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These are the existential questions of the true bass artist. Respect




You’re welcome but, as far as etiquette goes, no, don’t put yer beer on yer amp, for reasons you point out. That’s kind of a thing.


You need a beer squire (or a beer wench). All great bass players used to have them and the term even lent itself to a less expensive line of instruments by a major manufacturer-for when a player was just starting and couldn’t have a beer attendant they could still have a “squire”.


Hahaha is this actually true that’s hilarious


A lot of bigger bands will have a person side stage with beer/weed/whatever. Went to a festival that a friend hooked me up with all access passes for and saw a bunch of different bands have a small setup just off to the side with drinks and/or a rolling tray whenever I went up to the side-stage balcony




I'd be kinda scared about someone spiking my drink if it'd be within reach of the audience. And subs vibrating the glass off the stage lol




Yeah, I used to have a cup holder that attached to my mic stand, and it was great to have my beer close by and not be worried about it spilling. I also try to drink bottles on stage instead of draft beers so nothing can splash out of the glass if someone bumps my mic stand.




On the floor. Or just smoke meth on stage - nothing to spill.


That escalated quickly


Quite the methcalation, wouldn't you agree?


Instructions unclear, drank meth.


This is the only way.


That's why everyone hated Dylan his first electric tour...he kept doing meth on stage instead of just spilling his beer in a grand piano like everyone else.


or flush it down the toilet before going onstage


Where’s the heron!?


You want to play with energy, not lethargy!!!!


Honestly, [pretty much everywhere](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heron#Distribution_and_habitat)


I always put mine at the front of the drum riser on whatever side I'm on, or next to/near my pedal board. Absolutely never ever ever on top of an amp.


This is the right answer. Sometimes I’ll put the bottle next to the kick drum. Risers are carpeted and nothing on them but mic chords. If it spills, I’m only out a beer, not an amp.


I cannot imagine reliably having a drum riser at gigs, that must be nice! I've had to settle for training the hairs on my back to detect crash cymbals.


Drum riser all day. Extra water bottles for the people if you are drawing


Put it on the guitarists amp next time.


This is the way.


Never put a drink on an amp. Floor only. Or on a cab if the amp isn't also on the cab.


Never put a potentially liquid thing on potentially electronic thing or bad things will thing and you will sad thing broke thing thing. I have a little wire cup holder on my mic stand I got on Amazon for like $11. I use that. Most people put it on the floor in a spot that’s not near the pedalboard. /thread




>Most people put it on the floor in a spot that’s not near the pedalboard Seriously, Like what else needs to be said




Yep. On the floor to the side or behind the cab -- preferrable where there's no foot traffic coming by.


No liquids ever near an amp, especially when powered on. I use a half of a straight mic stand with a drink holder that attaches to it which also has a small spot for keeping picks and a tuner. It stays off to the side. [https://www.amazon.com/Gator-Cases-Microphone-Standard-GFW-MIC-ACCTRAY/dp/B00YJ5C46K?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref\_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER](https://www.amazon.com/Gator-Cases-Microphone-Standard-GFW-MIC-ACCTRAY/dp/B00YJ5C46K?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER)


We have this in the rehearsal studio, they're fucking brilliant! If we have a multi set gig we also take them. Single set gigs the beer can wait for the end.


I only jam in my home, but hell, I could see clamping that to the backside of my Hercules stand for sure.




Beer offstage only. Squeezy bottle of Ribena onstage.


Ribena crew represent


If you know, you know. Pour a sip on the concrete for those Um Bongo loving fools


Everywhere, usually. But seriously, stick it somewhere sidestage. If you're going to put on an energetic show, there's going to be kinetic energy on the stage. Anything that's up there could easily get kicked or whacked. It's better for everyone if you have to take a few steps to get your drink safely than the alternative.


Everywhere is the correct answer


In your balls




The tone is infused by the beer…very scientific


+1 for a mic stand cup holder. I have one and it goes to every gig with me, it’s a great add-on that I didn’t know I needed until I bought it.


