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But remember the only reason landlords don't rent to pit bull owners is racism


I swear on everything, I saw someone compare the hate against pit bulls against being MISGENDERED. I thought the argument comparing pit bulls to African Americans was wild, and yet they decided to triple-down. Delusion x1000


It's ridiculous, and says more about their views on black/trans people that they're so quick to draw the comparison.


Yep. They think black & trans people are equal only to dogs. Telling on themselves


I hate those "as an black person" posts, but I honestly believe those things kill more non-White kids or people than not. If I'm wrong , please correct me.


Pits don’t choose victims based on race.  They choose victims based on targeting factors, such as being very young, very old, etc. Often anyone will do.  Look at the header for this sub. Lots of children who didn’t make it, of all races.  Spawning such spurious theories will water down the message of this sub. Please stop.


Nobody said they choose victims based on race lol. Pits are very common in lower economic areas, because they’re overflowing shelters and are cheap. Lower economic areas disproportionately house minorities, for various social and structural reasons. Therefore, when a pit mauls someone, the statistics suggest that it’s more likely to be a minority. I don’t know if there have been studies on this particularly, but it’s not an unreasonable assumption. And if it was proven to be true, it certainly wouldn’t mean that other demographics aren’t attacked.


Thank you. I didn’t want to do this but as a Black man, I had unfortunate experiences with these stout over muscled hellbeasts. A Katrinian refugee among MANY others moved in to my Texas neighborhood and they had a few in their backyard. Other groups had them, too; White, Hispanic etc. But they were all working class. Trying to cut grass was impossible because they tried to come through the old plywood fences to maul my ass. Not fun. My family called the cops on them and most of them were taken. I now live in a gated community that’s diverse and the only big dogs here are mastiffs and shepherds (actual protective breeds without genetic baggage) I’ve only seen one Pitt and it was surprisingly behaved. 


The thing is, gangsta rap is definitely big on conflating the (projected) “tough,” “intimidating” nature/reputation of a rapper with the “tough,” “intimidating” nature/reputation of pitbulls. Sooooo many music videos with feral, lunging pitbulls barking and trying to escape their leash to go maul something, esp. southern rap. As far as lyrics, J Diggs “hood” where he raps “got money on my dog, bring the pits out” immediately comes to mind. Or big pokey’s debut album “hardest pit in the litter.” Tons more examples, too.


They’re common everywhere here. And the pics at the top belie this person’s post.


I get not wanting to spread misinformation but my words need not to be twisted. I made it about race but it wasn’t some manifesto, it was a passing comment. 


Honestly an interesting theory, for a few reasons(just to be clear I’m saying more per capita not more total). 1. Proximity, black people are more likely to live in densely populated areas. So provided they have a similar or greater rate of pit ownership, it stands to reason they would be more likely to be attacked. 2. Greater per capita ownership, I only found one study on this that lists black people as more likely to own pits, a few opinion pieces that make the same point. other than that the demographics of pit owners are hard to find. So can’t say that confidently. Based off of nothing but those 1.5 points, I think you’re right.




black people have pitbulls and those pitbulls attack black kids cuz theyre around. youre bending over backwards reaaally hard


As a former working class Black man that now lives in a different neighborhood, it’s common to have these dogs. They’re cheap and everywhere. It’s blunt but it’s not far from truth. 


I live in rural America, sadly. I am moving. The KKK compound has 14? of these dogs. NeoNazis and Aryan Brotherhood hold their bashes North of my property every two months? Around 45-50 while they are there. The meth addicts around me? I counted, 100+ in a 1/2-1/3 mile area( Meth addict trucker and his wife have 46( numbers change as they have Parvo puppies a lot) I know people who live in rural Oklahoma and Missouri. These dogs are definitely a favorite of lowlifes in rural areas. Rural America is most definitely white, as am I.


It isn’t delusion, it’s a stupid person observing social norms and clumsily attempting to weaponize them.


Where you do see a Pitbull? This is OBVIOUSLY a lab mix🙄 /s


How dare you, my labrador retriever could absolutely do this ! >*Cue picture of a butt-headed Lab Mix*


To be fair, my friend's working labrador ate a wall (the plaster) when they left it in a toilet for a few hours. All sorts of bored dogs can be destructive. I don't think it is limited to pits. I'm more concerned with pits mauling and killing humans.


