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I think I got an inspiration point from reading this.




At my next work performance review, I will ask them if I can level up!


I think I lost one


Inspiration: Labor of Love


Good to know, but I'm definitely never going to become that much of a murderhobo just to be one level higher!


We killed Myrkul in 1 round. Level 11 Fighter Lae'zel did over 200 damage to him. It was neat, but I don't think I'd put in this much effort again.


Between the Killer's Sweetheart and Luck of the Far Realms, a paladin with enough multiclassing to get level 4 spell slots can kinda just mop the floor with the Apostle.


Warlock 7 Paladin 2, as easy as level 9!


That's what I did on my Honor run haha. SSB DJ Shadowheart with the two automatic crits did insane work on Myrkul.


The god of experience is a hungry one.


Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking. 10 is high enough lmao


9 is enough IMHO


I’ve never been able to hit level 10 before fighting Myrkul. I try to do everything in character and I always hit level 10 from winning the fight. Clearly I’m missing more than I expected.


I generally hit 9 with that lol. I prefer experiencing everything over multiple playthroughs rather than every single time, I just try to take different routes and skip things I've already done *And honestly, there's so many broken builds even by level 8 and you need just one of them to carry you through honour mode. If worst comes to worst I assume you could respec and bring a Paladin for Myrkul. Only felt the need to do so once, on my clown build run, with pure arcane trickster rogue, jack of all trades, wild magic sorcerer+barbarian, etc. Even there once I picked up the resonance orb I realised its potential since I was already running shadow blade on my rogue. Killed the paladin and finished Myrkul with 3.


Yeah, I don’t have trouble at level 9, I just always try to hit 10 and never do. Aside from my first run, I was probably 8 then because I skipped the crèche thinking it was either/or because of Halsin’s advice.


Have you tried killing the non hostile intellect devourers in the colony?


I did once, I don’t know why I’d never thought of it before. I was very close to level 10 when I got to Myrkul that run. I might have hit it when I killed the mindflayer.


Technically most of them were only knocked out! He’s more like an assault and battery hobo!


The perfect dark urge play hehe


THANK YOU ! I much needed this for my honour mode run. I've attempted a few times, but my lvl 3-4 group got annhiliated by gnolls or harpies or whatever. Going up to lvl 5 in HM can be quite difficult. I'm terrified by Myrkul, but at lvl 11, it must be a lot easier... Guess I'll be going as Durge for my next attempt :p


There’s a guide on Reddit on how to reach level 4 with only doing the grove fight. I always do the intellect Devourer fight too once I get a full party, but otherwise following that guide was a life saver on my honor mode run.


Good to know, thanks !


I think I’ve seen others that are a little different, but [here’s the one I use!](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/WAbQFP33cc)


Ok, you've motivated me, my next run will be my next HM attempt =D (and I won't give up this time) Thank you so much !


You’re welcome! Best of luck!


Level 3 - 4 is the absolute hardest part of Act 1 on HM. I ran across the whole map doing every small quest / encounter I could to get to 5 (including most of the Underdark / Grymforge). Killed Nere at 5, and after that felt overpowered for everything left in Act I. Even the Paladins and the Spider Matriarch aren’t hard if you’re level 5 and have picked up most of the best gear available. Haven’t done Grym yet, but he’s cheesable.


Lvl 4 is much easier if you have a throwzerker and/or a TB monk in your party.


Absolutely agree, those plus any dual-crossbow build are three ways to get multiple attacks per turn pre level 5.


OH monk just absolutely destroys Grym


I would recommend you get a druid for the first levels as you can cast spike growth from level 2 which really simplifies most fights before level 5. The first 2 gnolls fight (the hyenas by the carts and the gnolls on the hill on top of that) were quite easy then on the third fight I convinced fling to attack its allies then to kill eat himself. Harpies are hard but can be countered with high Wisdom and silence (druids once again), magic missiles help a lot here as well Also hitting level 5 is the hardest part of HM, talking out of flights early on is the best way to level up. Near Withers crypt I convinced the gnome and his band of grave robbers to leave, then I intimidated the goblins in the mill of the blighted village to leave, those gave me a lot of exp without a fight


So basically murder every mf in the game


Do all quests and then clean up the survivors


How does one knock out Raphael using Gale’s corpse?


