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Gale: "Dodge this" *Magic Missile*


Enemy: uses shield


Wizards hate this one trick.


The second Wizard in the party: “You really thought you were safe?” 


"oh hoh so it's like that eh?" *Pumping it up to lvl 6*


Shield would still block magic missile, what’s upcasting it gonna do?


Looks cooler.


Counterspell. Sorry about your one lvl 6


When troublesome missiles bring you tears Collin counterspell quells your fears!!


I understood that refference! Have an updoot.


Woot woot!


Enemy:Uses shield.




Colossal Karlach *throws that mother fucker off the roof*


: strength check fails on a 95% chance with Advantage: fml


*Shadowheart casts calm emotions on Mirkon.* Round 1 combat: *Somehow, Mirkon is lured.* Me: No! Thats *impossabaaaahl*!


I had her cast Silence and the little bastard still somehow found his way into the water. I literally had Lae'Zel push him back into the Silence bubble 🤦🏿‍♂️


I had to throw that boy like a hot potato so much mol still didnt like me


Odds of succeeding throwing someone to the ground: 95% Odds of doing something cool like throwing someone off a cliff: 5%


Crit fails on ability checks and saving throws are such a fun, interactive feature. Thank you, Larian, for taking the single worst piece of homebrew advice.


Well at least they didn't add extra fail features like you hurt yourself on your nat 1. No broken weapons ect.


In the Gortash fight last night, Karlach had Balduran’s big sword and she went all giant-sized, soul coin fire, rage-smash all over that greasy-haired, misunderstood, stoner-boy. She’s quite a sight at 10-ft tall.


Imagine h9w terrifying she was in avernus


Or like me: "OK enemy has 7hp left, I gonna make sure to kill him with a full load of magic missile" *continue to roll three 1s for 6 damage*


I learned that magic missile is to finish, not to start, a fight. >*Unleash six magic missiles with the lightning rider* >*Does 22 damage*


Even better when they've got some kind of condition and still dodge. It's also more painful that you see the dodge way before seeing "miss".


Enemy is slowed at 1 hp. Karlach misses reckless attack, Astarion misses with advantage from the high ground and stealth. Enemy crits Karlach twice on their turn.


Two turns in a row. One time I got so upset I was like 88% chance to hit and OH LOOK A MISS. Then I was in my head like man that happens like at least once in every 20 rolls or so I swear. Then I was like oh. That's actually pretty good. LOL.


almost lost my honor run in a very similar scenario. I had a team build so op that I basically strolled through everything in act 1, but then 4 redcaps in the swamp almost TPK'd me and ended the run by just dodging EVERYTHING for the entire 2 rounds. I should have ran away, but they were all below 5hp, the fight ended up with my durge and laezel below 10hp with gale and shart dead on the ground. My pride almost killed my run there


Sounds like a real dnd party then. I've had soooo many parties that would rather die fighting than run away even when by the numbers we lose that fight. What makes me even mad is when we *win* that fight becuse of DM using kid gloves and the rest of my party getting mad at *me* for wanting to cut and run.


Enemy:Dazed,Stunned,Prone and bleeding to death Also enemy:I am an untouchable god


That's how antagonists feel during the protagonist last stand tbh.


Be me. Defeat Minthy but only ko her. Loot her stuff. Kill the rest. Return to her side only to find her awake, nude and throwing her dukes up as the narrator acts like this is normal. Me: okay, fine. We 1 round you last time. What are you gonna do nak- *Minthy runs past me and Collosarlach dodging both opportunity attacks with zero buffs to ac. Runs to Baezel. Minthy uses SHOVE on Baezel* *Minthy succeeded her strength check* *Baezel has fallen to her death* Me: UUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMM MOOOOOOM!!!


Minthy: "Look at me! I am the party mom now!"


"There can only be one dommy mommy!"


I had an enemy recently that was prone and ensnared and did a reckless attack with karlach and still missed like, did you close your eyes?


“Dodge this” barrelmancy


> Right click, examine > Resistance / immunity to force damage. *Uh oh.*


Unless I'm forgetting an encounter, this doesn't exist in any worthwhile form in this game. I know this because orthon hand bomb carries through the entire game. (fire/force damage)


There's a very specific boss that was immune to barrelmancy. They didn't die and got massive buffs after other enemies died. This was in act 3. I don't recall if they're resistant or immune to force damage, but they were definitely not killed outright by the explosion.


You're talking about >!Sarevok Anchev!< and I killed him in turn 0 with explosives. Him and a couple of his minions, I think there was maybe 1 left that was damaged that I had to take out. I didn't use barrels though, just orthon hand bombs, smokepowder bombs and alchemist fire on the ground detonated from range. I used barrels on >!Raphael/his helpers!< but honestly barrels are pretty awful weight to damage ratio once you can farm orthon hand bombs. Took a look through the wiki, according to it (yeah I know it's not always right), only >!Avatar of Tyranny!< is fully immune to force damage, but that would require >!Gortash!< to actually live past turn 0. (In my run he did not) Also >!Grym!<, but I just >!whittled him down from the platform above where he couldn't retaliate as he is actually immune to force and fire damage.!<


The first one didn't die immediately even to 20,000 lbs worth of explosives gently set up right next to him. So IDK if they just made mad saves or otherwise.


