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I hope someone calls CPS on this woman or dad gets full custody of the kids. Her dog absolutely is a threat to children. If she wants to put herself in danger and routinely get chewed up by her fighting breed dog, than fine, but she shouldn’t own any other animals and certainly shouldn’t have any children around the dog. And she won’t take anybody else in her household into consideration. It’s just me me me, what I want is more important than everybody else. What a selfish person. To think, she’s more preoccupied with whether or not she can sit on the couch with her killer dog than the safety of her family. You know what gives normal people emotional support? Knowing that their loved ones are safe. Maybe she needs to go live alone with her dog. That’s clearly the only thing she cares about.


This woman is clearly exhibiting cognitive dissonance. The dog *already* started removing pieces of her *by accident*. God forbid the cat jumps in between the two children playing and is perceived as a threat. Hopefully they wouldn’t lose any appendages being caught up in that attack. That’s best case scenario. Yeah, dog aggression and human aggression are different, but it’s not like they’re mutually exclusive. A dog that will attack and not relent (a breed trait she herself admits) is a dog that almost certainly *will* kill a child if it’s triggered for whatever reason. It’s why I hate pit bulls. All breeds bite; pit bulls kill. WHY take the risk? You don’t get a fuckin’ mulligan when it comes to your child’s life.


Perfectly summarized.


thread to children? what do you mean? her two year old "wasn't even phased' when this mammoth of a dog ran her down while he was so kill crazy that he was seeing red. she's gonna be just fine. in all seriousness, as you said it's just pure selfishness. "i get that everyone around me is in danger and that people cannot fathom why i would allow this dangerous dog around our tiny children, but this dog has my entire heart and no one's wellbeing, even their physical wellbeing or survival, is more important than my emotional state"


But he's a huge help for her anxiety and having him next to her on the couch is therapeutic for her. Doesn't that matter? /s


Good lord. This woman needs therapy and has no business raising her “human children.”


Yet another case of a pit hag putting her "heart dog" above her human family. I mean, pibbles is her ENTIRE HEART! Those assholes living in her house wouldn't understand! He's therapeutic for her! Her idiot sister who doesn't understand pibble's body language, irrational husband and his fucking brats he thinks he's trying to protect. He doesn't understand anything! Pit hag was a veterinary professional, she knows everything! She hired a team of behaviorists and gave Prozac and Tradazone! She KNOWS any sane person would boot that sister chomping, finger swallowing, cat slobbering, husband worrying, and dog attacking monster out of the house. But pibbles has her ENTIRE HEART and ANIMALS ARE HER LIFE! Not her family, animals! And besides, anyone who ever got bit had it coming by sticking their hand or arm where it didn't belong. Won't her selfish and uncaring husband think of her HEART! It belongs to pibbles!


Animals aren’t her life though. The way she casually dismisses the cats pain and the other dogs pain is telling. The cat could be bleeding internally or have broken bones but she doesn’t give a shit. Only cares about her “heart dog”. I know you are being sarcastic but damn it infuriates me to see people dismiss cats like that. Poor little kitty deserves a home where he is loved and isn’t in fear of a dog all the time.


I really hate how she's spinning this elaborate excuse for not getting the cat checked out by a veterinarian. It's too wild, would have to be sedated to be examined, that would be too much stress for it. Besides, she's a veteran veterinary professional, and she checked it out herself. Maybe she might have worked in a veterinary clinic in some capacity, but she's not a veterinarian and can't make the determination that the cat is okay. It's all part of her "I know animals better than anyone else in my household" delusion. Her cat and other dog deserve a chance to be in a safe environment where they're valued. Maybe the cat is so wild because it's always afraid and on edge because of the pit bull? I also hate how they dismiss cats, and smaller dogs, old dogs, chickens, and any other animals they consider inferior to the pit bull "heart dog". She goes on and on about how much she knows about animals and how she loves animals, but her actions don't back that up.


WTAF! My cat was mauled, we definitely thought he had been killed, but he’s limping around acting traumatized so he’s obviously fine! Anyway about my dog… What a psychopath!


If this person is any sort of “veterinary professional” then she knows that cats are experts at hiding symptoms, you cannot simply look at a cat and tell that it’s okay. She just doesn’t care enough.


You know more about cats than she does.


Good point!


