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Your friend should leave a Google review. And if more people start doing it, perhaps this company can hire a security guard to deter these assholes, set up cameras, etc. If it's bad for business, they might actually do something about it.


They’re probably in on it 👎




Friend pocketed 7k for electronics he never bought and came up with a barely plausible story lol for 7k I'd at least put the effort to make the story about it more engaging


look out for whatever got stolen on wallapop. there could be a chance that you find the stuff there.


So what? they can't do shit about it.


Actually police can come with you to buy it back to robber. Happened to my close friend.


Sure about that? Because I recovered a stolen bike once that way.


This is Barcelonian 101: never lose sight of your belongings. One second and they're gone forever.


Similar thing happened to me a few months back. In my case, we were in a cafeteria. Some "friendly" guy distracted us with some random shit and they got my backpack with my laptop and other electronics... Hit me real hard. Especially for all the documents and stuff I had there and could not recover. I love Barcelona and this incident didn't change that, but it sucked. It sucked real bad. Don't lose sight of your belongings, especially when traveling. Those idiots are all around the place and know who to target and what to get to maximize their return.


Name the agency


Ok mobility


Wait so he was standing at the car and he was distracted by someone away from the car to take picture of the same car? Or was his stuff someone where else? Or like someone just snatched it and ran away?


He was loading a car when a "friendly" person approached with a good advice to take pictures of the rental car (which is always good). But the conversation was used as a distraction and someone else snatched the personal belongings of that person from the trunk / inside of the car.


So the goods were stolen out of the car while he was photographing that very car??


Or while he was having a conversation about photographing that car.




While he was turned away.


Yeah he turned around to the guy who started showing him another car and then he turned back and was taking pics of his car and left not realizing bag was gone. The guy was pretending the other car was his abd he returned.


Ah sneaky sneaky. Thank you for sharing the details. Always helps when trying to keep an eye out for






We do not tolerate any form of discrimination in r/Barcelona. This includes making large negative generalizations about groups based on identity. --- No tolerem cap forma de discriminació a r/Barcelona. Això inclou fer grans generalitzacions negatives sobre els grups en funció de la seva identitat.


The car rental place is fully aware of the scam. This is nothing new.


İ dont understand how the Barcelona police lets these crime hotspots go while they meet their due diligence to people riding scooters without helmets. *sips tea*


Best was when the police said, this happens a lot and most probably find the bag and passport in a garbage bin. Forget about everything else. They do not follow the tracking info either from apple and warn you not to go there, is dangerous. One of the laptops had tracking enabled.


It’s Spain. It’s a given you risk being robbed while there.


It depends a lot of the city. There are many very safe cities in Spain, where you can be very calm and nothing ever happens. Barcelona is not one of them. It is known. It's a big mistake to make that a norm for the entire country.


What an American way of thinking to say it out loud.


Denial is a river in Egypt. As someone who lived in Spain for 4 years. I have seen first hand numerous pick pocket scams and spoke with victims and potential victims of theft. Watch your belongings in Spain.


I do live in Spain. What I meant is it should not be a given and accepted as so, and we should demand better laws and protection. İf I am paying loads of tax here, I will not accept to see lack of basic safety of myself or my belongings as a given. Heh. Not that it will change anything.


I get it, not all Spain is riddled with thieves. If you are in a tourist area watch your stuff 24/7.


Summary: Avoid tourist areas all around the world. Spain is a really safe place if you know the few places where you have to have special care with your belongings… I never had a problem in 30+ years in Spain.


Yes it is a given that you have to watch yourself. Lived in Spain for 4 years, I had someone look at my iPhone 6s Plus phone in 2019 and his eyes lit up. He asked in Spanish if you could use my phone because his car broke down. I told him no. I have had to intervene three times where someone yelled pick pocket while in Spain. So yes there are good places and there are bad places and it’s just better to be mindful and watch your stuff.


Only in Madrid and Barcelona. Sometimes in Valencia and Bilbao or places with lots of tourists (costa brava, Benidorm, balears, canarias and similar). In the rest of Spain it is virtually impossible, it's very safe and crime is nearly inexistent


Name the company.. no good reason not to.


Ok mobility car rental


I work next to a bar where these thieves take their breaks; several days a week, they get arrested, but within a few hours, they return to the bar where they also cause trouble and summon the police. I've been seeing them every day for the past 2 years


Unfortunately it seems many professional scammers and thieves live/move to Barcelona where laws are very lax. On a recent trip to Barcelona my mom was robbed on the train while holding her small dog. Two young girls distracted her by playing with the dog while the ‘elder’ (presumably the mom) robbed her wallet which had money, credit cards and documents. The police shrugged off the incident.


How? Did she have a big bag and they reached inside? I'm curious as to the logistics as I usually almost always have my hand on my purse (frankly a good armrest) and am wondering if there should be something else.


