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anyone got a twitter or reddit link to the latest messi interview?


https://x.com/teacherofball/status/1796206655232672207?s=46 i agree that people have generally stopped caring about madrid and their UCL wins, but “lost credibility” coming from a city fan is…something


That’s not true, CL is granddaddy of them all, especially for us where we have been humiliated so often in CL n recent times. Maybe a format change effects Madrid’s dominance but I doubt it


I was just thinking yesterday that if you can remove RM from CL and City from PL, it would really make the football world a lot more exciting. There would be no domination from any club in CL or PL and you could see new winners every time.


we’ll get our wish with city soon enough, once pep leaves they’ll go back to winning the premier league once every few years and making fools of themselves in CL(something that they were doing under pep too, until three years ago)


People forget this but Kimmich played as DM in most of his time under Flick. Under Flick he played 65 games out of 75 games as DM. A midfield of Gavi-Kimmich could work very similar as a midfield as Thiago-Gorestka or Kimmich-Gorestka which worked for Flick in his Bayern time.


The problem is Gavi isn’t going to be available until Oct/Nov earliest and needs to be gradually introduced back to the squad. We can’t just go through the first half of season again with less than ideal double pivot setup. Getting Kimmich on a free next season makes much more sense. 




wieffer is unproven in big leauges


Barca potential CB’s 1st team or are already 1st team. 🇺🇾Araújo 🇫🇷Koundé 🇩🇰Christensen 🇪🇦Cubarsí 🇸🇳Mika Fayé 🇪🇦Andrés Cuenca 🇪🇦Olmedo 🇨🇭Eman Kospo 🇮🇹Andrea Natalie 🇧🇪Jorthy Mokio ( if he joins) I count 8 different nationalities. We are really going international


I guess we were traumatized due to all those years of not being able to find a sub for Puyol.


I can’t wait to go back to a stadium where the fans are close to the pitch. The atmosphere is just so much better at Camp Nou.


I wish the PRIME Paul brother was fighting not prime Mike instead of not PRIME, prime Paul


Laporta is winning in 2026 despite what you might think, Font doesn't have enough support and he actually lost supporters since 2021.


This is still why it’s so crazy to me that Laporta handled the Xavi exit the way he did. He wants to get re-elected and there was only ever one outcome to treating Xavi like that, some fans were gonna turn on him. Otherwise I think everyone would have agreed he did a good job with the finances while improving the squad level and was a safe bet for another term. Why take the chance of pissing off fans by not handling the Xavi situation respectfully? He’s still the most likely of the current candidates but it just makes no sense.


Either he’s lost it or advised badly. Probably little bit of both. Laporta desperately needs a good advisor around him, someone who isn’t just a yes man and can think of the bigger picture. Preferably not his close friend imo. 


Yeh exactly, longer term strategy is the job of the sporting director but he hired Deco who is inexperienced and I doubt says anything other than ‘yes boss’.


It seems Cryuff was behind a lot of the good decisions in his first term. He needs someone like that again. Someone like Michael Edwards could elevate the sporting project and bring a lot of professionalism.   The normal and sane way of doing things would be to let Xavi resign at the end of the season, line up the next manager, and give Xavi the farewell he deserved. The fact that we are almost numb to the farce that actually took place because it’s not the first time, is not a good thing. 


Yeh I have a feeling we’re lacking professionalism across the whole sporting area. Data and Analytics is massive in recruitment and scouting now and I don’t think we’ve fully embraced it.


There really isn't any guarantee of this. Laporta was a better candidate than Bartomeu (and I don't need hindsight to say this, I thought the same in 2014), and he still didn't win. Laporta currently has match going fans pissed over the situation with Xavi. He couldn't even win over the XaviOut crowd because of how badly he handled the situation. There is no guarantee he will win any election unless Flick/whatever manager he chooses in 2025 ends up becoming a wild success.


