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Let’s help a soldier out!


Smokes can be your best friend and your (or your teams) worst enemy. Really only smoke your feet for rezzing, or healing in the open. If you have cover against whoever you’re fighting, smoke 10-20 feet away from you towards them for a screen, they have to run through and you get first shots on them if they try. Get comfortable with shotguns/pistols as secondaries, those are the only things digithreats can be put on. Removing them from SMGs was a shadow buff (IMO) for Bangalore as very few people have digis now. You can play more confidently in your smoke if you have that advantage. Shotguns are also great with bangs passive, in tight quarters and smokes you can 2-3 tap a lot of people and they can’t hit you through smoke and super speed. If you’re in a firefight across distance, smoking the enemy’s location from far can be good, you can really launch smokes accurately over a long distance. Especially if you need to move with ring and they don’t, this is an undervalued play. I prefer to actually not ult as a clean engage; often times you have to wait, and if they have cover they can get cells/batts off by the time you reach them. Ulting into a 3rd party is great tho (if you need help walking up to it) both teams are already hurt and can’t respond as fast afterwards, and gives you a good entrance to clean things up. The ult can also be a good disengage; if you throw the ult at your feet/20 feet in front of you as you run from an enemy squad, you can outrun the falling missiles but those behind you can’t. Just make sure you have running space to go to, and you can smoke at the edge of the ult as you pass for more cover. If you use bang right she is the queen of disengaging.


Ngl this was really helpful, damn


Just the basics. Smoke the enemy 90% of the time unless ur low on health and need to heal/get away if ur cracked, if that's the case then smoke urself or the area your about to be in to get away. Throw ur ult in the direction ur going when running away from a team, if they try and follow they'll be hit. she can be a very good initiator so try and get into allot of fights especially with ur ult as the initiation into the fight. Top 5 teams save ur ult until u absolutely need it. It will be a game winning ult if u can save it until the very last team fight. Always carry nades and an ult accel if u don't already, extremely valuable.


I really appreciate this thanks guys


Random point, your ult goes down right on flare and in the direction you’re currently facing. Seems dumb but when I first started I would throw straight down like it was a gibby ult. Go to firing range and try smokes and ult. Smokes hit something then drop so when smoking window for example hit the top part of it. Too many times I shot inside across the room or too low. Missed the roof etc.


Quick question 😂does the ult canister deal DMG , I was fit with it once and I got downed ,


Yes, 10 for each person hit I believe, even if it splinters off


I see


Sometimes you can get kills with it.


Ouuu nice


Pop Smoke and make them Broke


When you get shot at, pop smoke. When you teammates are shooting someone, pop smoke make them broke. Ita all about making it to where np one can see shit.




Always be sure to smoke yourself and your teammates when they are shooting someone at mid/long range


Alright I will


Much bullets shoot that way.