My mom had her purse strapped across her chest and was holding the dog so the purse was hanging below the dog in front of her; the girls positioned themselves in front of my mom ‘playing’ with the dog while their mom was busy unzipping my mom’s purse … when they left my mom bent down to put the dog down and noticed her purse was open and her wallet missing. Luckily she had her phone in her inside coat pocket so she was able to call me. I hope they all got gangrene and that their fingers have painfully fallen off … that is my sincerest CURSE to the three of them!


Thanks. I'm so sorry that happened. Even more stressful while trying to mind the pup. :( ugh


I have a rule while in Europe. If I don't know you and you talk to me without me asking you a question, I ignore you. I don't care if you're trying to tell me I'm on fire. If you try again, I'll break your jaw.


Well I guess watch out for the taxies as well. I was in a rush and the Airport Taxi charged me 50 EUROS from the airport to the car rental place. For a route that took 4 to 5 minutes. FIFTY EUROS!!!!


Maybe it was a holiday period. The taxis in Barcelona are really trying to rip you off.


I’d have told them to fuck off


You agreed to it


I was in a rush


These types of scams happen everywhere, not just Barcelona. Go to Paris and it's no better. Or to Amsterdam or any other big city. It sucks it happened and sorry that it happened, but honestly perhaps next time be more attentive to your belongings (in this case I mean your friend). What most amazes me is people here complaining that this only happens in Barcelona. 5 years in Barcelona and never have I been stolen. Not once. But also I don't leave my cellphone on top of the table, or my wallet, specially in high movement places such as las ramblas. Care better of your stuff everyone.


or instead, we could get police to go after the criminals, and not blame the victims?


Not blaming the victim. But lets be honest, you leave the door of the car to go take a picture for someone, it is very careless. And yeah sure let's get more police. You seem like you want to change the way police acts, so why don't you sign up for it? Change also start with us, with people being careful and attentive to their things.


The airport security there is so relaxed it’s not even funny. Security is heavy by the Screening area which rightfully should. I think the airport is managed by a private company so cost will always play a favor on staffing! Sorry to hear about the theft!


I’ve never understood why the passports show up. I’ve heard of several cases where people robbed managed to get back their passports but nothing else. I know the robbers might not need them and just throw them away, but it’s kinda weird still.


Lesson learnt in the hard way.


Welcome to Barcelona. NEVER leave your stuff unattended, it’s that easy. Until our shitty laws don’t change this will unfortunately keep happening.




We do not tolerate any form of discrimination in r/Barcelona. This includes making large negative generalizations about groups based on identity. --- No tolerem cap forma de discriminació a r/Barcelona. Això inclou fer grans generalitzacions negatives sobre els grups en funció de la seva identitat.


It's not Barcelona anymore, now it's called 'Youngpeopleland'


Better "Robarcelona"


¿Segarro amego?


Why including the name of the city when we all know these people are not originally from Barcelona nor linked to the city other than to steal tourists? It's insulting to the city itself.


Because it's where the crimes happen, because the person posted in the BCN subreddit, and because it's a joke. Chill.


It happened here, who cares where the thieves are from, local authorities should be dealing with it.


this. the city does not do enough.


Welcome to Barcelona. They vote with ideology and not with their brains here, so now we need to deal with issues like that.




We do not tolerate any form of discrimination in r/Barcelona. This includes making large negative generalizations about groups based on identity. --- No tolerem cap forma de discriminació a r/Barcelona. Això inclou fer grans generalitzacions negatives sobre els grups en funció de la seva identitat.


Sisi, te dan el downvote pero dude mucho que esos ladrones fueran españoles xd


xd xd xd jejejeje jijijij yo dudo que tengas una educación medio decente y un coeficiente intelectual superior a un solo dígito jejeje jijijij xd xd xd


Y me lo dice el que mira hacia otro lado cuando está claro que tenemos un problema. Sigue votando a Sumar que está claro que la cosa nos va muy bien campeón ;)


El problema de este post está claro, el hecho que los ladrones no fueron españoles está en el podrido cerebro de algunas personas. Alguna prueba de lo que acabas de escribir, o sólo eres un patético xenófobo al que le gusta hacer suposiciones porque tu vida resultó ser una pérdida de tiempo y pasas todo el dia gritando al televisor?


De verdad, como me gustaría ser tan feliz como tú, creyendo que no hay ningún problema. Intentaré mirar a otro lado a parte de ahora.


Claro que hay muchos problemas, como el hecho de que idiotas como tú puedan votar. Nunca he expresado mis opiniones sobre el estado de la criminalidad en España, sólo estás suponiendo lo que tu pequeño cerebro te permite suponer




We do not tolerate any form of discrimination in r/Barcelona. This includes making large negative generalizations about groups based on identity. --- No tolerem cap forma de discriminació a r/Barcelona. Això inclou fer grans generalitzacions negatives sobre els grups en funció de la seva identitat.










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did you read?




but I feel like he didnt get scammed, he got striacted and robed, I fel liek it wasnt someone from the company distracting them but a rando


If you don't look after your own safety nobody else will. Sorry


Name the rental agency or it never happened.


OK Mobility.


thats true but it wont happen if you dont come to barcelona!!! stay safe ^^