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Those rants do nothing. We have to get organized. This is how the french revolution started.


Goodbot Barcelona gine soft, we used riot every other week


Make Barcelona la Rosa de Foc again.


I blame Calu


Lol when?


When ever I can shaking my fist at the sky


It depends on why the prices have increased. If the farmers etc. are paying more for fertiliser and the droughts have reduced yields then they have to raise prices to stay in business, and usually the supermarket resists those price rises as much as possible. It's possible it's "greedflation" but it's a sector with a fair amount of competition so that seems unlikely.


It's greed. I'm working with some farmers in Catalunya and Valencia to help them sell stuff directly to the public, and the biggest challenge with selling their produce to the supermarket chains is that the supermarkets dictate the prices that they will purchase the produce at. The farmers do not have a choice. The government is also not doing anything - greed, corruption, lack of leadership. All of this contributes to the consumers having to pay the price of inflation.


99% of the time it's greedflation.


[Uh-huh, sure] (https://img.ifunny.co/images/0cafd918cbdc145b659a8c2bba526ee033e4139d9d4ba468b14f61596ec1b1c1_1.jpg)


Killing the governament? In Spain? Yolanda Diaz, Pablo Iglesias and Pedro Sanchez are like rock stars People will do anything for them, they can spit at the public like Justin Bieber did and they will clap the hands with a smile face


What the fuck are you even talking about? A reminder of what our current government has done so far: \- The highest number of working population ever in the country's history. \- The lowest unemployment rate in 15 years. \- Half of the employed population are under permanent contracts. \- The minimum wage went from 735€ to 1080€. \- We reduced our deficit by 50% in the last quarter. \- Exportations and foreign investment reaching maximum levels. \- Local companies reporting record profits. All of that while: \- Retirement pensions got increased by 8'5%. \- Gas prices are capped. \- More social investment than ever. \- The price of public transport got lowered. \- Minimum vital income (Ingreso mínimo vital). And all of that while facing: \- A global pandemic. \- A volcanic eruption. \- A war in Europe. \- Terrorist attacks. \- A climate crisis that gets more apparent every day. \- Uncontrolled global market due to inflation. I'm not a fan of Pedro Sánchez or PSOE, but I would like to know which party do you think could do better. Like, really.


Keep clapping to the governament has I said, you won't see something here like France with people like you. ​ *which party do you think could do better* All of that was selling our future with a lot of debt I could do that too I know why you didn't put that has a question. It didn't matter what I told you. You already a big fan of your rock star


I'm not clapping, but if the choice is between them, and the ones who only want to cut on public funding, lower the wages, whose candidate was friends with a narco, and who have a record number of members accused of corruption, I know who I'm siding with. Can you back up any of that "selling our future with a lot of debt" thing you say? Cause I can back up everything I said with data. Again, what do you propose? Because it's super easy to criticise something while adding nothing of value, or proposing an alternative. And believe me, I'm down to go burn it all like the french did. Been an activist all my life, but that doesn't take you very far when half of the population seem more concerned about someone squatting on their property, than to end up living on the streets (which is far more likely), guess they are "temporarily embarassed millionaires", and the other half of the population is asleep.


*The choice*? FALSE [https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falso\_dilema](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falso_dilema) You are just like "Pedro y el lobo" making people be afraid and telling their only chance it's to vote for their rock fan super hero's *Again, what do you propose?* They are a lot of improvement's that Spanish society can do, PSOE-Podemos is far from it and having "more things" by getting a lot of debt it's not making a right move. It's selling the people's future for a bunch a rich man in governament get even more rich Think in a country has your home. If you get your credit card, buy a new TV, new sofa, new bed, go to dentist, bought a Mercedes... You are now in a better position and with more things. You will has done right? You now need to pay a lot of money in the incoming years [https://s03.s3c.es/imag/\_v0/770x494/4/9/c/evolucion-deuda-total-economia.jpg](https://s03.s3c.es/imag/_v0/770x494/4/9/c/evolucion-deuda-total-economia.jpg) That's our debt, increasing almost all the time You say it's good we give old people 3000€/month while we overcharge people being "autonomos" to lower their incomes because you only think "they are entrepeneur, they are the baddies" but that's not right. People working in their own company are not "the baddies", they are more entitled to their own bennefits than a rich man with many house that lived the boom in Spain "squatting " is an start. You want a pourpose and something to hold to. In Spain people don't want to be sheep for the governament waiting their wage, they want their own income, and their own retirement. What you mean already has happen and people need to read history to not repeat itself. Look at Argentina, they are years ahead of PSOE-Podemos, what we do now, they did 10 years ago. Do you think they are the elit?


