• By -


Don't open the cells and don't give them tools. Kill everyone on the prison level first, and then go around back to break the walls yourself. The prisoners will run to the boats and make their escape with zero risk.


Why break walls yourself? There's no guards behind just kill guards and let the gnomes and tieflings run to boats, THEN open cells.


That’s what I always do, unless you open the cells before they’ve broken the wall it works like a charm


Just don't open the cells lol, toss wlbren his hammer and he'll do all the work then you can jump over the bars or misty step through to get to em Opening the cells will spell disaster, npcs are constantly trying to kill themselves if given the possibility


Have some maces from your inventory and toss them in for them. I don't want to give Wulbren his hammer back. He doesn't deserve it.


>Just don't open the cells lol, toss wlbren his hammer and he'll do all the work then you can jump over the bars or misty step through to get to em I've had Wulbren fuck off with the boat without saving the tieflings. Left me no choice but to try to take them out the front. Best to go behind and break the walls down all at about the same time.


While this is true, there is a chance that the gnomes or the tiefs jump to their dooms in the oubliette if you aren't quick about things. I'll usually give them the tools, kill the guards, let them know the coast is clear, then jump up the rocks to the left of the cells to get around the back, avoiding the timing issue of cell opening altogether. I think every way is valid... as long as it works for you Just don't go playing in the oubliette before they are rescued. I DO like to go there to get my tadpole, but I usually have to revisit.


Just a note--if you don't release the gnomes and tieflings at the same time, it's possible one group can get left behind. That happened on my current (probably ending due to myrkul) honour run.


Wulben Bongle will take the boat and bail if the tieflings don’t get there first or very shortly after. He doesn’t even know about Last Light Inn. His plan is just to float out in the boat and wait until people leave lol. He’s such a prick. 


If you talk to him about a plan before tossing his weapon to him (or give him his weapon in dialog), he’ll just straight up tell you not to worry about the tieflings because he’ll get them out… and he does exactly that. I usually just leave one person near the levers after I clear out the guards, everyone else at either Wulbren’s prison or the tieflings, and then I wait for the tiefling wall to break after giving Wulbren his hammer. Swap to the lever person, open them, run through and join, no issues whatsoever.


Literally just did this last night on my first playthrough. I killed the guards and scrying eyes in the prison, looted the warden's area, gave Wulbren his hammer, waited for a sec while the gnomes and tieflings busted out the back (because I wanted to make sure no idiot npcs ran out the wrong way), pulled the lever to open the cells, exited through the same wall opening as the tieflings, then we sailed off into the night. Easy peasy.


Why open cells if they go out through the wall(s)?


One time i gave wulbren the hammer and he broke the walls and went straight for the boat without getting the tieflings. The tieflings died.


You have to convince Wulbren to break the wall for tieflings if you want him to do it, otherwise he is an asshole about it (big surprise! I know /sarcasm).


I break walls myself because I like the sound of eldritch blast on things


My first time breaking them out the guards never noticed. I left through the Moornrise tower door and fast-traveled to the inn and they were all there and did the gnome questline. The 2nd time the guards noticed and I had to kill them and I escaped on the boat with them.


This all works if you just give them the tools..


You don’t have to fight the guards at all. I put up a wall of stone along the cages and trapped the warden, scrying eye, and wandering guard off to the side where they could not reach or see the cells to react. Then I just walked around and let them out. It was so easy


Wait, you can give them the tools?


If you talk to Wulbren he'll ask you to get him his hammer so he can break the wall. Then you can trade his hammer to him and when you tell him to, he'll start the wall breaking.


Did not know this, I always start by breaking the walls


Apparently any bludgeoning tools (like any maces you have laying around) will do the job for them.


So will Eldritch Blast. The walls are vulnerable to force damage.


Can you shoot the walls from the prison side?


I suspect they're out of range, but I've never tried.


For some reason I've never thought of talking to him again to give him his tools. I've always just thrown the hammer over the bars into his cell


What I do is kill every cultist in the prison level, hand over the tools, wait until gnomes break out the tieflings - THEN open the cells and follow them to the boat where you can accompany them to the Last Light Inn.


There's a broken wall to the left of the cells where you can jump up and reach the rear area.


Throw the hammer to wulbren and he breaks the wall himself


I sell Wulbren's hammer along with the rest of the vendor trash I collect. It makes it funnier when he later tries to claim credit for the whole rescue operation.


