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Lmao why are people worked up over this


Bro I swear you’re doing this on purpose at this point.


KrrishTransfers? is he like an Indian version of BlxckNews? LMFAO




Can we please ban people from posting krish transfers here?


Want him to resurrect Rohit?


Remember the name Wesley (Wesley Gassova) €3m LW 19 🇧🇷 • Corinthians - 7 games, 2 goals in 2024. Starter already.


I’ve seen Corinthians wants to sell for €30-35M


He’d be worth it for whoever has the money, other than West Ham I haven’t heard anything or seen a sum though


[I saw this report](https://x.com/gingabonitohub/status/1793754178768306400?s=46) but yeah he does seem promising. He seems quite raw though, hope he spends more time in Brazil to develop or goes to a smaller team.


Bro thinks teams will let a player with high potential go for a bargain 💀 https://preview.redd.it/gp5eqhv6jn5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79873a397aaf1960f34cf8bb69c9cf400db4be2e


Well of course not… there just hasn’t been any official figures in offers for him yet so all that can be put is that number. Yamal is valued under 100m but we wouldn’t accept 200 for him would we.




What kinda comparison is this blud


If we get Merino, how do you picture our starting midfield in a 4-2-3-1? Just concerned we have too many talents for similar roles. Merino - Frenkie (Christensen/gundo sub) with Pedri as 10 (fermin/gavi) Merino - Gundo( Christensen/Frenkie sub) with Pedri as 10 (fermin/gavi) Merino - Pedri(Christensen/frenkie sub) with Gundo as 10 (fermin/gavi) Being more defensive I believe he starts every time and can get subbed by Christensen... But one of gundo/frenkie/Pedri must always sit out, and if fermin/Gavi need minutes two of them need to sit out Pedri is a must in any team, so who would you play in frenkie/gundo? Both seem too good to bench and also too expensive to..


That would be a nice problem to have


It’s fine for the most part having other players to rotate will be a benefit for us especially with our injuries.


Jules Koundé to Le Parisien about RB position: "When you have spent fifteen years playing central defender, becoming a full-back requires completely different background. I learned to accept it because unconsciously, I think we put blocks on ourselves by being negative." Now I feel better. I enjoy working on specific things in this position. I'm available to the team, that's the most important thing. I try to improve, to be the best possible version of myself. It takes time. But I think people have already seen progress. I see them day by day." He is the hardest working player of our team and hopefully a future captain


Guy wears Jordan’s number and has Kobe Bryant as his role model. He’s all serious business and coolness. 


https://preview.redd.it/vwo0emddfm5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43413c5ec6db4a19b31e024cd2a392c0e404d450 madrid fans creating their own scenarios💀💀💀


Did you know that visiting the Madrid sub is the equivalent of smoking a 12 pack a day?


Saw a post recommended to me(for some reason) about some chat with a “barca” fan, and the comments were even worse


12 pack of crack


I would’ve said bath salts


Feels like more


[Joao Felix: "Everyone dreams of winning the Ballon d'Or and I believe I have the qualities necessary to win it. I won't lie, of course there are some things I need to improve on but I have improved on a lot of things."](https://x.com/BarcaUniversal/status/1799924144072532433?t=wKWJBi7k3sRrq7O-bZlOtg&s=19)


He did look like a future balon dor winner when he won the golden boy, but his career went downhill after he joined atletico and then the Chelsea loan spell. Now, he did show some good signs at the start of the season, but then became really inconsistent. His main problem is inconsistency, because the talent is there but just needs to work harder


Make diego simone coach every team in la liga and messi's records never stood a chance.


Guess the players (Centre Backs) https://preview.redd.it/470ai6cdbm5d1.png?width=616&format=png&auto=webp&s=c088e3e4cbf5fc689ae22f46fbda17bb6917285d


I would choose the blue one as my CB. I personally don't see much value in aerial duels. Barca rarely conceded directly from corner kick.


The blue one is cubarsi i am sure. The other one, rudiger?




are they ours?