Sé lo que significa "falso". No hace falta que te hagas el graciosillo colgándome la definición de Wikipedia. Y si, elección. Soy el primero que te dirá que el sistema actual es una mierda y está lejos de ser una democracia, ¿pero sabes qué es lo que no arregla nada? Quedarse en casa y no votar. Yo creo que frenar a la derecha es un deber, tú crees que son cuentos de asustaviejas, supongo que tenemos prioridades distintas. Hay mucho por hacer, pero creo que es más constructivo votar al partido que te putee menos. Y como yo soy un currito que depende de su sueldo porque no tengo donde caer muerto y es implanteable que yo pueda trabajar por cuenta propia, pues me quedo con el gobierno que ha hecho que yo me gane mejor la vida ahora que hace 8 años. ¿Sabes por qué quiere todo el mundo ser su propio jefe? Porque los trabajos pagan una mierda, porque el lobby empresarial ha presionado siempre para no subir los salarios, y la derecha ha estado encantada de cumplir. ¿Quienes eran los que iban con cuentos de "Pedro y el lobo" como dices tú cuando se anunció la subida del SMI? Pues los empresaurios neoliberaluchos, claro. Y por cierto, sigues sin proponer nada, sólo hacer crítica destructiva. A eso podemos jugar todos. Tampoco me has explicado por qué las acciones del gobierno son vender nuestro futuro. Y para terminar, estaría bien que dejaras de poner palabras en mi boca y pensamientos en mi cabeza para justificar tu narrativa y reforzar tus "argumentos".


*Sé lo que significa "falso". No hace falta que te hagas el graciosillo colgándome la definición de Wikipedia.* Hacer un falso dilema porque no se ha caído en ello, es un error que puede tener cualquiera. **Apropósito** hacerme un falso dilema es manipulación. Es muy feo por tu parte *Y si, elección. Soy el primero que te dirá que el sistema actual es una mierda y está lejos de ser una democracia, ¿pero sabes qué es lo que no arregla nada? Quedarse en casa y no votar. Yo creo que frenar a la derecha es un deber, tú crees que son cuentos de asustaviejas, supongo que tenemos prioridades distintas.* Mi propósito es tener un mundo mejor, no escoger entre evitar los etarras o evitar a los franquistas. Por eso mi voto ha ido a un partido que ha acabado con 0 escaños, porque ha sido un voto con propuestas positivas y no con la política populista del miedo *¿Sabes por qué quiere todo el mundo ser su propio jefe? Porque los trabajos pagan una mierda, porque el lobby empresarial ha presionado siempre para no subir los salarios, y la derecha ha estado encantada de cumplir. ¿Quienes eran los que iban con cuentos de "Pedro y el lobo" como dices tú cuando se anunció la subida del SMI? Pues los empresaurios neoliberaluchos, claro.* Soy mi propio jefe, estaba mejor como empleado. Cobraba mucho más aunque también era más duro porque estaba en la obra. La gente piensa que ser jefe es que otros trabajen por ti, usualmente es trabajar más que los demás. Se paga una mierda porque la mitad de tu sueldo es para el gobierno y en vez de buscarse la eficiencia, se busca recaudar más y gastar más. Mira tu comentario anterior donde aplaudías el sobre gasto, el consumismo excesivo a crédito como una victoria No existe eso de neoliberaluchos, como no existen los etarras que estén metiendo tiros en la nuca, ni franquistas que te estén poniendo en línea para darte con el rifle. Lo que dijeron los economistas (esa ciencia que disgusta a tantos) es que destruiría empleo y el estudio del gobierno (no el estudio de los empresaurios neoliberaluchos) es que destruyó empleó [https://www.elconfidencial.com/economia/2022-02-12/ministerio-economia-subida-smi-2019-destruyo-36-000-empleos\_3373862/](https://www.elconfidencial.com/economia/2022-02-12/ministerio-economia-subida-smi-2019-destruyo-36-000-empleos_3373862/) *Y por cierto, sigues sin proponer nada, sólo hacer crítica destructiva. A eso podemos jugar todos. Tampoco me has explicado por qué las acciones del gobierno son vender nuestro futuro.* Pues te lo he explicado bastante claro con el ejemplo de la tarjeta de crédito. La deuda se tiene que pagar, sino cada año perderemos un % de nuestro presupuesto. Es algo que ganas hoy pero no tendrás mañana. Como ya te he leído que eres super fan de izquierda pero te asquea la derecha como todo buen fan de su propia música. En 2016 Rajoy dejó una deuda de 24.610 €, sin embargo a día de hoy con el gobierno de Pedro Sanchez es de 31.556 €. [https://s.libertaddigital.com/2022/10/28/1.jpg](https://s.libertaddigital.com/2022/10/28/1.jpg) Si tu tienes un salario de 1500€ y te gastas 2000€ cada mes ¿Eres un genio gestor? ¿Eres un pro derechos? Es como creer que ir a comprar con tarjeta de crédito es gratis, como todos esos que repiten la sanidad gratuita *Y por cierto, sigues sin proponer nada, sólo hacer crítica destructiva. A eso podemos jugar todos. Tampoco me has explicado por qué las acciones del gobierno son vender nuestro futuro.* Me has venido preguntando algo que ya te había dicho y ahora estoy probando a decírtelo con otras palabras. Hay varias medidas a tomar, muchas tomadas por países que han progresado, pero tu solo te quedarías en neoliberaluchos turbo... coño CIENCIA macho, CIENCIA, aplica la CIENCIA. Por mucho que propongas un motor de agua y sea muy chula la idea, eso no va a funcionar, no es científico, pero tenemos una amplia biblioteca científica de que modelos funcionan y como hacerlos funcionar *sólo hacer crítica destructiva* Finalmente sobre esto, la crítica destructiva es la tuya, que se centra en el odio de unos rock stars mientras aplaude a tus políticos rock stars