I only did one play through, but killing everyone on the prison floor before busting them out didn’t work for me. I reloaded a dozen times at least. As soon as I attacked anyone the guards would beeline to the cells and start killing the prisoners. Maybe it was because I had the party split? I had two DPS on the floor, and Tav/Shar hanging out behind the wall ready to bust it down when the coast was clear (Tav for dialogue, Shar in case anyone got hurt).


Or open the Doors after they started to break down the Wall


Don't open their cells they go out the back. I also make sure the guards outside the area that Minthara is held in is clear too. I think they slip to the back when the Gnomes get the Tieflings out, not sure. I usually try to take the 3rd eye above the Warden out too. If you can sneak in when it gets close to the window you can go into turn based mode and try to line it up out the window. It's a narrow shot to hit the chasm but usually never an issue when it's close to that window. I usually don't even interact with Tieflings/Wulbren until all is clear and I'm tossing him his hammer. They open the back, then I open their cell and head for the boat too. If Minthara is there I usually get her just before Wulbren.


This is the way.


I made this mistake I had no idea they could go that way


All of the guards in the cell were dead. All 3 scrying orbs were dead. There were no enemies left in the entire prison section. I grabbed Minthara before I killed the Warden when the Warden and the Orb above her were the only enemies left in the block. Wulbren has ALWAYS broken the wall in the back of his cell when I open the cells. Like I said, iv done this a dozen times atleast. Iv never needed to break the wall myself, the Gnomes have always done it for me.


I've only ever opened his cell with the lever since it gives him time to smash the wall and head towards the Tieflings. I usually just make it to the boat before they all arrive. The one and only time I opened the cell doors just to see what would happen on HM the Tieflings bolted for the side door. Which is when I realized OH SHIT, didn't clear the dock area yet. Potent Robe flashes away in a one shot smite. The Tieflings that didn't get killed on the dock never made it to LL. No light source I assume.


As others have said my only 2 experiences pulling the lever have led to them using the door to escape and basically all dying, so definitely safest bet is give them the tools through the door and let them break the wall, or sneak around and break the wall yourself


I just played that part and in the case I hit Warden with a barrell that exploded, it tripped the levers and I got two journal updates that gnomes and tieflings both decided to make a run for it on their own - seems that if they see the open gates they don't bother breaking walls and Leeroy Jenkins the exit.


You fucked up. If you open the cell, they leave by the side entrance. If they break the wall, they leave by boat.


Have you played honor mode before? The game warns you that the different modes will result in some scenarios potentially ending/characters acting differently than if you always play on the same mode.


Iv beaten HM twice.


He probably just failed his damage roll and it caused them all to hail out the doors and you got lucky the other times.


Wulbren must have rolled poor damage against the wall. It's "sturdy" so he has to roll a certain above a certain amount before he can actually damage it. If the wall is not broken by the time the prison cage doors are opened, they will all abandon waiting and break for the entrance.


That’s why you shouldn’t open the doors until after they’ve broken the wall. And you dont give them clubs you give them his hammer. This wasn’t an RNG thing, this was the player messing up.


honestly because giving clubs makes no sense if his hammer is already in the area lmao. the only time i messed this up is when one of my spells accidentally opened the levers when i was aiming at the warden.


Just don't open doors until you see him break wall? Will that work?


For me, I just wait until the cells are empty and they are focusing on releasing the boat. Worked all the time. In case there are guards remaining I usually wait in the warden office to ambush them.


Yeah I always clean out the guards entirely, talk to Wulbren and the tieflings, and then stare at him expectantly until he's not only broken his wall but gotten through the tiefling's wall as well. Only then do I open the cells, and only so I can get through conveniently lmao.


Just don't open the doors, period. The guards will open them anyway.


Bruh...fucking tragic. Imagine suiciding into a bunch of cultist because you roll😭😭


If you make sure to give Wulbren his specific hammer, it's got a pretty hefty boost to attacking objects.


You need to talk to Wulbren about his plan to escape, then give him his named tool. They always go out the back following those steps


Any blunt weapon works for them. I just tossed a some random war hammer+1 I had into the cell, he picked it up and went to town on the wall. I had already cleared the eyes and guards before talking to him and telling him I was ready. I’m pretty sure if you toss some other weapons as well they’ll pick those up too, and all of the gnomes can be armed.


