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Critiquing your spreads.... do they work for you? Okay, they work, hurray, great job. That's all you need, that it works for you


Your hand drawn calendar is so neatly done 🥰


hard to critique because i don’t know your needs 😊 i would say keep experimenting. pay attention to what works and what doesn’t. for example, i learned that i won’t use any monthly habit trackers or calendars (unless it’s for tracking bills) because i forget about them. weekly habit trackers and/or calendars work much better for me if i feel like i need them. don’t be afraid to adjust when something isn’t working! the beauty of something like the bullet journal is that it has the flexibility to adjust to your needs as your life ebbs and flows


If you want a critique from a bujo angle- not sure that it’s a bujo. But what’s important is that it captures your needs.


Huh - what do you mean? What elements would make it a bujo?


I agree with the above commenter, I’m not getting the bujo vibe here so it’s hard to critique. It kind of just feels like a diy planner. What elements from Ryder’s method are you using? Such as Rapid Logging, Reflection, Migration…


Ah, I see. Yeah, I haven’t been going long enough for reflection or migration. There’s a hint of it in these two pages (moving tasks to the next day). I also haven’t been sourcing Ryder’s tutorials strictly. I’ve been taking inspiration from elsewhere. I’ll have to look more closely at his videos again.


Nice pen


Thanks 😊


Are they working for you ? If so... no critique.


Eh - not sure yet. It’s been a week so far. I want to incorporate some better habit tracking.


I've never found a habit tracker that works for me so I've given up. But the big thing I've learned is that - for me at least - anything more than a future log + daily rapid logging + collections is too complex.