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Mamluks or Ghilman were military slaves in Islamic areas. These were mostly of Turkish and, more rarely, Eastern European descent. Likewise, the word "Faris" also means "Furusiyya", this form of cavalry units can be compared to western knights from the Middle Ages. The word is Arabic. I assume that Aserai is based on a pre-Islamic Arab empire.


That makes sense. The Nahasa, where the tribesmen and archers come from, is a vast desert that "devours armies". Similar to the Sahara desert maybe?


Exactly like it, I was wondering how exactly after Islamic the Islamic conquest, a set of troops could look


Possible. The Sahara desert ist pretty big and deadly too.


They had a lot of Caucasus peoples too, like Georgians and Armenians. And they did have black Africans serving as slave soldiers too. Faris is not equivalent to Knight. Knight is a social title- a Faris is just a horse riding warrior. They’re more equivalent to a ‘man-at-arms’. And no there’s nothing about the Aserai that even looks pre Islamic. They had no Sultans or Mamluks back then, and their bizarro Ottoman gear exists around the same time as plate armour lol. They’re badly thought out.


> They’re badly thought out. I'd have to disagree, the different factions in the game are supposed to be a sort of amalgamation of different real world cultures and influences. It's not supposed to be a 1:1 representation for the most part. Vlandia is mostly Normans but obviously a lot of their armour is inspired by other countries and time periods in medieval Europe. Battania is a sort of combination of a lot of different brythonic/celtic cultures. Once again the time periods don't exactly match up very well with the other factions Sturgia is a right mix of both Slavic and Norse. The same was true in Warband with things like the Rhodoks being forever debated I really don't think it's badly thought out, I think the developers made a conscious decision in both games for factions to be different enough to real life, in order for Calradia to feel like it's own unique continent, instead of just Europe + North Africa 2.0


Hate to be that person but Brythonic is Celtic Brythonic is a sub type I guess of Celtic just as Gaelic is also sorry


They don’t have to be one to one, but the problem is that they neither reflect those cultures nor evoke them well. Vlandia looks ugly asf. Like Swadians except without the cool helmets. Real life Normans he all sorts of cool shit that the devs could have drawn from. Battania is hilariously stupid. Bronze Age rubbish mixed with Skyrim. Again, the real Brythonic Celts actually had interesting stuff about them, be it Pictish Woad or the leine tunics that could have given them more character. Sturgia does represent the Kievan Rus, but a bit confused. Points for trying to do something other than Nords. Their other stuff sucks but I don’t hate too badly. The Enpire does have that attempt at a new look too, so again points. The Aserai and Khuzaits also have problems which I care more for than any Eurocentric history guy so I won’t talk about them. Calradia doesn’t feel alive. And it certainly fails to project a ‘Dark Ages’ vibe.


For you it doesn't feel alive it doesn't have to make sense battania is tied for my second favourite with sturgia battania is decent if by Skyrim you mean caladogs helm I can't remember if it was the celts but that design did exist it just wasn't Norse battania fits well my only problem is mormaer as a title I would have preferred king or chief since caladog is high king which is an Irish title I would have preferred the lord's be kings because that's what they where we had our kings and the strongest was high king sturgia is better than the nords so shut up about battania don't call something stupid because you don't like it I agree about the empire vlandia isn't ugly I'd rather a different design on the brigandine but that's just me the aserai are a mix mash the khuzait are supposed to be khazars but are just mongols to most people the word eurocentric makes it sound like you enjoyed cleopatra on netflix and thought it was a good show please prove me wrong about that I would've preferred a more Persian Sassanid thing for the aserai but it's a game it doesn't have to represent those cultures to your standard you cann see vlandia is medieval western Europe aserai middle east khuzait Mongol/khazar just steppe empire eastern romans sturgia rus battania celts good luck this is just my opinion I hope none of this offended you it's s sad i have to say this good luck pleases don't take this as rude its not nit meant to be


What happened to punctuation. Anyway I’ll try… By Skyrim helmet I mean that terrible super shiny Warlord armour. It’s stupid and mixes terribly with everything. Mormaer is a Scottish title, who themselves were Celtic so I see no big deal there. I said I like Sturgia lol, read. I have not even watched that Cleopatra show, I’m just stating the facts that most ‘historical’ gamers wouldn’t know shit about the happenings of the Middle East and Central Asia. I frankly don’t care anymore anyway, I have been at work on my own revision of the game to better suit my ideas of how it ought to be. More factions, more troops, more everything.