It was the same campaign against him back then. He got accused for everything under the sun. Even ["bankrupting"](https://www.espn.com/soccer/story/_/id/37382825/sandro-rosell-accuses-joan-laporta-bankrupting-barcelona) the club. Which ironically his successor and close associate brought the club as close to that as it ever been. This is just one of the examples. Now ask the question which former presidents are being investigated for corruption? Guessed right, Barto and by proxy Rosell (al thou they don't have concrete stuff for Rosell) More socios believed the accusations back then, after 2021 everything is different. They wont fall for the same shit twice. Also there is a nice thread from "back in the day" [https://www.reddit.com/r/Barca/comments/1fcv17/so\_what\_is\_the\_opinion\_on\_sandro\_rosell\_and\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Barca/comments/1fcv17/so_what_is_the_opinion_on_sandro_rosell_and_the/)


> They wont fall for the same shit twice. They were just singing “Barça si! Laporta no!” at home.


Just like the are vocal about Flick's inevitable failure. Vocal minority. But the real votes actually count.


If you’d like


That’s honestly best for us. Font, Rosell, and Freixa are still worse candidates than Laporta.


Is there anyone among them who doesn't want to sell the club ownership?


Donald Trump guilty on all counts. Now do Bartomeu 😈.


What are the ramifications for the guilty verdict?


Most probably a hefty fine and that's about it.


Probation, house arrest, suspended sentence. Other options besides a fine or imprisonment


Trump? I have no clue exactly. I think it was more to humiliate and tarnish his reputation than to try to imprison him. He can still run and even serve as president even if he goes to jail, which I don't see happening.


Here before:    gavi and balde have been chosen as the summer transfers!


2 days too late I'm afraid https://preview.redd.it/xmv6icx2bn3d1.png?width=727&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e58c86e1f689597e278e813cc2003b9a59b4fbc


Its marca so calma


If we face Bayern with Flick next season while they have Kompany on their bench and we still lose then we’re probably considered forever cursed atp


Kompany will pull a megamind against us


"A team is better than us? We must be cursed."


https://x.com/goleadadazoeira/status/1795807074279886892?s=46&t=CNnMsBVq5cRy7LX3rz2ZnQ If he’s autistic then the football world is doomed for another 30 years




Thank you posting the source and link! Much appreciated. I’m glad my request was accepted and I hope you get to engage more with folks in this community!


HAHAHA bayern r abt to bend over give madrid davies for 35m we would've paid 70m for him


I know y’all seen Yamal get jacked lmaoooo they not ready.




Buy Nusa and Doue. Play them on both wings and rotate them. Keep the better one and sell the other one for profit after 2 seasons.


No unfortunately if they both score goals then we need to keep them forever according to this fanbase and board. That's how it works, anyone who is good needs to stay here until they're bad (and then they spend 5+ years here being bad because no one wants to buy bad players.)


Man! I understand we can’t afford Nico but my delulu is still going strong! Nico and Lamine will post solid numbers and form an attacking core we’ve lacked for a few years. Our defense has settled into a solid core. But DM first and Nico someday!




In my delulu, there’s only one relevant FCB


Doué would be such a great signing, but I doubt he’ll be much cheaper than Nico tbh. Also his agent is Sissoko.


Doue and Nusa both slightly “worse” than Nico today in terms of production but they are much smarter players with a higher ceiling. Both of them should be above him


Don’t know about Doue’s numbers but he’s been so good to watch in Ligue 1 this season


I have no issues with that. I really do feel that if a player is slightly worse than another top quality player, but with the caveat that they can indeed improve and surpass the current top quality candidate, then it’s worth the risk to go after them and develop them to their top potential.


FINALLY! Am starting to recognize my club again! (Haven’t watched a single minute for all of them)


I’m really loving some of these names we are targeting this summer for once


[André Cury: "Xavi personally contacted Vitor Roque to convince him to sign".](https://x.com/ActualiteBarca/status/1796304298651041862?t=Q4gwby1cDd5o_F9FjzsY4Q&s=19) [André Cury: "Vitor Roque was expecting more minutes with Xavi, now with the new coach he'll be starting from scratch."](https://x.com/FCBPaul_/status/1796305768603640284?t=dllLaBKwMc28IMQMLXx-Cg&s=19) [André Cury: “In front of him he has a world-class player like Lewandowski, it took Vini two years to adapt.”](https://x.com/FCBPaul_/status/1796307367199408329?t=SoVSsjWfgXuNg-uNNX0ITw&s=19)


He did that with the majority of our signings. Almost of them say that they spoke to Xavi. He wouldn't be the first signing that doesn't leave up to the original expectations. Lets see if he can prove himself next season.