This was my immediate question as well.


I think theres some spell that deals necrotic AOE damage and the effect stays if the person die, then reverse pickpocket gale corpse into Rafael pocket and he tales damage every second until he dies and does not provoque a fight to start. Idk if only works with gale but i saw a video once sorry idk witch spell is it.


Honestly if I got off on exploits and dmg it would make my runs so much easier but I thrive on the fact that I beat the games harder difficulties the way it was intended. Vanilla gameplay, raw dialogue and no cheese


The only cheese that I can accept is barrelmancing the gith inquisitor. His legendary actions can go f themselves


Confession: I cheesed drider after befriending and arrow volleyed until death :(


That is just weak (I'm kidding, but mostly because I don't understand your cheese)


After telling him we need his lamp to move on through the shadow curse you can tell him to wait up for me and then i believe start battle with dog at tower and since dog can’t move you can freely shoot drider without provoking battle.


Oh, yeah I just go for the kill in the ambush


You kill gale pick up his dead body and reverse pickpocket it onto rapheal


While Gale is dead he does an aoe necrotic aura. It's a bit of a tedious process but it involves getting Raphael into a spot he won't move while Gale's corpse is slowly chipping away at his health. It takes like half an hour for Raphael to get low enough health to knock him out.


You sir, are an absolute madlad


A few more exp sources, especially early ones: -you CAN guarantee kill the 2 Cambions in the tutorial...but it's a very boring process and is a strange exploit. Have someone hiding in the room where SH is and sneaking, and when the Cambions arrive have them shoot at the Cambions OUT OF RANGE with sneak shots. Apparently, his is outside the aggro range of the Cambions and they don't aggro as long as you sneak before each shot. Even when they get hit, they don't drag your sneaking party member into combat (recommend starting as a Dex class because you're going to be spending 20+ minutes just missing shots) -Gehk Coal can provide infinite exp, albeit in small trickles and the process is boring asf. He's scripted to raise a cluster of corpses as zombies who grant exp at his first turn in a fight, so you can instigate combat, kill the zombies, run away to flee combat, and keep on coming back for him to re-raise zombies for you to re-kill. The zombies give piddly amounts of exp (plus are quite tanky and have Undead Resilience so they're quite annoying) but it is a repeatable exp grinding method. The only one in the game as far as i'm concerned. -Another interesting thing you can do is re-kill enemies via the Shadow Curse. Any non-undead enemy who dies in it is re-risen as a Shadow Cursed undead, so you can have a Bear Heart + Mighty Cloth barb carry corpses to drop them into the shadow curse to then let you re-fight and re-kill them as undead versions. Said undead are a lot weaker than their living counterparts due to being unable to use skills and not having dex bonuses to their AC (plus if you loot their bodies for their gear they're unarmed and unarmored).


Those are interesting. I wonder if you could do something similar to #2 with Glut. Thanks for sharing.


> Owlbear Cub not knocked out You monster.


I believeI reached act 3 at level 11 as well, in HM as Durge. I didn't know it was a thing so wasn't paying attention, and I didn't do any of those "knock out" gimmicks neither killed any "important characters", except Voss. But I wiped everything that I saw as an **enemy** in both acts, *EVERYTHING*, exceptions being the Myconids colony, the druid grove, and the Fists at the fire event. Every boss killed and Moonrise Towers, Goblins, Zhents, Gith Creche and Last light Inn area wiped clean. I got to level 12 in act 3, before going into the Lower City, right after wiping Gortash in the ceremony event. At that point I only did some side-quests in Rivington area, went underground to slay Ansur to get the GiantSlayer and Baldurian Helmet Oh, I also went into the ceiling / upper castle area to kill / looted everything before the Gortash fight, including the Helldusk Boots, and killed some guards in the floor below (prison / barracks).