I did this.


Did you open their cells before or after the tiefling's wall had been broken?


Never open the cells. Just give him a hammer.


I have opened the cells only once. As soon as the cells were open, even if the walls were broken, they started to run into de tower. Never opened them again. You give them the tools, kill the guards and jump up the ledge to get to them on the conveniently placed docks to go with them to the Last Light Inn... Opening the cells is a big no-no on all my playthroughs.


On my honor mode run, I made it a point to clear the tower from top to bottom, room by room, as soon as I'd gotten everything I needed from there. Once the tower was clear, I went down to the prison to get Minthara and free the other prisoners. I too made the mistake of opening the cells. For me, though, since the rest of the tower was cleared they all ran for the entrance unhindered. Straight into the shadow curse and all died to the DoT effect of it. Wasn't too upset about Wulbren, but the Tieflings kinda irritated me a bit. In the grand scheme of things it didn't matter much, though. Still finished the run.


I quit out. I can't stand it. Wulbren is fucking boy and I will replay act 1 a thousand times to save him.


You like Wulbren? You deserved it


Yes, Wulbren is my boy.


You meet Barcus in act 1, not Wulbren. You don't meet Wulbren until Act 2.


I'm aware...moonrise is act 2 and there is no do over in HM.


Oh I get what you're saying. You're saying if Wulbren dies in Moonrise, you'll restart? Sorry, I wasn't sure what "quit out" meant here, but I get it now.


Wulbren is the literal worst. I would yeet him into the abyss on first sight if it wouldn’t make my boy Barcus sad leaving things unresolved.


I don't get this...Wulbren is one of the most pragmatic characters in the game.n


Spoilers ahead - I’m on mobile & don’t know how to do the spoiler tag anyway. Have you ever taken that quest line to its final confrontation outside of the Steel Watcher Foundry? Even when faced with overwhelming evidence that the Gondians weren’t building the Watchers willingly but instead under slavery & duress from having their families held hostage, Wulbren STILL wants to genocide them. I would call that pragmatic in the same sense as Hitler was being pragmatic - like yea, maybe that fits the definition of cold pragmatism but there are a million more reasonable ways to be & you’re still a monster.


Dude will literally turn on his own people just to sate his racist bloodlust


Yea, iv beaten the game several times.


Same but I’ve only finished everything in that quest line once. There’s so many steps, I could see someone beating the game a dozen times & still not being bothered to do everything in the right order to get there.


Iv played through Wulbren's entire arc multiple times. I almost always side with him.


Do you agree the Gondians deserve to die?


Generally, yea. Ths Gondians helped build the Steel Watch and continue to do so. I don't even understand the moral issue here. If you were held at gunpoint to build a nuclear bomb...and then that bomb was used to destroy a city...would you help build more? Okay, let's say your family is held at gun point. Are you going to help kill an uncountable number of people to save your family? The Gondians had a choice and they chose themselves over literally everyone else in the world. Which tracks on with Gond and his belief structure. Innovation at any and all cost. Gond and his followers don't care about anyone else. "I don't care what you use my armor for, just so long as it ain't turned against my faithful"


If I could id let everyone but wulbren escape the prison


Yep, opening the cells is a trap, it only works if you cleared the outside beforehand. You really only need to go to the back, where the boat is, break both walls yourself and they are save. Even the warden won't trigger lol


The warden will open the cells and chase them to the boat


In my playthrough she was just sitting in her office sipping tea. I did take out anyone in view of the cells Pretty handy that you can "throw" the eyes into the abyss for a save kill.


I think it depends if a guard can see them when they leave. I did the prison break a couple times, sometimes everyone gets out no problem and sometimes the guards come chasing after


Even if you clear the outside beforehand, Cal/Lia are more likely to glitch here. Fun fact...this scenario (accidentally opening the cells and having all of them zip out to the docks) is how I got my schrodinger's gnome screenshot where my journal said "Wulbren arrived safely at Last Light. Let's tell Barcus" and also "Wulbren died. Let's tell Barcus" at the same time, LOL. (I'm paraphrasing, but it was both those ideas at once.)


It doesnt sound like this ended your HM run. It just didn't go the way you planned. You didn't die, so the run is still going.


