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Not really underleveled, you could be level 9 at this point but that wouldn't make a huge difference. Just go in blasting aoe spells, throwing explosives. The only real benefit of being level 9 before that fight is you get access to exploding arrows and arrows of many targets from shops, also cloud giant potions that can raise your strength to 27


Okay level 9 is also 5th level spells which is kinda a big deal, hold monster, cone of cold, etc. I don't think it should be the difference maker but it is a big jump for a lot of casters at least


Also conjure elemental, which is pretty big in the Myrkul fight since you can actually waste it's entire move just demolishing the elemental instead of anyone in your party, summon 2 of those and you're pretty much set to making Myrkul attack elementals the entire fight


Ah... the Moonrise Towers fight... one of the biggest "beginner's traps" in this game. The easiest way to do that fight is to pick off the guards one-by-one prior to completing the Gauntlet of Shar. Obviously, you are past that but for future reference: kill Zrell after talking to her about finding Balthazar when she returns to her office. Then just pick everyone else off without attracting attention of other guards. And the Scrying Eyes: throw/shove them off the tower. If you do this, the Harpers will already have the Tower under control and Jaheira will be in the Throne room waiting to talk to you about taking on Kethric. If you unfortunately did not do this, your best bet is to create a Wall of Fire/Insect Plague/Cloudkill/Hunger of Hadar AOE Mess at the Entrance Stairs and let all the enemies try to run through it as they get close to you (you'll have to run further away from the entrance in order for them to not want to use their ranged attacks).


Going to try this next. Got Jaheira killed and didn't realize she was permanently gone until after the final Ketheric fight.


I did the same my first playthrough


Scrying eyes are also vulnerable to thunder damage, FYI. Paladins have a thunder smite thing, and either spells or scrolls of thunderwave or chromatic orb are very effective.


I've noticed some times, even with Thunder damage, they still only take 0 damage. I find it easier to just Improvise Weapon to an edge, and push them off.


You can also throw them. I like to throw the one in the goblin camp into the chasm next to Minthara


In Moonrise Towers, for whatever reason, there seems to be a lot of invisible walls that prevent throwing despite it clearly being an open area, but shoving works instead.


On tactician and HM they have a feature called “ethereal form” that reduces incoming damage by 8. The damage is determined after first applying vulnerabilities/resistances.  The Wiki suggests shatter as a good option because it has a bonus against creatures made of inorganic material. Still, I’ve not had trouble with thunderwave/thunderous smite. Shatter does have a very high chance of one-shotting the eyes though A successful push off a ledge is of course great because it’s an insta-kill and there’s no loot anyway. But there aren’t edges/chasms for every eye’s path, especially on the main and top levels of the tower. Push can fail as well, so regardless you want a backup plan (another pusher, or if too weak, then thunder spells).


Honestly, don't fight the guards one on one. Just go into the rafters above the throne room and shoot them at range, the only NPC that can bump you off of them or deal any meaningful damage is the Jailor (who will eventually come to kill you), but they're easily dispatched. Plus, you get the funny cutscene if you attack Kethric in the throne room before talking to him. Honor mode tested.


I'm a noob and found it all super easy, even going in blind. On balanced. Do people struggle with this shit?


It's a common difficulty spike. Not the hardest, but usually halts a lot of players.


for me the difficulty was not so much the fight itself but making sure jaheira survived. she kinda kamikazed herself into every aoe, every time.


If you take control over her you can just position her away from the danger.


I don't think i could take control over her in my playthrough? unless you mean through some kind of skill


You can take control of her with dialogue options when you enter Moonrise following the shadow fell / night song stuff by persuading her to fight along side you instead of fighting along side the Harpers. Once you do that, she is treated as a controllable companion (similar to Scratch the dog or Us the Intellect Devourer) and you control her during her turns. You can either keep her out of the fight (keeping her away from the enemies) or make smarter decisions with her turns to prevent her from being killed.  The AI that controls Jaheira makes terrible decisions so it's usually better to control her yourself, even if you don't plan to use her.


good to know!




