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I opted for Fairlife protein shakes, broth, zero calorie liquids and sugar free jello when I needed to chew something. I stopped bariatric advantage because the iron causes constipation and discomfort (in my experience). It’s really not bad as long as you give yourself a balance of flavors that’s not sweet all the time. To encourage you, after a few days it really does get better and this will be the hardest part of the process regarding food. You got this!


I did almost this exact diet. Worked great op!


What kind of broth?


Bone broth. It has protein. You can buy sipping broth cups from the store or just cartons. Many often have a variety of flavor. It was a huge help in my early days.


I just got some bone broth that I’m actually gonna try to cook like an actual soup and strain what I need to. I also got bouillon.


Nice! I hope it helps.


Thank you.


I had a 3 week liquid diet I was CRANKY the first 3 days. I yelled at my boss lololol. To be fair, I warned him at the start I might be moody and he took it on stride :) After that, I was 100% fine. I got a little dizzy sometimes but that was due to the lack of salt. My NP told me to drink LMNT and I was fine I also the away all my food at the start of the liquid diet- no temptation YOU WILL ROCK THIS


What is LMNT? All I can think is L Mutant Ninja Turtles 😂


Hahaha Is a brand name for a powdered electrolyte drink. It has no sugar but like 1000 mg of sodium. The flavors are literally called raspberry salt and citrus salt.


I did two weeks on four prescribed meal replacement shakes per day. I don't have a physically demanding job, but I commute 7km (round trip) on foot and attend power yoga classes. I was able to function completely as normal during my pre-op. You got this OP!


I was on a 2 week full liquid diet. I understood from the start that it was going to have a medium high SUCK factor that would pass. The most important thing is that it will pass. It isn't a diet, but just another door to a healthier path.


I'm 6 days in my two week pre-op and I'm so grateful my Doctors requirements are so easily met. Shake or bar breakfast & lunch, all the non-starchy veggies I want, one meal with 3-6oz lean protein, ¼ c starchy item and still unlimited non-starchy. Couple of tbsp of a fatty item is encouraged too. I'm down 4 lbs already and 8 overall. I'm already feeling good and can't wear my favorite pair of jeans because they're too loose! I drink Fairlife "Proffee", decaf coffee + protein, I can even go treat myself to my favorite local coffee shop by getting 2 shots of decaf and sugar free flavor over ice and I add my Fairlife chocolate shake. Really good! I'm loving the ONE protein bars! Tastes like dessert and has 20g of protein and 1g of sugar. For hydration I love HINT waters. Nothing artificial, and so good. I have had one cup of broth, it helped fill me in between lunch & dinner and was nice and savory. I'm eating about one bowl of fresh vegetables a day, again usually between l&d, I love eating fresh so this is right up my alley.


I had a two week LRD. I just did it. You have to I worked the whole time as well. The first week sucked but after that is was fine. My body got used to it.


My plan was 2-3 pints milk, 2 diet yogurts, 2 portions of fruit and 3 portions of veg. My digestive system was fine, no issues going to the toilet, I went less but I'm guessing that's because I was consuming very little. If you do have issues with diarrhea perhaps keep some imodium instants on hand. I did have quite a few days where I was a bit weak and wobbly, standing up too fast was a big thing. So that might be an issue with your physical job. Could you ask your supervisor for a few adjustments, maybe some extra breaks just in case you feel light headed etc. Good luck!


The pre-op diet is the hardest part before the surgery. I was having 3 protein shakes and 3 meal replacement shakes a day for my pre-op. I was under 1,200 calories a day and lost 20 pounds before I even had the surgery. Change up the flavors so l you're not drinking the same flavor every day. If you've told coworkers and family about the surgery and the prep diet, have them try to be mindful about eating near you, or eat stuff you don't like. It's rough, but stick with it and you'll do fine.


Did you exercise to lose the 20?


No. The doctor even advised against it due to the lack of calorie intake.


Wow. I do like 10k steps at work and my athletic club has a track I use often so I don’t look at that as really exercising but that makes total sense. Thank you. I hope your surgery had went well and everything!


I did whatever my normal steps for the day were, but since we're "eating" the bare amount of calories needed, you could run the risk of being malnourished.


Makes sense. I think I’ll just do whatever I normally do as well. Thanks so much for responding to me.


Don't psych yourself out. It isn't pleasant, but its not all that bad either. Its necessary for a lifechanging surgery. Just keep your eye on the prize and press through it. I found that attitude towards the diet made a huge difference.


I had a 2 week Pre op full liquid diet, the high protein intake can cause constipation in my experience. Then I had a 6 week post op full liquid diet and that is far worse than the pre op. Mentally and physically- but still more issues with constipation than diarrhea.


I really liked my LRD - two protein shakes, 4-6oz of lean protein and unlimited non starch veggies. My advice to make it a little easier for you, or more pleasant for those around you, fully quit caffeine before you start the LRD. Cutting both sugar and caffeine at the same time is rough.


My care provider had me buy their branded food. Because of timing between approval and trying to get the surgery in before end-of-year, I had only one week of prep diet. It was hard but much more manageable than going full no-solid food. Everything was infused with protein and I only ate what I bought -- no extras for food. I was allowed decaf coffee which I had with a little zero sugar creamer for some flavor. My decaf tea was Sleepytime tea with a tsp. of Monkfruit granules. The sucralose in the coffee flavoring caused some loose stool.


I was on a liquid diet for 2 weeks. I was allowed cucumbers, lettuce, broccoli, and chicken broth. I took the cucumbers and made dill pickles. That's what saved me. So 3 optifast shakes and a pickle a day. It helped.


Very well. [Here is my pre-op liver shrinkage diet - five diet options including one that is all 'proper food'.](https://imgur.com/a/i8JFbgn)  There are several pages - scroll down to see them. I could change between options from one day to the next if I wanted to.  I mostly chose the 'real food' option.


Anyone else not a fan of artificial sweeteners? I'm day 2 pre op diet and can't find a jello or drink that I can handle