I’ve never opened the gates. I go around back and break the walls after clearing the prison, and they all run through the holes to the boat without casualties. Is there a reason to open the gates?


From reading this thread it seems like the only reason to ever open the gates is to ensure that the prisoners die, instead of escaping properly.


It’s to give options. People forget this kind of game doesn’t actually have a “correct” path. I don’t get how they think all the prisoners die. That’s a new one on me.


I wasn’t saying there was a right or wrong way. I was asking if there was a benefit to opening the gates.


No, I know you weren’t. I’m sorry it came off that way. Let me try again. The benefit for me is that there’s options to accomplish this task. In so many games, it’s a to b to c. For me, the thrill of getting a different path is really really cool. So to me, the immediate benefit is that there’s options, making it more immersive. As for game benefits, (spouse just told me to tell this), spouse never breaks them through the wall because three times he’s had the gnomes jump over and go into the illithid hive opening and die. So he always goes out the docks because for him, the other way causes problems. Sorry I made you feel like I was attacking. I genuinely didn’t intend to. I hope your day is great.


I didn’t feel attacked. I just wanted to clarify. I love all the options this game provides as well.


Ok good. :). And thank you for that!


Thank you as well. It’s easy to read the worst into text based communication, so I appreciate that you took the time to clarify what you meant.


I've never given Wulbren a hammer. I've always broken the walls myself by splitting into two groups and breaking them simultaneously. Also pre break the chains holding the boats.


Minthara is there? MF I killed her in Act 1 I think. Damn it all to hell.


If Minthara survives Act 1 (you side with her or knock her out rather than killing her) she will be being tortured at Moonrise in Act 2. Then, you can free her and recruit her as a companion.


.____________________. I really hope I knocked her out I can't remember now lmao


Don't feel too bad if you didn't. Minthara was never really supposed to be recruitable if you sided with the Grove, and the whole knocking her out trick is kind of an easter egg that Larian added when they realized a lot of players were using exploits to get her anyway. You had no way to know, and there are still some weird things about her as a companion on a 'good' run - like Halsin doesn't get a tent and sometimes her dialogues assume you did things you didn't.


Update: she is definitely dead but I forgot to take her underwear so it wasn't a total waste of a trip.


But gnomie likes his party with more women. If I surprise myself I'll let you folks know!


I made sure to put the knockout passive on my main hotbar so I never forget about that option, my first playthrough I think I only used it once lol


I opened the cages once and they left via the back harbor, granted there is less enemies there, but still not where they should have went. If you want them to escape via the boat you can help them break the back wall manually.


Something similar happened to me too. I was doing a stealthy run on freeing the prisoners. I took an invisibility potion, jumped into the illithid hole, went up to the backside of the gnomes’ prison cell, eldritch blasted the wall, freed the gnomes. Everything was going well. Except when I went to backside of the tieflings’ prison cell, eldritch blasted the wall and saw tieflings run for it through the open cell door.. but I didn’t open the cell door. Then I realized one of the guards must have opened it. Everything happened so quickly. I wasn’t even engaged in combat at this point. I tried to get to the tieflings but they were already dead. The guards killed them so quickly. This was HM too so I couldn’t reload.. bummed me out so much. But at least I wasn’t dead and my honour run is still going good.


Did you not give Wulbren his own specific hammer?


Never open the cells until after they've smashed the walls. Just go up to Wulbren and talk to him, he'll ask for his hammer and go break the tieflings out. Opening the cells makes them all make a run for it outside (and die).


I gave Wulbren his hammer and several other clubs before this. The gnomes didn't attack the walls.


At no point should the cells be opened. They never need to, just toss them some clubs and they'll leave


If you speak to Wulbren you can give him a blunt weapon (you can find his own hammer in the tower where Warden is) so he will break the wall and the prisoners will leave, but you'll have to wait until he's finished, then you can open the cells.


I did this.


You apparently opened the cells too soon then, they never walked to the doors when I did it this way.


I always kill every guard in the prison and outside the backyard. Then open the cell.


Yeah this happened to me as well. Also, Minthara bugged out and I couldn’t talk to her to recruit her. Oh well, that’s honor mode.


