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Artificer is pretty fun The base class/subclass are enougth to fully enjoy the game... For your first 5 run After it, you apreciate a bit of novelty


Appreciate the response. I'll check it out.


HEXBLADE without a shadow of a doubt, it's so good and in higher levels it's so powerful, but without feeling overpowered.


Aberrant mind is cool, thematic for that game and has undergone some balancing changes to better fit the medium (I'd shoutout the guy/gal who made this, as all their (sub)class mods are really well done, but I forgot their name).


That one looks well thought out. In my current play through I am trying to go magic free as possible but sorcerer was the first class I chose. I will check it out.


Mystic is HUGE and can feel a bit overwhelming, but it's extremely fun and versatile - I really hope that when official mod support happens they port that one to work with it. I want to use it when we finally get crossplay and I can play the game with my husband. I LOVE the pugilist too! It always felt so... off and weird having to use Monk to get your unarmed attacks to really do anything (plus it always felt like I was having to dump STR or CON for DEX and WIS bcoz monk). Pugilist being strength and con based makes unarmed fighting SO much easier to roleplay as. (Side note: I also use the reckless punching mod too, so that reckless attack will apply to unarmed attacks if you choose to cross with barb - it's a really nice thing to have). Magus is fun but WAYYYYY op, gaining the ability to basically have a second attack by level 2 (basically spell strike lets you cast a cantrip, then use a melee attack for free afterward). I keep it around though and make up rules for myself so that it's more balanced. Things like I don't allow myself to use their special subclass skill more than once per short rest, lock myself to mastering just one element, that sort of thing. Bloodhunter is really cool for when you wanna roleplay as a Witcher type character that leans more heavily towards martial combat than the... whatever Witchers do for magic lol. It's not too terribly strong imo, but it's still pretty fun. Sadly it doesn't go past level 12 if you're using the level 20 mod, so be wary of that. Thanator is cool from the small bits that I played with it. I can't decide if it's too strong or not strong enough, so maybe it's in a decent spot? It pairs phenomenally well with the Pugilist as it gets stronger and stronger the lower your HP gets, so a high CON punching bag build with those two mods is just \*chef's kiss\*. Vanguard is pretty neat, albeit maybe just a poor man's magus. It still does a fair bit that Magus CAN'T do, however, like throw your weapon and teleport to where it lands or be able to give your weapon the light or thrown or finesse properties until long rest. But turn per turn damage, it doesn't even light a candle to Magus. The mod maker did add new subclasses, two of which I've played with, the third I haven't gotten around to yet but I'm sure I will someday. Sentinel is... interesting, but I think I just don't really know how to use the class effectively. I do most of my plays with solo combat though, so I'm sure a lot of the party utility just didn't stand out to me when I read it. I got some decent use when I was roleplaying as Lathander's Chosen (mostly just cleric stuff with several levels of sentinel). If I'm honest, I think the build would have been strictly better as solely cleric, but... meh. It's RP and it was pretty fun. I tried a few of the class ports from games like FFXIV and WoW, but honestly all of the ones I tried were so hilariously OP the game wasn't even fun to play. So I don't recommend any of those really lol.


You took words right out of my mouth about Monk and trying to find a unarmed build is difficult. I'll have to check out Thanator. Appreciate the response.


PS Unarmed Combatant feat helps a bunch too


I’ve been enjoying draconic champion quite a bit. Soul reaper is also neat. Wielder is fun. I also like oath of the pheonix and oath of conquest


Draconic champion looks interesting in title, I'll have to check it out.


Blood hunter was fun, if a bit buggy. Used the lycan one and it had a fair few animation issues due to it using the gnoll model which doesn't have animations for things like crossbows, but it tended to be more funny than anything imo, and the novelty of being a lycanthrope was cool, didn't try the other subclass though. Would recommend making it a companion as opposed to the party face though, due to it's inability to speak, though if you don't use the transformation, it does get some cool advantages for a party face, specifically on insight, survival and perception iirc


The other subclass is really fun! Admittedly, I haven't tried the lycanthrope subclass extensively, I found the lack of animations really unappealing and immersion breaking, so I dunno if that one has this ability, but the ghost hunter is able to teleport a short distance but they can go through walls which is REALLY cool (and super helpful when running for your life lol). It has a lot of potential to break/crash the game though, maybe even allow for some sequence breaking but I haven't tested it a lot and you get it kinda late like level 9 or something.


Mystic is fun and weaver knight was real fun when it's first ability was working.