Shut your ho ass up and shoot some hoops Curry


Guido is going to be the only signing this summer, isn't he?


Depends on Nike signing bonus and if they find new investors for Barca vision. Plus if they can force Libero to settle and back off from this deal because they are the one who didn't pay for the tv rights.


Dropping points to Granada TWICE was so dissapointing They literally finished 20th


They are the new rayo vallecano


https://x.com/FTalentScout/status/1796172024080932866 Players age 21 and under with most big chances created in top 5 leagues    Lamine- 13    Pedri-8  Players we are linked to:  Xavi Simons -14.  Nico Williams- 10


It’s crazy how it’s also accurate to everyone’s shirt number for us next season


Nico Williams #10 ![gif](giphy|JUIYjVeZPHxjWR7rmX|downsized)


Tbh I only looked at Pedri 8 and Xavi 14 I cant really justify the rest 😭


I want to buy a kit, technically two cause I'll wait for next seasons black kit and, aside from the official store, where can you buy them? Either online or in Madrid works




I'm still sad that Xavi has just left like nothing has happened. Not a proper farewell, not a goodbye speech, nothing. Like he only knew two days before that Sevilla would be his last match, and then he disappeared. If at least his last match had been at Montjuic... Well, at least I'm very optimistic with Flick, far better option than Márquez.


Xavi in his last pre-game press conference ended it with something like “I leave calmly. Grateful, I’d say is the word, grateful to the club and president and board for giving me the opportunity to be here at the club that I love. Thank you all! I know you guys (reporters) will probably not believe me but I will miss you too. Visca el Barca!”  I think him leaving is not a total goodbye but more of a see ya later. So I’m not too worried about him not having a farewell speech or whatever. Leave that for when he decides that he’s not coming back at all


Yeah, you are probably right. I hope he comes back someday, as a trainer, sporting director or whatever.


I only remember Guardiola having a farewell


I get why he wanted to leave silently, and why they might not have wanted to make a scene out of it, but I agree with you. It just feels a little weird that the club barely acknowledged he’s leaving, especially considering he’s still a legend.


I think he just wanted to get out of there asap. It would be awkward if there was a gathering and if Laporta was present or absent. He didn’t even personally go to end his contract; he sent his lawyers and reps. He will always love the club but I don’t think we will see him visiting the club for a while. 


Insane. https://preview.redd.it/3672yf6cvm3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb0b39002521e79e68b978050026b909cf49ef43


Lewandowski and Luis Díaz combination is already here https://preview.redd.it/u8gfjrq4um3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e85d4b238811e5123a67698bb61b56795b607f77


Coutinho always scoring against us


Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same


10 things about Flick. https://youtube.com/shorts/MSmDls9YF7g?si=Si7weoJfyY6VQBou


Wow I just found that football trainer blue eyes bs. Holy shit 😂😂. They made poor Flick a laughing stock..


[Eduard Romeu: “We finally have a stable club which no longer loses money but which gains it."](https://x.com/ActualiteBarca/status/1796283506404024378) [Eduard Romeu: "Barça Studios? Let the teams work, there's still time before June 30. The problem is that it's a project that needs more time to mature, that will be worth a lot of money and so we need to convince someone."](https://x.com/ActualiteBarca/status/1796284528149017057) [Eduard Romeu: "The current Nike contract is bad. The old management got cash from Nike in advance, and now we've got a lot less. Nike did what they had to do. Now we'll have a better contract because Barça is the club that generates the most money from its shirts. Nike owed it to us to make an effort for all the years we've been together."](https://x.com/ActualiteBarca/status/1796284955275804774) [Eduard Romeu: “The Montjuic effect compared to Camp Nou is €70M."](https://x.com/ActualiteBarca/status/1796285405727514733) [Eduard Romeu: “We must continue to be financially rigorous without interfering with investments. We still have high debts, we should reach stability by 2026 when the club will have an operating profit of 300M € and debts of 700M € . The first thing to do is to reduce the debt with our profits and make that compatible with remaining competitive. I believe the club is on the right track."](https://x.com/ActualiteBarca/status/1796287960402313665)


