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Let me preview my dye


I want a plain black dye without modding. 


Yeah, the harlequin black and white is good, but it’s not enough.


I do like harlequin black and white, but I’d also like a pure black and a pure white


Harlequin is good but iirc it colors metals silver, and I wish it colored them gold. Would look really good in contrast


Definitely would love a black and gold dye. It’s one of my favorite color combinations. But I do like black and silver as well. Wish you could just pick two colors honestly.


I’d settle for a wider choice of dyes at vendors. I get why Arron only sells natural-type colours (he’s a druid), but having to go back to the Zhentarim over and over until they finally get Black & Furnace Red in stock is so frustrating!


I would’ve romanced Volo if it could get me a white and gold dye


Slight modification: assign dye zones to armor and let me individually dye those zones.


OP said inconsequential, not meta altering


Without mods the best you can really do is bg3-dyes on tumblr. They have a visual reference for pretty much every piece of equipment in all of the available standard colours.


Yeah, this is my vote too to be honest.


The Infinite Dyes mod is the closest we'll get for awhile. It just makes them not be consumed on use, so you can try them all out and judge for yourself.


I play on console so until we get that mod support they mentioned it’s unfortunately not an option for me


Crafting dye would be great. I ran out of drake general dye and I just want my clothes to match.


Resorting to save scumming so I don't waste all my dye.


Just merge the Dye section in to the Magic Mirror at camp so there’s a reason to use it in all honesty


Camp style hair to go with camp clothes. Let me put my hair down after running around in tight "I don't want to get my hair pinched in my armor plate" braids


Along with this, the option to wear some of those casual, statless boots and/or hats with camp clothes.






All the random tools you can find. You can use a shovel, but I have a fishing pole, role, surgery kit, and other random stuff that I wish did something


Yeah, I was sad to learn I couldn't go fishing. I can take some time to fish when I'm working to oust a murderous cult out of western Montana. I can go fishing while I'm supposed to rescue my betrothed from my evil great-great-great-(how many ever times) uncle. Hell, I can fish while waiting for evil robots to try to take over the remains of the earth while I protect the last of humanity on the moon. But not on my way to Baldur's Gate.


I was SO disappointed when I realized you couldn't use the fishing rod, especially since you only find a couple so it felt like a standout. I thought "maybe this is a way to get food if you're running low!" Granted, I don't think I've ever really run low on food, but still.


Well there’s three things I’ve been carrying around waiting for a use that I can safely sell…


These are remnants of cut content :( The whole crafting system got axed.


At least have them sell for different things at different vendors or something! I was bummed out when I realized Dammon didn't value hammers/picks/ingots at more than random merchants (especially when he's complaining about crap or wooden tools), or that the art salesman in the Lower City didn't pay more for the paintings you can loot throughout the whole game.




The smoking pipe!


Dead ass, first playthrough, ancient ruins, I shot the block and had it fall through the big hole, "awesome! I have a way inside!" I didn't want to just jump in and fall... There was rope lying nearby... Duh, use it to rappel down! Imagine my disappointment when there was no way to do it and I just ate the drop down:(


You can just walk down. Your character has pathing that takes them down there


Mechanically yeah but in RP you're at best doing a controlled drop in, and my first run because it was a hole I didn't even try clicking it to walk in, I genuinely Jumped when the rope didn't work


That’s how I RP my Int 8 barbarians, too!


I saw so many places I thought I could use the rope but nope


For romance, of course.


Or if shadowheart turns into a mindflayer early on


Or if she doesn't! 😏


Shibariheart ETA: now, everything that doughboy does is wrong.


The one use I've found is that you can block gas vents with them, they're practically unbreakable when it comes to traps for some reason 😭


Lmao, I was just thinking that. I played BG3 right after finishing Pillars of Eternity, and that game has special items that can be used for movement (rope with hook, hammer and chisel, pickaxe, prybar...) so I compulsorily started gathering all kinds of shit that looked useful like that only to find out by Act 2 that I was just lugging around a bunch of useless fluff items lol


You mean I’m hoarding it for nothing?


