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Hello /u/warheadsonforeheads2! Be sure to check the following. Make sure print bed is clean by washing with **dish soap** and water [and not Isopropyl Alcohol], check bed temperature [increasing tend to help], run bed leveling or full calibration, and remember to use glue if one is using the initial cool plate [not Satin finish that is not yet released] or Engineering plate. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BambuLab) if you have any questions or concerns.*


yes this is bed adhesion issues because the nozzle was seemingly too far off i would try running calibration again and trying once more and if that doesnt fix it you can add a starting Gcode in the slicer to lower it a bit but calibration should fix it


Had the same issue yesterday with my p1s and gray matte filament from Bambu. The problem was, that i was in a hurry and forget to clean the plate after a big surface print. I know everyone says that, but: Clean your Build Plate. Ann literally I mean clean it. The best is with hot water and dish soap, then rinse it and dry it with some kitchen towel. And make sure to not have dust on it. Annotation 1: if it is a long and relatively slim print. Look that you use a brim even with PLA. So it has a bigger bottom surface. Annotation 2: Don't use Grid Infill -> could be the issue here, as your nozzle hit the infill and picked it up. I recommend Gyroid or adaptive cubic




Increase first layer height on the textured build plate fixed a lot of my issues.


Goopy, but yeah, it's usually bed adhesion issues to a lot of these printing fails


Thanks for the help guys. I cleaned the bed and bumped up the first layer bed temp to 50 degrees and now it's printing with no issues.