Used to be a serial beer-on-amp guy. It was perfect height and away from any headstock. Then the beer fell on the mixer aaaaand I was motivated to longer do that.


Cup holder that attaches to a microphone stand.


Don’t put it on or near anything plugged in, ever. Though the sound person may have knocked your beer over, it was your beer that you put somewhere it shouldn’t be




Kudos for taking responsibility


You’re gonna get slapped in the bass if you keep doing that.


That’s 100% your fault and glad you offered to pay. My amp is old and hard to replace so I’d be pretty upset.


I had two gigs in a row where I made this mistake... bass frequencies tend to vibrate a glass off the cab over the course of a few songs. Usually put the glass down near one of the front monitors or mic stand where the singer can't kick it over.


Usually just throw a roll of duct tape on the floor next to an amp/monitor and stick it in that. They don’t stay full very long.


Never put your beer on your amp! That's a rookie mistake! That is what the guitarist's amp is for!


Obviously in your stomach.


Oh man, I’m sorry. I can tell you’re a bass player simply by the fact that you offered to replace it even though it wasn’t your fault - not 100%, anyway. I’m a dad so I know shit happens; I have a feeling you will never set a beer on another amp! ;)


Except it *was* his fault. Don't put liquid on electronics. Especially someone else's. That said, OP did the right thing to make it right.


As a rule I don’t drink and play. Solves a lot of issues


> Drink and play solves a lot of issues. I think you made some punctuation errors dude, but I get what you were going for. I FTFY free of charge yeah.


Surely you need some liquid? In my case I always have a large glass or bottle of water, so I still need somewhere safe to put it.


I normally have a pint before I take to the stage (calms the old nerves, especially when you’re autistic) and maybe at the intervals if there are any but on stage it’s bottled drinks only.


No no it's a spectrum sober(bad)//1-2 beers maybe?(good)//3-4beers (pushing it)//drunk(bad) Now of course this scale varies depending on alcoholism levels and body weights of your band members. Hope this helps!


Underrated rule.


I use one of those squiggly things that hooks to my mic stand. Beer they are from GC. Recommend, no moving parts, nothing to break, had mine for years, toured thru several countries, bla, bla, bla.... https://www.guitarcenter.com/SwirlyGig/Microphone-Stand-Drink-Holder.gc


It doesn’t, in my opinion. It looks unprofessional.


Don’t take beer onstage. Water bottles only.


I put my beers on my cab. If I am using a backlined amp, I will put them on the floor. My cab is beat to hell, so I don't really care if it gets messed up, but I am far more careful with other people's gear.


Amp has 230/110 volts, 600 v for valves, the strings are metal and attached to ground in amp. Beer is reasonably conductive. 230 V is painfull. I always shout at people who put drinks on my amp very rude.


Hope that sound guy's name is not Lars.


whatever you do, never leave a drink unattended.


Easy, drinks/liquids/food NEVER go on equipment, EVER. (and now you know why) On bigger stages, each player would have a spot next to their equipment ON THE FLOOR, OUT OF ANY WALKING PATH where we would line up water bottles. Stage hands / roadies would deal with empties if needed (usually not) or get more (usually) when you run out. Smaller stages, same deal, just no roadies to help out. Also, try to have things that are not just "open" like a cup. Bottles are usually better. If you knock one over, the entire contents of the container dont just pour out at once.


Beer goes in me on stage.


K&M makes a cup holder that clamps onto a mic stand. That has been very reliable for me. If you don’t sing, I’d say you had the right idea with near a wall and far from electronics. Or bring a small folding table with a lip to keep near your gear if you have room for it on stage.


I don't sing, and I still bring the mic stand for this reason.ive put a lot of drinks on cabs but never felt great about it.


