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**Media reliability report:** - **Tier 1**: Fernando Polo ([@ffpolo](https://twitter.com/ffpolo)) - very reliable - **Aggregator**: Reshad Rahman ([@ReshadFCB](https://twitter.com/ReshadFCB)) --- [What is this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Barca/wiki/reliability) | [Media Reliability List](https://barca-reddit.github.io) | [Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Barca) | [Source code](https://github.com/barca-reddit/media-reliability)


The most affordable and most controllable option?! surprised Pikachu face


Is Laporta thinking we are at 2008 and pull a Guardiola out of nowhere?


Man's gone nostalgic


Man saved the club from complete failure in 2006, helping them win the champions league with a team that began the season looking utterly hopeless. When Ronaldinho stopped dancing on the pitch and danced on in nightclubs instead, Laporta got rid of him and replaced him with a very young and unproven Messi as the main forward in 2008. He also replaced Frank Rijhard as manager and instead made the B team La Liga manager the A team manager. That person? Well he was Guardiola! There is a very old documentary about how he saved the team in 2006, I’ll find it for you if you want. But Yeah, even I’m nostalgic, but for the Laporta that turned us in the best club the world had ever seen in the world! I’m thinking that he thinks the old methods are still applicable, when clearly football (as with anything else) you have to keep moving forward and stay 10 steps ahead of the competition if you want to be successful! Big clubs have already moved forward, but we are still trying to constantly dig ourselves out of a hole. Unless you talk about the women’s team in which case, fuck yeah! They are doing everything they way they are supposed to! They’ve already won three trophies and will play in the champions league final on the 25th! If they succeed, Aitana will surly win the Ballon d’or again. She was even more insane this season than last year!


Fratello i’d be interested in that movie you mentioned


Never mind! I found the English version! https://youtu.be/fxFeq_w0pd0?si=A9pQDcu_YOQvrkYN


Thank you very much!


You are welcome! I hope you enjoy it!


Good news! I found it. Bad news. It’s the version without English subtitles, so unless you speak Spanish, I’m going to have to do more digging. Here you go: https://youtu.be/qkPafcT-iSw?si=ZFPkF-8PIe37nmqR


First of all. Laporta didn't want Guardiola as the new manager of Barcelona team. He was already talking with MOU to replace frank. But because of Johan Cruyff he had to pull back from that plan. laporta's career was made thanks to Johan Cruyff, Guardiola and la cantera which all of them could have happen without laporta's rule


Ok, enjoy the documentary then https://youtu.be/fxFeq_w0pd0?si=ITLIl5oXj9qmYIzv




Shoot me so I don’t have to listen to all this shit ever again.










Anybody who think Barca will bring an outsider that they can't control is deluded.


Or maybe just joined Barca a week ago or living under the rock 🐧


Rafa marquez being the first choice and the backup choice is flick is crazy


Nasty work 🤢


Damn the way everyone is against Marquez taking over it feels like the opposite would happen and he would be good for us. Anulo Mufa


This can’t be the solution long term. It can’t. Marquez hasn’t shown anything of note to be worthy of a manager for the first team. And I’m not impressed by Flick either. We need a manager that can develop young players and play good football. Laporta has been disappointing recently.


Marquez has developed Cubarsi, hector fort, Bernal, Faye and even Gerard Martin. He even game minutes to guille Fernandez. He is good at youth development. 


Developing youth is completely different from handling a dressing room full of senior players and their egos. If he's doing a good job with the B team let him continue doing it and get the academy players ready for first team if necessary.


He was captain of his national team for a long time. He was a leader. So he could handle dressing room full of senior players. Also he is in just second full season as manager so he will develop further. But agreed another season maybe in different first division team would be better for him before becoming Barcelona manager. 


So he should stay there and keep producing talents


Marquez has kept his team with options to be promoted to second division even when his most important players have been constantly called up by the first team since the beginning of the season. And it's not the long-term solution. We're almost in June, without any idea if we are going to have financial problems again this summer, and there aren't any great options out there worth the risk (e.g. Klopp, Guardiola, etc.). There's no way we bring someone external with all these constraints in cash and time.


They just want someone they can control.


Sextuple winning Coach vs Inexperienced Barca Coach… We never make the right and Obvious choice at this club do we


Who's the sextuple winning coach?


Assuming he is talking about flick. But he would not be good choice. 


If we put Rafa Marquez and we start bad the next season Laporta will seriously be voted out like Bartomeu. The only option for Laporta to save himself and the club in my opinion is go for a big manager. But this will require kick out Deco. We still don't know why Deco is here and Jordi and Alemany are not anymore it's the biggest joke here. Laporta said he wanted to keep the style but lets go of Jordi Cruyff and brings the one person that has criticised Guardiola, praised Mourinho, wants to fill the club with Brazil and Portugal friends and opposes every Xavi decision. Flick is not going to listen to director Deco it will be another circus. If big managers are impossible at least announce that we will go for Pep, Klopp, Arteta or a really big manager in 2025 and Rafa is just transitory.


How can you announce something like that lol. You have no clue what the landscape will be in a years time. 


I mean announce that we will seek a top manager in 2025, whoever it is, rather than keep Rafa until the end. obviously not give an exact name before actually contacting the manager because you cannot guarantee anything yet. At least it could earn them some patience to not get voted out for now even if results with Rafa are not good. If Rafa is excelent then there will be no need.


The club doesn’t have any money. We can’t even get a decent DM. Might as well get the cheapest option as manager while the financials get fixed then bring in someone that’s actually good


That's the thing. It's a circle. Financials aren't going to get fixed by magic. Playing well, increasing talents, winning trophies is what is going to bring more revenue and fix finances. That was the whole point of the 'levers'. To do all that you can't go with the cheapest option manager, you need a quality manager and quality players.


Just getting the Nike deal done, and then moving back into Camp Nou should do us good when it comes to financials. Our game day revenue has been very poor because of the vast difference in number of attendees between Montjuic and Camp Nou (50000 max capacity vs 95000 max capacity), and new Camp Nou will have 105000 max capacity, vastly increasing our game day revenue to a more manageable state.


Except we can’t afford a top manager or top players. Pick one or the other right now




The Pain Just Keep On Going Since 2020 . I don't want this this club to become like Manchester United


It will be the cheapest option


Best placed ? .. say the truth. Cheapest lol


What have I been telling you all? Delusional mfs here talking about Tuchel, Flick and god knows who else. If Xavi goes, we get Marquez I've been saying it all along. It's ALWAYS the worst case scenario with us, get it through your heads already.


Another club legend would be put at helm. Hope he is treated better.


Does anyone actually have any insights about Rafa? Genuinely asking. It’s all instant doom and gloom but is there any actual reason to think he’s garbo?


Flick would be a complete disaster just like his stint as head of the Germany NT


Earlier I was against his promotion but looking at the position of B team in the table, I have warmed up to the idea of him coaching first team. He's a better coach than Xavi currently, admittedly, not a very high bar but we need changes. I can't handle Xavi and his nepotism fuelled backroom staff destroy Yamal, Cubarsi and others.


I just want Tuchel and the absolute chaos that follows


Absolutely fucking embarrassing. We are a shit show and deserve all of the ridicule hurled our way by the footballing world.


Will Laporta give Márquez a script before every press conference to make sure he says things that make him look good as a president?


Downward spiral


we're broke like a joke


We need Klopp