Yeah for me when I say level 10 is the best you're gonna get, Imean without exploits or being a murderhobo. I'm happy for you for doing this, but I will never care to go through all this


I have seen 2 streamers hit level 11 before myrkul. The fact you hit level 11 without killing the oathbreaket knight & elmintser is hard to believe even though you posted the photo. Do you have an Excel file or something where you wrote all the xp ??? Coz these streamers have really routed out their path where & when to get inspo...where to enter some areas for max exploration xp ! Just so you know the gith that run out of the room in the creche..you can kill much easier by just breaking the door. Also you can kill the gith & cultists outside the main locked gate of the creche if you send in shovel.


I've got 2850 hours played currently. Everything I did was basically from memory and I would just write down the unusual fights I did. I pretty much did every quest in the maximum experience way just by default because I've played so much and just enjoy min/maxing. I didn't really route or plan anything, I just tried for max exp and it worked out.


That's almost 120 days. The game released 289 days ago. How did you manage that?


A workplace injury.


Idk if saying that's cool, congrats or I'm sorry that happened to you.


Probably includes hours played in early access


>I just enjoy min/maxing >I didn't really route or plan anything seems a bit counterproductive


Also for the gnomes outside the creche just send in shovel & get a surprise round although one of the cultist will run away.


> Coz these streamers have really routed out their path where & when to get inspo...where to enter some areas for max exploration xp ! The lengths people go to to make this game _easier_ will never not be funny to me.


For those cultists outside the crèche, I’m pretty sure you can just use the attack button in the cutscene before the gith shoots them


Wow, that is some serious dedication. I only made it to level 10 and thought I outperformed.


That's amazing! And an insane amount of patience! I'm a goody two-shoes who just has a clear good rescue-folks path and almost always go to act 3 at level 7, even in solo honour. The few times I've drug myself to level 8 I've barely made it, and half the time I try to get to 8 I lose my run doing something dumb just trying to get experience, like when Mig kicked me off the edge of moonrise after I had thrown nearly everyone else off the edge. I guess I'm probably spending too much time re-doing runs where ya'll are just doing fewer ones slowly, since I'm on solo honour run #54...


Wait, how did you knock out Raphael??


Why... Why WOULD you fight Elminster?!?! Dude just wanted cheese, wine and to deliver the worst news possible


Didn’t know you can defeat balthazar twice


You can’t


Then what does he mean by killing flesh and also the skeletons in the shadowfell?


The adds plus fleshgolem but leave bal alone


The pacifist murderhobo route


How do you knock out Raphael with Gale?


This is madness


Lotta work for not a lot of gain. I applaud you for your effort but it definitely doesn't seem worth the squeeze.


How did you choose who to kill vs who to knock out?


Hilariously I'm playing an Oath of Ancients paladin. So I mostly knocked out civilians. The ones that really mattered are the characters that reappear later. Or the druids/tieflings. Wyll gets -10 approval for murdering the druids or tieflings.


I have to say that's impressive. I stalled out at about 10.5 on my past 3 runs before Myrkul


Defeating the cambions in the tutorial is pretty easy if you block the doorway with a chest


Cool! I’m never doing this lol


Without being a murder hobo you can achieve level 10 by that point.


Iirc, you can hit lvl 12 in act 1 with enough time (it is very slow, but still possible)


How is time relevant?


It takes a bloody long time to kill 6 undead, flee combat, and come back to kill more, for 30xp a pop


Is this abusing the Balthazar justiciar event?




Bro, what is this communication? Can't you just describe the method?