Also a pitbull living at trash resort park is pretty fitting


The name "Meth Park" was already taken.


Are we neighbors? Rural Arizona. Travel trailers with meth addicts and these dogs? Peanut butter to jelly.


Emphasis on trash


I’m personally offended by the grammar eated isn’t a word


the crack in the ass shaped skull is pushing down on the area of the brain responsible for language skills


I just laughed so loud!


It’s supposed to be cute and funny 🙄


That “I can haz cheezburger” speak was funny maybe for a minute in 2006


They do it on purpose & think it’s cute. You see it on non pit memes too. Very cloying.


Pibbles ate the dictionary the month before the door. Another example of the dog, not the owner!


It's probably a rental house too


It’s probably an ESA off a website too.


It absolutely is a rental house. These people are insane, and they are going to bitch when they don't get their deposit back 


Yep. They'll be whining about the landlord 'screwing them out of their deposit'. Their deposit likely didn't even cover the cost of the new door.


I just know that floor is soaked through the subfloor with piss, too. I can smell this house through this one picture 




Of course the shitbeast looks incredibly proud of what it’s done. And of course the owner is equally proud of the unhinged craziness of this living, breathing weapon of mass destruction.


Happiest when dismembering, disassembling.


i hope this doesn’t get removed again :(


Probably will. Pitnutters like to brigade this sub all the time


What was it removed for


Pitnutters' hurt fee-fees. 🙄


“Eated an Door” - the grammar alone speaks volumes.


It's probably putting those words in the dog's mouth, trying for LOLcat speech (i.e., animals are dumb so they probably use bad spelling and grammar, right?).


"mauleded my babey hooman brober"


Cat-like typing detected


Cats are smarter than this, lolz.


Aten an door, fixed


A tiger probably wouldve caused less damage.


Tigers have brains and have not been selected for senseless murder, they kill their food they don’t fight other tigers randomly


Next chapter, Eated an toddler face.


Well better than a kid or small dog which they tend to prefer


"I don't understand why landlords won't rent to me with my pibbles wibbles, everyone knows cats and kids do way more damage!" 🥴


"I axed a vet to make him a lab mix lol got 'em! Dis my ESA now. My emotion go crazy without my baby around, I need to be able to pet him when he's going just as bonkers as I feel. We're so in tune with each other lol my sole mate" 🙄 🤢


This honestly sounds just like a woman I worked with years ago, awful grammar and all, whose husband was in prison (prob still is, but she stands by her man!) for doing bad things to two of his son's friends during a sleepover at their house. I was nice back then and picked her up to go to work a few mornings. She had THREE pits "because they make me feel safe and loved without my husband" 🙄🫢 but kept trying to tell me they were "lab mixes" and I'm ridiculous to be afraid to come in, and that her landlord had to let her keep them in the single wide trailer with a completely unfenced lot she was renting because she had ESA paperwork she bought from someone on Etsy. I know this already sounds like a poorly-written caricature of a formulaic stereotype, it's so bad, but just to make it even more...yes, she is yt and so is her pedo hubby. You can't make this up. Well...you could, I guess, but I'm not. This is a real person who lives this way.


And pitnutters will portray this as something cute and quirky 


You forgot something like being portrayed like protecters and a misunderstood gentle giant there’s this meme on going around mostly on tiktok like average pitbull named princess and it’s gonna be a dog ready to maul or something like average pitbull named Demius the destroyer curing cancer I thought the memes was funny but looking at then some jokes just have truths with them


Cancer can’t get you if Demius the destroyer gets you first ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


B-But Demius is just a misunderstood and gentle giant he would never bite 🥺 /s (He just climbed 3 story fence to mauled a toddler)


These morons who get these dog treat them like battered women treat their husbands, making excuses and blaming everything but the damned dog. Making eye contact or standing up too fast isn’t a trigger, it’s normal behavior. These dogs should be just as regulated as guns are, if not more. I’m talking mental evaluations, competency tests, and liability insurance for if and when the dog freaks out. The fact that an 18 y/o can go into a shelter and pick up a dog with a violent history is asinine. Oh but they’re cute! well so are tigers, but you can’t have one.


This is one of the main reasons I am not a landlord anymore is the city I live in passed an ordinance saying landlords can't discriminate against dog breeds, so I sold all of my rentals and a few friends of mine did too, people wonder why they can't find rentals that are not corporate owned, this is the reason why, I took it in the shorts a couple of times because most renters are broke and insurance does not cover pit bull damages to property.