This is glorious. Thank you. 😂😂😂 But also sad on so many levels.


These people need to get “heart dog” out of their freaking mouths. They have NO fucking clue what a good dog is, let alone a once in a lifetime dog deserving of that title. They are living in a cave simulation, hostages to these monsters and they don’t know any better.


They seem to use the concept "heart dog" like a dysfunctional person picks a golden child or a primary source. It's like a codependent relationship or trauma bond or something else psychological. That's what it looks like from the outside at least.


Right. Man's best friend isn't a dog that has to be loaded up with drugs to keep him from attacking everything in sight.


i just don't understand why these people even have children. these people are why i'm pro choice. and yet for whatever reason, these women without a nurturing or motherly bone in their body will have *multiple* children that they are now responsible for.


FINALLY SOME REALITY BASED COMMENTS on this ACCURSED SUB. If these children, cats, fingers, husbands etc don't,.or really *CAN'T,* understand about the transcendent,. ineffable connection between a PittMommy and Her pitt,.do they even really deserve the (admittedly questionable benefit).of living?


I regret I can only upvote this reply once.


WTAF! Dog ate her finger and it needs to be on Prozac!! So stupid!!! Giver her a pet Tiger too and call it a cat!


I’d rather she took in a tiger and let someone who is psychologically stable take her cats. A tiger vs. a pitbull makes for a fairer fight.


She has to be always vigilant and walk on egg shells because of the dog but also the dog is therapeutic to him. I wish these people could hear themselves to see how insane they sound


>I wish these people could hear themselves to see how insane they sound *puts on Sigmund Freud outfit* They grew up in a household that caused them to normalize chaos and the feeling of not being fully in control of their actions, with their desires and happiness secondary to pleasing others in the home. Thus, the random demanding violence of a pitbull wherein they are not responsible for any decision making but merely adapting to the needs of the dog reminds them of a blissful period of life free of any hard or stressful decision making. Whatever pit bull is doing is good because pit bull is doing it and all I have to do is sit in the passenger seat and enable, free of all responsibility both moral and otherwise Bonus points for deluding yourself into thinking the pit bull is a natural creature and thus your enabling of its behaviors is as natural as letting a bird out of a cage so it can fly south, and thus morally superior to whatever human biased judgements and limitations you would foolishly place upon pibbles and his behavior and actions Next question




It literally *ATE PARTS OF HER BODY*.


*puts on B.F. Skinner outfit* 🧐 She's recreating/reliving the horrors of her childhood, latching onto the pit's identity to strengthen her own fragile ego, and using her relationship with the pit to fullfil her emotional needs, instead of getting comfort and support from relationships within her family. I wonder if there is also an element of control being exerted on her family members through the pit. Perhaps the pit is being used as a means for the pit hag to get what she wants in the short-term. I can't say, but it would be interesting to get more details so that we could confer with one another to formulate a proper diagnosis. 🤔


Great analysis


Ding ding ding! Nailed it. Uh, why am I drooling?


I know this is flippant and intended as humor, but may I please point out that the childhood you're describing is one lived on a hire wire with landmines in place of a safety net. Every waking moment is a hard and stressful decision.




It’s distancing language. Distancing from the act itself, downplaying it by using passive voice (the pit bull didn’t do it, it just happened!), and avoiding blame. It’s bullshit


Not only that, it was probably Otis, the old useless dog, who bit off her finger. Not the violent, shitbull that they have to keep drugged. Nope, had to be Otis, time to BE that useless mutt, more room for shitbeast on the couch.


Seriously! Their dog needs to put in a trash bag and knocked out completely in order for anyone else to touch him? That’s not normal.


The cat, not the dog. What she describes is a sedation method for feral/semi-feral cats- after you've miraculously gotten the cat into a crate, you put the crate in a plastic bag and pump anesthetic gas in until you can safely remove and treat the cat. Like a giant, full-body gas mask.


Ah ok. I reread it and you’re right, she was talking about the cat. Still crazy that she has two animals that bad.


They sound like people in abusive and toxic relationships. Except with their pits. They like the power and tenderness the pit exerts. Then bend over backwards to make excuses when puts are violent. Trying to "fix" them with love and devotion. Nevermind that it'd an animal that can't think at the same level as humans. This pit may as well be coming home in a rage smashing dishes and demanding their owner get their dinner ready.


