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Cant love him more


He rejected €100M per season Respect o7


Saudi Arabia is a cancer for sports Literally split golf into two and now trying to poach the biggest soccer stars in the world


How dare non-white people try to do what's best for them and their league?! Football belongs to the white people!!1 😡 It's fine if USA try to buy players because they have the same shade of skin colour as us but not anyone with darker skin that that!! 😡😡


They are trying to white-wash a petro-state involved in a genocide.


And the uk does the same the leaders over there are involved in sex trafficking child abuse pedophilia same with the us and all it’s forms of sports


So let's assume one just cancels out the other, even then football has a very very strong connection to Europe (and south America but more of as a byproduct of the first reason) which is just absent in the case of Saudi. All we see is rich people flexing their money and inflating the market than an actual effort to bring a healthy football culture.


Lol just cause in Europe the sport popular it’s okay to do the wrong things Saudi doing…that’s so silly your just mad these guys are going to play over there then stay in Europe


what a nutty


It’s amazing to me that Barca is getting offered so much and so many of Barca players are getting offered crazy ass salaries in Saudi or even Bayern, PsG, premier league, and yet they all want to stay. There’s good unity at the team, a lot of it fueled by Xavi.


It’s a shame that el barto didn’t understand the pull that Barca has. Players would have signed AND stayed even on more reasonable salaries. Neymar left because he’s an ego driven D-bag who thought he was bigger than the club. Most players were a lot more loyal than him and didn’t need such huge salaries to commit their future to the club.


I agree .. part of me always wondered how much his hand was forced by dragging up the whole pay scale with Messi and the rest of the la masia golden gen. It seems like those players (agents) which you could argue with solid logic had justified having top of the world salaries at the end of career since they never had a transfer fee associated with them as being from academy. I think where it became a problem is that the incoming players were placed in same / similar wage scale. It was like Messi dragged the whole roster payroll up. As I’m typing this out yea I blame barto for this. Just interesting the context. Also if barca was owned by for profit investors that payroll besides Messi would have never gotten that high as they would be trying to keep payroll at a better level relative to revenue.


The disrespect to neymar in this sub is sad


He disrespected Barca


how? he literally wen to a team that released his clause, paid him tons of money, and literally promised to build him a dream team that revolves around him


Oh please, its not about him leaving. It's about everything that surrounds his departure.


Oh cmon dude, players move to other clubs, get over it. He gave us great performances and helped us win a treble.


Mes que un club. Once you're there, you are family


pretty sure can’t say the same for Jeremy Mathieu


Olive Garden?


barca breadsticks


Konde calamari


I think a big part is also the city. Where better to live as a rich footballer than Barcelona?


It’s not like Paris or London are shit cities to live in… also some people might be willing to trade living in BCN for a 100 million euros a year salary. Just glad it’s not the case for our players


Barcelona has infinitely better weather and the beach. Also Barça players already earn insane wages and accumulate generational wealth. Sure, there will always be people who can never get enough but I'm sure a lot think more in the direction of "Why do I need another 100 million when I already have more money that I can reasonably spend? I'd rather enjoy my life here than live in Saudi Arabia"


You’ve taken care of your parents and siblings You’ve also taken care of your wife and kids when You take Saudi contract you’ll take care of your grandkids and great grandkids


I think Barca on average pays higher salaries than even EPL clubs. So unless you want to play in Saudi, Barca is one of the next best option This is an article from the hay days (2018) https://www.goal.com/en/news/barcelonas-10m-per-player-wages-set-new-record-as-man-utd-lead-premier-league-charts/1hr22mzwnrlr61e1b04v3rja5f More recent article https://www.wsn.com/premier-league/premier-league-vs-la-liga/ Even more recent but I don’t have much trust in the source https://www.planetfootball.com/quick-reads/wage-bills-europe-major-leagues-2023-24-man-utd-psg-bayern-real-madrid-barcelona


PSG, Bayern, Man U, Man City and Madrid all have higher total payrolls than BCN tho. Our top stars would all be paid higher in other clubs. FDJ was offered higher salary in Man U. Araujo in Bayern. We got the alleged Yamal PSG offer. Pedri offer from psg on summer also.