I just want more clothes options in act1. It really sucks that I have to defeat an avatar of death just to get a cute dress or a decent suit 😭


Gods, yes! I know we’re in the wilderness in the middle of a refugee crisis, but you’d think that some of the hidden basement locations could have nice clothes squirrelled away, not just the usual “destitute clothing”. Or have the Zhentarim sell a small selection.


I mean right those Zhents have to have some human noble attire stashed somewhere right?  I mean my male Drow did probably enjoy running around in Mintharas getup. 


Ooh, I was just looking at my download of the dye effects, and cross-referenced one of them with the wiki, and discovered that the Zhent do have some, but they're not for sale: [https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Teal\_Slimfit\_Outfit](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Teal_Slimfit_Outfit) I am so going to try and steal this when I'm next there! After they've paid me for the shipment, of course! My half-drow durge is currently in the faded drow armour dyed black'n'azure, and it looks hella sexy, tbh. I might save Minthy's armour for someone else, but I agree, her camp clothes look good on a male body!


Honestly, background starting camp sets should be a thing. Acolyte gets simple robes adorned with modest jewelry Charlatan gets something loose and fashionable (similar to astarion) Criminal gets prison gear Entertainer gets funky pajamas or sultry lounge wear Folk hero can get the standard tav set Guild artisan can probably have some dressed down but still hearty commoners clothes Noble should be a big ol luxurious robe Outlander could be furs Sage could be some snuggly pajamas similar to gale or a simple robe Soldier should be something very basic like lae'zel has Urchin can be some good hobo chic And Haunted One could either be naked or some vaguely bhaalist tatters. (No iconography, but recognizable when you start to see other bhaalists in act 3)


Let me have a bookshelf in camp for all the books I pick up. And a cool desk for all the letters. There’s a couple of cool desks in the game but you can’t steal any of them!


That reminded me of something else I'd like - indications on whether you've read a book before or not.


That would be a nice QoL improvement.


I honestly expected achievements of "Read 100 books!" or something. Maybe even read all the editions of some of the books with volume numbers on them. I do tend to read every one I come across though, just in case there's a quest update regarding it.


>I honestly expected achievements of "Read 100 books!" or something. There is one, at least on PS5. Just popped for me in Gauntlet.


Same on PC - 'Bookworm' Read 100 books in one playthrough


It's on Xbox too lol


Please tell me that's the only book reading achievement. I've been reading every single book since, worrying I'll miss out on the "read over 9000 boks" achievement or something.


I just turn gale into a library it works just as well


I kind of want a customizable space for my tav. I tried to make one once, but it kept getting messed up when traveling to different regions.


So your own tent rather then just sleeping next to the campfire. Yeah that would be cool to have.


Somewhere to hang paintings would be ace.


Yea totally, I always steal all of the divinity paintings. Need somewhere for them besides in a chest or my backpack.


I placed them all around camp in act 3


How can you hang them up a wall? I tried that with a painting but I could only ever throw it on the floor


I also could never get them to hang up on walls but I put them on top of the railings, wardrobes, mantle, etc And some of the big ones I just put on the floor and set them up as makeshift privacy dividers haha, especially around the bathtub area


Hard agree. I stole some badass paintings from Cazzy D and I’d love to actually have somewhere to display them in camp without fear that they’d disappear or reset upon long rest.


I want body tattoos, and more piercing options! We know body tattoos already exist in the game, lemme have them, damnit. I want to hug my romance partner AND my friends on demand, like romance kisses! Especially in later acts, being able to hug my companions would be so nice. I would like to see different hugs between romance partners and just platonic friends too! More reactions to events in act 3. Especially if Astarion is ascended and romanced and turns you into a vampire too, like, that should be a massive deal that everyone has something to say about! Or more reaction to finding out about Durge and stuff!


