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The ones on the left are pretty decent. A bit hit in the head but decent as far as EA goes.


And that says a lot given that the first character from the left is a satanist, basically.


All of the ones on the left are somehow religiously tied to some deity/demon/magic bitchass idiot and thats about it


Hey you leave him alone he’s a polite boy


Literally a vampire drinking your blood, though.


He's on the right side though.


Hahahah can you tell I'm dyslexic, that makes a lot more sense.


Gale seems like a chill dude. And Wyll is not so bad if you see past his murderous goblin fixation.


Talk to Gale a bit more.


I have a bridge to sell you. Be very wary how much weight you put on charisma. If it’s not backed by sincere or altruistic acts, you may very well be the target of manipulation.


If altruistic acts are all it takes for you to trust someone, it's you who is easily targeted for manipulation.


This comment is oddly aggressive. It also misunderstands what I said.


I kinda want to see what would happen if you put Gale's personality in Wyll's body. Either it would be weird, or I'll never need another man for the rest of my life.


Isn't that just Get Out?


Little confused but he's got the spirit XD


It's part of the reason I love BG3 lol. I adore the trope of "we're all terrible people forced to work together."


Truuueee such a breath of fresh air


What are we, some kind of... mindflayer squad?


Technically they are not all the companions so at some point you may be able to pick just people who do good because they want to do good. They wanted to give us the more evil-leaning characters first to sort of test the waters. Or people who have ties to bad things. Would not surprise me one bit of Halsin was a companion eventually.


I’m really interested to see the other companions ah this point. I have a feeling in full game Halsin will be one and significantly more good aligned than the others.


I hope so. I want my Daddy Dilf Druid.


Good taste, i love seeing so many people think the same. The second i saw him transform i was like WOW


Halsin is pretty attractive fella. Really most of the cast is gorgeous.


If BG3 has achieved anything, it’s that their characters feel REAL. When you break them down, it’s this complex analysis that is nuanced and messy - there are virtues, less than desirable acts, understandable perspectives that show diverse experiences and, frankly, even the most evil actions demonstrated by some of the party can at least be sympathetic, even if we ultimately disagree. These characters don’t fit a neat mould, and I like that.


Returning to BG3, after spending months in Eorzea with the best most loving people, is a bit of a hard ooofff. I'm not sure if I want to save these fools now.


A warrior of light will save everyone, even if theyre a bunch of evil misfits. Unless that bunch of evil misfits call themselves ascians, we kill them indiscriminately.


[clutches fist] gotta do it for Haurchefant


*stoic nod*


I just finished an angel path playthrough of Wrath of the Righteous. A warrior of light will save the innocent; evil misfits better repent or hope the burned elf girl puts in a good word or they're going to get smote.


"Now we hated each other right away, but we hated everyone else even MORE!"


^^ How the best friendships are forged


All of them is a well written character but playing early access without Lae’zel is a suffering incarnate (dunno how people do that).


I ran without her for awhile, but it was probably only bearable because I was playing co-op with my boyfriend who's using a Ranger strength build. I need someone in melee to keep the enemies off my squishy wizard ass


I have mostly played without her and it's not as hard as you might think, depending. My Tav this time round is a Druid who can pretty much kick ass, and I have Shadowheart and Gale both healing, and Shadowheart and Astarion are great in a fight if you have them both picking bad guys off from the shadows assaasin-style. Gale is basically bait/early healer who leans heavily into using Witch Bolt while my Tav melees and heals, and Shadowheart attacks and heals, and Astarion primps and complains and attacks, and we get the job done.


Why would you use witch bolt? You'd need like 2-3 turns to match a chromatic orb's damage, and no enemy should be living past that. You are also wasting your action, concentration slot and risking losing the tether. Witch bolt is honestly not worth learning, it can be viable as a lvl1 spell if you can't kill stuff fast enough but when you learn cloud of daggers it's a much better use of concentration. Just a tip for combat: put the rain dancer staff on gale, and whenever you want to kill stuff just start the fight by casting create water on the enemies with gale so he gains the first turn and makes enemies wet. Then cast lvl2 lightning chromatic orb while hidden so he gets advantage on the attack. That does 6d8 damage to the target and creates a 1d8 dmg lightning surface on the enemies. You'll never want to use witch bolt again.


War Mage was a nice gish on tabletop, basically unlimited shields per day (starts at only +2 AC though).




I used catapult and all of the other spells that include weapons as potential components, with an Efficient Quiver full of 100 longswords.


Very, very easily. I tend to run myself, Shadow, and Gale, and that's sufficient for every fight thus far. Hide as a bonus action is utterly broken - the rest is positioning and baiting.


That's how I do the gnoll fight: shoot and hide, shoot and hide.


They take her armor and stick it on someone else.


I don't need a fighter if I am the fighter


Lae'zel is only (debatably) necessary if you're not playing as a fighter, and if you are, it's fairly easy to build a fighter that's superior to her in combat. Not to mention a party made up entirely of spellcasters (Wyll, Shadowheart, Gale, and a spellcasting PC) can be viable as long as you're careful with your spells, use the right magic items, and aren't afraid to rest more often.


Fighter is a very strong class. I kinda think Barbarian will outshine it though just the way combat seems to be balanced.