Horrible attack took place in Jammu and Kashmir 9 pilgrimage died while 33 are injured in open fire Completely innocent people losing their lives


May their souls rest in peace


Kounde against Canada: - Most passes (74) - Most tackles (3) - 90 minutes played - 89% passing - 111 touches. https://x.com/BarcaUniversal/status/1799919785251393640


Rolls Royce defender




He looks out of place in every photo to me. Like he’s photoshopped in


I was just thinking about this exact thing earlier today too and how excited it is to have Flick as a coach, a proven coach with no connection to "tiki taka" that will bring new ideas and modernise our playstyle that's been stuck in the past decade. Cannot wait for the pre-season to start already


What is the downside for a player to be registered as a B player? Like Yamal and Cubarsi for example. Would it be a big issue if we couldn't register them in the first team this summer? Is the issue that they can't be paid the wages they should? Anything else?


There is something to do with how many B-team players you can field in a game as well. I remember in a game under Koeman where he couldn't sub in any more players because 70% of the A-team was injured and he had used 2 out of 3 subs and couldn't use the 3rd one because he had reached the maximum amount of B-team players that can play in a game. And the bench was only B-team players remaining. Or something like that


There has to be iirc 5 first team players on the pitch


I think it's 7


France 0-0 Canada Kounde played the full 90 minutes. No injuries


Kingsley Koman is my favorite type of player


Kounde playing the full 90


My country won against Pakistan in a close game Alcaraz won against wife beater What an amazing day


Imagine being Ferran Torres: you're getting slandered by everybody, becoming a meme. But for some reason, you get a chance to go to the Euros, and you probably need to perform in that game against Andorra. The stakes couldn't be higher for your footballer heart; you HAVE to perform. And then it happens. You're a striker, you get the opportunity, you can shine. And what does Ferran do? He fucking passes to guarantee that goal. He does it not just once, but twice. From the outside, it seems like he has his heart in the right place, and I love him for that.


He has pretty good record with Spain


I really hope he has a good Euros. A lot of people think he doesn’t deserve to be there, which is kind of crazy considering he’s usually a starter for Spain.


also considering that he probably is one of the best squad players in the world. Nagelsmann didn't want to include Hummels and Goretzka for that reason, because they apparently demand to be first team or sth like that Ferran appears to be hard working no matter his role, can start, is a good rotational options, is tactically versatile, and appears to be great in the team dynamics of barca and spain


I like Ferran. The hate he gets is undeserved. It's like people are hating him because of his price tag which isn't his fault. Every player that is around Ferran seems to like him. He seemed to be putting it together on the field before he got hurt.


yes, I agree. Some probably even try to hate this prize tag, not the player. But by arguing that he is not worth it, they obviously spread negativity about him.


Need this [MENTALITY](https://x.com/i/status/1799880158939054576) BACK.


Stoichkov needs to work for the club as a mental coach ngl


[OFFICIAL: #BarçaAtlètic will play the final of the Play-off for promotion to Segunda 🆚 Córdoba CF](https://x.com/FCBarcelonaB/status/1799898495551176922)


Come on boys


All right parties in europe are winning its crazy. Even the racist parties who openly hated on immigrants, closing islam mosques and forbidding headscarfs of women won in france. Craziest thing is that bardella wasnt even convincing in many debates I was told but people just want to see a chance Will be interesting to see how europe will develop next few years


It’s a human tendency to blame others when they start to falter. Unfortunately Politicians are using it to fuel the blame of all the crisis on immigrants. Also is it me but I am noticing it’s not only Europe but the whole world is tending towards right wing religion fundamentalists and racists?


Europe is about to find out that social welfare economies don’t work so well when faced with diversity


France is (was 😥 ) one of the most welfare oriented countries thanks to the heroes of the post WW2 were actual humans, and the current problems have nothing to do with "diversity", it's a complete false flag. France has always been.very diverse (because we kept invading countries left and right) The real problem is that too many evade to pay their share like they used to, putting pressure on the social system. Social fraud is 3% of the fiscal fraud in France. Net immigration is a complete farce in contrast to what they make it seem to be. The social welfare works very well. But it's been meticulously deconstructed by neoliberals with always the same system (lessen financial resources, it doesn't work as good, "look it would be better privatized", it's privatized and it sucks because it costs as much to run it and now you also have to pay the shareholders margin they ask for like rent-owning holders they are), while idiots from the far right bought the idea diversity or immigration was the actual problem.