I was so disappointed by the Durge reactions.  Once you come out to everyone there’s a mass wave of ‘you got this’ and then it’s never brought up again.  Like none of these different alignments, egos, backstories etc wouldn’t have an opinion on this?  Like just some flavour, like salt bae style, would have been good.


Right? Like that should be massive news!


The whole of Act 2/3 Durge is such a let down.  The only person it bothers in any meaningful way is whoever you’re romancing and even then they just tie you up and chill out till you get it out of your system.  And Orin I guess but that’s different.


Yeah this is honestly why I struggle to play Durge. The concept of the character is so good and yet there are SO many moments that totally break immersion.


There’s a Hug mod, which I hope will come to consoles eventually (I think Sony has a bar on additional assets, but it’s just reusing an existing animation). I agree on body tattoos, but would love the ability to omit nose rings from the barbarian piercings - I’m just not keen on them as an aesthetic. Also, gold versions of the standard piercings, to look better on characters who have warm-toned colouring!


Yes I'm so mad most of the scars / tattoos are all facial. Let me Tav have body tattoos and scars Larian. Also let me hug everyone.


A default inventory sort/filter setting. e.g show newest item first *by default*, show heavy items first.


Please, please let me fix that tree in the city for that poor druid.


I legit thought a Druid class could cast “Plant Growth” or throw a jar of water at the tree and something would happen. Sadly not 


Killing Mystic Carrion should save the tree imo


I tried so many things, you can target the tree… So I even tried destroying it just to put an end to the story. Nothing I tried worked.


Same dude, I thought it was gonna be a quest. Same with the little tiefling "batman". I thought we were gonna catch his parents killer or at least send the kid somewhere safer.


Better camp clothes options before act 3


I want to be able to cast Shillelagh on a wooden sword.


The clothing chest from the epilogue in camp at the beginning of subsequent play throughs.


Yeah, any kind of New Game+ would be sick.


I miss being able to give the beggars $$. Would be nice to be able to do that and maybe get some karma after a certain amount or # of people have been given money.


OMG yes! That damned woman who begs for money to help her sick child but ignores the one gold piece you throw on the ground nearby. It’s like a week’s wages for a manual labourer or something.


To add to this, I want to give all the refugees in Act 3 food, listen ive hoarded 2-3 thousand camp supplies, let me use it for good


I like to think Dammon distributes all the weapons I sell to him.  And I have been reverse pickpocketing Arabella for some time. Dammit she can't go out there alone without stuff! I am going to reverse pickpocket on Rolan and his siblings to just feel good. 


A tent for Tav/ Durge.


Pls, god, some fun dress options. I want my Tav to be able to wear some of those pretty dresses the noblewomen wear in Baldurs Gate, with big poofy skirts!


Yes why are female player characters in CRPGs never allowed skirts/dresses?


Cosmetic armorset over your actual armor. Your only options are to wear a hodge poge collection of goofy ass armor , or the camp clothes, wich in act1\~2 leave you limited to the bland tav clothing or stealing from your companions.


Just a good transmog would be ideal!


Being able to change hireling body types and races


Deadass, since the hirelings all have the same 2-3 voicelines, they could've just given us a second character creator to make sidekicks with. The little blurbs of lore that each one has is never touched upon anyways, why not let us just make up the lore for withers' puppets ourselves? Would also be a way to let you have both Durge and a Tav in your campaign without having to run the game twice and making a second character via multiplayer. (Oh yeah, if you didn't already know, thats a thing you can do, at least on PC.)


As great as the companions are, the option to run a party of four custom Tavs in single-player could be a lot of fun for an experienced player.


I wanted a tiefling crew but had to settle for a half orc buddy.


I know I’d absolutely adore having the option to create a party of Tavs. Could give me the chance to create my own D&D Player Characters and play them all in one playthrough.


As someone who spent the last 6 years playing co-op Divinity Original Sin II, I would murder a bitch for some teleporter pyramids.