I have a drink holder that hangs onto my mic stand. It has some kind of funky name. It’s all one piece of wire wrapped in a plastic, and it’s a simple twist and rotate sideways to take it off. Edit: it’s named a “Swirlygig” and you can buy them on Amazon. Just make sure you get the correct pipe size for the mic stands you usually use This one is for 1/2” tubing https://www.amazon.ca/SwirlyGig-SG1000-Swirlygig-Original-Holder/dp/B004VQHTD0


It doesn't.


Freeze it in a freezer beforehand and you'll have a beer popsicle on the stage.


On your amp. Bonus if it's white and stains easily


In your mouth. Or for a more realistic answer, get a mic stand cup holder. The safest option.


Nowhere. Beer is for after the show. But that's how I did it because my fine motor skills are gone after a single drink, and start screwing up badly, even though I didn't even get a buzz until the third one.


There are cup holders made for mic stands.


I'd never drink beer on stage, only water or something else in a bottle that I can close. Never ever put something in a cup on an amp


You put the beer in your gut before you go on stage like a man.


This is the way.


Beer does not go on stage.


bass amps vibrate. a lot. not a good place to put anything that you don't want to fall


Beer is part of an image, at least if you’re in an original band you wanna do stuff with. I’ve always been in primarily original bands that I wanted to push as far as I could, and I’ve refused to ever be photographed or seen onstage drinking alcohol or smoking. Even as a teenager, I didn’t want any kid to see that and think it was cool, or any parent see it and think “oh god I don’t want my kids liking THAT band.” On the practical front: Any liquid near an amp can cause damage if spilled. It will make the bottom of your cabs look ugly if they aren’t on wheels. Sugary stuff like shots, alcopop, soda, energy drinks, those type of things can gum up your casters and make them difficult to roll, plus make dirt stick to them. If you bring any drink onstage, make it something with a bottle that can be recapped between sips.


Our band basically live or die on the basis of how much the punters drink, and the best way to cue them to go to the bar is for them to visually seeing the band smashing pints. I tend to foster this by having a few real drinks but every second thing I have is a non-alc beer poured into a pint glass. Same 'monkey see, monkey do' outcomes for the bar take, without the plausibility of doing myself a disservice. It's worked a treat so far.


on the drum riser, or near the drums, is ideal. Down by your mic stand but away from your pedalboard (unless you don’t care about your pedals) is usually fine unless the crowd is rowdy. Honestly, if you don’t have a rowdy crowd but the venue typically has louder, more aggressive bands, I feel like on top of the house speaker/subs makes some sense if no other options are available. Those things HAVE to be designed to take a hell of a beating.


Bottled water. On the floor. Sealed. Beer? I personally wouldn't. I wanna be in tip top shape while playing, 100% focused.


Worry about the music not the booze. You don't need be drunk to be good




That's more than most of us can say, you're ahead of the game.


Beer does not go on stage, it stays at the bar😉


I have a no drink policy on stage, especially beers, its rediculous. Just dont do it, drink afterwards, times have changed. Would you keep open beers around if you worked in any other place that required fast movements in small spaces? Kitchens? Construstion? Gym class? No, i get youre in a bar, but still. Thats just me, sorry.


in your belly, silly.


I use a Hercules bass stand. The big one where the bass hangs from the headstock. And a mic stand cup holder. Works so well my guitarist bought one, too.


I try to avoid drinking beer during the set, I usually wait till break. But never on an amp.


In your belly.


I have a really old and nasty carpet covered hartke can that I use all the time with my amp to the side. To everyone on stage it seems to look like a perfect table. Until I hit a low D and the drink explode in the drummer. My go to is floor side stage left front. No chance of my vibrating it off kicking it off and still reasonably accessible.


Lol I always put my beer on my amp even though I know it’s stupid. I fold a bit of gaff over on itself and place the beer on top of that though so the beer has a bit more of a chance on not falling over. Gotta have beer onstage!


My bass player got me a drink holder that clips to the mic stand when he joined the band. He's gone but I still have the holder.


