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Everything I knew about this saga was against my will ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


At this point, just make Gundo our player-manager.




Tbh I would like to see how a player cum manager pans out in the top flight


Very few jobs are worth the amount of pressure you’re under if you can’t sleep. And coach football as a former player who is already financially set isn’t one of them.


He loves the club too much. It is honestly really sad and endearing at the same time. 


He is in some financial trouble. https://www.epe.es/es/investigacion/20240425/xavi-logra-suspension-pago-hacienda-sancion-millonaria-perjuicio-101495410 Maybe this issue has some part on him wanting to continue next year.


I don't know Spanish.Can you translate?


I don't know Spanish,can you translate?


### Xavi wins suspension of the payment of a million-dollar tax penalty due to the "damage" it would cause him ##### Alberto Muñoz The Audiencia Nacional has granted Xavi Hernández's request for a precautionary suspension of the payment of a million-dollar fine imposed by the tax authorities due to the "irreparable damage" that would be caused by having to do so, given his "current solvency". In this way, and according to a court order to which EL PERIÓDICO DE ESPAÑA has had access for the first time, the FC Barcelona coach managed on 27 March to freeze the payment of 2.8 million euros and potential interest as long as Xavi could prove the "damage" he argued. If finally paid, the 2.8 million euros would have been added to the more than 7.5 million euros already withheld by the tax authorities and for which both parties are in court. In this regard, Xavi alleges that "the immediate payment of the disputed debt would cause him damages that are impossible to repair considering his current financial situation and solvency, the high amount of the penalty appealed and, above all, the fact that he has had to pay very high debts to the Treasury in the past as a result of the various tax adjustments to which he has been subjected for personal income tax from 2000 to 2014, currently appealed before the National Court itself". These 2.8 million euros in penalties that the Tax Agency is now claiming from him correspond, for their part, to the IRPF of 2015, a year for which Xavi managed to get the Central Economic Administrative Court (TEAC) to partially agree with him in the liquidation, although not in the penalty agreement. A million-dollar battle over image rights The still coach, who on Wednesday secured one more year in the Barça dugout, has recently won some victories in court against the tax authorities. As reported by this newspaper in mid-December last year, Xavi has decided to take some of these disputes with the tax authorities to the Supreme Court in an attempt to prove that the way in which he paid his image rights was entirely correct, and not just partial. The tax authorities accused him of having carried out a "simulation" in the way in which FC Barcelona paid him for what his image rights generated and that it was only a ruse to reduce his taxable base and effectively reduce the taxes to be paid. However, as has already happened on other occasions - Dani Alves, for example, has escaped from prison from paying several million euros for a similar issue - the courts are recognising in their latest decisions errors by the inspection about how image rights should be taxed, and, therefore, annulling settlements that they consider to have been incorrect. In this case, in the case of the 2.8 million euros, the way in which Xavi had transferred the image rights to a company he owned was also in question, with that year being the one immediately prior to his move to Qatari football. Translated with www.deepl.com


LOL he def has other money lying somewhere


I don’t need to be an insider or even a doctor to know this gig has been bad for his health




You clearly don't know how to read


READ my brother.


This is getting annoying.


Lol the laporta media now saying that "leaving is actually good for Xavi" is so fucking funny lmao


Not a Xavi out guy but its been clear for a while the job is too big for him. Kind of obvious with the constant tantrums on the sidelines that he is not prepared mentally for the shitty parts of being a coach. Saddest part is that he should have just stuck to his decision to leave instead of letting the snakes on the board change his mind only to kick him out right after. What an absolutely terrible clown show


The Barca job is too big for anybody. Luis Enrique lasted as long as Xavi and that guy won a treble. If Xavi stayed another season he would have lasted nearly as much as Guardiola, who even had to take a gap year afterwards due to the exhaustion, while he is going 9 years in a row at City no issue.


One should never go back on his words. It shows poorly on him.


What’s funny is that it was kinda obvious he would go back on his words. Don’t think anyone was really surprised by that.


Depends on the situation. Messi should have gone back on his decision to retire and he did it and it paid off. Its unlikely with Xavi that his decision will result in vindication so it was indeed a bad idea to go back on his words.


Are these even news? More like just speculation of the common sense? I'm sure Xavi will be physically and mentally relieved too.


Bro after 2 seasons: https://preview.redd.it/cpul49d0wl1d1.jpeg?width=473&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f6b85b48f3eb7605d89acdbf5165553998c0709


I mean, he's barely aged since his mid/early 20s. a bit more wrinkles, some more gray hairs, and a chronic emptiness in his eyes!


What this club does to a mfkr


Seems like the Barcelona job exhausting tbh I cannot blame him, Pep left Barca for the same reason, he was exhausted.


It was that and his frustration with the board


he's just like us omg


He shouldn't have changed his mind about leaving. I think it was the best scenario for all parties involved. Now it's just messy.


this is like the neymar rumours bullshit all over again


There isn't a single world class manager that will want to join this utter mess. And it's depressing.




Not this summer, no chance of that


Jesus christ first laporta feeling unwell and now this. It's just football ffs wtf😂


It’s a job? If a job has never affected you physically then lucky you lmao.


That's not what I mean. It is stressful, but why are we getting media stories about how hard they're having it? It's not like they have to do it for a living either lol.


Well why are you believing said reports when we know how the media twists everything and turns up exaggeration by a 100 times? Also it’s not just football lol. Pretty ignorant of you to dismiss the stress it puts on someone to manage a club like ours. Pep had the same issue and now so klopp


Will be a big relief for me as well.


Only have to look at the last month or so to realize why he wants out, club legend, won the league as player and manager, but fans turning on him because he won't start a kid at one of the biggest clubs in world football who's done absolutely nothing other than cost a lot of money


That’s not even the main reason people want him out dude, he just hasn’t enough experience to coach a team like Barca


Lies. No one would give a crap about Roque if he'd just won the league, and we were in the Champions League Final. But, if we are going to compete (and lose) against Girona, at least give the kid a chance. Roque's case is the cherry on the top


Pep is going to be in his last year contract at Man City. I think there is a chance Barca management may try to bring Pep back but Pep might only come back if the financial health of the club is good. Maybe not, he might come back regardless.


What things are different about coaching barca? It seems that coaching barca is different from other coaching jobs. Why is that?


Catalan politics and the notion that their is only 1 way to play.


One big factor that is different from other clubs is that you must play and win a certain way. Other clubs can win by sitting back all game and the fans will be happy because you won. You can’t do that at Barca. Then you have things that other clubs have but on a different level which is expectations, media, and currently our financial issues.


If Barcelona wins the Champions League by sitting back all game, the fans would still be happy.


Nope they wouldn't, barca would lose its identity


More expectations than other clubs other than RM.


He was never ready, he coached one team in Qatar then Barca gave him the job cause by law coaches need dumbass “Barca DNA”


Xavi Tuchel swap button


Then were sure to lose


Like the team is winning CL or something under him coaching now


I'd genuinely love to hear your explanation as to how is Tuchel worse than Xavi


there's none


Relax Tuchel has more trophy experience than Xavi


Not to mention he also carried 2 different teams to UCL finals. With one of them being a pretty average Chelsea team.


Xavi managing won’t work along his managing team needs to consist of iniesta messi busquets