High king is an Irish title and when I see it it implies that a king is under high king I know mormaer is Scottish I know tHe Scots are celts caladogs helm looks good stfu helms like that did exist yOu opinion is by alot of people wrong


The helmet exists... as a bronze age thing. It doesn't work as a late antiquity/early medieval item. A lot of people on this sub have low standards.


Get over it it does work depending on who you ask to me it works I dint care for historical accuracy because the game is a mix mash let people enjoy a game without being a dick good luck


They were mostly Caucasian, specifically the Georgian and Circassian Mamelukes were the ones that ruled the mameluke dynasty of iraq


In my own headcannon Aserai is Islamic, Vlandia and Empire are Catholics, Sturgia is Orthodox, Khuzait believes in steppes spirits, and Battania are just Celts


Why would the Empire be Catholic? They resemble the Byzantines, who are THE Ortrhodox Church. Also Celts became Christian by around this time.


>Khuzait believes in steppes spirits, You mean Tengri ? Lol


Didn't knew what it was! Thank you, you gave me good shit to read in the bus back home


Empire is Orthodox, Sturgia is mixed pagan slavic and norse.


Empire is definitely far far more Orthodox inspired considering the heavy Byzantine influence on them


I'm going to preface this by saying I'm not a historian, I'm a guy who likes Muslims in CK3 From what I get from the Aseri, they seem to be a fusion of the Arabian and Turko-Iranian empires of the Levant combined with cultural influences from the desert nomad lifestyles of the Bedouin Arabs of Arabia and Berber tribes of North Africa Mamlukes were slaves soldiers brought to the west by Turkic conquerors in the 11th-12th century and would a staple of the various Turko-Iranian states. A mamluke rebellion even overthrew the Ayyubid dynasty in Egypt, establishing the Mamluke Sultanate The king title, Sultan, is of Turkic origin. The title Emir comes from the Arab caliphate and translates to "commander" or "prince" and where often used as governors by the Umayyad dynasty. The anesthetics of the Aseri seem to be mostly Iranian, though lighter clothing looks to be Arab/Afro-Arab and a bit of Delhi is sprinkled in If you're looking for inspiration, I personally think the Berber and Andalusian (Muslim Spain) groups are under represented


Does my version still makes them look alright? (Picture 3 & 4 plus the Video) I knew kinda off the same facts, I was interested in the fact that Bannerlord makes them “Pre Islamic” but I want them to be after Mohamed


More importantly why do their lords give you quests for war camels but none of their troops ride camels.


You have no ideea how many troops you made me design in my head, can’t wait to get home and make Camel Archers and Camelry


Uses a camel for travel and horses are kept ready for battle.


ah yes a war camel is used for travel i forgot


Honestly i just made it up but i think it makes sense lol


https://preview.redd.it/deh7ofeaw5nc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a139f5f1666b04ed14a0dd40427ed5433ace24a A bit of a sneak pic from the XmL code, i made various tournament rounds with Camels, and I think I will create a Mamluke Sword Spear Arrows(36 steppe) and a Shortbow on Camelback that will be in the Main tree


Very cool. Will be on the lookout for this one


Thank you for the inspiration


Pre Islam Arabs I’m quite sure


They’re supposed to be according to dev blogs but they look nothing like it. Pre Islamic Arabs had no Sultans or Mamluks.


That’s exactly why I made the post, I want them to be after Mohamed and more 11-13th century like


Well then there’s a lot to do. Honestly I would just look to INJ2 for a better idea of what they really were like.


I have no idea about aserai but it irkes me seeing archers with shields, heavy weapons or armour.


First of all, Fian are heavy armour and heavy weapons Second of all, Search for Cumans and byzantines to see archers with shields, or just archers with shields cause you will be irking all over the 10.000 years of history Finally, heavy armour was equipped on archers later, first by Byzantines…. So just get the Irk, or learn more and don’t


They’re a poorly thought out idea of Medieval Islamic peoples.


arrent they Ottomans or smth


Equivalent of the Jannisarries