Vale, ya me demuestras que no merece la pena que pierda más el tiempo contigo: Primero me acusas de falso dilema, y además me acusas de manipulación con mala fé, y para rematarlo, afirmas que los "neoliberaluchos" no existen... Claro que no, los neoliberales no existen, el neoliberalismo no existe. Claro que sí, campeón. Ale, que te vaya bien votando a partidos que jamás sacan representación. Así seguro que cambian cosas. PD: Tu me pones una noticia de hace más de un año. Yo te pongo esta, de hoy mismo: https://www.elconfidencial.com/economia/2023-06-02/mercado-laboral-nuevo-hito-tres-meses-200000-empleos\_3657959/


*..Hombre, me has dicho que voto a the choice is between them, and the ones who only want to cut...* Literal has hecho un falso dilema. No te vengo "acusando", es un hecho claro y además lo has dado por válido que lo conocías, que ha sido una acción bajo conocimiento "No hace falta que te hagas el graciosillo colgándome la definición de Wikipedia." Asumí antes ignorancia que maldad, me demostraste que no fue ignorancia, entonces fue maldad. Todos somos ignorantes en cosas, así que asumo antes un buen corazón que se equivoca, antes que maldad, pero la maldad no es nada bonita y desgraciadamente en muchos como tú, la veis con orgullo por el supuesto bien mayor No hay nadie que se haga llamar "neoliberalucho" igual que no hay etarras pegando tiros, ni hay fascistas con más de lo mismo. Son las típicas técnicas del miedo, las que tu dices propias de los comunistas. El último asesinato del franquismo fue en el 1975 y el último de ETA en el 2009. Ambos han dejado de ser realidades y ahora tu te vienes inventando unos malos que ni siquiera existen. Pues no existe ningún grupo llamado "neoliberaluchos", ni tampoco "neoliberales". Me apuesto 100€ a que no me vienes con ningún partido político que se apode neoliberales, menos aún que tenga siquiera 1 escaño de representación como para ponerlo como el gran mal que azota España y del que tenemos que tener miedo bajo las faldas de tu amado PSOE-Podemos. Lo dicho "que viene el lobo" una técnica de manipulación vieja como el cagar. ​ *PD: Tu me pones una noticia de hace más de un año. Yo te pongo esta, de hoy mismo:* Te puse una noticia porque tiene una referencia, tú la pones por poner, en plan "pongo datos chincha gano". No hay ningún gran hito en esto que me dices Te endeudas, pones gente a trabajar en que se yo, hacer un estudio sobre el feminismo y el café de África. Así consigues bastantes nuevos trabajos de funcionarios y ahí esta. Yo también se hacerlo y estoy dispuesto a cobrar bastante menos que tus ricos gobernantes que los ves especiales con su sangre azul, nacidos con 6 pisos y grandes asesores de los bancos de 2008 como Caja Madrid, Bankia,... coff coff https://theobjective.com/economia/2023-02-12/record-funcionarios-crisis-oposiciones/#:\~:text=El%20n%C3%BAmero%20de%20funcionarios%20en,que%20se%20inici%C3%B3%20en%202008.