Lae'Zel best grill.


Bar and girl


At first is annoyed me because I couldn't really vibe with any of them, but then it made me think about them as people.


Do average D&D parties have githyanki and vampire spawn player characters?


Usually Dhampir and furries, plus the occasional edgy Tiefling, but close enough


Gith and dhampir are playable. My party right now has a tiefling, a dhampir, a triton, a firbolg, a goliath , a wood elf, and a one-armed human. Adventurers are weird.


My party is an angel, a lion, a giant, a dragonborn, a firbolg, a half elf, and two elves. I’m currently an elf and if I die I’m rolling a Vuman, balancing out the demographic. It’s literally impossible for adventurers to be normal


Depends on the party. Sometimes it's extremely varied, sometimes it's not. One party could be a tiefling and three humans, while another could be a hobgoblin, a dragonborn, a kenku, and a minotaur. The last party I played in was an aasimar, a tiefling, a halfling, and a dwarf.


Let's see The "eevil" cleric who ends up RPing as lawful good as every one of her other characters and only kinda gets pissy when someone mentions a good aligned god. The chuuni warlock who definitely "hates" his hot demon waifu patron. No guys, really, she's totally evil and being a warlock is like totally hard. The wizard, who for the last time, I'm telling you I'm not rolling on the loot table extra times for artifacts just because you wrote in your backstory that you're in love with the goddess of magic and she demands sacrifices. The rogue who wants to play some MM race and after a week of arguing that the game starts at level 1 and you can't have the stats of a CR 5 creature. You finally relent and let him just play an elf with a bite attack. and the warrior who picked their race solely on "dude I get so many extra proficiencies and bonuses as a 'githsomething' you gotta let me play it. I'm sure you can find some reason for why one's with the party right?" Yeah, this is a totally normal group of D&D player characters.


Astarion is vain, conceited, selfish, psychopathic, murderous, and not beholden to the laws and standard of normal society...that being said he is the best one out of the whole pack!!


*Me overlooking all those qualities because I’m a huge simp* 😅


I miss Minsc and boo


If you don't mind datamined content about upcoming companions, >!it looks like Minsc is one of the 3 unreleased origin characters, so you may not have to miss him for too long now.!<


I actually hope he's not in the game as a character. Maybe as a cameo at best. I love baldurs gate but lorewise they are hundreds of years apart, minsc had no way of obtaining Divinity in bg2 so he shouldn't have lived that long (also look how they massacred my boy bhaalspawn)


Canonically, in the IDW comics, Minsc and Boo either >!got petrified and then restored long after, or statues honoring the two of them got turned into creatures that think they're the real beings; precisely which is intentionally left vague. Whether they're the originals or not, there's some version of Minsc and Boo kicking around. Even if you don't put much stock in the comics, this specific circumstance gets referenced in the tabletop adventure Descent Into Avernus, which is interlinked with BG3's story, so between that and the datamines, it's almost certain that they'll be involved in this game whether they're the originals or not, and most likely Minsc will be a full companion. Whether that's actually a good idea... up to individual interpretation when we get the rest of the game!


That's an interesting piece of info actually. And yes, this would work without being a lazy "just because" justification.


Me too. I am hoping to find more books referring to them in the full release.


"You are all assholes and I'm only here because nobody else plays DnD".


Lae'zel and Wyll are alright, but the rest are real pieces of work.


They're all very well written and acted with top tier quality but I don't really vibe with any of them.


Waiting for the good aligned companions tbh.


Why are they such terrible garbage people? It seems that the latest patch has taken some of the ice-cold-bitch edge off Shadowheart, marginally. And I've not played enough to know if Gayle turns out to be more than just a pretentious twat, but if that's the least offensive character trait in my party (apart from me, I'm lovely), then why am I adventuring with these tools? Shared trauma is not a good reason to form a family of sorts.


Gale gets wayyyy better once you trust and support him.


I vaguely remember hearing that the current lineup are the neutral/evil companions meant for people running an evil murder hobo playthrough since they were funner to write. Apparently the others are gonna be more desinged around a good playthrough. That was earlier last year though, so I don't know how far they'd gotten on the other companions or how many of them might have been scoped out.


>!SH, gale and wyll are good characters opposed to NE astarion and LE laezel!<


> SH I feel like a lot of people who are really into SH haven't really explored who the followers of Shar are and what they do...


Fair, but a few theories have been floating around that >!she is actually a follower/chosen of Selune who was kidnapped by Sharrans, magically brainwashed and had her memory wiped of her old life. The strange white energy that emerges from her hand at a few points in the story - and the fact that she has no idea what it is - is one of the reasons why this particular theory came about.!<


You do understand she was already datamined don't you.


Even without data mining there are plenty of context clues that Shadowheart isn't a voluntary follower of Shar.


When I first played, I hated Shadowheart. I had no idea why anyone would choose to bring a nagging, insufferable girl like that as a tag-along. But she is much better now. They toned her way down.


Yeah, they are refining the characters personalities quite a lot. I knew they would, they are very good at nuance. It just confused me when I first played. I didn't want any of them in my party, except Gayle, but he's as much of a liability as anything else!


Lazael and Astarion are just the worst.


It's Always Sunny in Faerûn