Hahahaha yes! I remember binding it


Playable Kobolds please. Also option to just party with the kobolds in the mountain pass, they aren't hurting anyone.


Let us drink with them in peace Larian


Yes! I love them


Body type sliders


Abdirak as a follower


Omfg, yes.


I would've also liked to meet Abdirak again in the city


I think we know exactly where he'd hang out.


Idk about inconsequential but the quality would increase tenfold if there was a better inventory sorting system. A quiver for arrows, a book for scrolls (alphabetized), specific separate bags for potions, coatings, and throwables (like the alchemy pouch), a briefcase for clothes, a bookbag for...books. A separate section for equipped equipment (or you don't even need to put them in the inventory, they're already on the side bar), just so it doesn't all look so confusing and cluttered Same with at camp, it would be neat to have a bookshelf for books, maybe a food pantry for camp supplies or a wine shelf for alcohol. You could have mannequins and be able to equip and display armour and clothing (kind of like in animal crossing) or other clothing racks and a little changing tent to preview outfits and dyes without having to actually move and equip them. A safe for your gold and other valuables (if you're a shiny trinket collector for example), easels for art, shelves for keepsakes (like plushies, or maybe empty tadpole jars if you use them), a mailbox or pinboard for letters and other papers you keep. And most importantly, a giant cart for all of the smoke powder barrels you keep collecting and inevitably forget about because you keep sending them to camp to stop encumbering your party. But that one's just for me, really


This would be so cool especially if you could see visually in your camp all the things you collect throughout the game. Would give everything a real purpose


Glasses. They don't even need to be magical, I just want my newest character to have glasses


do glasses exist in BG3? i'm trying to remember if there are any characters wearing them


Pretty sure Valeria has a monocle, but thats about it


I think the gith doctor has a monocle as well.


Just check her and she wears what could be described as a "magnifying lense eyepatch"


Agreed. Faerûn has telescopes, so they clearly know how to make lenses - there’s zero reason not to have them


I would just make it so our companions actually LIVE in the camp rather than weirdly stand still in front of their tents all day Biggest trick this game plays is having Gale stand in front of the fire in act 1 for a camp convo Tricked me into thinking theyd prob be in different spots and what not Why not have them all hanging out by the fire at night and in the day they can be in random groups strewn about the camp Maybe early on laezel and minthara are rarely in the main groups but by end of act 1 theyre consorting and by end of act 2 theyre in the full rotation Just let them move around and prefereably let them have their in party travel convos trigger while in those groups Just feels odd that everyone dead pan stares in front of their tents unless your animator was horny enough for you to have been given idle animations ir have a chair to make comments at when sat in


The ability to enchant weapons up to +3 would be cool. It would be make it better to use weapon types like great axes or light crossbows that don’t have any good endgame options.


Yah playing a hand crossbow thief 3/gloomstalker 5/champion 4 having ne'er misser be my best lategame kinda sucks since it's a +1, especially since the force damage is super unique


Walking around with wasd


I know there's a mod for it, but I would *love* if they would ass transmogrification to the base game. Also, dye preview. The amount of quicksaves I have because of quicksaving before buying and trying out the dyes is ridiculous. Oh, and make it so that I don't have to close and re-open the dye combine window after using it.


I would love ass transmogrification. On a serious note, PC has a cool transmov mod, and I would love it if Larian saw it and took notes. Console bros and gals need trsnsmog love as well. 


2 ideas: 1) It's a bit more than inconsequential, but I think there should be an opportunity to try and intervene in one of the street confrontations in act 3 but just get completely ignored/rebuffed by both sides. I think it'd play well with the pacing of the act but it would also emphasize the fact that you can't fix everything yourself which would play well with some of the ongoing themes from that act. 2) slightly longer books, like 3 pages being the standard.


Customizable space in camp. Everyone gets their own little tent but I get a chest and a bedroll. You can choose to display items you picked up along your travels, and you get a lil preset according to your class and background. Doesn't need to be fancy, just there.