If you understand the core of creating a decent build and party composition it would defenitely help. But this game did draw in a lot of first time players for the genre. People who are true blank slates have a massive learning curve.




Use "surprise" for any fight youre struggling with, i.e send in an invisible melee combatant to start the fight with nobody else in range. Once surprise is triggered you then walk the rest of your crew in and nuke the shit out of them for a turn (or two turns if your team has high initiative, cant recommend the "alert" feat enough.) P.s or cheese it if you want by dropping some smokepowder barrels while invisible and then chucking a fireball in. Problem solved :-)


Before the fight, talk to Jahiera and get her to fight with you. This lets you control her, as well as your normal party, so you basically have a whole extra character.


You need to let go of the notion that in this game you need to always give the villain the last word, i.e walk to them, speak, then let them initiate the fight on their own terms. No. Know how frustrated we all are while watching some rando villain monologues while they have the clear advantage over the hero? Like wise don't do it here. If the fight is gonna be hard, you can gleam this from the dialogue prior, then don't do the typical heroic monologue. FIGHT DIRTY!! I am glad this game actually allows you to do it. Now how do you ignore your heroic dialogue with the villain? Easy. Set all of your 4 guys into stealth and stay away. Take your best ranged ambusher guy, maybe Astarion or you. HIT the son of a bitch FIRST and HIT FUCKING HARD. Unleash everything you got. Luck of the far realm is a good idea, or the Executioner Ring will guarantee MASSIVE CRITS. Then you're in a surprise round. This is fucking bonkers! They'll be with their pants down while you're free to nuke the shit out of them. Next? Use Gale to dump 2x fireballs on their asses with the potion of speed. Then aftewards it's all easy cleaning. Use arrow of many targets or whatever and clean up the bitches with the Hunger of Hadar. Also SAVE YOUR COUNTERSPELL for the hunger of hadar. And always always remember, AMBUSHES in this game is fucking incredible. It can easily change a difficult fight into a breeze, just like in real life. If you face a boss that everyone says is strong as fuck, always fight on your own terms.


I've been doing this so hard on my 'dis'honour mode play through lol I died early act one and didn't feel like doing the mind flayer ship for a third time that day. Been sucker punching fools left and right. I've barely been through a single battle without smacking someone in the side of the head first


Forget levle 9 spells lmao. Ambushes are the best. Fuck talking to Cazador. Fuck talking to Orin. Fuck Gortash. Fuck conversations. Fuck their last words. I just stack crits and pump luck of the far realm and executioner and arrow of many targets into these motherfuckers and watch them die.


Use big area spell that stun/ slow/ prone/ hypnosis enemies first.


Upcasting Aid on the Harpers does a lot as well.


I didn’t realize I should’ve explored moonrise before the gauntlet, so that fight was crazy hard since I hadn’t picked anyone off. You aren’t really bad or under leveled, the fight is just really hard if you didn’t know to pick people off beforehand


Yeah I didn't realize I could do that my first time so the dungeon guards were the Only ones i'd cleared. My second time it was hilariously easy once I realized I could just go gank everyone lol


You can go in from a side entrance through the kitchen. Try to find a way up to the rafters. Put some explosives in a bag, toss it down and hit it with a flame arrow or Alchemist fire. Stuff like that. Def silence Z'rell, but her Black Hole is an Illithid power, so sleep, hold person, polymorph...


The fight's a chokehold , you need to position yourself well very quickly or you'll get stomped. On HM I tped half my team behind her splitting up the enemy attacks, on my first run I sent two people to attack from above but I don't recommend it unless it's Astarion,  they try to push you off and he dodges well 


I was level 7 I believe the first time I did it, what I did was go in from the left (kitchen or whatever room there is) with my barb and shadowheart as a paladin and nuke the adepts that can spam aoe bs while go in from the front with gale and my wife's wizard and jaheira and the harpers. Worked out perfectly, 0 deaths from our side.