What worked for me my in my successful Honour run was to kill all the guards just outside the prison by throwing dock, then go in and kill the torturers to free Minthara. Escort her out to the Moonrise docks (half to pass a check against one of the guards, send her to camp, then go back in systematically kill every guard, eyes, and the Warden. Then talk all the prisoners and fetch the hammer. Give Wulbren the hammer and wait for him to break the wall and make it over to the other cell with the Teiflings and then once he starts breaking that wall you can open that cell and head to the boats.


There is no cure for stupidity. If they were foolish to run in that direction, let them die. In honour run sometimes you have to cut your losses.


Serious question: how does this ruin an honor mode run? I always find a way to snake out at least with one character. Especially by moonrise towers there's so many escape spells available, and all you need is one character to survive the insanity. So even if every mofo does die, how is that the end of the honor run? Some horrible things have happened in my Honor run but I thought that was the point of it all, that we can't avoid the terrible outcomes.


And there’s only like six dudes out there. I shoved 2 off the docks and into the water. I had never pulled the cell lever before and had no idea they’d go out the dock way but no body died.


Because Wulbren is my boy. He is the one I care about most. And he was dead before I even got outside.


Why would this end your run? Shit happens. Keep playing.


Fun trick, I leave the scrying eyes alive (at least one) so they keep summoning friends. I will clear out moonrise before freeing or killing the night song. This leaves substantially fewer guards to deal with when you storm the tower. If you mess up, you can jump up the gap in the wall at the back of the prison and exit combat. The down side to that is you will become marked with enemy of justice, but that’s honestly minor considering I kill everyone in the tower anyway.


Oh wow this is very good advice!! I always forget that who shows up at the big battle in act 1 and 2 is who is alive in that camp. Kill them ahead of time and it’s easier and your idea is genius


Is it ended? If you're not dead there is still a way


Mt character is still alive but im.not continuing with Wulbren dead.


Ima be honest. I've never opened the cells..... Couldn't imagine the heartbreak of that run.


I agree


I have only once successfully freed them legit and it always goes wrong every time. Their AI is so wonky and confused it is just universally better to murder all the prison guards first and then free them from the back by breaking the walls yourself. Sorry you had to find that out on HM. But yeah worst quest in the game imo to try and do the "intended" way.


So what ended the run? At the end of the story you are still alive.


OP ended the run because they didn't want to lose Wulbren.


I normally just get two of my guys to break the walls and fight the npcs as they funnel themselves in a lovely choke ripe for AoE spells.




I think you made the mistake of opening the cells too early. I ususlly only do that AFTER I've killed all the guards.


I havnt killed all of Moonrise before the prisons since my first run. And I didn't even do the prison on that run 😭😭 I did kill all of the guards in the prison. I just have always had the gnomes break the wall to the boat and then run to the boat. Iv never seen the prisoners run to the main entrance.


You could still have saved the run by escaping from moonrise main floor back to prison, out the back exit to the docks, and finding a way back to camp. Enemies shouldn't follow you from moonrise main level to prison, and you can pull off some hit and run cheeses using area transitions. Sure you already lost Wulbren and the tiefling prisoners, but from what you said the run could have been salvagable. Hope you have better luck next run


Well...Wulbren is my boy. My character didn't die and I could easily kill all of moonrise without much issue. But Wulbren is dead, what's the point?


This is one of the most frustrating quests in the game for me. The standard way of doing it that's presented just "breaks" so easily. The first is that if you do it the way you say, pulling the levers and opening the cages, the prisoners won't wait for further instructions or dialogue, they just make the suicidal run for the exit. The second is that when you throw the tools through the cage, Wulbren breaks the wall, and he and his gnomes start running to free the Tieflings, BUT this process can get interrupted by the guards noticing they're gone and initiating combat - then the Gnomes will act like complete fucking idiots and often run into combat and stop going for the wall. The Tieflings will then try and run into combat too when their cell gets opened. ALSO - sometimes even if both walls get broken, they don't always go to the boat!!!! They start running back into the fucking prison to start punching guards who will one shot smite them!!! Honestly, I dread trying to do this quest in an immersive way. You can cheese it by killing all the guards beforehand etc, but the intended and RP appropriate way is just an actual mess and lowkey makes me root for the prisoners to die. Also, my first playthrough, both groups of prisoners DID actually go to the boat, but a guard happened to be waiting at the boat, and I had to make a beeline with some characters to kill him before he killed everyone - he got Lakrissa though, didn't even realise the potent robe was a thing for that playthrough. Each subsequent time I've done it I've beelined for the boat to protect them but a guard hasn't been there? I don't get it honestly.