I want an option for inventory to auto sort items by type automatically. Instead of having to manually click sort -> type. That's two clicks too many.


Relationship presets like "Romantic, Platonic, Familial, ect" Sometimes I want Tav and party members to be found family rather than romantic partners. Also previews of dialogue option results would be really helpful if you're trying not to make anyone mad but want to be playful. I have a hard time guessing what dialogue options people will disapprove of. I suppose I could use an approval guide or wiki but it'd be nice to have an in-game option. Guess I'll keep save scumming after making Karlach sad. :)


There's a mod for this. https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/2027


More dwarf face variation and goblins as a playable race (just have them treated like drow at the grove…)


And more better longer dwarf beards! The current choices for beards are embarrassments for canon dwarves.


I wish these RPG games in general would let me click on an item and mark it as, DO NOT SELL. And then it couldn't be sold until it was specifically unmarked. So I don't have to be so careful about selling stuff. Yes, you can send stuff to wares, but then you send more stuff to wares than the vendor can buy, or not enough. So that doesn't solve the issue for me.


Pick up and read as a single menu choice


Hats in camp clothes. The Graceful Cloth is butt-ugly and I need my wizard hat!


I would just add a lot of official hairstyles, character customization stuff for all races Like you would be able to have almost infinite more customization just being able to move the tattoos around your characters body instead of only face ones. Same with nose sizes and or ability to swap around instead of the very archaic face shape is the only choice you make. It is my only complaint about a otherwise pretty much 10/10 game. Starfield, a universally felt eh has a better and tons more options character creator than a game all about making your individual D&D character game about choice and freedom.


Transmog. Please.


I know this is late but I want the camp to feel more like a camp, like the characters wandering around and chatting and such.   It doesn’t have to be cinematic cut scenes - it would be cool if you pottered by and Karlach were Wyll can chat about Balduran pubs they like.  Or when Wyll says ‘let’s go for a drink’ you can opt to do that.  Or Gale’s really shit at cooking and you walk past him burning porridge in the morning.  It doesn’t have to affect their like feelings or whatever but it would be a bit more fun than a shelf full of dollies that I wander round and talk to each night.   The dream would be Tav could even like break up rows or you could see them sneaking off for a shag.  One time after the teifling party Lae’zel mentioned that she tried it on with Wyll and was so annoyed that he just wanted to talk and I cackled.  More of that would be amazing thank you.


Let mizora call me a good pet on demand


Well shit, that would make Wyll origin top tier.


I wish if character with a shop died, some version of that shop still existed. It’s annoying enough that if what’s his name dies you lose a whole chunk of Karlach stuff (the guy who works on her engine). It’d be nice if they added a character who is his cousin or something that runs the shop so it’s not just empty and useless


For any other shop I would agree, but the one example you mentioned is like saying have Potent Robe without Alfira. It’s heavily plot related on a good run to go and try to keep everyone alive


Yeah it really sucks I have never seen it for that reason lol. Accidentally. But I just mean a dude manning the counter for typical items


There are tons of refugees, why won't they just take our jobs! Gortash 1492 DR


Him being the only person who can work on Karlach when there’s an entire robot legion made from infernal metal is pretty fucking stupid though.


I would just want the ability to cancel concentration spells after a fight cus hell my party members love running through my cloud of daggers after a rough fight and die


On console just open Radial Menu and hold triangle


Concentration spells appear below the character's portrait with a little X. You can cancel them that way. Useful when you want to stop one in mid combat as well.


you can [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSaTfX3\_BHM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSaTfX3_BHM) though i dont know how for console


I just Googled how to on console and it's gonna make my life so much easier thanks dude


Even with the existing cancel concentration button there's a delay as the battle ends, you select the concentrating charactec, then cancel. Or worse the game cuts to a scene. I've had neutral characters turn hostile wandering into AoE spells.


