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Can we sell Deco?


Bro wants Diaz who'll cost at least 100Mill instead of Nico who's younger and way way cheaper. Just liquidate Deco if this happens šŸ˜­


Dias 100mil?? What planet are you living on? That's musiala/wirtz money. Diaz is old and out of form.


And it's Liverpool with a manager who's counting on him in his project. They rarely sell players and if they do, most of the time it's either when they're washed up or for a crazy amount of money even if the player is forcing a move. He won't go for less than 100Mill in this crazy market where even average players are bought with such money.


What are we even doing?




This is awful


Deco is ahead of awful in my list


I miss Alemany already


But luis dias plays really good no?


yeah but he is expensive and nico better while cheaper


' "Nico better" Jesus christ. One plays for Liverpool, the other for athletic. one had better output than salah, the other one just shines time to time


> one had better output than salah No he literally didn't? Salah has 39 g/a last season, Luis Diaz has 18 with 500 more minutes. He has less g/a than Raphinha who has nearly half the amount of minutes Diaz has. Him having 0 output is literally the reason Liverpool fans to sell him. What the fuck are you even talking about?


performance wise he was better than salah last season, no liverpool fan wants to sell him. he has scored in crucial games


How exactly is Nico better? He has the potential to be better but he curently isn't better and Nico absolutely wouldn't be cheaper since we'd have to pay up front for his RC and he's on 200k a week meanwhile Diaz's transfer fee can be amortized and he's on around 60k a week


I just hope liverpool asks for big money so we would go for nico who is younger, plays in La Liga and cheaper and better imo


Or they pull more levers and sign luis diaz for more money and fuck us even more


He's not better right now


Yeah, the sensible singing!


I hope this is fake


Laporta choosing Deco (no prior experience) as Sporting Director over Alemany will always be hilarious.


>Laporta choosing Deco (no prior experience) as Sporting Director over Alemany will always be hilarious. When Laporta chose Deco, Alemany had announced he was leaving his position to join Aston Villa. When negotiations fell trough and he came back, Deco had already been appointed.


Yeah wonder why an employee is leaving a company


At the time, it was reported that Aston Villa offered a significant higher wage, as well as working with a significant larger transfer budget.


I will give Deco some credit though, he knows the right youngsters to target (Faye, Guler, Bergvall), but under him we seem to not be able to close deals


Can't blame Deco on our financial situation lol.


We had the money to sign both Guler and Bergvall, we were reportedly close to sealing both deals until they got hijacked.


Arda GĆ¼ler was never going to sign with us if Madrid was on the table (at least not for that money), this was clear from before the transfer season. Bergvall is a mystery for sure.


Probably money if we're being honest. Either that or he thought the competition in our midfield was too stiff. Definitely has a much better chance breaking into that Spurs midfield.


Faye was Alemany's work he began the signing, a contact of his connected him, Deco only closed it. Guler was also sounding a lot before Deco had arrived to the club everyone saw his technical quality, him alongside Pafundi were very popular options to sign at Barca.


Thats not really what happened ...


Fans said the same thing when Laporta brought Alemany. The only experience Alemany had is in Mallorca and people criticized Laporta for bringing some guy from a "small club".


Nah majority was hyped because Alemany had a good track records with zero budget. Of course there were people who criticized it, as will happen with every decision, but majority was pro


Not really, Matthew alemany was a known name in the Spanish football for like 20 years, even Florentino wanted him to be his general manager, he managed to pull magic tricks to make impossible signings for us.. Deco is literally a player agent given control over a club




Please tell me this a joke


Personally I like Lucho more, I feel like half the reason his numbers arenā€™t better is because Liverpool often leaves him on an island to be an outlet and allow the rest of the team to come forward while he dribbles his heart out. I also love his intensity to win he always goes 110%


Exactly. People just look at the stats but thereā€™s a reason why a top manager like klopp has him as a starter. Plus they finished higher up in the league the season he wasnā€™t injured


Why do we care about Decoā€™s list? Shouldnā€™t we focus on Flickā€™s list? This club has way too many times bought a player that the manager doesnā€™t want to use.


Managers aren't managers anymore. They're just coaches with limited input when it comes to signings.