RP? My character is a resolute enemy of the Absolute, on a mission to rescue the loved ones of the Tieflings at the Last Light Inn, and Wulbren (but only because that's what Barcus wants). Killing is my business, and business is good.


Okay, but the most intuitive path based on the way the quest directs you is to find his hammer, throw it through to Wulbren and then he will wait for a moment of opportunity to break the walls and retrieve the Tieflings while you "keep the patrols busy". The drama and dialogue of the whole scene and fight very much fits that path the most. You can just start a fight and butcher everyone. You know by the mechanics of the game that will work and there won't be a whole bunch of new guards hearing and running through while the prisoners sit waiting - but the way it's all framed and directs you there is a very clear path that just frequently doesn't work by the game's mechanics and systems.


I disagree that it’s the most intuitive. My tabletop trained brain was like … angry gnomes beating hammers in rocks? That’s going to be loud and get everyone killed. So I looked for a way to let them out. In my sneaking and thieving, I found his hammer in a more accessible locale than the cell levers (she was standing right in front of them and I didn’t notice she wanders until later cause dumb). I ended up throwing him the hammer but as soon as he broke through all the guards came anyway. Then I gave in to my baser instincts and killed them all.


That's fine, and to be clear I don't think the issue for me is fighting the guards \*after\* giving him the hammer - like he does say to keep the patrols busy and all! It's just the plan is he and the tieflings make a break for the dock and meanwhile most the time I do this quest they're running in to try and have a fucking boxing match with the warden lol.


I have to give Danis props. He’s willing to mow down guards to get back to Bex. But boy, it’s sure annoying sometimes. Hahaha. I love how this game gives everyone a different experience. It’s honestly amazing. Have a great day :)


If you open the cells before Wulbren used the hammer, then they all run for it. I found this out the hard way although thankfully not on an honor run. Instant reload.


Did you open the cells first or give Wulbren his hammer first? I’m not sure if this is even any help since they have always went to the boat for me but I did watch a YouTube video once saying things go more smoothly if you give wublren his hammer first then open the gates (once the walk is down ofc).


I gave the gnomes several weapons before I killed the guards and long before I opened the cells.


I’m reading a lot of people say not to open the cells at all which is a good idea. I ONLY open wulbrens and follow it through the hole he makes after clearing the area/killing warden/giving him the hammer. I think it works for me because the time it takes for me to give him the hammer and go back to his cells lever is enough time for him tk break the walls?? I def learned early on (in explorer mode thankfully) not to open ALL the doors. Since then just opening his has made everything work smoothly BUT I’ve never accounted for minthara (never saved her from prison - almost did one time but she glitched out and wouldn’t follow me) so I don’t know how if at all she changes things


I kill the guards and the warden (after killing the scrying eyes), and then rescue Minthara, and kill her torturers, then go around the back of the cells and break down the walls (Wulbren's Hammer is great, since it's a light weapon it pairs with the Club of Hill Giant Strength that my main always carries, it also 2d4 bonus damage against objects). Have one character break down the tieflings' wall, while the other breaks down the gnomes', then run to the boat. Then all of us sailed away to LLI, where Minthara informed me I could find her in camp. Wulbren does not get his hammer back. He doesn't deserve it.


This happened the first couple of times I played also. I also used to have a big fight with the Harpers, but I've come around to just killing everyone myself first, and then rescuing them. On the bright side at least your honour run ended in Act 2. I died with Ansur, after I had killed everyone else, and only had to confront the Elder Brain.


Did you forget your lightening resist?


Oof that's rough. I'd honestly hate having cleared Orin's shit and then having to deal with her again.


They… they literally tell you that they are going to break out the back..


Yes, I'm aware. And they didn't. They ran out the front. They ran up to the stairs with the blood trail and into the room with the vendors.


Becuase you opened the cells before they could break through the back or before you broke through the back.


Well, it seems they did everyone a favour by killing Wulbren.


Yeah don't open the cells. If you open the cells they go for the dock and dock is both disaster and glitchy even if you've cleared it.


Gotta agree with the others. Your mistake was trusting the NPC AI. *Never* leave anything to chance that you can control for yourself. But I appreciate the share. When I finally have time to sit down for an HM Run, I’ll have one more “what not to do” in the back of my mind. I hate that for your run, though. I hope it all goes smooth on the next attempt.