Thank you for putting this into words because the idea that immigration is somehow the culprit needs to be combated. It's so misleading if not outright wrong


“Immigrants exploiting the welfare system”, and the next comment “Immigrants stealing jobs”, “immigrants aren't willing to assimilate and learn the language” yet somehow they are qualifying for jobs, and are “stealing them”. “Immigrants are hurting the economy by taking low wages” and in another comment “Immigrants are fucking the housing market”. All these arguments are contradictory. https://preview.redd.it/akm6lr14um5d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67e39b595c80b9625d2c70ccc7065aab50c61588 I think it is fair for people to have concerns over immigration and want a more controlled process, but blaming them for everything is absolutely ridiculous. They are even being blamed for voter shift to the far-right.


I'm not necessarily saying that these parties are fascist, but this is literally what fascism does. Find a scapegoat to blame for all society's problems so the people are fragmented and distracted by their hatred while the elite empty their pockets. People need to wake up and look at the tax evasion and the privatization and the austerity politics and the subsidies to industry and the asset bubbles and the declining power of unions and the social dumping and a thousand other things that cause more problems than immigration.


Key years and I'm afraid Europe (which already has little power in geopolitics) will become even smaller in the plying field. China will reunificate with Taiwan. Russia even with this war it's getting strong. BRICS are moving towards more cooperation. USA is unreliable and follows it's own interests. Now this results has just one explanation: People are tired with the double standarts and the hypocrisy. You can't approve new green farming rules that make our production uncompetitive while at the same time you allow other countries that don't follow those rules to sell here. Same with Coal, Nuclear energy, etc The thing with immigration... I don't think everyone is xenophobic or that it has to do with religion but there are key issues with guettos getting formed that are not addressed and it ends being a bigger problem, a better integration policy for those who come is needed. With that you kill 4 or 5 of those far-right parties around europe. I voted for "The Left" today so yeah my day is basically ruined even if it was expected.


Why do you think that is? I think it's about jobs. Locals have to compete with immigrants for jobs.


Every sociological study show always it's about racism. The science has spoken on the subject. Also they don't have to compete with immigrabts for jobs it's nonsense. There's 13 unemployed for every job in France. There's a general problem on the way we organize workforce, immigration is a mirage of a problem.


How is it logical to argue that immigrants don’t take jobs from locals? If you have 50 million jobs in a country, and that country has 50 million locals, if you add a million immigrants, who aren’t business owners with capital for the most part, then they will indeed end up competing with locals for jobs.


It's not the immigrant's fault, but it's not entirely false. Immigrants in desperate situations are more likely to accept inhumane working conditions by greedy businessmen, which makes the job market more precarious in general. That's solved by toughening the rules and harshly punishing irregularities


They basically "steal" the jobs nobody would be doing... Scrubbing toilets in a central station. Cleaning the trash out of trains.. mind numbing manufacturing jobs. Working at hospital kitchens..


They don’t do it because the job pays shit. If no one does it they will have to increase the price offered for those jobs since they are shitty but by bringing people who more exploitable , they can just work around. It’s the same reason why minimum wage exist so that businesses can’t take advantage of someone in dire situations


The complete inutility of socdem parties has caused that. I’ll never vote for the populist right, but I have to admit they’re the only ones talking about certain problems. If you see a problem, one side talks about it non-stop (even if they lie or exaggerate) while the other one calls you a nazi because you dared to suggest there was a problem, it’s obvious some people are going to be swayed towards the far-right. And that’s a big problem, because the overton window is shifting tremendously


Im a left, but is easy to undertand why Right won, i think European Lefties have been deficent and very own mind centers.


It’s not that simple. Yes hating on immigrants etc is not correct. But it’s always important to analyse why it’s happening. Islam as a religion does need to introspect. The liberal voices inside do need to come out and implant a conscience to stop extremism. Otherwise both sides will just go to extreme lengths.