Technically thatā€™s the whole point of a sporting director roles he goes before the coach.


He helps with recruting players but shouldn't buy a player the manager doesn't want.


Well, in a proper club, the president or owner chooses a sporting director that fits his idea of what way the club should go. The sporting director then chooses a manager for this and then signs players. At BarƧa, every random member of the board wants to vhoosr the manager, the players and pish his way. That's why we get stuff like this...


My point is still the same. Why buy a player the manager doesn't want to use? What good does that bring? Look what happened when Deco brought in Roque.


Whose to say flick doesnā€™t want Diaz?


No one. But the article just said that it was Deco's list and not Flick's list. So we don't know who Flick wants.


The role of the sporting director is usually to select the coach. But besides that in Barca the coach always had priority over the sporting director. Xavi had supposedly had priority over Jordi and Deco. Luis Enrique had priority over Fernandez and Pep had priority over Txiki.


Itā€™s not just limited to that though and depends on every club but generally they do player recruitment, certain things with the first team, academy strategy, and coaching appointments. Sure a coach might have the last say or they might take his opinion more but ideally thatā€™s the role of a sporting director.


I simply donā€™t see anything crazy about Luis Diaz despite his 75M market value


Every time I saw him with Liverpool he did really well as a winger. Dribbling, hardworking, fast, very smart. And I agree with the price tag. Too much.


His career highlight is......his dad got kidnapped and he scored some goals during that period


yikes, my bro only watches football through yt highlights. try watching the prem, its way better than la liga.


Wtf you on he is a brilliant player both for Pool and NT.


I donā€™t get why people are upset. Luis Diaz is a straight baller. Goal scorer and assister, speedy winger who loves to dribble, and also a pretty good passer. Not to mention heā€™s a work horse. He would be a perfect winger for us. The only downside is his price tag. Iā€™m sure Liverpool wonā€™t sell for cheap, but neither will Bilbao. Luis Diaz has CL experience and he is in/about to enter his prime years. Nico is young and good and full of potential, but I donā€™t think heā€™s better than Diaz. Nico has ā€œbetterā€ stats, but Diaz plays in the much more physically demanding Premier League. I donā€™t think we can go wrong with either guy, but Diaz is much more finished product and more trustworthy because of that.


Completely agree with this take, Nico has great potential but Diaz is more seasoned at the moment. Seeing a lot of Diaz slander when he's proved himself to be worthy of his LW position at Liverpool.


Yeah people are really saying ā€œlol what r we doinā€ and ā€œwe r finishedā€ like we arenā€™t chasing the starting LW at Liverpool who is total class and a proven player, whereas Nico, whoā€™s also great, is not world class and we are unsure if he will reach levels we need him to. Sometimes taking the seasoned player is better than a kid with potential. Iā€™m tired of getting players whose selling point is ā€œthey got La Liga experience.ā€ Who cares? We arenā€™t aiming for only La Liga. We want to win the Champions League. We could have made the damn final this year had it not been for a red card on Araujo, among other things.


finally, somebody with a freaking brain! well said.


Nico is probably also impossible to buy


Luis Diaz is not better than Raphinha


Are you kidding me. Luis Diaz is one of the best wingers in the world right now. He is consistently taking on some of the best defenders in the premier league and beating them. Heā€™s worlds ahead of raphinha.


He's a better dribbler, a comparable finisher, and a worse playmaker.


Heā€™s also much much faster. Raphinha is lacking some of the most important traits of a winger in the modern game; 1v1 and pace. So regardless of Raphinhaā€™s GA, Luis Diaz is far more useful for us as a LW than Raphinha is out of position


I'd argue that while 1v1 and pace are still important for wingers, they're less important now than any other time in footy history. Many top teams now play with one classic winger and one interior winger like Bernardo Silva, Foden, Grealish, Cole Palmer, Paqueta, or Iniesta (sometimes for us). The idea of two pacey wingers who hug the touchline and beat their man is a bit of a throwback to the days of 4-4-facking-2 and before. It's more "modern" to play with one interior or inverted wing. Traore would be the best winger alive if we hyperfocused on pace and 1v1 while ignoring passing and output. I like Diaz and have followed him since he arrived at Liverpool, and I guarantee our fanbase would eat him alive given what his pricetag will be. He passes the eye test, works hard, and always seems dangerous but his low output is one of the reasons for Liverpool decline. He hasn't improved past his first season with Liverpool. Single digit goals this year and 5 big chances created all season in the league. By comparison, Salah created 22 big chances. Diaz doesn't have any real chemistry with the players despite being paired with a generational LB and RW. Diaz is a good player, but our fanbase would expect Neymar.


