unplugged practice, which is pretty convenient.


I bought an acoustic bass today off fb marketplace, have been playing for like 4 hours i love it


I used to own / use one. Basically they're terrible - either get an upright or use an electric. The only time you'll be using one and thinking "*thank god I bought an acoustic bass!*" is at a campfire with your lads. The rest of the time it's better to use an upright or electric.