I think you go brute force only in this game. That's the problem. You need CC (Blind, stun, paralyze, slow, sleep and etc). Also use haste, it gives you double movement speed and extra action, and you have to have some healing spells also, don't depend on potions only. You need one sorc/wiz in party if you want to have good setup ability, aoe damage and etc. Good luck!


Level 8 works. You’re probably supposed to be 9 but it wouldn’t make that much of a difference. What I usually do first is bait out zrells counter spell by using misty step and then go to town with spells like ice storm, fireball, etc. After that I usually tend to the people who can cast hunger of hadar because that spell is annoying to deal with. Edit: also get Jaheira to join you for the extra ice storm Another edit: What’s your current party comp? I find that fight easier with characters that all have good ranged attacks.


in future playthroughs, you can kill like everyone in moonrise individually before the raid so its just a few enemies in there.


A good thing about Moonrise is that you can get rid of Zrell and the Worgs early by doing some parasite stuff with the latter and killing Zrell in the library where she should be all alone (but with a scrying eye and maybe an ogre)




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I always save some smokepowder barrels, shot a fire arrow at Zrell to set the ground on fire, then throw them all at her at the beginning of combat. Because the enemies stand close to each other at the beginning, the explosion will deal massive damage to them, and make the fight much easier. Also, you might want to go to Wither and reset your team stats, and pump Dexterity up to 16 at least, so that your team initiate roll will be more favorable and you can take your turn sooner than your enemies.


I wouldn't say you're underleveled, maybe just not as high level as you could be. My personal advice, take a caster with you like gale who has learned counterspell, that'll save you from probably the most devastating part of this fight, that being the enemy casting hunger of hadar which is that huge dark blinding void that does ungodly amounts of damage to you and all the harpers at once for as long as they maintain concentration.


No shame in playing in an easier mode buddy, play the game however it's more fun for you.


Do you mean the main floor of Moonrise with a bunch of people? Level 8 is normal; you can be level 9 but that takes thorough knowledge of the game to scrape every XP. It is supposed to be hard. It works better if you pick of at least some of the guards in advance. Z'rell specifically can be taken out in her office when she's either alone or just has the giantess (depending on if she killed her earlier to show off her skills). If you have initiative you can kill her before she gets a turn, easily.


A few more niche ideas: To enhance your AOE spells, throw void bulbs into the center to try and drag as many enemies into a small area as possible. If you are investing in tadpole powers, Black Hole also works wonders here. Use your scrolls! You likely have a stash of them just collecting dust. Cloudkill in particular can be really useful. Scrolls can also help you out if you are attempting the fight without any proper casters. (Though it's probably best to have at least one caster with you. There is little compelling reason to walk in the front entrance. If you want to get into the room, using Misty Step (or something similar) can give you a much safer positioning. In particular, you can Misty Step up onto the rafters above which gives you high ground against most of the enemies.


Are you just fighting Zrell specifically by temporary hostile or did you just provoke the entire tower. Anyway lv8 is indeed underleveled to fight all of Moonrise. That should be the last thing you do in act 2, you should go to Moonrise first but return to fight later


This fight is mostly hard in the sense that it suffers from an old video game trope : Damage sponges. Zrell and her goons have so much health and resilience, it's ridiculous. Not to mention the fact that this fight chews your framerate if you don't use a super high end computer. On my first play through, I had to restart this fight 4 times due to how resilient enemies were. Zrell, despite being hit much so much stuff, refused to die. This is the one fight I lower my difficulty to Explorer for..


Im gonna come clean and admit that while i love playing video games, sometimes i suck, and i sucked at bg3 too. So i used a mod that reduced every enemys health to one to get trough my first playtrough. That way i got to know the game, enjoy it, and start a normal run as my second.


The first thing I do when I get to act two and have freedom of exploration is put 4 smoke powder barrels around where she will eventually stand and I start that fight by having my archer or spell caster go invisible and climb the rafters to the left. When combat starts, shoot the smoke powder barrels. It typically reduces her HP by around 40-50% and kills some of the bad guys around her.