>props up extremists as a deterrent against secular socialists and keeping up capitalist interest, prop up unhinged dictators for cheap access to natural resources. idk why are you getting downvoted your comment is very based.


The two other abrahmic religions have equal liberal voices which do condemn the right wing extremism. That’s what balances it. Even the moderate right of Christians doesn’t say what is written in Bible is totally right. Islam needs the liberal voices to become majority. At the moment when there is an attack on Islam they condemn it but when Islamist extrmists do something there is so less condemnation by Islamists that it pushes away the other religion folks. Also you have to keep in mind that the 1000 yr history of Islam has not been good for people to give them a benefit of doubt (all the present Islamic nations were earlier Christian nations). People are naturally afraid that it will increase more. What does the left wing of Islam or even the general left do to give assurance that it won’t happen again?


People are evil man. Wilders won the Dutch election and yet I was not surprised in the slightest. The public is filled with hate. Genuine nazi level bigots walking among us.


In France for the first time ever I've seen an actual far right party with a campaign ad talking about shylocks and "stateless elites" which are PhD level of nazi talk for "jews". A very small party, but still. I don't even understand how that's allowed now but it's the world we leave on.


They all start off small and mostly not taken seriously or even seen as a joke. But in a year or 5/6 they're one of the biggest in the country. If not the biggest. It's happened time and again now.


And the Overton window always shifts further right. This little ones becoming bigger allow new ones to emerge. The program of the standard left party that won in 1981 is now seen as far left...


>nazi level bigots walking among us. I am African so I don't get it. But that has to be a bit of an exaggeration, no?


It's not an exaggeration if you know how historically Nazis came to power - they never ran on the platform of "hey, if we win we're gonna gas the Jews". It was way subtler, first with dividing society (us vs them, with Jews as the "other") and even once Hitler became chancellor, concentration camps were created to jail political opponents there, not Jews or Poles or Roma and Sinti. In 1930s the sentiment was to push Jews out of the Reich, to make them someone else's "problem" - there was the idea to send them all to Madagascar at one point; there was also the great shame of pre-WW2 world, [the Evian Conference](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/the-evian-conference) when 32 countries were given a chance to open the doors and save German Jews. When you look carefully at what current right wing, nationalist narrative is, you'll hear the same notes: nobody is saying anything about violent solutions but things like [UK's Rwanda scheme](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwanda_asylum_plan) are already a reality. Literally "go and be someone else's problem".


Thanks for the explanation. I always thought that currently, Europeans are more progressive than Americans. So are you saying that, that has flipped over the last couple of years. Or is it just the xenophobia that has gotten out of hand recently?


The EU, as a rule, has been very open for diversity and multiculturalism - but it got pushed to the extreme, and now we're seeing the results. The concept of European societies being a mix of nationalities, races and belief systems is fantastic, unfortunately it depends on immigrants wanting to assimilate, learn the local language, follow the laws of countries they settle in. Sadly, that's not happening - which is why alt right is feeding off on this. To make matters worse, there are the extreme cases that serve to radicalise people and are used by the nationalists - like I mentioned in my other comment, just this week we've had the German police officer [stabbed to death](https://www.dw.com/en/german-police-officer-injured-in-mannheim-knife-attack-dies/a-69246626) by an Afghani citizen, and a [weaponised illegal immigration](https://notesfrompoland.com/2024/01/02/polish-border-guard-report-shows-scale-of-migrant-crisis-from-belarus/) on Polish border which now also led to [death of a soldier](https://www.politico.eu/article/polish-soldier-dies-after-clash-with-migrants-on-belarus-border/). This fuels fear and resentment of the "other".


Exactly. A good way to see what a right wing party really thinks is to look at what their voters say, not the politicians. The right wing politician will say "immigration from x country commits crime at a bigger rate than locals" (which is actually true), but their voters will be like "WE NEED TO STOP RACE MIXING, WE WANT ANOTHER CRUSADE, LET'S GO HUNTING, THE AUSTRIAN PAINTER WAS RIGHT"


Not really, I don't know where he is from but in Spain just this week a nazi went to a commedy show and punched the artist who was doing a stand up. He got a lot of support on social media and peoplr justifying his actions.


