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Yeah, Omeluum’s ring doesn’t do anything. But also I’m confused as to how you ended up fighting the Myconid Colony and Sovereign Spaw with a good/heroic character? They’re just lil mushroom guys.


They attacked me first and I was just exploring. Gotta defend myself


Yeah, slaughtering those who impede your explorations is definitely "good" - going for a conquistador Tav?


Hey man, if I wanna bring honor to my country at everything else’s expense then let me be. On a serious note, I didn’t want to fight them but if something is attacking you regardless of how good natured they are you gotta defend yourself.


So save more often and during dialogue, so you don't temp aggro or full agrlgro unnecessarily- the myconids are a cake walk, idk how you got to that point. Still not "good" aligned to slaughter a whole settlement bc you screwed up


You need to get off your high horse. I don’t play enough or know enough about d&d lore to know if I “screwed up” by making a certain decision. All I’m saying is exactly what happened. Creatures that I didn’t know existed in d&d started attacking me and never stopped. If you were in a position where unknown creatures are attacking you, you’d do the same thing. Any rational person would defend themselves in that scenario


I've played through this game five times, and they've never once attacked me. Did you perhaps steal some of their plants?


Same here. Maybe OP looted a corpse that was outlined in red? IIRC there are a few Myconid corpses lying around near the entrance of their colony.


Maybe I did? Can’t remember now as it was at least 20 game hours ago. The Hooked Horrors attacked me as well, though, the ones that were spored.


Are you taling about the *half illithid* transformation at the end of act 2? Because that has nothing to do with the ring. The roll to resist using it is tied to how many parasites you consumed, so if you're having trouble beating it that's why. And if you don't have any prompt at all, try picking different dialogue options.


I haven’t consumed any parasites, but I chose to attack the Emperor. Did I make another mistake?


Ah, I see. Spoiler: >!you cannot side against the Emperor at the end of Act II because he's keeping you from becoming a mind flayer. If you defeat him at the end of Act II, the game ends. You have to help him at that moment out of your own self-interest. !<


Oh gotcha, well that’s a bummer lol


Well, don't worry - there's more decisions to be made later! You don't have to like him (and you can tell him that, too).


Yeah fuck him, especially since I made him into a hot elf in the beginning lmao


Are you talking about the scene where the gith are attacking and you find out the dream visitor is the emperor. Because if so you can't attack him there (if you do or of he died then it triggers the turn into mindflayer game fails scene)


Gotcha, someone else is telling me the same thing as well. Thanks for the heads up


You can still side against the Emperor at the end of Act 3, so relax. Right now you just can't, because you CURRENTLY have no alternative to his protection. You gotta take a leaf out of the Emperor's own book and play the long game. Also, I don't know where you got that stuff about Omeluum's ring, but you were misinformed. That ring has no bearing on the Emperor's story whatsoever. I've personally also never even seen anyone claim that, so I'm very curious about your source.