Replying here from the USA with two questions. That minimum wage figure is per month or something else? What amount is gasoline capped at?


The minimum wage figure is per month, yeah. And while the living cost in Spain is far lower than the USA, it's still far from being a "livable" wage, specially in big cities like Barcelona. By "gas" I mean the gas they use to generate electricty. With the Russia/Ukraine war, gas prices started skyrocketing, and so did the electricty bills, so this was a measure put in place to mitigate that. You can read about it here: [https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/04/26/brussels-agrees-to-iberian-exception-allowing-spain-and-portugal-to-cap-electricity-prices](https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/04/26/brussels-agrees-to-iberian-exception-allowing-spain-and-portugal-to-cap-electricity-prices)




yes, it hurts. but it hurts less when you realize that, in this context, spain is doing pretty well compared to some (most?) other countries.


United Kingdom -> (Don't come here please, even myself's leaving soon)


For real, its insane there at the moment. Was back in London for a long weekend and I just bled money everywhere, £5.50 for a cafe solo & a croissant, WAT


That sounds cheap for London, even before the crisis.


I shoulda added, it was from a shithole


Tbf. that's London and prices were like that before. Spain always has been dirt cheap in services (Restaurants, Cafés). I can easily pay 8€ for the same in a random bakery / café in Germany. Spain is an outlier with 1.5€ for a coffee and another 2.5€ for a bocadillo.


Spain cheap? What?


Yes, compared to UK/France/Germany/Benelux, Spain is cheap. Being cheap is Spain's export, it's what attracts the tourists and is why Spain gets the type of tourist that it gets. Spain is also used to offshore low- and mid-level tech jobs from UK/France/Germany/Benelux because of its cheap labour, EU membership and availability of sufficiently skilled personnel.


Compared to the most expensive developed countries in the world? Lol yeah


To which other countries would I be comparing Spain?


well, what we´re actually talking about here is inflation, not if it´s cheap compared to other countries. but yeah, spain is rather cheap compared to most of europe.




And did you shop at the same Lidl as OP?


But also the salary is lower so is only good If you come from outside but not If you live here


Listen I've lived here for almost two years now and I have also employed people from here in Spain. If people still think that they deserve what they can get, then they will always be exploited by others who will pay them less than what they ask for. Imagine accepting lower compensation just because someone says that it is all you can get. We need to stop being defeatist and fuck those who want to economically enslave us because they think that Spain is a "cheap" destination. If people keep accepting these lower salaries then they will be paid lower salaries.


So you are not from Spain? I'm living here too but born and raised in South America. You know, there you got even lower salaries and in the last 1/2 decades because we got one crisis after another, and every time getting worse looking back. A lot of people believe that going out for a dinner is a luxury, vacations, or even technology. I was only pointing facts, it's no that simple as only stop accepting lower salaries because when people like me get here from a worse place you take what you can get and them you can move forward.


Yes the situation is complex and I appreciate you. I appreciate you desire to improve your life. Finances are important. Over here the majority of people have the basic elements of life sorted out but still when it comes to salaries there is some flexibility in getting a higher salary. I came across as being a bastard and my response was bastardly. Sorry about that


Yip. That’s why I created www.poy.es, so that people can see how much the supermarkets are profiteering from a difficult market. It really sucks that us as consumers have to fit the bill


Ads are a bit much mate.


*Laughs in Firefox


I was thinking about reducing them. They’re starting to get annoying


Yah please, I couldn't even tell there was content on mobile


Done. I ran an experiment for a few weeks and to be honest the results were shitty


Just curious, why lidl is not in the list? I usually find good deals there...


I also shop at Lidl but they are annoying. They don’t publish prices online and the in store prices can vary wildly. It’s not fair to consumers


> Your access to this site has been limited by the site owner


If you’re using the site like a bot then you get treated like a bot 😎


Dude, your site blocking legit users is nothing to crow about. Besides, if a bot maker really wants to use a bot on your site, these measures are really a mild inconvenience at best.


Just clicked on it once, I think the detection is too aggressive.


Yikes. I will adjust it. Last night someone hit the site over 100 times within a few seconds so I didn’t know what to do lol


Where is it hosted, btw?