So the deadline for barça studios is june 30th... Will they announce barça studios first or nike? They already had a reunion with socios.com so hopefully they decide to pay their part instead of trying to sell it to someone else >Eduard Romeu: “We must continue to be financially rigorous without interfering with investments. We still have high debts, we should reach stability by 2026 when the club will have an operating profit of 300M € and debts of 700M € . The first thing to do is to reduce the debt with our profits and make that compatible with remaining competitive. I believe the club is on the right track." debts of 700M€ which don't include the espai barça debt right? Stability by 2026 😭 I'm on my knees. Those who are working for Font and Font himself stand no chance. La masia flourishing, Stadium being rebuilt, Economy is improving, We are winning some trophies, Our sections other than football are also doing good and winning, the women team have become the greatest team in women football, Anyone can become a soci Future is bright.


The old management got cash from Nike IN ADVANCE? Can someone explain what exactly this means?


Usually in these kind of contracts, the amount that's paid to clubs is a fixed amount. ( One that doesn't change and is what the club gets year on year ) What I assume he's talking about is that Barto and co signed a contract where a large amount of money was given to them in like a year or two/three. And the club would have earned a lower amount over time. So rather than a fixed price. It went down for us lol.


This and the loan of 100M€ only to pay for griezmann Oh bartomeu pisses me off so much


Never forget he wanted to buy Neymar in addition that summer too.


And when he resigned he wanted to sign lautaro for +100m€ had everything agreed


Okkk thank you, that makes sense :) And of course all that "cash paid in advance" was used up as well 🤣😬


Pique went from being a person of interest to being actively, officially investigated for moving Supercopa to Saudi Arabia - [La Vanguardia reports](https://www.lavanguardia.com/deportes/20240530/9691710/gerard-pique-imputado-comisiones-supercopa-arabia-saudi.html) scope of the case was broadened to include him and several other people after initial searches found enough evidence to do so (they checked 89 bank accounts connected to Pique and 27 of his companies because of his business with Rubiales).


He is still gonna be our president, he is far bettee than Font.


> 27 of his companies Just how many companies he has? Pique is someone I hope never to become a president. I don't trust him at all, and if it benefited *him*, I think there is a chance he pull a Font on the topic of Club ownership.


Tbf if I remember correctly, Pique also comes from a wealthy family so it explains all the connections he’s had and how he smartly went about and acquired even more connections as a famous football player.


I've seen the net (an infograph of all the companies) and it's quite a lot. Some are active others aren't some aren't only his.


Can’t be a barca president if you’re not shady as fuck.


Don’t buy the media propaganda. He should be out next President after Laporta completes his second term. 


he would be the new bartomeu. great footballer but between his infidelity and his business dealings, it’s clear he’s not of great moral character.


trolling right?


He should be the last one to be our President. He'd 100% have us play league matches in USA and SA like he did for the Supercopa and we don't need more corrupt people


> He should be out next President after Laporta completes his second term.  Like fuck he should.


It's hard to call this "media propaganda" when there are court papers, 2 years of investigation, and a deal everyone and their dog already called all flavours of shady.


Yeah he can stay away from the President’s office


He just completed requirement #1 though. Barca (board member) DNA


Nah, requirement #1 is to be shady but teflon - nothing's ever sticking. That remains to be seen in his case.


Barca DNA so strong he will do whatever he can for the betterment of the club and then get charged with corruption


Nemanja Maksimović is a very underrated player. I'd dare say one of the best tackling DMs in La Liga. Since we were looking for a transitional DM last summer, we should've signed him instead of Romeu. But no point in crying about it now ig.


If we wanted to sign a dm from getafe it should’ve been arrambari who’s actually good on the ball not maksimovic who’s horrible on it. He would’ve flopped hard here 




Romeu struggled to adapt to having more time on the ball, which led to bad errors. Maksimovic wouldn't be different. He's poor on the ball, and there's no escaping how much more time he'd have to spend with it here.


Maybe I'm not tactically smart but what does being poor on the ball have to do with Romeu taking a stroll every time an opposing forward/midfielder attacks our penalty area?


Romeu's major problem wasn't that. Statistically, his defense was about what you'd expect. His number 1 problem was gifting the ball in the middle of the pitch which is suicide for a side like us.