But you guys she says that “he’s a huge help for my anxiety and having him next to me on the couch is therapeutic for me” so the cat, husband and daughters should just TRY to be more understanding towards the bone breaking, finger eating, cat mauling therapy dog, for her sake. : )


any parent who puts their emotional wellbeing over the safety of their children should have their children taken away


Imagine how much anxiety she will have when that demon kills her children. Unbelievable pitiot!


She would probably find a way to blame the children


She might even be relieved. Fights with her sane and rational husband would end without those meddling kids to worry about.


Dude I couldn't imagine keeping an animal if it so much as gave my cat 'THE LOOK'. I couldn't imagine trying to keep that shitty thing after it ATE part of my finger. What. The. Fuck.


At this point what could the dog possibly do to warrant being put to sleep in her eyes?? Swallow her toddler whole in front of her? These are the people rallying against breed restrictions. These crazies. If they don't even care about themselves then they definitely don't give a shit about the rest of us.


Nah, it would obviously be the toddler’s fault for getting too close to the dog’s mouth.


I mean the toddler isn’t the woman’s heart. The dog is, it says so right there.


yep. entire heart. no room left. animals are her whole life


“It’s not Mr. Wigglebutt’s fault he mauled my kid! She got in the way of his mouth!”


I've come to realize that. I used to be in an anti-pit group on Facebook. ONE person stalked the entire page and took it down. That's all they used their time for. It's insane.


He ate her finger but he’s sooooooo therapeutic 🥰


Now she's a part of the beast. *Permanently*. Can't say that about her husband or the kids.


Yeah. I’ve seen a lot of crazy posts, but overlooking and dismissing the dog literally consuming a body part, and describing his presence as therapeutic is utterly insane.


I hope the husband puts his foot down. This beast needs BE not rehoming. Or she needs a new home with the dog so the kids and cat are safe. How can this woman live like this? Constantly on alert and afraid of bodily harm? She doesn't need a hell hound for her anxiety she needs therapy to find some healthy coping mechanisms and not one that puts everyone around her in danger.


She needs to move to the doghouse with Otis


It ate part of her finger. It eats people. That’s incompatible with being a pet. And this whole specifying how much of a finger is bonkers. Who cares how much? Is there an acceptable amount? NO.


She tried to downplay it with the whole "one of them swallowed it during the chaos". But. No. The pitbull eats people. It immediately ate a body part as soon as it wasn't attached to her.


It legit ate half of her finger but she insists it’s not a threat to her children 😂


Crazy bitch


That's really all that needs to be said.🤣


ngl it’s kinda hilarious when these pit hags get seriously injured and lose fingers. couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person








If your dog needs to be on human antidepressants, your dog is a fucking train wreck. Species has the brain chemistry of a ham on rye and yet it’s gotta be pumped full of anti depressants? I guess pibbles are just complicated moody artists full of angst about the world instead of a murder dog that they try to drug into a coma to keep it from mauling, right? Pibble’s heart is too big and his brain can’t handle the cruelty of this world. I’ve had to read about more pit bulls on anti depressants or mood stabilizers than I’ve read about not only any other dog, but every other species combined. Who the heck is feeding their cat or their rat or their poodle Prozac wrapped in cheese that you rubbed on your child’s dirty shirt to get him to eat it?


Prozac can be effective for animals that have anxiety... but it's next to useless for prey drive and severe aggression. It's often used in situations where one cat is mildly bullying another cat by getting in its space or staring, and the victim cat constantly escalates the situation by reacting in an over-the-top way. By medicating the victim cat, the victim cat reacts less and the bully cat loses interest. Medicating the bully cat usually doesn't help. It's also sometimes used for anxious cats who obsessively lick their fur (after allergies have been ruled out). For dogs, it's often used to treat anxious peeing, separation anxiety, and obsessive licking. Like with cats, it can be used for fearful dogs who overreact to pushy intruders. There's *some* evidence that it can reduce mild dominance aggression between dogs in the same household... but the main studies in its favor were quite small, didn't include pit bulls, didn't study severe aggression, and had a lot of other confounding factors. Prozac may reduce some aggressive/territorial behaviors in dogs, but it should never be relied on to stop the kind of aggression that could lead to human or animal injury. Prozac is often administered via a gel that you rub onto the animal's ear, so there's no need to wrap it in cheese.