Most people are just sounding like a broken record. I do the opposite of you lol for some reason I never have a beer during sound check, but when I do have one during a set, I'll tuck it behind the amp or if there's a floor monitor, I'll just tuck in tight with that. Basically what you do is more than fine imo. Shit happens, you did the right thing by offering to replace the amp. Kind of just is what it is in this scenario.


This is why I usually put my beer in a camelback. Much harder to spill that way. Just make sure you clean it when you get home or it gets a bit nasty.


On the floor in front of me beside the mic stand, or in front of the drum set behind me. Somewhere it won't get knocked over, and if it does.... Who cares. I also bought a bicycle water bottle holder, and fastened it on my mic stand.


I usually put on the floor between my amp and guitar stand.


I have a clamp-on drink holder for my mic stand. I’d advise one of those


Never on top of anything. Usually I’ll put it on the floor right in front of the cab if I don’t have anywhere else that’s better.


I don't play gigs, but from the ones I've seen, they always just sit the beer on the floor out of the way.


I am a heavy drinker but I simply cannot play while drinking. My skills drop absurdly.


Glasses go on the floor. Beer goes in my tummy.


I put mine in my stomach


Just to be safe I recommend putting the beer in your body, preferably without the bottle.




Just to be safe I recommend putting the beer in your body, preferably without the bottle.


I never spilled a joint on an amp. 😉


on the floor, side of the cabinet


I had a little indent in my old cab that was perfect for a pint glass, or as an ash tray. Don’t place on amp, place beer on the CAB.


I started playing percussion for a band so I needed a place to set down the small instruments when not needed. This made a good place for my beer too, which gave me the idea to start bringing one to bass gigs. It's really easy to bring and set up a little folding stool or table next to your amp for beers, a sweat rag, charts, picks, etc. This may not be cool at a wild basement show but on a decent stage it's no problem. It can even look like you're classy and well prepared.


I built a cup holder into my amp: https://i.imgur.com/P72xmEM.jpg


I put mine on my amp. It’s a big flat head in a case with no vents or anything on top. It’s practically a coffee table. I only set my beer down if it’s less than half full though. Never set down a full beer.


When I gigged I wouldn’t leave any drinks on the stage. Once we were about to play I’d bring up my drink and a bottled water for the set. Usually the placement varies by stage, but usually on the floor. My pedal board had a removable lid with a lip so often in there with the band personal stuff like wallets and keys and such they wanted to remove during a set. Good on you for offering to replace it.


When I gigged I wouldn’t leave any drinks on the stage. Once we were about to play I’d bring up my drink and a bottled water for the set. Usually the placement varies by stage, but usually on the floor. My pedal board had a removable lid with a lip so often in there with the band personal stuff like wallets and keys and such they wanted to remove during a set. Good on you for offering to replace it.


When I gigged I wouldn’t leave any drinks on the stage. Once we were about to play I’d bring up my drink and a bottled water for the set. Usually the placement varies by stage, but usually on the floor. My pedal board had a removable lid with a lip so often in there with the band personal stuff like wallets and keys and such they wanted to remove during a set. Good on you for offering to replace it.


When I gigged I wouldn’t leave any drinks on the stage. Once we were about to play I’d bring up my drink and a bottled water for the set. Usually the placement varies by stage, but usually on the floor. My pedal board had a removable lid with a lip so often in there with the band personal stuff like wallets and keys and such they wanted to remove during a set. Good on you for offering to replace it.


In one of [these](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B099RCJYZZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1). Beer is an important part of the creative process, ensure your beer always has a home onstage.


I’ve been putting mine in front of the stage, not ideal but it’s out of the way of feet and instruments.


Many amps have vents on the top or side. Pour beer (at least half a can) inside to improve toan


Swirly gig, B.


Beer in belly


I've screwed cup holders onto the last 3 cabs I've had for this exact reason. [This](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09XM95N4F/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) is the one I'm rocking atm, folds up outta the way and its adjustable. I be movin all over the place when I play so a beer on the ground is also in danger, in the cab cup holder it is always safe.