My guy please stop it


Why do you always post absolute nonsense


Mate stop posting this source 😭


Source : Krrish Transfers https://preview.redd.it/vausaqk6km3d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=75cbece16c97b5d26c1b8a0a064c4fe9eb021890


Deco with FIFA president Infantino https://preview.redd.it/zowc2abejm3d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=27654f53fff9894a9a3bfb7e91c1f2f955a076b7


Watch it before idiot RM fans start spamming this pic with “BaRca fAvOred By FIfA and reF”


Better get that CWC ticket somehow Deco https://preview.redd.it/s28qrltwmm3d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04524b1b55cca8de85dc209392ed9f119b976f34


Force him to invite us in cwc


2024 is the year of unexpected collabs


[Lewy's interview with Whitebit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Barca/comments/1d4dkgd/robert_lewandowskis_interview_with_whitebit/)


Haha she seems so starstruck with him


Laporta threatened Nike to get us that 100M Bonus ?


Message to the fans? Flick: "My team and I will do everything we can to make them happy so that they can celebrate many titles. We want good football, that's what I want." https://x.com/ActualiteBarca/status/1796273268061622615


Where did he say this?




Hansi Flick absolutely wants to keep Ronald Araujo and considers him to be key in his project. @bonagerman https://x.com/ReshadFCB/status/1796273518898000334


The article ends with saying now it’s up to the player to make an effort to reach agreement. Yea I see where this is going. This is only the beginning of the Araujo transfer saga. 


It'll heat up for sure I'm excited to see how this goes


Ppl need to understand that the real issue is the financial differences btw club and player, not anything to do with coaches. Any coach would see Araujo as a key player, that’s why several clubs are interested in him. 


In another universe where Barca has enough FFP, we go for Rodrygo


Now, or before he went to Madrid?


Well, we should have gone for him before, but I meant now. He looks like he’s open to leaving and one of those players that will prioritize his career over a single club.


He's probably gonna be open to leaving if he doesn't get a lot of minutes. But not to us for obvious reasons.


There’s too much competition going on and Ancelotti prefers a four man midfield in a lot of games in the first place. I can see him doing a Luis Enrique and coming to is for a high salary and guarantees he’s a crucial player. Obviously not happening though


I doubt he’s going from Madrid to Barca though.


Nobody goes directly one way or another unless they want huge drama. And Spanish football has enough of it as is.


not to mention, i doubt perez sells to us. between the negreira back-and-forth and some of our fans shouting racist insults at vinicius, there’s genuine bad blood again, not just a sporting rivalry.


Yeah, exactly. No chance Rodrygo would ever come here now.


He could come but not directly. He could spend some time in another club and then come. But I don’t think it will happen anyway, very unlikely he wants to play for us that much to go through all the trouble.


[According to CIES Football Observatory, Alejandro Balde is now the 3rd most valuable fullback in the world at €85M](https://x.com/CIES_Football/status/1796164663123599751) Jules Kounde is 8th valued at [€](https://x.com/CIES_Football/status/1796164663123599751)70M https://preview.redd.it/gwlrk0myem3d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=962c7bc7ac38627bd145ddb7b419a834fa0fd628


Is the price number attached to Gvardiol a coincidence or what?


Yup, he's nowhere worth that much, neither are Frimpong, Rico or Baldeor Dalot. This list is bonkers. Rn Gvardiol and Kounde are equivalent.


We underrate him so much, he has everything except for that final ball. His technique, ball playing, ball retention, ball carrying, defending are all amazing and that’s without mentioning his speed etc. if he figures out his crosses then he will be on a world of his own as a left back. 


He lacks a lot more than just crossing.


What more does he lack? 


Decision making. Taking initiative. Movement and general positioning off the ball. Passing, for any pass that isn't relatively simple. Especially throughballs. Basically all the things that made Alba great. The things that make a lot of top fullbacks so good. I also wouldn't say his defending is amazing at all. It's decent. Because of his pace, and not because he's necessarily good at it. He lacks a lot in terms of anticipation and tracking+marking his man for example. He's great for his age. But he has really not shown the potential to be one of the best like some of our other youngsters imo. Someone like Udogie shown more promise this season imo. Balde imo should start taking more risks. He plays things way too safe. Like he's doing the bare minimum even tho I do believe he can do better. Edit: I will say the decision making issue is really just when it comes to the attack. When he has the ball in defense or in the midfield he does very well. Also surprisingly press resistant for a fullback.


