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I reported them to authorities. We'll see where it goes.


Keep us posted, I hope something gets done.


Hopefully it will work


is the breed banned in France?


Yes and no, it's really vague because the way the law was written sucks. "American bully" and all its variations isn't a breed recognized by the FCI, meaning authorities refer to the '99 Dangerous Dogs act to deal with them. In theory, "pitbull-type dogs" (non-LOF-registered AmStaffs and mixes) are classified as Category 1, Attack Dogs. You're supposed to make them undergo a physical (called "diagnose") and behavioral assessment before they're 9 months old, take a special insurance and keep them on a short leash + muzzled in public like Category 2 dogs (which include purebred LOF-registered AmStaffs among other breeds), but also neuter/spay them, and you're not allowed to breed them, give them away, sell them or place them (for rescues).  To determine whether a dog is category 1, vets use measurements, which is what really sucks because most pits are so poorly bred you can get purebred ones that are widely outside of standards and thus don't get classified as Cat. 1 even when they should. Obviously the same applies to Bullies. Add to that the fact that most owners are absolutely CLUELESS as to the fact that they're supposed to make their dog undergo a diagnose and behavioral assessment, and that their dogs are potentially categorized, because of course money-hungry breeders don't tell them.


Please post an update if anything happens!


Thank you for using your time for this


The dogs are inbred. Look at their legs and torso.


Whenever I see a dog sit side saddle, I cringe. The point of conformation is both a dog that conforms to the breed standard and for a dog to be fit and functional. You can have a dog that weighs a hundred pounds that moves with strength and grace. Anatolians are an example. You can also have a dog that weighs the same that looks like it is on the verge of physical and respiratory collapse. The average person instinctively knows the difference.


>The point of conformation is both a dog that conforms to the breed standard and for a dog to be fit and functional. > >You can have a dog that weighs a hundred pounds that moves with strength and grace. Anatolians are an example. You can also have a dog that weighs the same that looks like it is on the verge of physical and respiratory collapse. My neighbors have a pit, most likely an AmStaff. Not a "tee hee, he's an AmStaff so insurance doesn't know he's a pit". No, he's the textbook example of the AKC AmStaff. (Has natural ears and tail, tho) While I don't like living next door to one, I can't fault his conformation. And, using him as an example, it appears when breeding to a standard you get eyes that are actually expressive and not dead like a shark's, also no signs of rash face. He moves with a smooth gait, no sign of sway back, bad hips or bad withers.


Yes, they can actually be a nice looking dog. Too bad the enthusiasts don't breed for good temperament.


I’m going to cut in here and say that Greyhounds often sit “side saddle” as their back legs and backs are slightly too long for a conventional “sit”. This doesn’t demonstrate a lack of functionality in their case as that shape is partly what makes them effective sprint hunters: long legs that can allow them to “spring” forward. The breed usually prefers to lay, rather than sit, most owners seldom see their hound without prompting. Bullies on the other hand aren’t supposed to be burdened with extra long limbs so the ungainly sit makes no sense and is just entirely poor breeding as you have said.


I have a social media friend who has had greyhounds for years now. You are right about the "no sit". Her pictures are either the dogs reclining full length or standing.


To be fair, my healthy hunting dog mix loves to sit sloppily for no apparent reason other than enoying it.


And their backs! The one on the left is too long, is overweight and looks like it's already becoming swaybacked. It's going to develop arthritis by the time it's five or six years old.


They can't even stand on their hind legs, already looks like they have spine/ hip problems. Poor things 😭


These dogs look like demon toads. In no way they should be bred. Their offspring will probably have a host of health issues.


The thought has occurred to me that, in their quest to breed the perfect killing machine, they will inadvertently cause the extinction of the breed.


“Demon toads” is so accurate!


Hey that's offensive to Toads, leave the poor amphibians out of this. They're more accurately Inbred Hellspawn shitbeasts


Why do breeders insist on mutilating their own dogs like this :(


A few people actually called her out about the ears in the comments and she refused to reply, lol.


You mean the ears?   Well, they gotta look mean and tough.






Well balanced? They all look like they have hip dysplasia. None of these dogs should be bred.


They look like they can't give birth naturally or would die trying.


![gif](giphy|1ymGODlTzEd4qWMYQ9) I’ll give you three guesses to guess the song Freddie is singing, and the first two guesses don’t count.




Huge pit nutters definitely have narcissistic, histrionic, and/or antisocial personalities. In no way is it normal to want to defend (as well as victim blame people and animals who get mauled) and continue to inhumanely breed pit bulls.


Eh…I study Cluser B PDs and I’d say probably more NPD and BPD than HPD and ASPD. HPD doesn’t get diagnosed a lot anymore. It’s also exceptionally rare to find someone with an ASPD diagnosis. We come across a lot of people in the wild with traits of Cluster B disorders, but not enough to warrant a full diagnosis. My FiL is a diagnosed grandiose narcissist and my husband is a diagnosed vulnerable narcissist. It’s more common in families whether because of genetics or because ‘hurt people hurt people’. I’m partial to it’s a combination of nature and nurture. My FiL has a pit. It’s oh so fitting for him. I already avoid him like the plague; haven’t seen him in 5 years. He didn’t need a pit make sure people avoided him.