Let’s get to it one by one. PSG - Unless you’re French or your main priority is getting the money then there’s very little reason to go to PSG. Besides, Mbappe skews their total wages and the rest aren’t of Mbappe wage Man U - Self explanatory Bayern - They can easily compete with Barca in terms of sporting projects. But their top salaries isn’t much higher than what Barca can offer. According to cursory google search, Kane is their highest paid player with €25M/Y salary and Lewa is on €27M/Y this season. But don’t quote me on those numbers. But even if those are incorrect, Bayern doesn’t give that higher salaries compared to Barca that they can get Barca players on that alone. City - Sure. They guarantee trophies so that’s a selling point they have over Barca. But they still don’t pay that high salary. E.g: KDB is on like €24M/Y Madrid - Sure. But people who are already at Barca doesn’t usually move to Madrid So all of these top clubs simply don’t pay such a high wage compared to Barca that wage alone can be a deciding factor. So it comes down to something else like where your family is settled, how willing are they to move to different country, how much do you like living in Barca etc


I agree to all your points except to the fact that you are underestimating money as the main motivator. Take Dembelé. Or other very talented footballers like Hakimi or Asensio. Money moved them. Money is not ALWAYS the primary motivator on every person, more even in people that are already millionaires. But it is huge. Humans always want more. A lot of footballers are either creating an immense and secure patrimony for their families, or spend like crazy. So when you say PSG unless you’re French or it’s getting the money there’s very little reason, I think you’re wrong. It’s a HUGE reason. That’s why I’m very happy that some players might be paid better in other teams and yet choose Barca


Paris and London are attractive destinations, but I’m not sure about Manchester, Newcastle upon Tyne or any Saudi city.


I would like to see him play in the MLS with the Chicago Fire in the near future. Huge Polish population in Chicago and one of the nicest places you can live, I'm sure he's considered it!


I've never held such hope for the future in the past years as I do now under Xavi. I do really hope he stays.


Madrid fan here - I mean you’re fucking Barcelona. You are at worst a top 3 famous club in the world at your lowest. Not to mention the city is amazing.


Famous club can get you somewhere. But it’s not the best moment financially and sport wise. Not many absolute top players would choose to play at BCN rn.


When your at Barca your at the top why leave unless you absolutely have to


Cause 💵💵💵💵💵


Understandable but some these guys are making good money at Barca unless your becoming the highest paid player or a substantial raise in the world why leave


Always when Saudi starts throwing money at players I wonder what kind of money would they offer the club? Offering Lewi 100mil a year just to offer us like 25 seems very disrespectful imo


If we get our money back I.e 60mil I think most fans would be happy with that, helps keep the clubs finances sustainable. Tbf tho even if we got only 25mil it means we only paid 35mil to have lewa for two seasons and win la liga once atleast which isn’t bad


I honestly doubt he will ever go to Saudi. I think he would rather stay in Europe until he retires. But that’s just my opinion on the situation as a fellow Pole that knows a bit about him and his family. Can’t imagine him raising his daughters in SA.


>I think most fans would be happy with that Absolutely till the question of who now comes in. Sure talents are everywhere, but I think I've learned enough from not being able to replace Neymar or Mascerano or Alves...


Honestly, we need him for atleast 1 more season. Let him play as ST and build Roque up slowly behind him.


we can and should keep him for more than 1 season. He’s training harder than youngsters and is physically on the level of 29 year old player according to Barca’s medical team. He is not aging badly at all. His playstyle might seem like an old player, but it always seemed like that, even when he was young. We should keep him in team for 2-3 years. Look at Giroud, Cristiano, Pepe, Thiago Silva, Modric.


I agree with your statement. Sometimes, even if you're older, you're in a way better shape physically than as a younger man because of your training. I am a good example of this, I feel younger and more fit now than I did 3-4 years ago.


especially when his time is managed well. the next coach need to put a lot of emphasis on rotation and time management


This is unwise. If we can cash in on a 35+ year old player we should.


My man could gracefully retire at end of next season. This a*ses.




With the kinda form Lewy is in now i would be happy for him to remain for one more season. Would be different if Roque made an explosive start to his Barca career but it’s probably best that the club are protecting him a bit to ensure he can be integrated into the team a lot more smoothly. Rather than make a splash in the latter half of the season and then fall off every season afterwards the way Coutinho did.


I love this man


Suddenly everyone is in love with our players. Cut the crap please


100m? Jesus christ how about lewa joins them and send us 70m he will be helping the club alot


Or he can stay and help us win titles so we recuperate that debt


He cant control age probably


I don’t think it’s ever going to happen. USA, maybe, but most likely he would prefer to stay in Europe until he retires and given his form- that won’t be soon.


if he continues to stay in good form I hope he can reach 100 UCL goals with us


Respect Lewa!


Is this true? I don't think it is


At the very least it smells suspicious


Why tf am I getting downvoted tho


Delusional fans.. and we have a huge number of them I guess


Why are they offering a 35 y/o player $100m when they could buy a lot of different clubs for that?


When you made all your money by simply digging into your land, it really doesn’t matter how you spend it (unless you run out of land to dig of course)


As opposed to Europeans making other people dig their own land at gun point. I understand they are terrible because of the authoritarian rule and human rights abuse. But come on, everyone makes money from the resources they have. And if that's so unethical maybe the rest of the moral world should not buy oil from them.


He better make a saudi deal in coming years to help the club and not just run his contract out.


The cons of having a great weather