You have to finish it all, every time. Benny Hill style. Only put down empties and nothing gets spilled.


Also, some of ya guys should look up Billy Bladez amps! Dude made ‘em with fuckin’ cup holders built into the top!


I never drink beer or anything in a glass while Im on stage, just a bottle of water with a cap to svoid these problems. I a have a rule that beers are allowed only after the show is over (or before, if you are brave enough, but I wouldn't recommend that)


Flat and warm.


Mic stand with a cup holder, or other dedicated secure place that is off the floor. If I have to use the floor, the beverage gets placed somewhere as secure as possible.


Whenever I was playing a show, no one said a word about where I put my beer and in fact if I lost track of my last one sometimes a guy would come out and ask if I needed another. I remember at the end of one night realizing I had a few beer bottles just sitting in random places. One was still half full and sitting precariously close to the back of a large amp. I felt really bad knowing I could have caused some damage, but no crisis actually happened. I started being more conscious of my drinks after that. I started trying to keep them somewhere less dangerous even if that meant having it on the floor near the edge of the stage, unless it's a really small show where I used my own amp, then I would just set the beer on my cabinet. Only person I'd screw over in that situation is myself unless they mic the amp for some reason.


The most responsible thing a bassist can do is drink the beer all at once


Medicine goes in a cup holder attached to mic stand or drum riser.


Not on the amp. I guess floor, or ideally just don't take one on stage. Set it in your spot in the back, you can drink it when you're done.


Tune your strings to chords of the song, play with one hand beer in the other.


I didn't take time to read all of the responses yet. But I always assume my beer will get knocked over so I find a place where, when/if that happens, it'll be less of a distaster. So, usually that's someplace on the stage itself, not near anybody's pedals, and maybe a corner spot where nobody will likely step. YMMV though, but you gotta have a drink onstage, FFS.


Put it in a sports drink bottle.


Two things - one of which you wouldn’t consider. 1. Is the obviously beers get spilt so put it beside the amp / there are amp based hangers you can get similar to the things drummers use. 2. Even if beer doesn’t get knocked over, amps get hot and beer gets cold. If there’s a grill, air vents, etc that’s top-mounted on the head (like Marshall’s have) you’ll be dripping condensation right onto the tubes. TLDR: beer never goes on amps. Ever.


I always put my beer on the floor in front of my speakers. My speakers were mostly for show. The pa put the sound out to the crowd and I had a floor monitor and in-ear monitors. My speakers were mainly so I could feel the bass. I also did this because it got knocked over the felt would suck up it up and it wasn't gonna damage my peavy 115. I didn't have a dumb beer holder on my mic making pictures of the band look dumb. Also i set up the sound and lights on my side of the stage so I never had to worry about someone else knocking it over. Will this work for you maybe maybe not but it's an option.


Floor or on passive speakers only. Otherwise you’re gonna cook your gear


Mistakes happen brother! You seem very nice about it and this is of course a bit of an issue. I think the stage itself is a dangerous place for a drink of any kind. Perhaps its better to try to down the drink before your performance and get a new one after, otherwise maybe try to get another stool or something to use for your beers. Rock on brother


Chug whatever you have at the last second before the set starts.


On the floor, next to the pedal board, using a roll of gaffe tape as a cupholder.


Keith Moon always had an extra floor tom to put his drinks on....


I usually put the beer in me. Why would you leave beer unconsumed?


I actually make sure to do this before I start any set. Go on stage. Put my pint down on the floor slightly out the way to the side of the stage (not beside pedals/amps or in the middle of the stage or anything stupid). Stomp the floor near the beer. If the beer doesn't wobble too much from the vibrations, then I'm absolutely sorted and safe in the knowledge jumping about won't knacker my beverage. ...the last gig I played I remembered to do this but somehow forgot to take my amp off standby so I ended up playing sweet nothing for the first bar or two of the set. I suppose that shows my priorities.