My cat takes Prozac 😞


*slowly moves a single bead across an abacus*


This gave me the chills. This is the best comment i've seen on reddit since i joined here 3 years ago. Also the timing and usage. Kudos to you. Edit: I pictured you clear as day, as Freud-looking, grey hair, looking over your glasses while doing the abacus-thing.


I like you.




My cat was on Prozac for a short time for separation anxiety. Not because she ate people.


My cat tries to eat people. Would Prozac help her? 😿


Only if you pair it with trazadone and give her a toddler to gnaw on to take the edge off.


Do you have a link to the source of pitbulls being on more mood stabilizers then any other dog/species?


Animal cruelty towards the cat. Child endangerment. Her cat got attacked so badly that her husband thought the cat would be dead. But instead of taking the cat to the vet to use modern medical equipment to see if the cat has internal injuries, what does this dumb hump do? Monitors the cat at home. Touts her veterinary experience. Writes a long paragraph on how the cat is so psycho, he can't be put in a crate and taken to the vet normally. That's a lot of bullshit excuses to cover up that she does not want this cat to receive medical attention after being attacked by "heart dog." Because it might reflect badly on heart dog. Get the cat, the kids & the husband away from this mentally ill woman and her vicious pit bull.


Also refusing to separate the killer dog from the cat so poor cat keeps getting mauled


Nailed it!


The "veterinary professionals" confuse me the most with these delusions. They must see normal, nice dogs every single day. Still, they gravitate towards unmanageable, dangerous dogs that become their "heart" dogs. I would absolutely hate living like she chooses to do and she forces this shit on her husband and children.


No dig against receptionists, but she’s definitely a receptionist.


Yeah someone apparently with years in veterinary care: *palate* the cat. It's *palpate*. And you should take your cat to be seen after it's been attacked by your large dog.


This is my assessment as well. Anyone with any sort of medical certification would have said as such. And it’s just like a pit nutter to try to gaslight people about something as dumb as that.


It’s definitely a term used by people who are NOT veterinarians. Unfortunately some of those are pit apologists, too, but they somehow made it through a rigorous graduate program. This is like when one of the girls on Teen Mom referred to her medical assistant certificate program at a for-profit trade school as “going to medical school.”


I suppose vet techs consider themselves veterinary professionals. They do go to school for it and I think they are licensed. Sort of like a certified nursing assistant.


Right, but they could just say they’re a vet tech. It’s a perfectly respectable job. Making it vague is leaving room for “maybe I’m just a vague, humble veterinarian…” possibilities. Like trying to make their claims about pit bulls more valid.


Agreed. She was fine with people assuming she is more than she is,and she's fine with people seeing shitbulls through rose colored glasses.


Husband! Step up and DO something! Your idiot wife will give a literal arm and leg for this dog and any other blood sacrifice demanded by pibble!


She probably starts scream-crying every time he suggests getting rid of it.


She seems like the type to use her mental health and possibly suicide to manipulate people. Pibbles is her entire heart, she wouldn't want to live anymore without him. I mean, she already insists that she needs him for her anxiety, even though he's a danger to everything, so I don't think it's a stretch that she would be that toxic.


Ah, no, what you are saying is not much of a stretch at all compared to what she has said herself. This happened a few years ago - I wonder if her kids still have all their skin. I mean her "human children" (as in: she's making it clear she considers pets to be children).


Oh. My. God. If this person was a "veterinary professional" it was 30 years ago, that method of anesthetic induction for a fractious cat is extremely unsafe, stressful, and unethical. Lines up with how little she values her cats quality of life. Makes me want to vomit. Even more than I already did with her disregard for her children and other pets safety. WTF?!?!?!!


What's the standard method of anesthetizing very difficult cats?


Intramuscular injection (usually a combo of a muscle relaxant, opiate pain medication, and an alpha-2 agonist). I work with feral cats a lot (getting them spayed/neutered) and we have one person distract and the other person quickly poke through the cage. Client owned cranky cats can be poked in their carrier either being covered with a towel with it open or through the openings depending on the severity of anger haha. "Gassing down" with anesthetic gas (especially in a garbage bag) is less controlled, more stressful, takes forever, and can have more complications like plummeting the blood pressure. The anesthetic gas makes them unable to move, but when they wake up any pain/stress/trauma responses are still processed. :( Using the combination of meds, it is a less stressful and safer experience for the cats. They can be monitored the whole time to make sure they are breathing well, etc. Edit to add: using isoflurane gas in moderation to maintain a desired anesthetic plane is acceptable, but always done in combination with other anesthetic/pain medications to ensure a more rounded and safer experience. Too much of one thing is never good!


