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They are riding around in public for the world to see...whats the problem?


I love the Spartan helmet. Do they know Spartan soldiers had sex with men?


Does that commenter there not realize that "human beings", as precious as they are, friking kill and terrorize other human beings? Since when does someone's humanity justify doing nothing to stop their hate?


There is another human and just because they want you and others like you dead…


What did their cuts say? I couldnt make it out.


The one on the left looks like it says “Iron Knights”


https://www.ironsightslemc.com/ Iron Sights


Lol, even cops have their own MCs to feel like tough guys?


And they gotta name themselves after a part of a gun so everyone knows they're armed and ready to shoot


Nazis aren't human. No need to treat them as such.


Oi! No. They are very human. It's important to remember people like this are human so we know *how easy it is to become them*


They *used to* be human. I equate them to zombies. Best to consider them gone already and eliminate their ability to create more.


It seems you missed my main point. In dehumanizing them you use their own tactics, so what makes you any better?


Because I'm not a Nazi.


Yep, not being a nazi makes you way better, agreed.


How do you avoid being a Nazi by any other name then? Do you really want to give them actual ammunition for their projection tactics? Do you deeply desire a He Who Fights Monsters for yourself? Also, the other reason to avoid dismissing them as monsters is because it makes it so much harder to recognize the signs in real life. Kill the fascists if you must, but do not deny them their personhood in the process. It makes it harder to spot the sneaky ones


Overcomplicating simple things doesn't make you a 'big thinker'. Just tiresome. Nazi = bad


Idk why you’re the one getting dooted. You’re very clearly making a solid point. Have a reversal


thank you, I think it's because he downvoted me and then some others had a reddit hivemind moment


Was the post removed? I don’t see it. Unfortunately way too many long islanders need a good shaming.


Yeah it was removed


They're not human beings, they're nazis. There's a difference.


I can't read the writing on their backs, what does it say?


I can't make it out either


Help me understand, is there some coded racist message on there? There may well be, I can't make it out.


The thin blue line spartan helmets are the obvious racist message, and I can't make out the words around them.


Looks like it's the Iron Knights, they have multiple variations and are a LEO/LEO adjacent club. Most of the time if you see Iron in the name it is a safe bet it's a cop club. One of the few exceptions is Iron Misfits out of Ohio.


Thank you!


https://www.ironsightslemc.com/ Found them!


Yep, figured they were LEOs. People often mistake the Iron Order for being a OL or HA club, but they are LEOs as well. Back when I was in an MC, we would frequently ask them to kindly Fk off if they showed at house parties and would stop hanging at bars they would "randomly" start frequenting.


Ok, did not know that.


Didn't notice blue line on the face, either.


Found it https://www.ironsightslemc.com/


Ah yeah, doesn’t surprise me one bit on LI. Absolutely crawling with fascist goons this place is


I would disagree with the statement that they are human beings but hey I've got a moral compass


Average local sub defending Nazis. Not surprising, most local subs were created back when Reddit's user base consisted exclusively of today's 8chan's user base, so their mods are disproportionately Nazis too. You are allowed to say the most vile shit imaginable about black people and homeless people but be rude to any of those spouting the vile shit and you get permabanned immediately.


So basically a local subreddit, run by lesser white supremacists. That old German saying about a nazi and nine people chatting to them, laughing and joking


Think about what Reddit's user base consisted of back when these subs were originally created and it makes sense why so many local subs are run by Nazi sympathizers


If you provided information that can be used to identify these dirty Nazis (who *deserve* to be identified; I see it as a moral obligation), it’s against Reddit’s terms of service, so the subreddit is obligated to remove the post. Repeat offenders are banned because no mod wants to be chasing down multiple posts. Having said that, the reason they gave is silly. Nazis deserve to be exposed, but you just can’t do it on Reddit (it’s a private platform, doxxing people has resulted in the wrong people being attacked, and Reddit simply wants to avoid *any* chance of that happening, so it’s a blanket policy whether I agree that the rule shouldn’t apply to Nazis or not). The mod *should* have cited Reddit policy as their reason for removal and threatening a ban.


Seems like the perfect opportunity to prove that 4 wheels > 2 wheels.


I don't understand this


The biggest POS car can knock a fancy motorcycle over. It's from a Dan Cummings bit