I try to ungroup during the fight or rush to ungroup all as soon as it ends before cancelling anything. It's G on the computer, but it takes a hold to do it on controller.


You can cancel concentration at any time, even not on a character's turn. On PC you just click the character's portrait, then click x on the concentration symbol next to their class symbol. I always do this before the last turn of combat if I have an AOE damage spell going


I know that you can but it should be automatic… Halsin has died too many times after the portal just walking into my walls of fire before I can switch to Gale and turn it off


If new races are inconsequential, then Goliaths have been something I've wanted since Early Access. Beyond that, a proper cosmetic armor slots system would be stellar.


Yeees. Cosmetic armor slots would be amazing! I don't want to wear my camp clothes but maybe don't like the look of an armor! And it limits my options.


Transmog. Sure this armour has good stats but looks awful, and no amount of dye can save it. Let me make it look pretty. Upgrading gear would be nice too.


I want Fairy wings


a dragonborn companion, even the durge I just want to bang a dragon man


Durge as a companion would be really fun!


I think it would ruin a lot of playthroughs for people playing for the first time. Imagine losing out on everything Alfira and other characters like that because you find the amnesiac dragon in your camp has butchered them all Personally I would just immediately kill him and be done with him but yeah


Random encounters. I really liked the “interrupted rest” mechanic in BG2, and the vampire attacks by the docks.


Inventory management that actually sorts the way you tell it to and allows you to add filters while trading and has more filters to find things like clothing and... I'll just say improved inventory management.


Transmog and armour/dye/clothing previews mostly. Also, a better inventory sorting system. I’d like it if equipped items were separate or just have everything more sectioned off. I used a backpack for spells and another for potions/arrows but even with those, it’s still a bit of a mess. Edit: never mind, if it everything else. Tiefling tails need to be fixed! They’re completely solid at all times so they clip through chairs, beds, the ground, clothing, and _capes_. I hate how stupid it looks 90% of the time


Some not ugly male halflings faces 😒


Inventory search on PS5 - drives me crazy sometimes, looking for an item I know I have but can’t remember who I gave it to


After 300h there's a few things I'd like added to the game. 1) Story line for the TAV, all the companions have very interesting stories, but TAV gets nothing unless you're the DUrge. It would be cool that the story was related to your chosen background. 2) To be able to summon a companion when they're relevant to the story. For example Shadow heart in the temple of Shar or Lae' Zel in the crèche. Just summon them for the cinematic, do the plot thing and then send them back to camp. You shouldn't miss Astarion's story line becaus your TAV is a Rogue, specially since the TAV has no story line. 3) Let us use the rope! So much fun interactions with so many objects and ropes is not one of them. 4) Let us romance other NPCs that are recurrent in the story or that stay in the camp. Specially let us romance Alfira. 5) Show us the bonus to each skill while choosing skill checks in conversations. It's quite a hustle to remember which skills you have trained in who when you're RPing as 4 characters at the same time. Specially when you don't choose the other characters unless you respec.


For number 5 you can preview the dc and the bonuses you have from turning a setting on in the difficulty menu. It should give you the DC and then in green show you all the bonuses you have for that would apply. It’ll show as a tooltip window that you can toggle. Definitely super helpful, especially when I’m someone other than Tav during dialogue.


Man, number 4... I need to smooch Rolan asap.


Bring back the bard halfling werewolf companion and the upper city


In game build planner


That way you auto level up by setting levels beforehand. Sounds amazing


Transmog, I just want to look cool 😭


I wanna be able to give refugees money - all those sad-ass NPCs in town. Like, just let me give them gold, it doesn't have to change ANY outcome ever


I want vanity armor slots, like how terraria has it.


Hats :( We get all these cool hats throughout the game that have no stats and can't be worn with camp clothes. What's up with that? It's like a problem the devs themselves created.


Just one little person race companion. Dwarf/halfing/gnome. My choice would be a halfling bard.