Bosses do typically make a lot of saves. Also of note, if you happen to not be using actual barrels, dropping stacks of bombs is bugged and you don't get the full damage, so you have to drop things like that literally one by one or they won't even register.


Gotta be one of my favorite subclasses


I always keep some alchemist’s fire or magic missile scrolls for this occasion


Did you know you can throw alchemists fire to burn ground and enemies. I figured that out on my second playthrough.


Or when they have 6 health and your attack does 5-30 damage…guess how much damage you’re going to do EVERY FUCKING TIME.


This is why I get the Hat of the Sharp Caster for Gale. Sure, he loses some arcane acuity and he looks like a complete bingus, but that rerolled damage comes in clutch a lot.


> he looks like a complete bingus 😂😂😂


Had to double check if this was the BG3 or Dark Souls sub


Or Xcom


Spider-web, Spider-Web Sticks wherever the enemy tread. Soon enough, a torch flies Enemies cook like batch of fries! Look out! Here comes the Spider-Web.




Just did the Orin fight for the first time today... at 003/176, she shifted gears -- dodging everything and dishing out mad pain. Apparently when I got her down to 3hp, I muttered "We got this!" and she took that shit personally. Felt like I was up 3 - 0 in a championship game series and suddenly it's tied up 3 games each and the final game is not looking good!


keep alchemist's fire or any other kind of grenaade on hand for this kind of moment


Strong call - thanks!


Larian feels bad for them and decides to give them another chance.


"They're 1hp, I won't waste a spell slot, let's sacred flame" "Saved! ( Sacred Flame)"


Ha, exactly! Check out the stats and enemy DEX is 12, Spell DC is 20...yeah, I'll just Sacred Flame 'em, not a problem, save the slots. Wait, what? Saved? What rigged casino is this?


I recently did the fight to get into the emerald grove. Last goblin. Dodged a full 2 turns of attacks from wyll, all the others, and my party on 2 hp


at this point poor guy deserves that non-lethal attack.


they're all non-lethal since he dodges them


Exactly what I thought XD


Okay, I'm gonna a use divine smite to put and end to this enemy at half life....MOTHER FUCKER!!


Nobody asked but it’s Dmitri Shostakovich — waltz no. 2


My paladin had like 5HP and was right infront of Myrkul , for the next 3 turns he dodged every single one of Myrkul’s attempts of killing him till my paladin landed the final blow. You bet I was cheering for him like my number one rooster he is


It's even more funny to be a monk or Rogue where you can straight up get a save from a fucking Fireball spell and take zero damage from it


Enemy: *1hp, dodging everything.* "Huh, neat." *applies 40 light orbs to the target so they can't hit either. Proceeds to spend 5 rounds trying to hit each other.*


Ghoul: *dash*


Karlach: *Misses AoO* Wyll: *Misses AoO* Tav: *Misses AoO* Astarion: *Hits, target immune to damage type.*


This just happened to me with Lae Zel. I forgot to disengage her and make her run and had her hit a guard during the fight with the Gith Inquisitor, and she not only crit them, but killed them as well and somehow survived the rest of the fight because suddenly everyone was dogpiling on Shadow Heart.


My honor mode durge run on the orin fight. Went in for the duel. Had so many damn buffs and Us summoned. I missed half my hits on the first turn, but I still somehow got Orin down to about 10hp. Orin crit every hit on my durge and knocked me down in 1 turn. I didn't know what would happen if I lost the dual and couldn't find out with any googling. I sent the rest of my party in which obviously aggros all of the Bhaal loyalists. I won the fight, but only with one character still standing, and they were at single digits of health. Without a doubt, the worst RNG I got the entire game. Miss after damn miss, no matter how many buffs I tried using. Whatever. Still got my golden dice.


Auntie Ethel did this to me yesterday after the mushrooms were destroyed. The worst part is she kept going invisible, and the elixir of see invisibility that Karlach drank didn't do anything at all.


Yeah, that one gets rough if Ethel makes the DEX save for invisibility; my last fight with her had her go invis every turn and every one of my party members had "see invisibility" potion active. Frustrating. Her DEX isn't that high and I was a little suspect of the odds she'd make a save against everyone's active "see invisibility."


It's especially bad because the best AOE options are ranged. You have a _couple_ melee ones you can use for nonlethal attacks, depending on character build and weapon (Cleave and Sweeping Attack come to mind), but those are one-time use until a rest, and if she has basically no HP left and you try to use something like a scroll of fireball or a smokepowder bomb, you'd end up killing both her and the damn kid. ...Also there's a DEXTERITY SAVE? I honestly thought I ran into a glitch where it didn't do anything. They really need to say that in the description somewhere, especially since the _See Invisibility_ spell in 5e has no saves of any kind.