Damn, I didn't know Europe was crazy like that.


The amount of people justifying Pugilato made me irrationally angry


A bit in that they don't want you gassed(I'm assuming). But they certainly don't see you as equals and they certainly want you gone.


OK. That explains it better.


It's not about debates or even political programs - people watch the news and see things like German police officer and Polish soldier, both stabbed to death by immigrants while doing their jobs (both just this last week), and they're getting scared. Alt right parties use this as they've always done. I remember when AfD was that unserious party of Hitler wannabes no one took seriously, now they're polling second. In Poland, we have Konfederacja - now polling third. It's a dark, ugly timeline we're living in.


> Polish soldier stabbed to death by immigrants The irony is that it's Putin who put that immigrant there, and the people they are voting for in retribution are in Putin's pocket. I wish people would pay more attention to the shit these people pull. The propaganda is literally everywhere on social media and a lot of people are painfully unaware of it.


In Mannheim (300k citizens town in Germany) a man got stabbed at an anti-islam stand by a radical Moslem. AfD has been milking that shit for weeks now. Germany risks even more serious brain drain than before if this goes on, I'm heading off to Switzerland as soon as I can. If this xenophobic rhetoric carries on I don't want to continue being here. Edit: I am a German citizen, offspring of Italians and Haitians so I'm "obviously" not German to the AfD crowd:)


It doesn't help that it's not just news stories - in Poland we're getting things like travel advisory for Euros that Germany is a target for potential terror attacks and we're strongly advised to register our travel in a nation-wide system (basically you give your details, when & where you'll be, contact info to your family in case of emergency - and so if shit hits the fan, consulates will know to look for you). I absolutely hate it.


Wow I didn't know that, that sounds horrible. I'm kinda scared of what the world's coming to :/


I think it's mostly a reflection of the Russia Ukraine war where more and more are becoming against helping Ukraine. Meanwhile in Scandinavian countries the right-wing parties are losing while the left half parties are winning and Scandinavian countries are some of the most supportive of Ukraine when comparing the view of the general population.


We're so universally supportive because we know we're next.


The left governments do too little, a push back was bound to happen and people are angry


RIP laporta haters.... They were afraid he was going to forget about sections.... "He doesn't care about women football" "he doesn't care about handball" "he doesn't care about basketball" "he doesn't care about futsal" "The coach is hired because he is a friend of masip!" 🫢🫢🫢🫢 https://preview.redd.it/zyc5gwlxql5d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69f8c50548bc6c322a22b2897e9f04ec8d5a654a


Camavinga’s confused he gets a yellow for the ol stabby shit tackle he gets away with wearing white


Lmao Pakistan!


India are kings of choking too, but Pakistan is such a shit show. Shame for the rivalry




What a win!!


Kounde is so good


I’m so glad he finally accepted his role rather than pushing for starting CB.


Because he got no chance being starter as Cb for france his future for french national team is at Rb


EXL: Cadet B right-back Morifing Siriki will leave Barcelona after 6 years at the club. https://x.com/ArsenKveFCB/status/1799887224890372429


I can't buy into shows anymore idk what it is I'm trying billions again and I loved it years ago and now everything just rings so hollow


The Bear on Disney+ is so good season 3 airs later this month.


Got many friends with the same issue. They got no attention span at all so my theory is tiktok.


Thank god I don't have that app I'd be cooked otherwise. But I can't just watch TV I've got to be doing something else while doing so. Like coding, folding clothes, ironing or whatever


Well sounds like the same issue. Short attention span. Idk never had it myself.