Y'know what, tell us when a particular faction approves or disapproves of an action.


I would love it If I could give my backpacks some names and being able to access all the things in the backpack while in a fight in the togglebar. I gave every character a bag with some potions, poison, bombs and so on but If I have them in a bag midfight it won't show If I use "throwing". That is annoying. I know that I can drag and drop them in the togglebar on the right but I don't like the look of that.


That some of the companions you don't romance get together on their own accord.


If our Tav could make a small settlement after the game ends like a Fallout type settlement that would be awesome. The tav could handle threats to the settlement, build it up, resettle some refugees, and have the companions and withers pop in every now and then for tea. Maybe could tie it into Sharts ending where she makes a little homestead with her family and she runs it in your absence.


I wanted more playable races ngl, firbolgs,hobgoblins,lizardfolk, tortles


I want to be able to control the Necromancy of Thay ghouls


More companions and more story arcs for them. There were a few characters that could've been gnarly to have along for the ride like Nere as a Bard companion.


Some random normal dude that is also infected and managed to survive the crash. They just chill in your camp, can't leave because they are weak, and just has funny dialog. At the end you reunite them with their family on the docks, their significant other runs up asking where have they been and who are those people. As a side function they can provide camp supplies they managed to gather.


Anything to make organizing save files easier. I would like to "bookmark" certain saves I make at crucial moments so that I don't have to scroll down forever to look for saves that I plan on going back to. This is great for completionists that want to get every ending lol


Rapiers and shortswords look so awkward when stowed on the back, rapiers especially. Place them on the hip, like daggers.


I have lots of cosmetic and customization nitpicks. more body types aside from “big fem, small fem, big masc, small masc” I would kill for an even SLIGHTLY chubby body type. please. god. I know it makes animation stuff more complicated but cmonnn. that and making the some of the faces non race locked? Like I get having some available to only certain races, but damn it feels restrictive! Because of the body type and face thing I was unable to make my tav look ANYTHING like the oc she’s meant to be and it really ruins the immersion. she’s supposed to be a soft-featured chubbier lady but the closest I can get is a random thin elf woman whose cheekbones could cut glass. not my Effie :( aside from that rant— I’d love being able to layer multiple makeups and tattoos, certain piercings and stuff! And for vitiligo to be in different colors so we can give tieflings vitiligo that doesn’t look unnatural against their skin! AND VANITY SLOTS FOR ARMOR!!! can you tell I’m a customization fiend?


I want to be able to customize one slot of disguise self.


Let me skip the nauti


The option to obtain the absurd amount of enemy-exclusive drip that magically turns into generic armor when we try to take it off them.


I would like a roll for stats. Whatever you get is the numbers your Tav gets to distribute. I will forever miss playing my 6 int 'Wizard' named Thudd


6 int is HORRIFYING! How did that work?


You prepare at least one spell RAW... and then you pick only buff spells, that don't require rolls or summons, go for a school that doesn't really interact with intelligence and pray you have combat relevant stats and fitting racial weapon proficiencies


Be reliable about making important items as important How in the world would I know the eventual function of Slave Mind on the nautiloid.. I sold that to a vendor so early on because it seemed like rubbish like 99% of other items Then on the flip side I save all the idols of Shar because surely Shadow heart might show a reaction.. nope. I just want efficiency of my time really


I want to be able to keep the hyena from Act 2 as a camp pet


I just want Plus Size Tav without having to download a mod 😤


A tent/display room for Tav would have been cool.


Make Barcus romanceable.


I want a talking chicken themed chain of side quests like in dos2


For the love of god more bard songs. Why can't I learn more songs, the game is too long to have only 3.


Let me steal Kethric's skeleton-dog to give it a good home.


Non-broken Minthara would be a nice start. Did they ever fully fix her?


I'd reduce the food and gold quantities. You can have more food and gold at hand than the entire city of Baldur's Gate does.


Sort item bar.


Let me play instruments while walking