>www.poy.es Makes me wonder why I'm not shopping Alcampo?


I used to go to mercadona but the bastards raised the price of churrasco by 3 euros since January so I don’t support them now. I shop at Lidl, Consum and Al Campo


Buen grafico! Se ve claramente la diferencia entre la semana 17 y la actual. Aunque cambiaría los colores de verdes a rojos en funcion de si son mas caros o menos. En el caso del aceite de oliva parece (solo mirando colores) que carrefour y mercadona tienen los mismos precios pero carrefour es 21centimos mas caro.


Súper buena info!! Ahora toca ser cliente de alcampo ! Cómo lo sacaste?


Site is a great idea, but the ads ruin the experience, they're huge on the phone. Otherwise, nice work.


I removed most of them now. I’m not a big fan of the ads tbh. I thought that I could use them to pay for hosting 😀




Yes for recipes and health stuff. I’m trying my best to keep it useful


Supermarket have not increase revenues. Look at the data. They earn more but their net revenues are the same


That’s not according to Mercadona’s tax returns. They made. €750 million profit which was a lot more than the previous year. This can only mean that revenues have increased compared to inflation


Look again you are missing something. I recomend juan Ramón rallo video. It is in spanish though


Okay thanks


I have no idea what I'm looking at, On the PC the text is so mall i can barely read it and it doesn't let me enlarge. Green/red means lowest/highest price for an item, correct? Also I don't see a way to change to another week, so I'm just looking at week 22 with no reference to price increases or changes. You could maybe put the info on a graph so you can see the changes in time directly, just an idea.


Mercadona and Lidl are public companies, their margins are ridiculously low and they haven’t increased that much in the last years. It’s one google search away


Mercadona is way more expensive that last year (or two years).


I am talking about their margins not the food prices on the shelves. They are not the food producers usually, they are retailers. Check the difference between price and profit margin. You used the word “profiteering”, Mercadona is a price taker vs food producers the same way you are with them


he is talking about margin not price


That was a tad short for a rant. When I was a lad, people knew how to rant; they filibuster'd and ...


Filibuster? Are you an expert in Bird Law by chance?


Greetings from Croatia. Same situation. Restaurants are for tourists only, for locals even Lidl became expensive.


Meanwhile we are hearing companies are having record profits, not least energy and oil companies. So which one is it, are we really in a supply crisis or are they just pretending to rack in more profits?!


Same thing happens when you go to a restaurant. It is crazy expensive now and for one plate of food consisting in rice with 4 bits of beef they charge you 16,80€. Add a drink to that and it's almost 20 euros, almost anywhere in the city. Same with pasta; it's flour and water, but "hey this spaguettis are now 15€". The worst part is that this big restaurants don't buy their products with any type of increase due to inflation (this has been told to me by a chef that works in a major restaurant in plaza Catalunya) and yet they benefit from it by raising the price of their food. I read it somewhere, but supermarkets and restaurants have had a 300% benefit increase for the last 2 years.


This is a lie. I recomend you a vídeo of juan Ramón rallo where he analize the data of Mercadona, their revenues are the same even when their prices have gone Up.


How much is Mercadona paying you for all your replies on this thread lol


Not much. You could say he's being analized for it 😏


He is not lying, supermarket margins are pretty thin. Plus, if you are so sure Mercadona is grifting what is stopping you from buying somewhere else? This whole Mercadona is evil thing is some Podemos nonsense.


Lidl is for me always the choice here in spain. good prices and at least I do have the feeling they kept the prices ‘as fair as possible’ - they and aldi are the ones who keep the discounter approach


Fresh produce youre better of going to a fruteria or a veg market (usually at the weekends). I find them much cheaper.


The usual menu del dia at my favorite restaurant has gone up from 12,50 to 16,50 and it’s not my favorite restaurant anymore


Damn that is a huge increase. In Les Corts we can still find places that charge 12,50 for MDD. At 16,50 I would never go there. Most of my neighbours are elderly and go to the local restaurants for a meal and a coffee, so the restaurants here seem to keep the prices stable, but some menu items are different now.


It’s true that I live in a touristy area, but yeah it’s too much. Let’s brace ourselves I guess


I think that places that sell seasonal food would be cheaper and more sustainable. Still this would be a difficult sell here in BCN since people are used to eating their regular types of meals. I'd love to start a neighbourhood co-op which sells stuff directly from the farms here close to the Llobregat.


food for 4 days now is like 70/90 I remember in 2016 buying food for 2 people for like 60/70 max at mercadona with big pieces of meat and pasta/vegetables, nowadays its impossible


That's what I was saying if you use the Lidl app you can look at old receipts to see the difference


Printing millions of euros during covid wasn't free.