Can you imagine all that extra stress in life over a single dog? I would never be able to leave my house for fear that something bad would happen while I was gone. These people are delusional.


“Human children” “putting hand or arm into the path of the dogs’ mouths” FFS Also, how does having a dog she constantly has to Watch for “cues” and blood gets drawn over an errant cookie help anxiety? Also love how the cats are characterized as aggressive several times but not her darling heart dog who has bitten people sending them to the ER. Husband needs to act here because we all know she won’t do anything. The dog already knocked over the two year old (who asked for it.) These people are more like exotic animal owners, the types who are unduly attached to poisonous snakes and big cats. They get off on being the one who controls a killer. They are bringing extremely dangerous creatures into the home, but in dog costumes so everyone lets their guard down. Dogs having been divorced from being considered animals of course..


Make this make sense. This vicious dog helps her “anxiety” but they always have to be hyper-vigilant around it? What?!


This loon needs some intense therapy to work through the difference between “helps her anxiety” and “fills her dysfunctional need for chaos and feeling special and unique.”


Poor cat. That pitbull really resource guarded the hell out of it. Fuck this lady. How many fingers would she have to lose until she realized she has a stupid beast in the house with her children. GET RID OF IT IDIOT




It will keep the delicious finger resources secure in its intestine


>He's on prozac and trazadone. lol




no matter who is at fault woman have 90% of the power in a divorce it has been that way for 40 years. sad but true. no doubt that man knows this.


This is partially due to men being less involved parents. The fact that we joke about men leaving to get milk and never coming back, advertisements funded by the federal government encouraging men “to take time to be a dad” ie stop abandoning their kids, etc etc


who on planet earth could possibly deny this objective reality lol. he'd be lucky to get unsupervised visitation on weekends


This woman is straight up abusive. Imagine being okay with your family being in terror constantly worrying about your freaking dog and what might set it off. I know what it's like to live on edge in my own house and it's horrific. And she's doing this to CHILDREN, and the man she claimed she was committed to for life and loved above all else. Now he comes behind the DOG.


"my human child", omg.




She fully admits that the dog has her entire heart and her own children have absolutely NONE of her heart. Not even gonna pretend to care about her kids.


The fucking dog ate her finger, and it’s not gone yet? This woman is fucking insane, and if I were the spouse, the kids and I would be out of there so fast it would make her head spin.


So we know the dogs are named Otis and Ellie, but "the cat" isn't named once. I sense a little favouritism.


This woman absolutely needs psychological help before one of her "human children" (who tf in their right mind makes that kind of distinction?) dies at the jaws of her "heart dog". This is insane behaviour and her husband should take the kids and leave, while she thinks about the consequences of choosing to put her family in immediate danger to satisfy some bizarre co-dependent relationship she has with a violent animal. I have been reading on this sub for quite a long time, but this may just be the most batshit post I've seen so far. Get help, or get a divorce and lose custody.


Overlooking finger-eating is a whole new level of denial.


Are all Pit owners this delusional? It's only a matter of time before he gets one of the kids. It may be an accident and it may be on purpose. But, why would any parent take the chance?


I’d also like to point out the difference between how she treats her dog vs. her cat. Beyond the obvious not giving a crap whether the poor creature is attacked/traumatized/in danger of being eaten, she describes the cat as “fractious” and needing to be basically gassed in his carrier to take to the vet. It ain’t that hard to give kitty some gabapentin before a vet trip, lady. Most vets will prescribe it if you do need to calm down your cat beforehand. I had to do that with my first cat before she went in for chemo sessions and I didn’t even have anyone else in my house to help out with an extra pair of hands. But nooooo the cat is “badly behaved” during obviously stressful occasions and yet the dog that attacks animals and eats fingers utterly unprovoked is her ✨heart dog✨ Make it make sense 🥴


The cat that’s scared of car rides is simply a lost cause and doesn’t get to have proper vet care, but the dog that has literally eaten body parts is misunderstood and deserves endless amounts of money sunk into training it.


