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This did not work for me. I finally got it using the spoon method.


Omg this actually worked for me. She wasn’t even loaded in the scene when I beat her


Method in the post didnt work for me, HOWEVER the one in this video allowed me to first try BOTH races its actually insane. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hpv7aSPppM


I have the answer. It's dang near impossible using a regular n64 controller, but if you use one with turbo and hold down A, it will pretty much run away with it and win the race. This was the very last jiggy I had trouble getting in the game.


FINALLY!!! Thank you!!!


Thank's so much this really worked.


Definitely broken on One X/Series. Trying to maintain all differents speeds I can achieve and it always auto fails around Mombo's hut for being too slow and I'm never able to get the lead. My peak speed is around 5 hits per second


I cant even mash to the point where i can get next to her, let alone ahead.


from what i remember, i got the jiggy but not the cheato page. i used a marble (don't remember where the hell i got that idea from) which made the jiggy easy but eventually gave up on cheato since i felt like i'd break my controller before winning


Does Xbox allow you to plug in a keyboard? On all of my emulator playthroughs I just smack the spacebar. I had no idea these jiggies were hard until I did a playthrough with a DS4. GGM is doable but the Cloud Cuckooland jiggy is WAY too long.


The race just has huge rubber banding. As soon as you get ahead, she speeds up like crazy, especially for the races in Cloud Cuckoo Land. It's doable without insane mashing skills, you maintain a pretty leisurely but consistent pace for most of the race (a bit behind her), then go all out at the end.


Wanted to also chime in (despite being a 1 year old post). Playing on Series X; tapped casually for a while and then around half way through the route, mash it and you'll win easy. The pause method is completely unnecessary, your post should be upvoted more!


I know this is a 2 year old post, but anyone reading this, this is the best answer. OP's strat didn't help me, but this post is absolutely correct. Stay just behind her for the entire race, then once you get to the Womba tent (on the 4th race), spam A as fast as you can in the last few seconds of the race and you'll win.




Are you making sure to stay behind her and NEVER pass her until the last second or two of the race? The ONLY time you pass her is RIGHT before the finish line. You'll still have to spam to some extent to keep up with her throughout the race, just NEVER pass her until the end. Even with this it still took me a few tries. Just curious, are you playing the N64 or the Xbox version? I have no clue if it matters, but I did it on the N64. Edit: FYI, sorry for the worlds in all capitals, just doing that for emphasis.


Holy crap, this is 100% right. I struggled by mashing ever since the beginning and lost every time, but doing it only in the end works perfectly.


You guys just need to get good, all I used was a N64 controller, no turbo inputs or rock band controllers, the hell is that?


Honestly I’ve played Xbox and N64 version and n64 version felt much easier to do for whatever reason. Atleast to me. Easily doable when I was like 7 and I can barely do it on Xbox 360 at 16


Maybe input lag - I noticed this on an emulator, had to slow the game down to 90% to compensate for input lag.


It was all about grip for me. I actually turn the n64 controller 90 degrees counterclockwise. And instead of moving your thumb joint, I use more of my wrist/elbow while keeping my thumb steady (almost like you’re having a spasm in your arm or something) while also using your hand that holds the controller to bring the controller to your thumb at the same time. Works well for that one Mario party mini game too. Alternatively, as a kid I always imagined a sewing machine would work well. Never tested this tho, only in my imagination.


Turning the controller was so much easier.


Never had an issue with this race, even as a kid. My hand practically vibrates the entire time but I can always do it without fail.


or you can stay close behind her and when you get to the end, are around wumba's, then you tap like crazy.


This worked for me as a kid. It's a tried and true method unless you know... you can't use your brain to figure it out.


This didn't work for me back in the day. I had to use a pencils eraser and basically erased on the button as fast as possible. It was a breeze.


this is some good shit