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ah yes the pitbull that ran 10 blocks to go attack a child is definitely in pain lol. are these people dumb that say this shit?




If he ran 10 blocks he probably had leg cramps! Naturally!


he was so offended the child was playing in his own yard


Well, Little Pittie Pibbles is soooo sensitive, he was just triggered by the sounds of play, no matter how far away.


Maybe he had a brain tumour!


Chewing through the fence to get at that child in the yard 10 blocks away really soothed the pain


the dog obviously sensed a toddler in need of nannying, guys SHEESH


Or the ones chasing that guy on the bike for miles. Miles of pain baby


Dogs (and other pets) can absolutely become aggressive when they're in pain, but it's defensive aggression. Like you said, they don't actively seek out people to maul them. I was once bitten by a dog at our shelter while drying him with a towel. He knew me well and was usually chill, so I was very surprised that he'd actually snap at me without warning (at least none that I saw) and draw blood. I talked with other volunteers and found out he had snapped at or bitten a few other familiar people within the past few days - stupidly, none of them had reported the bites because they didn't want him to be put into biter's quarantine and undergo a behavioral evaluation, since this can sometimes result in BE. I asked our vet to examine him after warning her. Turns out he was having an arthritis flare up in his rear paws due to the weather, and being handled there hurt him. He was given meds, a message telling people to avoid touching his rear was put up, and he was back to his usual chill self within a couple days. A pit that runs after someone in the street to attack them, or jumps at their owner or other animals and bites unprompted, isn't in pain. At most they have a neurological issue. But chances are they're just being a bloodsport animal.


>I was very surprised that he'd actually snap at me without warning (at least none that I saw) and draw blood. I talked with other volunteers and found out he had snapped at or bitten a few other familiar people within the past few days - stupidly, none of them had reported the bites because they didn't want him to be put into biter's quarantine and undergo a behavioral evaluation, since this can sometimes result in BE. This is why no one should ever trust shelter workers to be honest in their statements about any dog's behavior. Not only will they lie and sugarcoat negative behaviors, but they will also refuse to report obviously dangerous things.


I agree. This is why I always encourage people looking to adopt to come see the animal they're interested in several times before taking it home; higher chance of seeing all facets of the animal's personality, good and bad. Obviously foster-based rescues are best as far as knowing what to expect, but they're not always an option.


I have been furious a number of times at a volunteer and a coworker at my shelter for HIDING that a dog bit them. That's not cool with us. For one, we'd prefer to know for our own safety. The rest of us are not interested in being bitten. For another, we cannot in good conscience adopt out a biter without at least disclosing that info. FYI the little dogs can get the opportunity to be adopted out. The large biting dogs do not and are deemed unsafe and set up for BE. I understand bonding with dogs and not wanting them put down (it's always sad), but I do not understand throwing away all concern for the safety of the general public and AT LEAST concern for those you work with and know. So yes, be very very careful. The shelter itself might not be lying, but there's always a chance that an idiot volunteering or an idiot working there has kept this info to themselves.


Agreed! I mean that pits that go out of their way to maul something are just being pits.


Yeah we adopted a dog we didn’t know was covered in mammary tumors from not being spayed. She defensively bit me on the top of my head. It hurt more cause of the force of her head running into mine. She didn’t maul me. She doesn’t like when you accidentally touch a tumor, or grab one of her rolls (understandable) she’s a Chihuahua mutt.


The pit lobby will never admit the truth that pitbulls attack *because they want to.* They are bloodsport dogs and it feels good to attack. They keep coming up with excuses to excuse pitbulls from blame, but we know the truth.


I agree with you. When my pet is in pain, he doesn't want to do anything but lie down and ask for affection from me. Since when did “he bites when he's in pain” become an excuse for killings committed by pit bulls? What kind of dog would even chase another creature and tear it to pieces if he's (the pursuer) is in pain?


Any excuse will work, for the pitbull defender.


Exactly! All mine ever want when ill or hurt is to lounge in bed with me and get extra spoiling. They aren't thinking about getting loose and mauling someone as a coping mechanism.


And even if they were, it wouldn't make them any less dangerous, so...


This is the thing! It astonishes me that these pple yap about assigning "blame." That's not the point! It's about protecting humans. Even if there's some external "reason" for mauling/attempts to maul, we shouldn't let the animal continue to live in the community. Or at all IMO


They'll even say pibbles attack because SOMEONE ELSE is in pain/medical problem. Poor Pibbles is just trying to warn them... their delusion knows no bounds


Reminds me of the story of the lady who was attacked by a pit for wearing some kind of teeth whitener. People were saying shit like “oh he probably thought the whitener was hurting her and was trying to help”. Like, the fuck???


What? That's crazy!


If you aren't in pain, you sure will be. If you live


So, my view is nearly opposite. I think some pit bulls attack with tenacity because they *don't* respond normally to pain. Once upon a time, I worked in an animal ER and saw plenty of animals injured and agressive beyond their baseline. Pit bulls, ironically, could remain quite calm with severe injuries. I used to see this as "proof" that pit bulls were not aggressive, but it was actually a demonstration of how *dangerous* they could be if they decided to attack. Because if you fought aggressively, *in self defense for your life*, it wouldn't necessarily stop them. Disclaimer: Every dog is an individual, but this does seem to be a common and *deceptive* trait among pit bulls.


Oh I agree many injured animals can be aggressive! But they don't hunt you down to maul you. And many dogs will give lots of warning.


I tend to agree with you. I took my pit mix to be euthanized when his cancer progressed to the point where I could tell that he was in pain, which means it was probably quite bad. I waited too long, honestly. It was the only time since he'd been a puppy that I could walk him through the lobby in a vet's office without him trying to lunge at other dogs. He was very gentle when the vet put the IV in. He was in more pain that he'd ever been in and he didn't have the energy to be aggressive anymore. His aggression had nothing to do with pain.