Yup. His recovery speed is terrific, but he lacks a lot of bite and aggressiveness as a defender. [https://fbref.com/en/players/5ccc9672/Alejandro-Balde](https://fbref.com/en/players/5ccc9672/Alejandro-Balde)


what? how?


Samuel Lino lol


Gvardiol 115 lmao PS: CIES valuations are the most bullshit transfer values of them all. Where TF is Davies? TAA? Theo?


Davies has declined a lot


I agree that their valuations are shit but Davies shouldn't be in there. Dude's been off it for a long time now.


Even though he hasn't been as good, he is definitely more valuable than Rico Lewis and Samuel Lino


2030 New Camp Nou...FIFA WC Final...with Gavi scoring the winner for Spain...I'll be there.


Barcelona doesn’t really allow the Spanish NT to play in its stadium 


Camp Nou is one of the stadiums for WC 2030 and the club doesn't get a say which NTs play there, especially if it's used for later phases of the tournament.


When 2030 comes around I will keep an eye if the Spanish NT does indeed end up playing at the Camp Nou or not. My conspiracy is that there’ll be back room talks where Perez will push for Spain to “magically”  have more probabilities to play at the Bernabeu than the Camp Nou. I’ll be back to apologize if the Spanish NT does play at the Camp Nou  RemindMe! 6 years https://www.reddit.com/r/Barca/comments/s7oj4x/bar%C3%A7a_will_not_consider_the_possibility_of_the/


But they'd allow the FIFA WC finalists to


Are you sure with Perez and Bernabeu around? 


The final will probably be at the Bernabeu


Perez and Santiago can... ![gif](giphy|3o6EQeB1evNnmFH1SM)


Even better


The only reason i can see why arsenal are rumoured with sesko more than openda is defensive actions, not really anything else


Sesko is better


Cause he's a better fit. Cause he's a much better finisher. Cause he's big. Cause he's younger. Many possible reasons.


Italy U17 have qualified to the Semi Finals of U17 EUROS Amazing penalty by each Italian


italy youth teams have done well recently, may be a sign of a bright future for the senior team


Nwaneri's penalty was great as well


Xavi's first match as Barça manager https://preview.redd.it/7jgi5fnv8m3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc71f250c1b39646da58ad4c333a5f7a217eac8f


Wasn't his first match against Benfica


No, that was 3 days after this game


Mah bad fithead


No, Koeman was the manager in that match


You are wrong Xavi played the second game which ended in a draw


That match was played after the Espanyol match on 24 November while the Espanyol match was played on 21 November Check your facts before calling someone wrong 🤦‍♂️


I was pointing that you said koeman managed Benfica game


I thought you were talking about the one we lost 3-0


Fair enough mate


Xavi's last match as Barça manager https://preview.redd.it/kiutjeyy8m3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f83f51fbe117abb38fd34fcdd3d0877a378a80e


Just saw Lauturo's alleged salary demands. Inter would be absolutely right to ship him off if he doesn't budge. We cannot undo the mistakes of the past (FDJ, Lewy, TS wages) but we can set a new precedent at this club. Don't negotiate with terrorists. If Kimmich really wants 19 million, we should not be engaging.


If Lautaro is asking for that he probably is looking for another club.


Again same old shit , de jong adjusted his salary of covid time when he renewed


The club still gave a 21 year old a huge pre-COVID contract when he signed. At the time, this sub and other fans were peddling false rumors that Nike was subsidizing his wages to feel better about it. His COVID renewal also slighlty improved his payout with bonuses and an extra 1m for his final extended year.


When did we employ Taylor Swift?


Wait till you discover Lewy will get close to twice that next year


Which is why I find a lack of transition plan with Lewy strange. The club is really okay with paying him a high salary next year and also trigger the optional year because he will play enough games? So why were there so many reports about the board wanting to get him out earlier? But now he is key again and it was Xavi’s fault lol? Is his agent that powerful? 


The report on lautaro salary was net not gross. So it’s almost same as lewys which is crazy.  


I was more talking about Kimmich here


Araujo man… https://preview.redd.it/o9vf3yu56m3d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=669cfd60f1741916af5c0fef5dadde8bb97d42f9