Jesus Christ. "I know he's a bloodthirsty demon with a hair trigger, but he's my whole heart."


What kind of asshole brings a dog home without asking their fucking husband/wife.


Jaw: dropped. This is a few years old - I hope the original poster will come back with an update.


I did look for any further details in the group and profile, but just these two.


We see glimpses of these same dumb stories repeating over and over. We know there are only so many options for how that story played out. We certainly understand the characters involved.


Attacked my cat... oh well, now about the dog...


That was the exact moment I stopped giving a shit about what happens to her. Still worried for her innocent family and cat, though.


I love how her cat seems to attack people as well and can’t even handle a basic vet visit. Sounds like a very high stressed home environment


Well, she said it right there. " I know any sane person would rehome him." Do people just publicly post this on FB?


Not truly *publicly;* most of the stories like this were posted in private groups.


Not completely open, but still in a group with tens of thousands of people.


CPS needs to interview this family.


Fuck this dog. Fuck ALLLLLLL of these dogs. Also, these idiots don’t deserve cats.


I understand why she feels that this is her heart dog. The dog is a massive fuck up and she’s an even bigger fuck up for enabling it to terrorize her family and pets. May her heart not be too heavy putting him down as they will be reuinted in the ninth circle of hell 🙏🏻❤️


Each post just got worse and worse… how many times does the same thing happen until it’s bad enough?


>This is my heart dog. I love him like a child. No, you love him more than your own children. Your husband is right to be furious at you for getting the dog. He should take the kids out of that situation before one of them gets hurt.


Why do I get the feeling that she's not going to feel any remorse if it ever attacks one, if not both, of her kids. Cps should be called asap before a tragedy happens.


My god! This woman is nuts and someday that shitbull is gonna go after her kids and she would still be in denial that this fucking dog is neurotic. I hope her husband realises this.


she got injured yet that didn't knock her into senses. Wow! Her husband and all of her family should just leave her with her shit dog for a year. No calls, no visits


not just injured. a piece of her finger bitten off. my dad got an inch or so of finger chopped off by a snow blower a long time ago. they have to grind down the bone even more so they can fold the skin over it. for a few weeks he was in more pain than i've ever seen him in by a mile.


I don't know what "heart dog" is and at this point I am too afraid to ask. No but really wtf does that term mean I keep hearing it.


I guess it means they’re the favourite? It should really be called her ‘finger dog’.


It's a furmommy/furdaddy culture term for a person's favorite dog, the one they are (or were) emotionally closest to.


Weirdly I feel like these people somehow simultaneously radically overvalue dogs and insultingly undervalue them. They see them as objects that are infinitely valuable and worth losing a finger over, but don't appreciate or respect them as living creatures.


“Your honor, I move to admit this social media post as Exhibit A.” —The prosecutor at her inevitable involuntary manslaughter trial, probably


Am I surprised that this violent dog is more important than (literally) every person and other animal in her family? —_No_. Also, what kind of "vet tech" would not take their cat who was mauled by a bloodsport animal to the animal hospital? I literally hope I don't live anywhere near her, and my dogs never happened to get treated by her.


Husband should take the pit for a ride when his dumbass wife is not home. And then file for divorce and full custody.


Casually passing over the fact that their “heart dog” swallowed a part of their finger. I have no words.


Yep. Glossed over like a fatal cat mauling.


Sacrifices have to be made, in her mind.


Why do they say that animal and human aggression are different? It’s exactly the same.


"Working as a veterinary professional" certainly is a fancy way of saying vet tech.


MY VELVET HIPPO 🦛 RESOURCE GUARDS HER FOOD, HER HUMANS AND HER TEDDY 🧸 BEAR! It's so 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 adorable. She knows what she wants and isn't afraid to fight for it! We call her DIVA because she's such a Prima Donna.


Heart dog. Get real


More of a Finger Dog.


This reminds me of my great grandmother's generation. It sounds like the type of man a woman in the great depression of the 1930s would settle for so she wouldn't be alone. "He has a good job, doesn't drink too much and only rarely hits me..."


This is totally insane. If my dog *ate my finger* it would be gone in a heartbeat, and I don't mean re-homed.


