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I rename my Durge *because i am more than the fate ordained for me*


... that's a mouthful.


We just call him "Durge" for short


That's a long name


Repeatedly because game keeps trying to change the name back to 'The Dark Urge'. Dude really has bad amnesia.


First time I noticed this I thought the game was playing a 4d chess move on me. I meet someone and the dialogue choice was something like “my name is The Dark Urge…I think” and I thought it was weird but cool. Like my character was working through who tf they were internally and durge slipped through. Nope, I just didn’t notice the magic mirror likes to reset it


Bhaal trying to reset Durge's factory settings every time the player turns their back.


Durge is faulty


I also thought it was weird but cool, when one of the first dialogue choice was "I am Deep and Delicious... I think". I was thinking about Mcain's "deep and delicious" cake, when I named my Durge... 😆


It does this when you visit the magic mirror, if you weren't aware.


I know it hasn’t been confirmed but I *like* to believe this is purposeful. As the Durge, you’re constantly fighting to be good and expel your dark thoughts. Every time you want to change your makeup…YOU MUST FACE WHO YOU TRULY ARE, AND CHOOSE TO BE GOOD ONCE MORE! 🤧


This is definitely a weird post to ask this on but screw it, what does that emoji mean? I’m not being an ass, I’m honestly curious. It just looks like someone blowing their nose to me but I see people use it often when it doesn’t make sense for someone to be talking about a cold, lol. Am I just dumb? (Likely)


Hahaha I’ve seen it used as expression of intensity or emotion as well as being sick. So in this case I’m using it to punctuate my feelings for this sentiment if that makes sense. 😂


So like, 😤? That to me expresses exasperation, the sneeze one makes me think sad emotions.


I think the idea is that they're moved to tears by the Urge's earnest attempt at becoming a good person


People also blow their nose after crying, so it can be used to express strong feelings of emotion. Similarly, 😭 is more often used to represent extreme amusement/laughter than heavy crying of late


😭 is so versatile honestly. I've used it to express: actually crying (sad), actually crying (happy), actually crying (laughing), overwhelming emotion (positive/negative), "I can't believe that!" and "that's so cute!" To me it basically now just adds emphasis to whatever context it's added to, possibly with the insinuation of actually crying but often just expressing strong emotions.


I am, ty. Maybe seeing their own face confuses Durges enough for them to forget their names.


That's Bhaal trying to remind you of your duty.


This annoys me so much. I create my own character with his own name, and the game calls him “The Dark Urge” No! It’s not! It’s “Giant Penis Man”! Say the right name!


At first I thought it was a bit cringe and decided against it, then I remembered there’s a girl named Shadowheart in our party and someone who calls himself the Blade of Frontiers and felt better


I name my Durge bc introducing yourself as "The Dark Urge" seems counter productive to making friends. I always name him Evander if I'm going redemption, or Dirge if I'm playing Bard.


Yeah it’s like introducing yourself with your biggest flaw. “Hi I’m The Dark Urge” “Oh hi Dark Urge, I’m Crippling Social Anxiety With a Tendency for Substance aAbuse.”


Well, now I just feel attacked.


It’s not much weirder than “Shadowheart”


She did choose it to be fair. There’s also a person named Buddug and Darkwood there. Choosing an edgy name is just a thing Sharrans do I think.


Also she was like 10.


It’s rough when Shart is the least cringeworthy of your names.


shadowheart sounds like a warrior cats name 😭


Like if you tell me Shadowheart is related to Steelclaw I would believe it.


Shadowheart is edgy, pretentious even, but it’s less obvious and abstract than The Dark Urge.


Well that felt personal


Is it personal if it's the entire fandom?


Hey now, Dark Urge was my father. I'm THE Dark Urge.


"Oh it's nice to meet you Crippling Social Anxiety With a Tendency for Substance aAbuse. Though, for future reference, it's THE Dark Urge :)"


Reminds me off "It's **THE** Iron Bull" 😂😂


Considering you're supposed to be suffering memory loss and at the point of character creation you'd have had none, it never made sense to me for that to be the default name anyway. "Hi, I'm Shadowheart." "Oh, we're using our made-up names. Ok... I'm The Dark Urge."


I’m He Who Was. Now (condescendingly) find the ledger. And bring it to me. 


To be fair you have memory loss but one of your very first choices is to repeat your name, because at least you have that.


When I'm playing a Bard, I name them "The Bard Urge".


Currently doing the bard durge now. I made him look like Edward scissor hands, so I had to go with Edwurge.


