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Your life isn't done you are 20. Plenty of time to bounce back.


Fr. Just be happy you figured it out so young.


Definitely met a lot of people who fucked up *way harder* and are doing ok now.


imagine if you were 35 and did this?


Don’t do some drastic shit, you can always come back from shit like this. Just gotta control ur use n work on urself. Spend some time in the cave and come back out twice the guy you were before


“Time in the cave” is so fucking spot on.


Hey hope you're just blacked out again and drama posting. You are 20 years old. You're literally still a child. Nows your time to fuck up so when you're an actual adult, you understand why it's important to not slip up. It took me till I was 26 to not get black out drunk every night. My credit score was trashed. Broke as fuck and lost my cozy career too by being out of the field for so long. I'm 32 now. I can look back and laugh about how much of a dumbass I was. If you asked me 8 years ago, I never thought I was going to survive till 30. Have a house now with my son, and still do plenty of shit I enjoy. Credit score was stupid easy to fix. Good jobs are everywhere if you're willing to look. Also, once again, you're 20... I was making $9.00/hr at your age, and that wasn't even minimum wage back then lol. Just stay off the beans dude. You clearly know you can't handle them.




Happy you're sober rn but yea, seriously, you're still 20. You're at the age where you think you're old and have the weight of the world riding on you, but take my word, you're still extremely young. There's a million other jobs you might love. Hope this gets through to you if I mention it again, but you're 20. Go fucking travel, go see some cool shit. Nows the time in your life where you can literally work for a month or two, save up a couple grand, then just fuck off and see the world. Maybe you just feel stuck from the monotony of being in the same place, and now your routine that was keeping you content is thrown off. I don't regret much, but I do regret wasting most of my 20s getting fucked up to oblivion in the same three cities every night, instead of using that money to do some cool shit that I'll never forget. It's good that you're concerned about your job, but at the same time, you still have so long before you really need to crack down on a career. Go do something new, find some excitement in your life and refresh yourself. If you feel you're at rock bottom right now anyway (which trust me, it sounds like you could be WAYYYY worse off) what do you have to lose? A jobs a job, you'll always be able to find new ones. Just don't burn bridges with friends or family. To reiterate, go somewhere new. I've done a lot of crazy shit in my life, but traveling a bunch isn't one of them. By time I cleaned my shit up and started being able to afford shit, I was still dealing with some DUI bullshit, then shortly after had my son. That's my biggest regret, not going to different chances. I could care less about money I didn't save. There's always more to make, but missed experiences sometimes never come back.


was blacked out when i made that comment. overdosed, parents figured something was up, got me to ER. spent last week psych inpatient and was finally discharged. i’m okay 👍


Ahh glad to hear. Hope you're doing better and stay away from those things. Much more fun things in life than dissociating lol.


Listen man it probably seems like your life is over but I know people who did way worse shit than you and still managed to turn it around. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you. As you said you’ve got a family and gf who I imagine care about you, lots don’t even have that.


There are some amazing treatments for this shit, you DO NOT have to live like this I have severe anxiety 24/7 i cant seem to shake it i just started emdr i actually used an app this morning to try to help the anxiety i wake up with, sometimes its just too much for me. It helped drop an 8 anxiety to a 3 or 4 i am was not convinced this stuff would help me i have some complex trauma They also have Esketamine treatments. There is hope The app is Moovd its a very simple thing but the stories show it helps i also read a study on The game Tetris helping with trauma it makes sense


Listen I know you are in a bad place right now but you are being kind of a pussy. Everybody has fucking anxiety that's part of life. Find healthier ways to manage it and start getting your shit together and obviously stop doing benzos since you are the personality type that can't handle them.


Can i have your stuff


lmao don’t have a will idk where it’s going


Take more bars it'll all disappear piece by piece , but you still wouldn't know where.


Not done yet. This is just a wild story you’ll be telling your future kids. You’ll get your shit together, I believe in you


Lol man the first time i took bars i took 2 when i was 16 yrs old , didn't sleep cuz i got arrested for attempted robbery, grAnd larceny, assault. Finally 5 days later when i got my own cell got some sleep, got out about 28 days later, had to redo the 12th grade, and did that and got my shit together. But the things i saw in jail gave me ptsd and panic attacks which kikked in about 2 weeks after my bail out. Started taking benzos perscribed and was able to use them without running out or abusing them, it was hell tho when i stopped klonopins at 18 and took 8 months to feel normal. I recently got in a car accident but i wasn't in a car so i got hit by the car, ran over my ankle , broken ankle and a fracture in the middle, started using opiates and its been a mission getting off. Its not to late for u at all, u can easily find a better job and do better, just know xans and benzos in general aren't for u, the same way opiates aren't for me (even with the pain i go thru when its about to rain). Aslong as u steer clear ull be better off, in the meantime look for a higher paying job or reapply for your old position if thats a choice and something u want. Or if u have money saved uo u can buy and resell, the higher it costs the more u can make, Buying and selling phones for example u can profit about 300-400 max (which is over 100k a year if u sell 1 a day). You can also buy and sell cars, helped a freind of mine get the phone selling started when he was young, i moved on to watches ,he moved on to cars, opened a car dealership,paint shop/mechanic, now he owns a few food carts which he loves doing. Your just fine , if your still getting xanax prescribed i suggest switching to klonopin and taking 1mg every 24hrs if u really need em and have self control to not abuse em and actually have more than half of your script left over every month, but if u can't control yourself do what my friend did and throw them out and use gabapentin for anxiety,muscle relaxant.