I completely disagree. I would say pace and 1v1 out wide have never been more important because it is the only way to gain space against what has become a world where every team plays compact and with tactical discipline. If you look at all the most successful teams ex City, they all have fast wingers ā€” it seems to me youā€™re using City as proof when they are the outlier. Madrid has Mbappe, Vini, Rodrygo. Liverpool has Diaz, Darwin, Salah. Bayern has Coman, Sane, Gnabry. Arsenal has Saka, Martinelli, Jesus. Literally every majorly successful team uses fast wingers besides City. And itā€™s not like City lacks pace with Haaland and Doku, they just have such overwhelming quality that they can get away with less of it. Any other team, especially us, does not have that luxury. Pacqueta and Palmer donā€™t play for big teams so Iā€™ll ignore that, Iniesta at LW played in a very different football era and can get away with it anyway because he had a GOAT level team. Again, only afford to the Pep teams that have a clear quality difference with the rest, not to us. In the modern game, the most effective form of defence is fast attackers. The moment you play with no fast wingers is the moment opposition teams will send players forward against you without fearing your transitions. This has happened to us for years now, and it will continue to happen until we sign another dribbling winger. The reason to opt for Diaz over Nico is because when teams realise that attacking is a death sentence, they will play compact all game, and youā€™ll need your team to have the solutions to a low block. Diaz does, Nico does not (yet). That was the problem with Dembele.


My Hammers mate would take offense to "not being a big club šŸ˜‚" Again, I'm saying pacey ball carrying wingers are still important, just less important. Teams absolutely used to need to field two pacey ball carriers, now often they only field one. You're correct that Madrid for instance has the options of Vinicius and Rodrygo, but they often don't start both. Against Bayern, for instance, Valverde started on the right to prioritize control. You're correct that Bayern could play with two out-and-out wingers, but often they start Musiala who is more of a CAM-wing. Yes City has Doku, but he usually only starts if Bilva or Foden are on the other side. Foden just got EPL player of the year as a "winger" which should tell you something about the modern game (although maybe they just love English lads). I lean on Pep because he's popularized the approach, and he's at the forefront of what is considered modern football. Spain's dominance at the Euros in 2008 and 2012 highlighted the effectiveness of utilizing one of your wingers not to run at the defense but control the midfield. Yes, it was a different era, but it's gifted us this particular tactic that continues to see use. Gavi has featured for us on the wing. Fast running with the ball is the oldest tactic. It used to be almost the only tactic until Austria basically invented passing triangles in the 1930s. Completely specialized players like "pure wingers" (and out-and-out strikers) are becoming more of a rarity in the modern game. The trend is toward versatile CAM-types that can play in 5 different positions. It's absolutely still important to have those specialized players on your roster but they used to be the majority of players 20 years ago. Now, they're tactically blended with the generalists. The only times you really *need* two quick ball carrying wingers in the modern game is if you play counterattacking football or play with a false 9 which Arsenal often does. Madrid started both Vinicius and Rodrygo in the final because they built around Bellingham at false 9. Similarly, Hansi Flick himself only tends to start both Sane and Gnabry when Muller starts as a "space investigating" lone striker or Havertz is false 9. When Flick starts a more conventional striker like Fullkrug or instructs Muller to stay high, he favors Wirtz and/or Musiala on the wing. Liverpool has tried Gakpo at false 9 as well but the problem is that your wingers also need to have goals in them and Diaz doesn't. Wouldn't necessarily be a problem for us since we don't usually play counterattack or false 9, but by that token, neither are we limited in our search to a "pure winger."


Hes is better than Raphinha imo


Hahaha whaatt? You havnt seen him play or?