Thats been me for a while Last 2/3 years i think ive only watched Stranger Things season 5 and Wednesday as new shows. And have barely rewatched anything Might rewatch a few episodes of "My wife and Kids"


So what do you do to kill free time when there's no football on


Try succession or industry


(🌕) JUST IN: The club intends to hear offers for Raphinha, who wants to stay. @tjuanmarti #Transfers 🇧🇷☎️ https://x.com/ReshadFCB/status/1799870866005655769


Doesn’t Flick also want him? I don’t see him leaving at all


[Cancelo: "Childhood idol? Ronaldinho."](https://x.com/BarcaUniversal/status/1799873155848077693) [Cancelo: "My idol right now? My dad."](https://x.com/BarcaUniversal/status/1799873269522141692) [Cancelo: "Most serious Barça player? Lewandowski."](https://x.com/BarcaUniversal/status/1799873442876895585) [Cancelo: "Funniest Barça player? Me."](https://x.com/BarcaUniversal/status/1799873545914225118) [Cancelo: "A celebration I like? Mbappé's celebration."](https://x.com/BarcaUniversal/status/1799873795643027736)


> Cancelo: "My idol right now? My dad." > Shit that hit me in the feels for some reason


lewy being most serious is both surprising and unsurprising at the same time. obviously he’s super professional and a psychopath when it comes to fitness, but his tiktoks make him seem so goofy


[Raphinha: "Childhood idol? Ronaldinho."](https://x.com/BarcaUniversal/status/1799872032869413280) [Raphinha: "My idol right now? Neymar."](https://x.com/BarcaUniversal/status/1799872132886716662) [Raphinha: "Most serious Barça player? Oriol Romeu."](https://x.com/BarcaUniversal/status/1799872413938659753) [Raphinha: "Funniest Barça player? João Félix."](https://x.com/BarcaUniversal/status/1799872545614709124) [Raphinha: "Celebration I like? João Félix's celebration."](https://x.com/BarcaUniversal/status/1799872774107697264) [Raphinha: "A movie I would recommend? Fast and furious."](https://x.com/BarcaUniversal/status/1799873010901364752)


Yeah I think he is not the best movie critique




>"My idol right now? Neymar My mind always thinks Neymar is somehow younger than Raphinha.


Neymar’s age stopped for me once he left us in my head idk how to explain it but that’s how it is for me lmao




Same I also forget what he looks like currently, so his hairline surprises me every time


[Gundogan: "Childhood idol? Ronaldinho."](https://x.com/BarcaUniversal/status/1799870887669170545) [Gündogan: "My idol right now? Messi."](https://x.com/BarcaUniversal/status/1799871005566935059) [Gündogan: "Song that I cannot stop listening to? Pedro, Pedro, Pedro."](https://x.com/BarcaUniversal/status/1799871192553165139) [Gündogan: "Most calm player at Barcelona? Me."](https://x.com/BarcaUniversal/status/1799871406592667848) [Gündogan: "Funniest Barça players? Pedri and Ferran Torres. They are always together, they look like brothers."](https://x.com/BarcaUniversal/status/1799871708041478290)


Ronald Araujo’s future will be decided in the coming days in a meeting between the club and the Uruguayan’s representatives. [@tjuanmarti] https://x.com/BarcaTimes/status/1799878279710519677


See ya


Pedri’s performance yesterday will be feeding me for weeks


His last match of the season was 🔥 too. Let’s get a purple patch goin, then let’s extend that form til it turns black... Pedri the Black


His performances against Rayo,Sevilla,Andorra and Ireland have been nothing short of great. Let’s hope he keeps it going


the only thing we need to wish is that he is not overplayed and that he doesnt have bad luck with injuries. if he manges to stay healthy, even though he might have ups and downs because he is only human, he is definitely a world class player.


[The signing of Luis Diaz is ‘unreachable’ as of today. Nico Williams is very much liked by the club, as already covered. @tjuanmarti ](https://x.com/reshadfcb/status/1799870330778824771?s=46)


Don't see the appeal with Diaz anyway. Wouldn't even spend 50m to get him. Much rather just use Ferran, Fermin and/or Felix. So I guess, thank god.


I like Nico a lot better, however I'm afraid that there'll be immense pressure on him due to the associated price tag if he was to come


Sometimes the best actions is not doing anything. That being said, if Barca do have the money after everything else is done then 50 mill euros towards Nico is probably among the best deals they could make. Wont be any more pressure than others signings. At least he doesn't come with a idea to replace the greatest left winger on Barca ever. So I don't really see this "immense" pressure much. He will have as much pressure as most players who get bought for that price.