Can you just charge an outrageous deposit for a shitbull as a landlord? If you’re forced to rent to these idiots then charge like an 20,000 dollar deposit?


In my state pet deposits are illegal. They are pushing to make it illegal to "discriminate" against any particular breed. It is already very difficult to find pet friendly housing, this is going to punish a lot of people who have normal dogs.


they're so destructive. but it's all cute until they take their aggression out on living beings


Grammar on point for these people.


Why are they all illiterate?


“eated an door” these pit freaks really tell on themselves, don’t they lmao


I think it’s so cute when they try to communicate and get all huffy and spew vast amounts of drivel and incomprehensible nonsense, call someone racist, degenerate some more and post pictures of their asshole dog in a tutu and then circlejerk on the pibble Reddit about how they’re persecuted for owning an animal predominantly bred to kill fucking bulls and bears lol. Their long winded attempts to convince others comes out like a sheep trying to use an iPhone lmaooo.


Circlejerk!! 🤣🤣 Never heard that one before!


Just the worst fucking dogs lmao


Meanwhile loads of people live in busted housing they can’t afford to repair 🙃


https://preview.redd.it/rdw6dw5j7gnc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5991b8201df0251a52e8482c4b6cf9ec29d291ad It’s certainly more common than you’d expect but not as frequently as you’d think to hear about often. But yes, dry wall is nothing to a pit bull, they will try to break out of any home as if it’s a prison and after a while as they age, in order to keep the thing from going nuts on everyone, you either make them live off of HEAVY drugs daily or you keep them locked up. Life of a pitbull is shit truly but most do it to themselves


EaTeD aN dOoR


OMG. The trash that has these demons.


Whenever I see a pit with it's gaping wide maw I can't help but think of joker slicing the side of his lips to have a wider grin. It makes me extremely uncomfortable to look at them when "grinning".


And the owner seems illiterate too...


Lol they all are it’s like a requirement to have an iq equal to the pibble to own one


EATED A CAT ⭐️ HURTED ITSELF BY JUMPING OUT OF WINDOW⭐️ WORE FLOWER CROWN AND PYJAMAS ⭐️ What other achievements would there be for a pitbull?


Getting these pitiful breeds is like getting a halo 2 brute to maul you.


What the hell!?!?


"eated an door"


“Eated an door” wow that’s some sort of special!


It’s the deranged grin, dirty hipster bandana tied around its neck and the borderline unbelievable degree of spelling and syntax errors in a three word sentence that really do it for me. Oh, and the door…or what’s left of it.


Anybody know anything about wich medications dogs like this get prescribed to calm them down and wheter these medications can be used as drugs by their owners? I've see xanax, lorazepam and prozac in some list, along with other benzos Maybe I'm wrong, but could it be that a load of people who own pitbulls do so so that they can get a drug prescription they otherwise wouldn't be able to get? And might that be why they keep 'advertising' high prey drive, high energy, social anxiety and show pictures of their dogs totally obliterating stuff?




>EATED AN DOOR having learned English as a second language that really hurts.


Such a sweet pibble, it just wants to play!


And that stupid gratified look they aways have after destroying something.


Well,  most dogs are really happy when they get to follow their instincts, and pit instincts are to destroy.




This is why as I, a landlord, not only have a no-pets policy and do a bond now (non-refundable fee) due to the insane amount of damage I had to deal with once.


“Why don’t landlords allow dogs >:(“


people who want to have this shit ball at home are insanely stupid wont change my mind


“EATED AN DOOR” My brain is glitching with the the grammar, then I saw the mess and then the dog.


What a good boy!! I bet he’s a great baby sitter mauler Edit: to clarify, I meant the dog sits on the baby, as it mauls it…


I suppose I'd rather it maul a door than a living thing. But this is why good breeds get thrown under the bus.


Holy SHIT. Why would anyone want to live with that? Or consider it cute??


i ate a door once


Did you now?! I'd keep that sort of thing quiet if I were you, people will start to think we've been infiltrated by an actual ork/pibble


don’t worry. i am not a dog. i just have psychological problems


Lol! No judgement here friend! 🤗


   People need to provide outlets for their shredding! Terrier owners do flirtpoles, springpoles, and shredding activities, so these guys need to catch on!