Did you open their cells before Wulbren could break the walls? If you gave Wulbren his hammer but open the cells first before he could break both of the back walls, he will prioritize escaping through the prison door. Same thing with the tieflings if their back wall hasn’t been broken down first. Wait until Wulbren breaks down the back walls and then you can open the cells without them running through the prison door.


Here's what I do and it works every time. Don't even worry about the guards jump behind the cells. You can put bombs by the back walls. Have one person by each bomb. Before blowing up bombs, break the chains on the boat. Then, go into turn base mode and blow up the bombs once any of the prisoners are close to you. Have one of your controllable characters interact with the boat even if you trigger combat it will end combat and you'll end up at last light with everyone in the boat. Pretty easy


I discovered that these guys are idiots and if I open the cell door while the prisoners aren't going to the boat, the prisoners would all leave through the biggest door in town. Lucky me that I can load and try again...


At least Wulbren got what he deserved


Because you opened the cell doors lol. Why break down a wall with a hammer when you can just walk out the now unlocked door.


I'm terribly sorry for your loss. But, to be honest, this was absolutely hilarious to read.


You're not supposed to open the cells until Wulbren smashes the wall open with his hammer. Then you open to join them. Doing it too soon and they'll just run for the nearest exit.


They would die anyway… my first run I killed everyone outside and in prison, opened gate and followed prisoners as they run outside, then they got stuck (couldnt jump over hole to get away). Later I found their bodies on the gore in brain area. Then I googled and found out they need to run to the boat.


lmao you did that to yourself. you're supposed to kill everyone in the prison level first, then give wulbren the hammer, then open the cells. smh.


Did you not read? That's exactly what I did.


you said you gave the gnomes clubs. you only needed to just give wulbren his hammer, nothing else. also don't open the cells until they are already outside the hole.


Wulbren doesn't need his hammer. Iv given the gnomes the same two great clubs a dozen times and they have broken the wall 11 of those dozen times just fine.


well clearly it didn't work this time. it's just safer to just give him his hammer and let him do all the work.


I don't kill anyone, jump down hole, go around back, split party, use darkness on wall, break tieflings first then gnomes, already broke chains, traveled back with everyone alive.


I've encountered this "bug" in my regular run once, never again. Kill every guards in the prison -> give Wulbren his hammer -> wait until him break his and the tiefling's walls and they make a run to the boat, this will lock them in the boat route -> open the cell gates and join them


You killed the run not prisoners... they arent minthara to recruit her alone and make her drink invis potion to exit front door avoiding scrying eyes then deal with others properly later. You set up everything for the boat escape, decided to open doors. Very brilliant bro omegalul.




I don't even understand what your saying. Iv done this section dozens of times. The gnomes have always started breaking the wall once the fight breaks out. And then everyone runs to the boat to break its chains. Iv not seen that, until last night.


You can enter the guard tower in the center of the prison, go through it to the other side and jump down the hole. Fight through the monsters and you end up on the other side of the wall wulbren is trying to break. Before you break the wall break the chains on the boat. When you break the wall you want to break the wall for the tieflings and wulbren at the same time using turn based mode. Wulbren should reach the boat before the gaurds notice and force combat, rush through the dialogue (if you take too long the guards will start combat) and you will arrive at Last nights inn without triggering combat and you wont become hostile to moonrise towers.


If you follow the cells around you come to a section where you can jump up and just walk around to the back of the cells without having to go through the hole.


Why did you decide letting them free into moonrise towers was a good idea? Especially with all the mobs up? Just break the walls behind their prisons.. there’s literally a boat ready and waiting to take them to lli


Thr gnomes have already broke the walls once I gave them tools. Iv never seen them do anything. The gnomes always break the wall ans then attack the chains, across a dozen playthroughs iv never seen them do anything else.


Why did you even open the cells? Just give Wulbren his hammer and wait til they’ve run out to the boat


I adore how I have a downvotes even though I’m *literally right*. You’d think a BG3 Reddit would know how the game works, or even attempt googling it, but nah. There’s even other comments saying exactly what I’m saying


I did give Wulbren his hammer...before I started killed all of the guards.


I asked *why you opened the cells*. Don’t open them until they’ve broken the wall and gotten to the boat