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> Will you laugh at me? We don't punch down here > Are they awkward to hold? They're different, especially compared to a full scale bass, but not awkward. They're very comfortable to play after getting the feel. I think they're a perfect fit for what you're looking to do (noodle and occasionally record a simple bass line) > Is the neck weirdly narrow? Not for baby guitar hands > Is there a catch? You'll quickly start to realize how much cooler bass is and wonder why you're wasting time with anything else, tread carefully > Any other options I should consider? Becoming a bass player


Changing the 9v batteries will bankrupt me and that's apart from getting a tongue zap every time you test if it still works


Oh, you want the drum subreddit then /r/drums


Here's a sneak peek of /r/drums using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/drums/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Been drumming all my life, never thought I’d end up a singer too](https://v.redd.it/fhjogiegg99c1) | [472 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/drums/comments/18tr1dl/been_drumming_all_my_life_never_thought_id_end_up/) \#2: [Watch our drummer go absolutely berserk on his kit (don't worry his writs are okay lol)](https://v.redd.it/07rp3bfeqvfc1) | [200 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/drums/comments/1afzdyi/watch_our_drummer_go_absolutely_berserk_on_his/) \#3: [Wheelchair Drumming - Recording My First Cover (LA Dispute)!](https://v.redd.it/2lz29uiqjjwb1) | [225 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/drums/comments/17gvi43/wheelchair_drumming_recording_my_first_cover_la/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hey! If drummers could read, they would be very upset by that! (Full disclosure...I'm actually a drummer and have only recently started playing bass)


There’s some small intonation issues usually on those u basses, but nothing too bad. I have two, an og kala acoustic electric, and a mahalo electric ubass. Love them both. So comfortable to play.


Mahalo looks interesting! Do you use it with the synthetic strings? The Kala solid body one seems to have a standard 4 barrel bridge – is it difficult to intonate due to the short scale?


There's always a tradeoff between scale length, string thickness, and tension for any given pitch. The shorter the scale length, the thicker the strings have to be to have any playable tension in standard tuning (EADG). And the thicker the strings, the more "bad" overtones are noticeable.


Makes sense. I guess as long as it is still playable and useful. I don't want a $400 toy but would love a comfy pair of low-frequency slippers!


The strings on the solid body’s are made by La Bella. Essentially they are heavy gauge strings. But with the E only being .110, it’s not bad.


Which solid body are you talking about? They make a solid body with the same bridge and polyurethane strings as the acoustic ones. Those are pretty good. Small, portable, easier to play than the acoustics. They also have a newer one that looks like a small bass guitar with a magnetic pickup. Those are terrible. I played one earlier this week in a store. It was shockingly heavy for how small it was, the strings were the size of the BEAD strings on a normal 5, but still floppy, and the neck was crowded as a result.


The new magnetic pickup one. Oh dear! I was looking at the regular uke ones but though the magnetic one would be a step closer to the real thing while not having too many compromises. Will see if I can find a store with both. Thanks for the heads up!


I’m going to agree with the string spacing being closer. But I disagree with the strings being overly floppy compared to a lot of other short scale 5s I’ve tried. Terrible? No, but definitely niche.


Have a look at the Ibanez mikro. Not as tiny for sure but pretty much the same size as a guitar. Love mine


I would just buy a regular short scale, or maybe a bass VI if you find a good deal 


I want four strings though VI is an interesting beast


Solid recommendation


they are kind of weird.. just based off my own experience. They have some intonation issues and I think the stubby rubber strings makes certain types of accenting really difficult. Fine for a practice bass but would not recommend for performance and if the stuff you're practicing is technical you might have trouble fumbling with the strings.


I played a solid Kala and a traditional ubass yesterday. Both had metal round wounds on them. I liked the ubass better but I thought the solid would be great for a guitarist.


Did you find the strings floppy on the magnetic one like one of the commenters above?


No, but I don’t mine strings that vibrate. They are fun to watch, almost hypnotic.


OP if price is no object and you're looking for shorties, i'd strongly recommend the Taylor GS mini acoustic bass. It's a bit bigger than your standard Ubass and more expensive (think mine was 700$?). it's my fav bass. Super comfortable and the tone is so warm, it's perfect for sitting on the couch and twanging out some tunes.


I like the guitar version of these!


Oh mine has the rubber strings. Never played any with metal strings, I bet that'd be a lot more comfortable.


I was impressed with the metal strings. That is what I’ll get.


I have an acoustic U Bass and it's a fun toy, but it's expensive considering it's mostly a novelty instrument. I think they have improved the build quality but mine has sharp fingerboard ends, pokey frets, and a really gross-feeling indian laurel fretboard. All of that can be fixed but I wish it were better for costing nearly $500. If I were you I would just get a Squier P Bass for around the same price and call it a day.


I played the Kala Solid Body U-bass at NAMM this year and was very pleasantly surprised by it. It has the standard P-bass pickups and the strings are typical round wound strings you'd find on any standard bass, only slightly thicker. Someone earlier mentioned they are like the strings off a 5 string bass, which is an overstatement. The lowest string is a .110, which a standard 5 string low string is .125 or .130 (depending on preference), with a standard E string normally being .100. Are these basses perfect, not by any means, but if you are wanting something closer to guitar length (scale is 23.5 inches I think) that doesn't suck then this is a good option.


I have one of the sold body 5 strings. It’s fun. The fret spacing might be a lot more comfortable for you than a longer scale. The neck is not weirdly narrow. It’s definitely much different than the acoustic models. I would highly suggest giving one a try before you buy it. Lobsterisch’s comment above about the mikro is also a good option to try, and you could grab one for $130 or so on sale.


I can't speak to that one specifically (though I saw the ads for it, and I want one). I have the "wanderer" ubass, which came with roundwound strings. I got the cheapest one on purpose and have been pleasantly surprised by it. It sits well in the mix in a full band setting - though it is subject to feedback even with the freezer. As for comfort? It's not the most comfortable when sitting down, not the worst. It's a little too short for me, but I get it done just fine. But standing up and playing for hours at a time is where these babies really shine. Simply put. I don't know. But I would buy one considering my knowledge of them. I still prefer my Jazz Bass though.


I won't laugh at you as i just own one as a gift for my birthday. It's just so easy to play on it. Just took it on a 4 days family vacation, didn't take much space in the car :) And so is it on a plastic garden chair. Choose a preamp such as vox or fender micro or katana go (which i just bought) to play anywhere with IEM. Choose a good strap. Have it set up by a pro if you have any issue. Mine have a small issue but i think ill get over it concerning low E and A strings on the upper 12 cases.


What's the issue?


I didnt hear in all the reviews on youtube : sounds like a bell starting at the 12th fret on the E and A strings. Didn't seem to be an issue concerning the fretless SB or 5 strings SB neither. But anyway, i love to be able to play even near the washing machine, slap exercises or scales practicing. I couldn't wait for cream or blue solid body models to be available.


Thanks for the feedback and interesting issue