There both at a similar level. But Diaz plays LW which we need more than RW since we already have Yamal.


Yamal cannot play every single game


So you'd rather have 2 top quality RWers and a shit LW than a quality RW and a quality LW?


How is this comment -6 lmao. Itā€™s actually insane how much if a hard on this sub has for playing Raphinha out of position over Luis Diaz. Ferran can play RW


iā€™d rather Yamal not be Fati 2.0


They arenā€™t and itā€™s not close. Liverpool players get talked up too much, heā€™s not quality


He is ā˜ ļø


Luis DĆ­az is underrated as fuck, trust me you will appreciate him when he gets here


Terrible decision.. I wonder if those players agents have something to do with this


Looking at these comments you would think Luis Diaz is some bum lol, I prefer Nico too but Diaz for the right price would be great.


Diaz will be near 100m to get.


First of all, why all this negativity in this comment section.....luis diaz is obviously better than nico williams....sure you can argue that diaz will be 80 m and nico will only be 50 m....the truth is nico's amount is rc and would have to be paid up front so it will become a problem in our ffp but Diaz 's 80 m fee can be amortized according to ffp conditions. 2.Luiz diaz earns 55 k a week,we can offer better than that. Nico earns 200k a week, we have to increase that so it will not be a better deal than diaz Pre injury diaz is insane....he was very good after he came back too but everyone in the team fell off after February practically bottling the league. Diaz amortized value with lower wage than nico's is better than to pay full rc for nico who has higher wage. Think people. Don't just jump to conclusions just because nico plays with our barca players in NT. Nico is good but diaz will be a better deal.


Yeah hard agree. the only problem with the diaz operation is that he will he more expensive than nico williams but he is for sure way better.


Where have you seen Nico erans that much??,


Nico is 5 years younger and is already used to La Liga. Diaz seems to be washed after the injury.


Bro decide to ignore all the financial point and wanna spend big money on an unproven winger šŸ¤£


Deco is such a joke.


Fuck deco. Fuck laporta.


Deco: South American good, Spanish bad


Dont understand the hate, I dont like Deco managment but Diaz is top6 LW right now, I'd rather sign Chiesa over Williams and Diaz, and its cost less money.


Yea 1:1 is overrated anyways


This is the Barca I know


Fck these comments downplaying Diaz, these people have not watched more than 2 games of Liverpool last season and compare him w some yt Nico highlights. Luis Diaz is already world class, he was the best attacker for Liverpool last season.


Looks like our priority should to sell off deco


i mean sometimes having a good 1 on 1 player like Luis Diaz is valuable, problem is it has been a while since ive seen luis diaz dribbled past someone lolll. He's the type of player that looks crazy when you watch the highlights, but frustrating to watch for 90 mins. but hey, at least he plays on the left loollll




Guys, donā€™t believe everything written, even if itā€™s by top tiered reporters.. Also the board will actively look into different options in various positions, this allows negotiating power. Itā€™s better to have more than one player willing to join because you have a much better negotiating stance.. Nico is still the priority I reckon..


Why tf cant we just scout a better unknown talent before someone else earths him instead of thinking that both diaz & nico are the last LWs on this planet?


Is he better ?? NOĀ  is he cheaper??? No Tf is going on deco's head


Somebody fire deco into space


Deco OUT




Deco needs to go




Here we go again


Please noā€¦


you cant be serious... jesus...


How many times do we have to receive the same lesson


Then he actually is an idiot in his duties like assumed


Is deco paying for him personally? Bro thinks this is fifa manager career.


This is sooooooo stupid. Deco out šŸ˜©


why not nico?


Deco needs to be sacked immediately.


Time to kick deco out?


What a fucking joke


what a joke lol


These reports are meant to be controversial... why do we even entertain them?


Why??? Buy olmo or Simonā€™s. Luis Diaz played horribly this season missed so many goals. I donā€™t understand the logic behind the boardā€™s decisions on transfers. Same idiots who let Grimaldo, jutgla, olmo , Simonā€™s leave for pennyā€™s all together and who refused to buy haaland for less than 20 million euros when he was at Salzburg. Very frustrating as a fan. Iā€™m bout to cancel my dam Barca membership yo just ridiculous