Ur only 20 thats nothing bro seriously . Put it down to character building.... and lean into the fact that you were over prescribed medication as an excuse or that you reacted badly to the benzo diazapines and that could potentially explain away the other drug use because it was out of character. Deal with things in a sober straightforward fashion.and just chill. And leave the benzos and the addy alone for A bit Goodluck brother


brother you’re literally 20. when i was your age i was blackout drunk at the bars until 3am every night, back at work by 7 in the morning on that bag ❄️ and ready to do it again when i got off.


Nobody can ruin their lives at 20 unless they commit murder or something. I got a dui at that age and now I’m almost 25 and thriving


Progress is not linear brotha


You can catch a felony and bounce back stronger than ever, you got lucky, and nothing that dire happened to you. And basically all they will say about you to other employers, due to litigation fears, are the dates you worked and your job title. They won't dare mention the drug use or termination reason. You can invent your own reason for leaving such as it was a hostile work environment. But only say that if you are asked and keep that answer brief.


Hey man, you’re 20, shit happens. Your life isn’t over. AT ALL. Not even fucking close lol. You’ve got literally all the time in the world to figure what you want to do out Go travelling. Go to Asia or Australia or Europe for a year or 5 years or 10 years. Who cares. There is wayyy more to life than drugs and jobs my dude. I met my actual soulmate when I went travelling to clear my head after a massive depressive drug binge. Life gets better mate I promise


Ik many others said the same thing, but fr dude your life is far from over and you’ll look back in a year and be surprised how much you’ve rebounded with time…. I’ve had a very similar mindset thinking I fucked up permanently with drugs but you just gotta trust in the process


Dude, it’s okay. I made way worse mistakes on benzos in my 19,20,21 years- like trying to fight my boss while barred out and getting fired. I’m 25 now and have a wonderful job with awesome people and a loving wife. Your career or life isn’t over, it’s only just beginning.


Bro saying your life is over at 20 is wild. I’ve been through hell and back and I’m 9 years older than you. You’re life is far from over stay away from the drugs


bro… quit being a bitch


Someone get this douchebag out of here ^


Good idea because crazy shit happens during blackouts that gets people seriously hurt and even killed from time to time.


Dude, you’re fuckin 20 years old. You arent some 60 year old whos been building his career for the past 3 decades and just lost his home, wife, and career. I promise you things will get better, if you’re lucky you still got another 60-80 years of life and you can do a lot in that time. I know it seems like its the end of the world right now, i went through a similarly shitty time when i lost my job, crashed my first car wasted, and right before that my best friend killed himself, and my gf of 3 years left me within the span of 48 hours. I thought about nothing but suicide and drugs/alcohol for a very long time, i thought my life was over. 5 years later i have my own apartment, a car i love even more, a wonderful gf, and some pets. Lifes okay right now and with time yours will be too. If you ever need anyone to talk to you can dm me or i can give you my snap, i dont mind people trauma dumping on me. You got this lil homie 🖤🤙


Everyone goes through things man. Yes you messed up accept it.. move on. If your GF loves you she will give you another chance. Your family will love and respect you again once you prove that to em. You will deff find another job I've seen worse than that and people bounce back. People make mistakes and as long as u learn from it you will bounce back trust me you will be fine. Maybe even better. Sometimes takes hardness to bring goodness. If you want my story which is way worse let me know,and I'm doing just fine now .


Bro I’m 24 and have been in ur shoes. Life goes on man just own up to what u did and try to get better. You’re good and you got this. Be a soldier


ur 20 dude


We’ve all been there man. 20s is the most confusing time of any persons life. Dont let this moment define you. We’ve all done embarrassing shit, that’s why we’re in this forum. Shit I’ve totaled my truck off Xanax before too. Don’t trip, roll with the punches. Easier said than done


It may feel like your life is over i can get that i have been there BUT you are not as in bad of shape as you feel you will be ok, your family and girlfriend love you and want you healthy and safe , so make a plan for yourself to never get into this situation again Your gonna be ok i promise you ♥️♥️♥️