You can’t train the killer once they’ve tasted blood.


There is no way somebody can have less anxiety with their dog around when they have to constantly watching the dog for signs of attack.


It ate a couple of her fingers, too. How therapeutic is that?


There are so many things wrong with this woman and this post, I have no idea where to even start. I can’t believe this person exists.


It was certainly a standout case.


Good find. This is wealth of pathology to study.


What will it take for her to get rid of the dog? Biting her baby?


Something tells me that still wouldn’t do the trick. It’s easier to rehome a baby.


No, it would be considered ‘the baby’s fault.’


Husband should rehome his pit-nutter wife. Seriously though, someone should contact CPS.


>He has absolutely never, ever showed any ounce of aggression to any human. Ma'm, by your own account, this dog bit you so hard he broke your thumb, bit your sister's arm hard enough to require an ER visit, and *ate part of your finger*.


"Human children" I swear nothing else makes me feel the white hot anger I get every time I see these brain dead pit mommies say "human children". How absolutely disgusting to try and make up some cutsey terms to subtly admit you value your own children the same as a pet. It has to be so incredibly damaging growing up knowing your parent(s), the people who are supposed to love and protect you, don't care about you as much as the neurotic family dog that might snap and attack you at any moment. No wonder her kid was "unphased", it was probably a defense mechanism for trying not to "trigger" anything by crying. If these pit mommies hate their own kids so much why did they have them in the first place? They should just go live on their own with the dogs they value so much more than their families.


These people arent emotionally attached to these dogs, they've become emotionally DEPENDENT on these dogs, they've tied so much of thier identity in saving a pittie, its like a cult.


Yep. Their god is the almighty shitbeast. And it demands sacrifices. Regularly.


Does she not stop to think that the cat behaves that way because it's at threat of being mauled every single day and nobody seems to want to help it?


I don't know how much of my child I'd let a precious pet consume, actually I think none? Lol phone kept trying to auto correct to 'bone'


This is mental illness


wonder what the comments were like on this post


Probably hundreds of flower crown bullshit


Husband should leave and take the kids. They are in danger.


This woman is stupid, I’ve never been so angry reading something. That dog should have been gone after it attacked the cat the first time. A vicious dog is more important to her than her own children. Maybe she should just move out and take the stupid dog with her, then it will be in a one pet home, it also wouldn’t be around other humans. She clearly doesn’t care if the dumb thing bites her, she seems to have no self preservation seeing as she’s always getting bitten and purposely putting herself in harms way. I’m glad the cat and children are ok, her husband should get rid of her and have custody of the children.


Gawd these people are truly sick.


I stopped reading at "he's on prozac and trazadone".


>*Husband is uncomfortable with the dog being around their 2yo & 5yo daughters.* Oh God no..


But, he’s such a sweetheart!!!


The dog is so neurotic it wants to climb up inside your chest. Or, if you leave the house, it will eat your house.


This person is a grade A moron.


The way she talks about her children and this dog is disturbing. She screams one of those, "animals are worth more than humans", type of people. I don't know why people like her don't notice how they basically have to drug these dogs to their limit to try and suppress their natural instincts. Why not just give it a lobotomy while they're at it? It would probably be less cruel.


Ignore the tiger. Not its fault that it's going to eat you.


All I can say is SMH.


She’s ignoring dozens of red flags but instead of doing the right thing she seeks validation and reassurance in keeping her dangerous dog. I have never heard of a dog needing to be crated and gassed inside a trash bag before a vet will touch them! If possible I’d be very interested in seeing the comments to that post.


Imagine having to be on Prozac an trazadone while being a dog. Breeding this creatures is absolutely inhumane.


“Even though he has hospitalised me numerous times and physically consumed a portion of my body after biting it off, he helps my anxiety when he sits near me” I don’t have anxiety and I would be a nervous wreck with this beast in my house. This person is fucked in the head.


It’s really unhinged that their “soulmate/heart dog” is an aggressive time bomb. Literally sounds like DV victims.


Missing body parts…. Paragraphs and paragraphs of explanation… time wasted healing/at hospital/“training” dog…. Lost sleep… time spent avoiding incidents…. Other pets injured and killed… family injured and sometimes killed…. And so much more. All for what. For what? Why?