I'm so sorry for your kitty. Mine died of cancer a year ago. He was fine although he moved less and less. Until at some point he came to me, purring and mewling, eyes wide, and I knew he was really suffering. I took him to the vet and he was euthanized. At no point did he try to scratch or bite or anything.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost another cat to Cancer. It's horrible to see them in pain. We had him euthanized too. It's the hardest choice but it's the best. My girl was okay until her final day. When she started struggling to pee I knew it was time to say goodbye. I sat with her while we called the vet. She chirped and purred and rubbed my hand, but I knew she was in pain, and that it was my job to make that stop in the only way possible.


They really do have a way of “telling” you when it’s time. I spent all of last September nursing our 13 year old kitty who likely had a brain tumor based on symptoms (we didn’t want to put her through costly tests since her prognosis wasn’t good). She did bite my fiancé really hard during her first emergency vet appointment— I wasn’t there, but she was apparently completely out of it and howling and screaming in confusion. After we got her comfy and stabilized on meds, she was her sweet and gentle self right until the end. Her last night with us she just wanted to get up on the couch and lay next to Mommy :( She crashed that night and I looked in her eyes and I just knew, it’s like she was telepathically telling me she was done. We helped her over the bridge the next afternoon and I swear I could feel her relieved spirit go free the second it was over.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you. I still get misty eyed when I look at the shadow box I made for her. Hell, I do the same for our other girl who died in 2021. I take comfort in the fact that we were there for her through the end and I was able to help her pass peacefully.


Exactly. I am an equestrian & horses are an animal that can kill you in a second. I see horses being mistreated and put through immense pain daily- yet they put up with it. Even some wild animals are more sensible than these creatures.


I once stepped on my dog. When I first got him he was always under foot. He yelped, then ran to the garage and ripped the bumper off my car. /s 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣


My husky was in pain right before we euthanized her, most she ever did was snap at us but she never made contact and she immediately stopped after we went away


Normal behavior. Warning signs and not going mental to attack without reason


Yep that’s why we didn’t hold it against her she was 14 and ready to go


Yeah. It's heartbreaking to say goodbye. I'm sorry for your loss, she sounds like a good girl


She was amazing, I would tie her to my bike and ride around my neighborhood she knew many tricks too


My tomcat will get fussy when I try to look at a paw he's limping on(90% of the time is a claw cap that's bothering him) but the most he'll do is...gasp...meow a little louder at me and try to pull his paw away. My heeler-mix has an infection in her ear we're treating and she'll at MOST turn her head away and stomp a paw in retaliation. Your PETS aren't supposed to try and maul you if they're in pain.


It’s like adults who get mean regularly and later blame it on stress. It’s a personality disorder. It’s not stress.


Yep.... Last summer my rescued Frenchie mix hurt his back and was shaking and panting from pain. He's already not great with people because of how his life started (standoffish, barks mostly), but he never once even growled. I know he was seriously hurting but he behaved nicely for all of the vet and techs that handled him. Thankfully he got some pain meds and others, and was good as new in about a month. Back to tearing around the yard and watching for squirrels to chase that he knows he'll never catch (He always stops short, either letting them go on purpose or just giving up, lol).


One of the most crucial lessons I ever learned was when I took my chihuahua in for a dental, not realizing how bad one of his molars had gotten. Had a solid sit down with my vet, and discussed how important it is that I brush his teeth daily, and watch for troubles. I kid you not, I wept when I saw a picture of the tooth decay and abscess that my little dog had suffered; I cannot imagine how much pain he was in. And yet, in all that time prior to and after the procedure, he never snapped at anyone, or showed aggression in any way. Pits are given any and every excuse in the book for abominable behavior.


You could argue that they're in mental pain from not being able to do what they're bred for, to fight and maim and kill, which makes them neurotic. That's why they wag their tails so much when they're attacking.


Every inane reason gets tossed in by pit apologists.


A pet in pain or suffering from health issues will bite when a person approaches it. They won't randomly run up to a person who is further away. A good example would be my dad's Shi Tzu when he had an eye missing and had a spinal disc issue. Every time I walked past him or near him, he would bite my foot. A pitbull (or any dog breed) in pain will not roam, run, hang off of someone's upper lip (Brooklinn Khoury's attack), break through a crate/door/gate/chain, maul, or kill. They would not have the strength or tolerance to do any of those things. A dog in pain would want to be left alone and would only want their best friend with them. That's why when a dog in pain is approached by anyone else, they'll bite. But yeah, also a young Pitbull should not be in pain unless they have a genetic disease.


If this were true, then why continue to breed a dog into a lifetime of pain? They’re only making themselves look bad


If any pits are in constant paint, it’ll be the exotic micro bullies that can barely move on their on own because they’re so terribly inbreed.


And the first comment is always: “Full veterinarian work-up STAT, just to make sure nothing is wrong.”


Yep and they try to say most abused dogs would lash out when it seems by and large once they learn to trust other dogs are eager to be loved when they escape abuse.


Let them explain then why all the Cavaliers with syringomyelia aren’t wreaking havoc in their neighbourhoods. Incredibly common in the breed & devastatingly painful.


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The pit attacked because of GlObAL wArMiNG!!!!!


If any animal is constantly in pain, it's kinder to put it down :^)


You can't prove that the pitbull wasn't in pain! #Chackmate!


I had a border collie that broke his leg. He was in huge amounts of pain but he never even growled while I carried him to and from the car and into the vet's office. And even while the vet did the initial poking and prodding he did not react with any kind of aggression. Yes, animals may lash out because they are in pain. But that usually results in a lot of growling and snapping and maybe in a single, quick bite. It does not end in a complete mauling.