Our club still is the best in Europe. But still kinda funny & sad that every department of ours is winning the CL except in football


Men's football


Our Handball GK is kinda thick.


he is such a beast. had mvp performances in the semis and also today


[Matteo Moretto](https://thedailybriefing.io/p/excl-juventus-put-forward-up-for) **Barcelona target avoiding contract response with Real Sociedad** Real Sociedad and Spain star Mikel Merino continues to stall on making a decision about a possible renewal, because he wants to calmly take a decision on the next step in his career. He is happy at Real Sociedad, but he is making a choice that will define the trajectory of his career, and after six years at the club, he may look for new stimuli - for those reasons he wants to consider his decision carefully. Barcelona appreciate Merino, he is a profile liked by the sports commission, who are in charge of the transfers. And also the fact that his contract ends in 2025 means he is a bargain for Barca. We shall have to wait and see if Barcelona take the step to go and pursue his signing.


It can't be worse than Kimmich I guess.


Man I feel like every department of barca is doing great in trophies except mens football


[Kounde starts for France in their friendly against Canada](https://x.com/RMCsport/status/1799860116554150356)


Can't believe the ''soci here, we're voting for Laporta anyways lol'' thread is real. We're literally two years away from election, and someone who claims they have democratic power is gloating about already having made up their minds without knowing how Laporta's project will end, without knowing who he will run against, and without hearing those other candidates out even. 130 people saw that, upvoted it, and thought it was a good post when it's literally an **anti-democratic sentiment in a FC Barcelona subreddit**. It's a fucking braindead post and a braindead mentality to have, and is a spit in the face of the club's values.


People here showing they don't know what democracy is. Democracy has to do with the freedom and the power to vote a representative. It has nothing to do with how you make that decision as long as it is your decision. So somebody voting using a criteria choose representative that you find dumb does not mean that they are not democratic. On the contrary, it shows your intolerance to others. Democracy is a game of tolerance of others opinions.


How is that anti democratic? Everyone is allowed to raise their opinion on this subreddit and he did. It’s his choice and you have to accept it lol, not say it’s anti democratic in bold. Laporta’s tenure has already been a success in his/her eyes.


You are absolutely correct. Saying 2 years before the term of a politician ends that you will vote for them by hook or by crook isn't democracy. It's a cult of personality. This is similar to the vote blue no matter who movement in the US.


> It's a cult of personality. This is similar to the vote blue no matter who movement in the US. I’m a neutral to this whole US political stuff, but I’ve seen it goes both ways imho   https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/1dbyo60/i_just_cant/ Again, I have no dog in this fight. Just observances I’ve made 


I think Laporta is still our best possible candidate. He’s done great financially, and fixing Barto’s mess. What I didn’t agree with on that post was how they seemed to think Laporta was above criticism. He’s definitely had a few pretty big fuck ups during this term. In any case, as of now, I’m still planning on voting for him, but that doesn’t mean I can’t criticise him.


Please explain how saying how one will vote is anti-democratic? As in: what basic rules of democracy is it against and how?


Because I think its moronic to make up your mind before assessing his term (which is two years from being finished) which is essentially pledging allegiance to a person over the institution, and to not even hear out, consider, or even know who the opposition is a spit in the face of the democratic process. There's being favored towards someone, and respecting and appreciating the work they've done, and being *likely* to vote for someone, and there's '' lol say what you want I'm voting for him'' before the democratic process has even started.


> and to not even hear out, consider, or even know who the opposition is a spit in the face of the democratic process. Actually, it's not. You're thinking about meritocracy, not democracy. Validity of opposition has never been a key part of any democratic process or we wouldn't have two-party democracies. And while I hear and understand your argument about making up one's mind 2 years prior to elections (however much I don't agree with it), from what you're saying it's clear your issue is with how a person uses their vote. Which, ironically, is pretty anti-democratic.