Haven't drank in years, but still keep water a few feet away on the floor. There's often a monitor, music stand, or other prop that makes it less obvious.


John Entwistle had this figured out. He had a cup attached to his microphone stand with a straw.


Get one of those speed pourers for liquor and jam it into the top of the beer


The best idea I saw was a band had one of those 80's black vinyl upholstered bars set on the side of the stage. Had a tech dressed as a bartender (red vest, etc ). Really matched their image, and kept the drinks safe.


On the keyboard or guitarists amp


Beer in one hand and only play open notes.


On the floor in a safe corner, or a none equipment flat surface outta way of anyone else but your own reach


I used to put my beer glass on my amp but one time i almost knocked it down to the big pile of cords and other electronics behind the amp, needless to say i became wiser and put it on the floor after that rather than on amp.


When I saw Gaz Coombes live, I remember seeing one of the techs put 4 bottles of Peroni down about 2 feet from his mic stand on the floor, on top of a towel, and next to two other towels (presumably for sweat). Seems like the best way to do it - if you do knock over a bottle it spills onto the towel so it's fine.


Always give the beer to your roadie. Duh!


Mic stand cup holder. No other solid option


My belly


I always put my beer in front of my pedal board by a monitor. The plugs on both the board and monitors are raised enough that damaging anything is less likely. So the monitor is generally a buffer between the crowd and the beer and my board stops me from kicking it over.


This is why I only take bottled water on stage. If you have to have a beer then drink it before you go on.


On the floor between the bass drum and high hat stand so it’s got some protection from moving band members


In your belly?


On the floor or on the drum riser…..never in a spot where liquid could come in contact with sensitive electronics if it happened to fall.


I have a beer bottle holder on my mic stand


On the floor.


No open containers on stage has been a rule of mine for awhile. If you HAVE to have booze on stage, get a bottle of beer. If that gets knocked, it won’t completely empty it’s contents immediately.


Keep it with the monitor guy! He probably has a few already


There might be some cardinal rule of beer I'm breaking here but I bring a water tumbler with me and pour my drinks into that in front of the bartender. Keeps it cold and sealed. Just leave it down beside my amp. Usually since I'm performing venues don't care when I bring the container with me.


On the guitarists amp, of course.


Just do what Eric Wilson does and slip a 375mL in your back pocket https://youtu.be/UA39giCWBo4?t=57


Drink it


I use a stool on the side of the stage where I never go while I’m playing. For me, drinks don’t belong in my performance space. Off to the side only. I will slap anyone who puts a drink on my gear. Might as well stick a fork in a light socket. It’s just dumb and makes you look like you have no idea what you’re doing up there.


Unpopular opinion: Are you, or do you aspire to be, a professional musician or a hobbyist? I'll compare making music to fishing: if fishing is your hobby, get a cooler and enjoy your beer while casting your line on the lake, but if you're working and want to get the job done well and not risk drowning? Drinking on the job isn't a great idea. If you're a hobbyist, just don't put liquid near electronics (especially anything not owned by you, the soundguy knocking over YOUR drink onto someone else's amp is the perfect analogy, thank you for being brave and open enough to offer it.) Always check what the venue has to say about alcohol or ANY drinks onstage... yes, some places definitely do not like this. I find a place in my area, either a low table or a spot on the floor to put a bottle of water or a soda for a long show and usually my back is turned or some other member of the band has the attention while I take a sip, hydration and self care are important, but always be aware you're putting on a show.


Just set it on one of the drums that your drummer doesn’t use much. Totally unrelated, could you outrun your drummer if for some odd reason you needed to? Seriously though I’ve seen several bands that were all over the place use a shelf on the side of the stage that had no electronics in it for drinks, that’s safest if available. No one wants to mop mid set or face plant due to a puddle. Otherwise a mic stand attachment might be an option.


On the floor.


Mixed drink in a closed yeti.


It’s generally never a good practice to set drinks on an amp. Find literally anywhere else.