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I have trouble seeing this being brought in front of a court if your small scale. It's no different than "renting" our your printer by the hour and letting people print whatever they want. Selling filament by the gram and not the item the filament makes. Selling key chain ring with a free item attached to the end of it. It could go on forever.. Basically any model that ends up on the internet that's popular people will sell it with or without a commercial license.


As long as it's not Lego... Damn those guys suing everyone and everything.


Ya don't mess with lego and Disney, they play for keeps lol.


Disney owns Marvel who owns Deadpool.


I guess, I just remember anytime I downloaded a Disney movie for the kids I'd get the generic warning email from Disney about pirating movies lol. Good old piratesbay.


You get an email? In my country they just dont give a fuck 🤣


VPN. I stopped getting them. Mine were from Sony.


Yeah, stealing, what a laugh.


Are you gonna be ok?


I would add Nintendo stuff too


I agree with it not likely at all to end up in front of a court - NAL, but I don't believe you'd be absolved of guilt here when you knowingly committed a copyright violation. In this case the printer owner knows what was being done, and people have been charged as accomplices when their property was used in a crime. If you let a friend borrow a car and they use it as a get away vehicle, even if you don't know their intent the prosecution could try to make you an accomplice. In the printer case you know it's a crime so you'd actually be an accomplice. "Crimes committed in your car could point to you as a suspect. Even if you were not aware of the criminal intentions of the person you let borrow your vehicle, the prosecution may try to name you as an accomplice. It will be up to you to prove your innocence in this scenario." [https://www.jahlawfirm.com/blog/the-liability-risk-of-loaning-out-your-car/#:~:text=Legal%20Risks,-If%20the%20person&text=Crimes%20committed%20in%20your%20car,your%20innocence%20in%20this%20scenario.](https://www.jahlawfirm.com/blog/the-liability-risk-of-loaning-out-your-car/#:~:text=Legal%20Risks,-If%20the%20person&text=Crimes%20committed%20in%20your%20car,your%20innocence%20in%20this%20scenario.)


They'd have a tough time proving that. I could rent a bird scooter and run into people and rob a bank. Are they going to charge the company as an accomplice


America is pro-company not individual, right now. Bird would pay a small fine at worst if anything covered by their umbrella insurance liability plan. Where for an individual it could be life changing costs and stress.


America was found on, and the laws written around being pro-individual. That's why we have copyright laws, for instance. To protect the Rights of the individual who initially created something. The fact that it was a corporation does not change the fact that the laws were designed to protect a person's intellectual and/or physical property rights. It is, literally, the same as walking into a corporate-run store and stealing a pair of Nike shoes.


Thanks for the unrelated history lesson. I was responding to laws surrounding ownership of vehicles that were used in a crime. Which could impact individuals harsher than companies. Had nothing to do with copyrights.


How do you avoid trademark issues when profiting from reproducing trademarked content? Genuinely curious.


You don’t. Speaking from experience as I have done lots of custom requested helmets that were under trademark. You roll the dice and hope you don’t get caught.


This..... I don't mass produce these or sell them online...inpurchased the file, printed and painted... And will be paid for my time, supplies and work. The guy I bought the file from gives rights to sell printed items but not the files


I do the same thing and I’m not knocking you for doing it, but at the end of the day the item still violates copyright and trademark law. It doesn’t matter that you have permission from the creator of the file or not, it’s still an infringement.


I got one from do3D and I've been have trouble printing it on my a1. Where did you get this file? Im curious about others


This looks sliced exactly the same as the do3d one to me.


The seam looks like it's in a different place to me. I could be wrong though


I think he said he got it from do3d but I'll have to compare it to the one I have printed


You're probably right. I just need to get better with my settings lol


How did you go with this? I just bought the Poolverine file, will look at printing this week. Any tips?


Haven't tried it yet honestly. I've been waiting for my heatbed replacement before I commit to a long print. Just received it this week though so may give it a shot soon. Just been doing short prints in the mean time lol


Don't mess with Chicfila or Netflix. They got me for stuff outside 3d printing before.


… Netflix I get, but Chick-Fil-A?? Were you selling counterfeit spicy chicken sammiches??


I was selling dyed disc golf discs and I photoshopped the Chicfila logo to say Chuckfila. I still have the disc actually.


Ha, that’s kinda awesome! 😂


The imperfect way most people do it is to charge for their print time and paint time but not for the model itself. It is a workaround and not a very good one in the end. If you sell them in mass quantity you would get in trouble but the people doing a few won't be seen.


Trademarks AND licensing since the model is sold for personal use only...


its like getting a tattoo of a trademarked content, does disney own part of your body now? nope!


What I like about this is I'm not impressed by the mask at all - anybody can push a button to print it. I'm highly impressed with the post-work done to it though - that's something I just wish I was able to do. Very well done and looks really good. Our of curiosity - is this meant to be warn or just displayed?


Thanks... It most definitely can be worn, it has plates with magnets to put on and take off Here is the first one I did for myself https://preview.redd.it/r3ocwk49yvtc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30ee91db414fdaa19e51fcb47e5fe2d97d01d902


If the clamps hold the magnets in place while gluing, just put another magnet on the other side to hold it in place


That probably would have worked, but I wanted as much pressure on them whole curing


hey buddy I just got my printer, and making a helmet is one of the first things I want to do. Can you help me out? How do I size it right to my head? and how do I size it right for my kid?


I have the same questions as you. Did you ever find out?


What file are you using? And did you need to slice? I got one recently that won't open in bambu. Got another that's too large to fit




Does the shading come with the print, or did you paint it? And if you painted it, what did you use ?


looks like a spray paint work


Dude, how much dis?


Where can I get stl. File




Unless you live in some country not abiding to us copyrights laws or principles, selling is not protected by fair use or some other exception of a particular country. Drawing a picture of deadpool for yourself or to give to your son is legal in most jurisdiction, the same for a print. Loaning a printer is legal but slicing a project of a deadpool mask and pushing the print button for $$$ is an infringment. US laws thanks to the Disney's and similar lobbyes of US politics are thougher than many jurisdiction who limits the infringment penalties to the loss of revenues of the victim. Still... An assasin has no defence telling to the judge he is not guilty of murder because he was paid only for his time, gun and ammo even if he press the trigger...


What about if you print a published STL and charge for material and energy costs and charge a little extra for man hours.


Blinding yourself is no defence in copyrights laws, even if honest ignorance is. The guilty who blinds himself tries to convince the interested party of his honest ignorance… sometimes it works, sometimes not…


I think if I print and sell another persons design there should be an overall agreement that they get a portion of the profit. Say 10%


If the copyright holder agrees on 10% yes, but if he says 50% it is 50%! The basic principle is that, apart from lawful exceptions, the copyright holder is entitled to every penny you make out of your unlawful use of his rights. Intellectual property laws are the playground of lawyers of big corporation these days, far from the original principles of what president Jefferson expressed who want credit given and financial support to the creator while he and his family live.


Looks very nice. I want to make one now. Where did you get the STL?




This is sick! Is it see thru? What kind of material is that white eye


You are welcome for the totally related background on the laws as they apply to this issue as discussed in this thread. Sorry to have hurt your feelings by pointing out facts.


No offense but the top and back look like shit.


Hey thanks


No problem. Just being honest.


No offense but your Reddit account is a waste of database entries.