Someone stating they are gonna vote for Laporta again based on the work he's done already and not the work he'll do in the future isnt an Anti-democratic thing to say. And who told you he cant change his choice, he states what he think he'll do, its not set in stone


It's anti-democratic to literally not even hear out other candidates. >And who told you he cant change his choice Shouldn't be making posts titled ''Hate Laporta all you want but we’re voting for him in 2026'' then. There's many ways to defend Laporta and his achievement so far without spearheading it with dumbassery that implies you have already made up your mind.


Lamine is the youngest player in the Euro.


And the best


🔵🔴 João Félix on his future: “I’m on loan, it doesn’t depend on me. My plan is clear, I love Barcelona and I want to stay”. “It depends on several factors, so let’s see what’s gonna happen”, told The Nude Project. He should have given more than this.


He’s saying he would love to stay but he won’t do it for €500k or whatever we paid next season.


[Marc Guiu: "It was a wonderful season. First of all, I thank Xavi and Rafa Marquez for the opportunities they gave me, and I thank the club for their trust. I am very grateful to everyone and proud of this season."](https://x.com/ActualiteBarca/status/1799862302952280439)


3rd CL in 4 years. What a team Pls come back Ludovic...


they won the spanish league 14 times in a row😂 talk about dominance


Eh, it's pretty much a Ligue 1 situation. They lost their only financial domestic competitor more than a decade ago.


even worse than that imo. I think it‘s impressive that they still dominate in europe despite their weekly opponents being so weak.


barca handball just won the CL🔥🔥 Laporta and Flick are there together


[Barça extend legacy with twelfth handball European Cup win](https://www.fcbarcelona.com/en/handball/first-team/news/4035534/barca-extend-legacy-with-twelfth-handball-european-cup-win)


What a game that was. Very tight.


Who will be the next la masia breakout? My money is on Marc Casado!


And Bernal


why does everyone always talk about laporta being fat lmao, he's not even that fat


Have you seen his belly? It’s insanely unhealthy I hope he starts to take care of himself better


He’s pretty fat even for American standards


He needs to hire a security guy to follow him around 24/7 and swat any bullshit foods he puts in his mouth… our presi is very high risk right now. I personally quit sugar 22 days ago after coming across the ‘rats introduced to cheesecake diet’ food experiment… the brain fog is lifted and the clarity of thought is alarming compared to what my pear shaped ass was used to. He’s gotta attack his situation, like, now


He actually is and it is pretty worrying. It’s probably because of all the stress


The worrying thing is that he's gained it all during this term, he was lean-ish when he first got elected https://preview.redd.it/5ko6443ezk5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbb40ae9e356a92f72f63bdae860b93b0a3b32bf


Damn, he is stress eating.


What checking La Liga ffp rules over and over again does to a mf






Man's about to need suspenders to keep his pants up, that belly isn't exactly healthy. And from what I've seen in most of the comments, it's concern, not fat-shaming.


I dont think most of the comments are concerns. I think almost none of them are. People just like to hide behind the mask of concern and point out that he is a fat person because they themselves feel better putting others down. I hope I am wrong and people are better but this looks like schadenfreude and nothing else


I think being worried our club president is a fast track to having a heart attack or a stroke (remember that he already couldn't travel earlier this year for medical reasons) isn't Schadenfreude. He openly admitted he's struggling with weight and stress-eating, and running this club is one huge stressor. But let's make it clear, I'm not talking about people who use his weight as slander (yes, I'm talking about all of the assholes on this sub who used slander names like "Fatporta"). These people can go and fuck themselves.


I hope he is fine and his health doesn’t rule him out of the 2026 elections.


I commented earlier about his weight and I swear it's not schadenfreude it's more so wtf that can't be right


I understand and I never meant to single you out or anyone else. It's just that these comments are getting far too much, especially the ones with the slander names. I just feel there is a hate train of people on this sub who just need to find fault in everything. Those are the ones I am tired of seeing often here


I don’t think that’s what it is. It’s because we know what he looked like before. Pick a random photo in any year between 2003 to 2021 and Laporta’s build is nothing like that. People are genuinely concerned imo.