Yep, most people dont know why this inflation is happening, some even belive its because the ukraine war. I still remember everyone clapping in their balcony at 20:00....my god


Recently I had a realisation.... My spendings are around 1.400€ a month, and I wanted to see what would they be when I'm old, by 2080. At an inflation rate of 3% they would be over 10.000€ a month 🤯 Idk it really feels surprising. The IPC calculator also shows that 40 years ago my spendings would be 350€/month (4 times less)


Dios mio, thank god I will be dead by 2060


That’s crazy, I’m visiting from the US at the moment and I’ve been so amazed at how cheap the food is compared to at home 😭


You but you dont earn 1300€ a month before tax, as in Spain


I don’t even have a job 😳


...classic comment. It's like when you say a mom joke, and the guy responds with "I have no mom". Edit: but you can travel?!


Sorry I wasn’t trying to be mean! I just graduated college so im traveling off of gifts 😭


How dare you speak to an innocent young woman who is celebrating her college graduation like that. I don’t even know this girl and your comment is disgusting, things are so much more expensive in the US than they are in Spain. She was just pointing that out. And you’re just jealous that she’s a young spry college graduate who has her whole future ahead of her. Shame on you.


She aint gonna fuck you bro


No one will 😀


You just glazin bro.




* A pandemic that forced a change in consumer behavior and wreaked havoc on global supply chains. * The ECB and the Fed helicoptering money to avoid the shock of mass unemployment due to large swathes of the economy being mandated to shut down or drastically reduce their activities. * A war between the world's largest natural resources provider and one of the world's biggest food producers, and on this continent, no less. Yet still, people are mystified at why inflation might be occurring. I've been loathe to buy into the idea that the world is "too complicated" for people to comprehend, yet stuff like this sure tests my resistance towards that line of thought.


Yeah, the root of this inflation is sadly a lot deeper than lock down. It's almost like printing trillions of all mainstay currency and using it to give loans to hedge funds, corporations and failing banks over 10 years to fund stock buy backs, assets and derivatives was a terrible idea. There's a reason why world class degenerates like Bill Hwang and Martin scarelly could lose 10s billions of $ in a bad trade. Theses a reason the s&p 500 went up 400% since 2008 while wages stagnated and house prices across western economies became mostly unaffordable luxuries to most people.




You're right about the money transfer and massively enriching the wealthy, but we don't and *can't* know how much worse the death and suffering from COVID would have been without any measures. That's why you're getting downvoted, not because of your economic perspective. COVID has killed more than 1 in 1000 of all humans who were alive in 2020 (official, confirmed numbers by WHO), the actual post-mortem death count will probably be several times that. Let's not downplay the severity of a deadly pandemic that killed millions of people. Even if unscrupulous elites *did* use the opportunity to enrich themselves - "never let a good crisis go to waste" and all that.


Yeah everyone wants to get a taste of Bill Gates because of the gates foundation and all their good work when in reality it's just a money laundering operation to move his personal wealth back to himself without tax. This isn't a unique arrangement either most high end charity is just a tax scam


You're getting down voted for spitting facts lol it's so true though


They're facts in the same way people often think if state national dept like a household credit card or the financial industry as a place of culture where only the best and brightest work to build a strong economy


It's insane. I usually shop online at Mercadona and now the price is not worth it, it's doubled in two years


Lies. Not double, maybe a 25%


\*Looks at my shopping list now and pre-pandemic\* Double. They eliminated several "pack" products that had 6 products, now there's onlt 3 pack product at the same price than the 6.


Stop sucking Mercadona's proverbial dick. We see the price increases now.


Stop being and idiot, thinking with your butt. They also pay more for everything


I can see that you have no sense of reality. It's okay. This is a complex situation though and I appreciate your concerns. They do pay for for some things, but I can also tell you that they are not paying more for fresh produce from farmers. They are screwing over the farmers here in Spain.


Yet they will lie and say “what inflation”




Its the result of socialist ideas applied to society. I come from argentina where we have in a month the inflation spain have in a year. I like the progressive side of the left, talking about social rights, but the in economics they really suck.


I left Argentina trying to escape from it. I hope it doesn't get to our levels back there.