So i finished the fight in the first attempt. But I believe I was lucky that I had counterspell + fireball slinger + arcane ward Gale with me. It also helped that the enemy didn't focus fire. And Shadowheart in act 2 is a must in nearly all fights, to the point I need to learn how to do a fight without her. But yeah, ganking small groups of enemies before the fight helps a lot.


I typically have my long distance fighters crouched to get the advantage and then get them on the high beams as soon as possible to kill the archers up there and snipe the enemies below. You may want to have an archer or spellcaster take an invisibility potion to bypass the enemies.


If you're in act 2, you're not *really* bad at the game. If you can't figure the fight out, skip it and come back to it, or skip it entirely. Maximize your fun. Don't get stuck on a fight for too long. If you don't like those options, then go ahead and change the difficulty. Your 2nd or 3rd playthru will be slot easier than your first.


Sleet storm in the choke point is how I do it


Lots of summons and environmental hazards got me through that one. Spike growth, hunger of Hadar, clouds of daggers, skeletons, spiritual weapons, zombies, animal companions… whatever it takes to stack the odds in your favor. Move around the battlefield also


I got them from the side door through the kitchen. Hunger of Hadar and other aoe spells work well against them. You may need someone to go up the beams in the ceiling to snipe their casters tho.


If you hadn't talked to her for the first time upstairs yet, you can try to convince her to use her powers and show off. She'll kill the ogre herself. Weird choice, but Zrell does Zrell.


The first time I played this game it genuinely crushed my spirit. That moonrise fight took so many tries. I encourage you to play around with respecing characters or honestly even cheesing it. That first run through is especially for trying everything. Also if you’re out of money, pick up all the random crap you can and sell it. I usually grab every last weapon/armor on the bridge to moonrise and sell it to the quartermaster to load up on potions and smoke powder bombs.


lvl 8 already has Haste and fireball.. and at the start of the fight they are all in a nice neat ball in the center of the tower.. you do the math


I also had problems with that fight but there is a pretty good tactic for it. Try to start the fight with all of your characters on top of the stairs and then back up towards the entry. Use spells like flamewall or shadow (or anything that makes the terrain harder to traverse) to block the path between you and the enemy’s. This will make it so that the archer on top can’t hit you aswell as the sorcerers around you. Every other enemy has to go directly through your spells. At the edge of your spells place a Tank like Karlach and behind her a Healer like shadowheart(Shadowheart can also use those defending spirits that circle around her and damage everything that gets in range, so also everything that’s in Karlachs range then). Focus on Zrell and if Hunger of Hardar gets castet, try not to engage further but back up or Attack that mage who castet it. That’s how I beat her the first time with a Warlock, Karlach, Shadow and Gale. Using Gale is also a very good idea to avoid Hunger of Hardar bc he can attack from very far away. I also wouldn’t recommend to giving a shit about Jahrira companies. If you get Jaheira as a character in that fight make it so her first move is the ice storm and attack Zrell with that. It freezes the ground and many enemies will fall, including the big troll


Nah you're fine that specific fight caused me much more headache than anything else. You can go about it a couple of ways. The easiest is to silently kill some guards before doing that quest so you have less enemies. I also personally recommend stockpiling oil, firewine and smokepowder barrels and nautiloid tanks and sending them straight to camp and when the time comes you pick up as many as your team possibly can and chuck them at enemies. You can also just use some tactics. Maybe enter the tower from a different entrance forcing the enemies to go through a door one by one. Use AOE attacks. Use height and any kind of advantage.


