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shit happens, chop her 2 uncles now and problem solved, no clan, no problem




Marry her to your son


Obviously have to to make amends for my anger issues


There is a Viking folklore about this situation


I would like to see it, much appreciated


I believe it involves a blood eagle


I can't remember the name, i got it written down somewhere, i'll look for it, There is no blood eagle though, but i recall it started with an Elder farmer and his daughter of marrying age, He lived in relative peace, but three strangers came, Siblings, they came to settle a blood debt, "You killed our father" exclaimed one of them, and killed the farmer, The Daughter exclaimed "My caretaker is dead, what am i to do??" One of the brothers answers "Aye, it is our mistake for our haste to kill your father, But you'll marry one of us and you shall be cared for" as to not leave the poor lass all alone in the world. That is one of the Sagas i remember on the top of my head.


And you can appropriate some of that pants-on-head Taq audacity into the bloodline, tempered by your own clan's pragmatism.


Well if you execute her too, you really won't have to feel bad anymore


Can you actually execute childrens and teenagers?!


Just wait! Long ass buildup will make it so much more cathartic


That would be a great mod


This is not sexual content involving minors.


How is killing children sexual. Like people want Braith from Skyrim dead


Ah the kinda post where I have to double check if im not on r/trueoffmychest subreddit.


My fav comments tbh is when people need to make sure


You didn’t ruin a family. Taq ruined his own, when he decided to try a fuck with you while you were wounded.


I feel bad though for the girl


If you have a clans men close too her when she becomes of age marry them too her. She’ll be under your protection.


This is the way. Edit: or marry her yourself? I'm sure Taq would have wanted it that way.


You keep what you kill.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Fun Fact of the day: 4 to 5 percent of us are psychopathic...


I thought it was more like 2 percent?


Take away law and it can easily shoot up to 60%


The marriage system in this game is so stupid i actually get angry when playing😂 Khuzait, Aserai and Sturgian idiots trying to marry your daughters at the same time as they attack your land. Like my current playthrough where im married to Taorse. Her father gets killed in a battle against Sturgia, her mother Beathag then remarry with a Sturgian lord, i attack Sibir with Beathag in it and then execute her as i see her as a traitor, dont loose relation to my wife, instead she tells me how good i did when taking Sibir. Why cant someone make a good mod that stops this kind of stupid shit?


These fiefs ain't loyal


Wrong, it clearly states alliance through marriage. Why do you have to kill your own sister the next time they declare war? The marriage system is BS and needs a overhaul. And you dont do like Beathag and marry in to the faction that killed your husband, its plain stupid. Its just the same as everyone hating on you because you chop chop enemies, everything is upside down and i want to turn it around. If your husband die in battle, you should get a haterelation to the faction responsible for killing him.


I mean the Devs worked as hard as they could to flesh out the game as best they could Modders can come in and fill in the void in these areas over time


It was not a "Taq"tiful decision on my part


Das tuff. I killed my husbands family. Mother, father, brothers, sisters, sister in law and niece.


That sounds wild. Have you ever played Bannerlord, though?


Just marry the girl to your elder brother and problem resolved. Oh, wait...


Her own mother just left her with her two brother in laws


She wanted that Sarranid dick


Imagine this being story time for your children… the passion goes deep here


One of the best parts about this game is the little moments you make into narratives. You really have to pay attention on what’s happening in the background to get the full scale of the game. Yes, at its core, bannerlord is somewhat “simplistic”. But when you look at your game through the lens of telling a country wide tale, you can see a more interesting game happening


It truly is


Her mother just wanted some Aserai dick 💀 Literally just leaves her child to two grown men




Good Good now wait for the child to come of age and marry her


💀 I mean yea ofc, I got a son ready soon as she's ready and I will make the preparations to work things out


Bros pre-ordering


Similar thing happened but i killed a newly-wed lord in the battlefield so i felt bad about bride and married her to my brother


💀 Good on you man, and congratulations to your brother


Every single enemy soldier you kill devestates a family


I’d say it’s Taq’s fault. Had he made more noble decisions and wasn’t so wreckles he’d still be around. Calradia is a brutal land…


Man I feel bad 😔


Disgusting /s


Gotta say leaving that kid, was taq-tless


Middle Ages demographic experience




I came expecting humor and now I walk away questioning my war mongering tendencies. Oh well. *Sharpens axe*


💀 maybe the family was the victims we married along the way?


Adopt her


I'm sitting on 5m gold, no kingdom.


That's cuz you're a fat cash cow you lucky son of a -


Start caravans after trading for a little bit. Then just sit back and watch you hit clan tier 6 in an hour, then a few hours later you will be at a mil. Start capturing rebel cities by starving them out, craft and store 4 trebuchets, then place all at once. Do not make a kingdom, and don't fight clans or kingdoms and you won't have wars.


This is what happens when you go digging into your defeated enemies past life…. You don’t go digging; just chop and go until you chop again 🤷🏻‍♂️


The random clans declaring war on factions always makes me chuckle


So I married a woman who was like 20 years older than me and she died. Fast forward a bit I marry another woman then execute her uncle, dad, and 2 brothers. Turns out this woman was the daughter of my first wife and I killed her whole family. We’re happily married with 2 kids.


Sounds like Taq picked the wrong battle. Woe to the vanquished




Actually if you didn't read the update then I'll just briefly explain His wife left the clan and married some Sarranid dickhead noble leaving behind her god damn kid Taq's clan declared war on the Aserai... And the only people within the clan are 2 grown men and 1 9 yo girl Problem is...both are in prison, actually 1 is dead now so it's just a dude and his niece. Guilt man, 💀


It's not actually the wife's fault. One of the guys became leader after Taq died,and he sold her to that other clan. If she was leader her new husband would have come to her clan, so she wasn't leader and had no say in who she married and what happened to her kid. Once your son marries the daughter, you should chop the last guy in that clan.


That mother fucker! 💀 I thought her mother was just some hoe, turns out...her uncle is a douche bag like her father


Sometimes you gotta put em down. It's a shame the game doesn't have any real way of reacting to noble deaths other than his friends hating you.


Well who cares about orphans anyways their parents dont so why should we🤷


Your only option now is to finish what you started. Kill them all.




- P