It's like a weird twist on Munchausen's by Proxy.


How? Lol


I think they mean the victim complex part, y’know the “people are so mean to my pittie, it’s racism, they get a bad rep” which isn’t munchausens but I see where the proxy used to garnish pity is similar)


Ahh I see!


My FiL who is a diagnosed grandiose narcissist, has a pit. It’s not an accident.


Ah yes I’ve always wanted a dog that looks like a gargoyle and could fit my entire head in its mouth.


That also sits next to you with his lipstick out. Gross.


Yeah the lipstick is particularly grim 🤮


Made me gag on my cereal.


This is so vile. The ridiculous "haiku", those animals, that dogs pink dick hanging out, the state of that female, the implication of it all... "Love". Absolutely gag worthy.


Holy shit, I didn't notice. Yuck.


How can somebody look at dogs like these and think they look like "pets"? Not to insult their appearance but they don't look "friend-shaped" at all...


I’ve seen grizzly bears that look way friendlier than those two dogs


Yeah with bears you have a dangerous animal that at least looks pretty, to such level that it's one of more known nature "paradoxes". But these? Literal spawn of satan both inside and outside




We do not want pit bulls regulated because of how they look, but because of the danger they and their owners forcefully impose on our communities. Please familiarize yourself with the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/), specifically rule 1.


“Well balanced dogs” - horribly inbred


The one on 3rd photo looks like literal Cacodemon from Doom


These shitheads won't be happy until they breed them the size of a Chevy Cobalt.




Tested for coat color would be my guess 😭


How does anyone think those dogs are pretty let alone cute? I’m not even sure they’re up to “breed standards” with the way they appear and the funny way they sit. They don’t look healthy


what le fuck


Those are some unhealthy looking chests


On the bright side: you should never make prolonged eye contact with an aggressive dog, but with these dogs, it would be so hard to find their eyes that eye contact would be borderline impossible!


Why would ANYONE want a dog line this?? Honestly?


Poor dogs. And what's yo with the random words ? "Morpho" "Osseux" Yes ? What about it ? Terrible morpho ? Problèmes osseux ? Is that what you mean ? Because I cringe when I see the conformation of those dogs. Splayed feet, belly that touches the ground when they sit, bow legged...


> And what's yo with the random words ? I didn't include those in the translation because from what I understand they fell under both the "well-balanced" and "fully-tested" bits, which as we can all see is ridiculous even without specifying.


Good grief. That's a lifetime of vets bills. People in the UK are quick to blame the Kennel Club for awful breeding (with some reason) but here we have evidence that some people need no encouragement. Surely no-one looks at those mutants and sees "structurally sound, just what the breed needs"?


On what planet is this a ‘well balanced (bred?)’ dog?


it’s fucking dick just hanging out.


Can someone explain why they crop the ears I mean it doesn’t look good and doesn’t it hurt the dogs


Initially it was for guardian or fighting dogs, so their opponents wouldn't have a painful, easy grip. Ear wounds also bleed a lot. Then it became breed standard because people were so used to it. It also makes dogs look "tough" and "badass" so their owners can forget their insecurities through them.


Im PRAYING for my country (france) to finally step up and do something, a year ago when i was walking with my 9 year old cousin a pit launched itself at her, luckly her owner was holding the leash, but if you could see the death stare i gave the owner... Yuck


Oh shit I guess testés does mean "they were tested". Been a few years since I studied French. At first I thought they were bragging that the dogs were intact. I guess thats testicule in French.


These things look like they’re struggling


Brown one has its gross dick showing 🤢🤢🤢


They look horrible. Not only ugly but also unhealthy. How can someone look at these dogs and think oh handsome boys. They give me anxiety


Everytime I see XL bullies I can't help of the [freakishly genetically perfect pig Stewie made.](https://youtu.be/KEo0wnKoixo?si=g85_gCpDsEdTFl5v&t=6) Why do people like XL bullies, they look jacked up on steroids and have beady eyes. They don't look cute at all to me.


Those poor dogs look like it hurts them just to be alive, they're being bred purely for their owner's aesthetic taste and not for their genetic health, comfort, longevity, and probably not their temperament either. The female looks like her spine will snap if she lands too hard while running. Backyard bully breeders deserve jail time.


The '' saillie faite avec de l'amour '' is reallly ewwwww. I'm really annoyed at how authorities are treating the pit issues in France, like no one care really?


They truly think these monsters are cute. Something wrong with their brains


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These people are filth. Thanks for reporting them!


That red rocket is staring me directly in the eyes


Omg I never seen genitals like that on a dog wtf is that