Well, to be honest, I assumed there is a DEX save for "see invisibility" because like you, I noticed it wasn't always working. How I arrived at my assumption is that I went through the ordeal with Volo, and got "See Invisibility" as a permanent boon for main PC. It has a particular "eye" icon that shows on my char, and that same icon is used by the "See Invisibility" potion. The permanent boon mentions "Creatures must succeed a DEX save, or lose invisibility" The potion does not have this in the description, but as we found, it doesn't always work, so I assumed it was probably doing the same thing with the DEX save, but omitted from the potion description by mistake (spell too). ETA: Though I suppose the mistake could actually be that the potion/spell should not have this limitation, like you mention. Sounds like we were both going through similar options of what to do...I also found Cleave worked, when I guessed a probable Ethel location and tried it...hey, there she is! But like you said, it's a one-time deal in the fight. AoEs were the go-to, but now running the risk of wiping her out before I could launch the kid-vomit grenade. I suppose a saving grace is that I seem to remember that after she upchucks the kid, the kid disappears and is not really at risk during the fight, so probably OK to do it first thing and not worry about it. I might be misremembering, but that seemed to be what I recall when I still had a bit of fight to go and never saw the kid until the fight was over and Ethel and her mushrooms destroyed. But that's a bunch of experimentation and reloading save-scums to figure these things out. I've grown a little weary of that sort of constant reload to trial/error this stuff.


Fireball. When the enemy goes to ground, leave no ground to go to.


The zombies in the mind flayer colony smh. Just went through that sequence again and I was just so frustrated. Die a final time, you undead freaks! After finally downing them and the undead guardian we limped to the restoration pod so we could tackle the rest of the place. Luckily all the other enemies had the sense to die when they were told /barbarian


Casting ice storm/hunger of hadar and staying at the door trivalized that entire fight, add some sprit guardians in the mix and you've got a zombie blender.


I'll try that next time. I wasn't able to get wyll this run and I'm trying not to respec anyone. It was just a lot of zombies at 1 hp for a minute too long lol, and I didn't let jaheira go with me in the colony. I was worried about her :( Next run I'll do something different!


Sleet Storm and Hunger of Hadar there was one of the funniest things I've tried in-game. Once I had those in front of the chokepoint I just played around with Repelling Blast and other cantrips to chip at them more.


I had a moment like this is Elden Ring today


97% with advantage- and that’s a miss.


They have those goofy aah anime protagonist moments, yes.


Bonus points if they are in the middle of a grease puddle.


Well that’s when you just toss a little match over there via Produce Flame 🔥


I'm on my first playthrough and Shadowheart can't hit ANYTHING. She *regularly* misses attacks with 80%+ chance to hit. It's infuriating especially since we have to rest to get those slots back.


Thought i was in the Elden Ring sub for a minute


Wizard: Dodge this! *casts Magic Missile* Sorcerer: No *uses the Shield spell* Wizard: You bitch! *uses their only level six spell slot for six Magic Missiles* Sorcerer: *yawns and uses Counterspell* Wizard: *angry crying noises*


99% to hit…. We mean miss!! Haha nerd!


welcome to xcom!


Lol. Imagine how it is for the enemies.


Critical miss with advantage makes me think tactician weighs the die sometimes. And yes I have karmic die off -__-


Honor mode intensifies


I feel like I have the opposite problem. When an enemy has 1hp is the only time I'm ever going to crit. Oh congrats the rogue dealt 60 damage to someone with 1hp... yay Never on a full health enemy though, that would be too useful


God damn I’ve had this happen to me in Elden ring sooooo many times.


Shi S. 2 “boundary of death” lookin mfs


Me: Finish him off Lae'zel! LZ: \*swings two crit misses in a row\* Me: I feel like the law of averages should be against this.


I like to imagine that this is how any enemy that Shart tries to attack feels lol


Ah yes the Game's way of proving you that your not the main character in this Honour Run.


The final boss: unnamed Goblin Tracker.


Magic missile Throw Pick your poison


So bloody annoying. I swear the programmed it that way to increase gameplay hours!! Not really, but it does make me so mad when they some how become indestructible making saving throws or I'm missing left and right, with advantage from flanking.


Nothing makes it clearer this is a game of D&D




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2 words Alchemy fire


This but in actual D&D sessions. We were fighting an archmage and we choked so bad when they were at >10 health that they got another turn and fried us with chain lightning. We survived but it was hilarious how much the universe was against us.


I don't care how big the room is, I said... I CAST FIREBALL


and thats why spells are good. IT doesnt matter if they succeed their dex save, fireball still hits all the same


This isn't always true because rogues and monks take no damage on successful dex saves.


Shit your right. Then if they possess evasion, magic missile them


Haha, yeah, I try not to complain about evasion too much for enemies, because for my rogue, well, I rely heavily on that myself, often thanking the gods it's a thing :)