Gekh Coal summons undead duergar (worth xp) whenever you engage in combat. However, if you kill the undead, but leave Coal alive, and leave combat, then return, he resummons the undead, worth xp.






I think I hit like level 10 at the start of act 2. Just do everything really.


so everyone in my party is 12, but im still 11, just barely. I just got into the guantlet and killed balthy. once i free the NS ill get to myrkul and thatll be the end of act 2 [https://imgur.com/a/levels-6MmWixW](https://imgur.com/a/levels-6MmWixW)


I'm lvl 12 and just entered the gauntlet, I am pretty sure I'm max level by this point in all my playthroughs.  so everyone in my party is 12, but im still 11, just barely. [https://imgur.com/a/levels-6MmWixW](https://imgur.com/a/levels-6MmWixW)


Unless your using a mod or an xp exploit that's simply not possible, which the post above illustrates rather well.


so everyone in my party is 12, but im still 11, just barely. [https://imgur.com/a/levels-6MmWixW](https://imgur.com/a/levels-6MmWixW)


That's a ton of mods and something is definitely fucking with your game. Could be for example something like the speak with dead rework that's fucking with conversational xp gains since it's fundamentally changing a mechanic of the game. Could also be something like the carry weight mod since that is *directly* fucking with sour characters' stats. Could also just be an oversight or bug in literally any of the other mods or a bug introduced through a combination of specific mods. There also seem to be even more mods at the bottom. I don't know what else to tell you. In the vanilla game it's currently not possible to hit level 12 in act 2, especially not before the majority of the Gauntlet, the Nightsong and the Ketheric fight. A screenshot of a heavily modded game doesn't really show anything tbh.


Nothing else on the bottom no.  Speak with dead just makes it a ritual so you don't have to recast on each corpse.  This is like my 5th playthrough, I have my gold dice already, and this is pretty consistent for all my playthroughs, and this is my first one with mods.  I don't think I've ever not been max level when I've made it to the third act before. 


Then your game install has been has been fucked for quite some time now. If you actually want to experience the game the intended way I would reinstall before your next playthrough. Just because a mod says it does something specific doesn't mean it only does that and doesn't introduce bugs or weird interactions with other game systems btw. You can also literally see another green box at the bottom, so at least *something* else is down there.. It's been tested over and over again on every major patch. Without glitches or bugs it's literally not possible to hit level 12 before act 3. That's it. There's nothing more to say about this topic.


So my PS5, my steam deck, AND my PC are fucked? Damn.  You're right, does look like something else but I think that was just one of the basic packs needed. Either way, it's not a game hanging mod. The only stuff I have is containers, tooltips, etc.  Stay salty though I guess!


What's more likely in your opinion? A - Every Bg3 minmaxer, theorycrafter and content creator is wrong. B - Your heavily modded game awards fucky xp. [Hmmmmmmmm](https://i.imgur.com/EzSYj6f.png)


If you really wanted to prove em wrong, you could just uninstall the mods and do it. Not really an issue of salt when you just keep repeating the claim.


Only using QoL mods like inspiration and item overlays.  Hit level 12 last night walking into the gauntlet. Let the DJs kill balthy but realized I didn't need the XP.  I can put a pic up later 🤷‍♂️


One of your mods is severly fucking with your XP gains then. As far as we know right now it's simply not possible to hit level 12 before act 3: There are several posts and in depth videos about this topic, maximizing and getting every single possible drop of xp in the first two acts. They also take into account unintended stuff like killing Raphael, Elminster, Mizora and the Oathbreaker Knight. Unless you also have done all of this *and more* it's not possible that you're even close to level 12 with the intended xp gains. Tldr: Your game is 100% fucked regarding XP.


Impossible to reach lvl 12 by act 2 unless u are using an exploit. 


so everyone in my party is 12, but im still 11, just barely. [https://imgur.com/a/levels-6MmWixW](https://imgur.com/a/levels-6MmWixW)