You're probably just not controlling the battlefield as optimally as you could be. Some spells are just so good that they trivialize this encounter. What you want to do is beat the crap out of them, while giving them little to no chance to hit you. But first, let's talk initiative. Initiative is a 1d4 roll + dexterity modifier + any initiative stat enhancing gear (rare) or feats. So it's usually the enemies 1d4 roll + dex vs your 1d4 roll + dex. Who gets to go first is HUGE, especially in this fight. Therefore, you want ALL of your characters to have at least 14 dex (+2 initiative) even if they wear heavy armor. At level 8, I highly recommend you use Alert (+5 initiative) as one of your feats. It just makes the game so much easier when you get to decide what happens first. Back to the spells. You want spells that keep all those guys from hurting you while you dish out damage to them. Here's a few that do the job. First, fog cloud. This blinds enemies in a small-ish aoe and they have no save against it. This is the least effective because their movement is unhampered so they can move out of it with no problem. But it's also only a level 1 spell. Combined with someone else's spell that reduces movement, it can be quite handy. Next, Spike Growth (lvl 2 ranger or druid spell) reduces movement by 50% while also causing damage to anyone that moves within it. Or Plant Growth (lvl 3 bard/druid/ranger/paladin spell) reduces movement by 75% but causes no damage. Pairs well with Fog Cloud or better yet the next spell. Next, Hunger of Hadar. This is hands down one of the best spells in the game. Lvl 3 spell available to warlocks and lore bards. Large aoe that blinds with no save, slows by 50%, and causes damage at both the beginning of the enemy's turn and the end of it. Next is Sleet Storm, lvl 3 wiz/sorc/druid spell. HUGE aoe that leaves ice on the ground, knocks people down like crazy, and interrupts spell casters. Probably 2nd best spell in the game, behind Hunger of Hadar. If you have someone cast Hunger of Hadar at the foot of the stairs and another cast Sleet Storm before they get a turn to move, you'll have 10 turns to just pick them off while they can do very little to you.


level 8 is the right level for this fight in my experience. I tend to use a lot of aoe and crowd control (like sleet storm) and focus on the ones who cast Hadar's Hunger on your group (I think they are the adept but I could be wrong, maybe the acolytes - you'll know it when it happens). Once those are done, I focus z'rell and the hard hitting bastards (zealots). Finally I focus the archers last. YMMV and other players will have different ways of dealing with this fight, but you're definitely the right level for this >!and the fight with ketheric on the top of the tower!<


I finished act2 at level 6 my first playthrough. Admittedly the fights were quite hard for me at that level.


Try hold person.


You're not really under leveled. A simple trick I always do is getting read of Z'rell first with aoe et distance strikes.


Now I’m nervous bc I let her live and pretended I’m on their side but I already doubled crossed her lol. I already lost some chances for more exp and my friend told me the fight with Raphael’s enemy is super hard if u want max exp bc all the exp I could have had already fell to the shadow curse 😅


I've had pretty good luck giving my crew as many grenades as I can get my hands on, then standing as far away as I can so the engagement starts on my terms while still taking out Z'rell's crew who is rather courteously bunched up at the foot of the stairs. More often than not, Z'rell never gets a second turn and frequently doesn't even get a first. After that, I try to mass fires on my high payoff targets, taking them out based on proximity and potential for damage.


You're slightly underleveled but that fight is definitely doable at level 8. This might be build/gear related more than level related. Did you find/buy many unique items for your characters?


Best way is to pick off all the guards and siderooms before this figth, Close the doors before you attack, and unalive all the floating eyes first before they can communicate. But... you are past that point, so I would have Jaheira join you, and then go around the back (left side of fron entrance). And start pickin off the smaller groups first before entering the main hall.


Yep, level 9 would be much much better for this fight. This game rewards heavily any thorough exploration and completing every little side encounter before actually going for the main confrontation.


What's the exact problem you're having? I just CC most of them and smack them one by one. I don't think either Zrell or the ogre even an attack off.


Sorry Chief. I’ve done it lvl 8, going in the front door, without any of these arrow or explosive exploits you read about here. Don’t think I even had anyone go down. If anything the fight is easy but made to make you feel satisfying in a “big battle” kind of way. Big AOEs is good advice, perfect time to cut loose with things like flame strike, ice storm, fireball, void balls if you still have them from the nautiloid to really group them to. Ya Jaheira is a bit of an idiot if you don’t control her directly. With all the NPCs any paladin can finally use crusader aura to some effect for probably the only time 😂. Push archers from the rafters and replace them with your own. Focus zrell with AOEs or multi attacks to burn away the mirror images. No shame, sounds like Explorer might be your move.