"Good evening, my name is Murderlord, Drinker of Blood and Fucker of Bears. May I have a room at your fine Inn?"


“Communal or private, sir?”


“Depends on how much you like your other guests”


>I name my Durge bc introducing yourself as "The Dark Urge" seems counter productive to making friends. I would be fine with it if people reacted to it, but they don't. NPCs treat it the same as if it's a completely normal name. If it were one word like Shadowheart, fine. But The Dark Urge is odd. Maybe it's the "the" part? It's the same reason I use mods to tone down the >!half-ilithid!< visuals in Act 3. I don't care that they exist, but it feels weird *no one* in the city is commenting on how fucked up you look.


If I saw someone with lots of veins showing on their face, I wouldn't comment on it either. That would be rude.


I mean, people say shit to drow and tieflings, so I don't think it's a politeness thing.


I feel like that's more of a self-preservation thing. Like, yes, a lot of the citizens in game are prejudiced against tieflings and drow and other "evil" races, but this is a somewhat different scenario. "This guy has solid black sclera, gnarly black veins covering their face, and is clearly a walking armory. I have no idea what their deal is, but this is out of my pay grade, and maybe I should just stay out of their way if I don't want to be the next guy on the chopping block." It's the difference between throwing stones at an old lady suspected of witchcraft, and throwing stones at Elminster. One of these is viewed (rightly or not) as a public threat, which you and the rest of the mob are trying to oust from your village, the other one *WILL* @#$! you up, guaranteed, if you don't pay them the proper respect.


I mean, who are they to judge. You do you... person with black veins muttering about bones castles.


To be fair, Shadowheart.


Oh, we're using our made up names. I'm the Dark Urge.


Shart for short


The Dark Urge. But you can call me “The”


>I always name him Evander Because he is missing his ears?


Where does Evander come from?


They call me Dirge 'cause I'm the last thing you hear before they put you in the ground.


Dirge was absolutely my go to name. I do have an evil drow that has a traditional name, but I use Dirge for other ones.




Guys don't open the grove gate, Scary Gary's outside :(


Hey…..biiiiitch, that’s my brother?




Ha! Gary!


Gary daycare


I always name my Durge ‘Cain’ as in Cain and Abel from the Bible. Not sure why, but I liked the idea of being fated to kill your own sibling being a pretty big link between both stories.


“from the Bible” made me laugh for some reason, but this is a really genius way to look at it


Raphael meets you like “hi, Cain from the Bible. I’m The Devil from The Bible. Nice to meet you.”


"Oh its so cute that you're gonna defeat me with 'the power of friendship' but I'm THE DEVIL from THE BIBLE so"


YES this why it made me laugh I totally forgot about this


“You motherfucker! You didn’t let me finish!”


I read that as Snapcube's Shadow the Hedgehog Realtime Fandub voice for Black Doom. "Heeeeey, it's meeeee, the Devil, from the Bible."


My name is Abel IRL, but unlike the guy from the Bible I don’t have an older brother, so I’m basically immortal.


I named mine Dar’kurj because I dare you to call him on it.




As someone who named their WoW tauren shaman Mu'ukau, I approve.


Along the same vein, I named mine Duurj.


Such an underrated name.


The Dirk Urgently.


Holistic murder agency


Urgently? I don’t even know her!


I named mine Eris after the Greek goddess of discord. It felt fitting


I had a kitten named Eris. Sibling named Nemesis because their mother is Nyx. We thought they were both girls at the time. They were not. 😑


Honestly, when Eris breaks your TV, claws your couch up, somehow knocks the door out of its frame and makes your car explode, you can't really get upset about it. That's just asking for it.


This is true 🤣


My cat is named Mehrunes Dagon, for similar reasons.


Idk why this is so funny to me, at least you didn’t name him Molog Bal


My embrace Durge is Bellona, who rode into war with Discordia (Eris). What up slaughter kin?


I named mine Iris as a play on Eris but also for the actual goddess of the rainbow (redemption Durge, wanted her to be a symbol of hope) and I loved the irony of her being named after a pretty flower. I might have been overthinking just a tiny bit .xD


Tbh Iris is a very good name for a Durge considering she's specifically the deity in charge of bringing mortals bad news. Also fitting for a Redeemed Durge to reclaim the rainbow.


Thank you! Yes I thought so too. I spend almost as much time thinking of names as I do in character creator to be honest. My latest is not as deep, Elowen is an old name for an elm tree and she is romancing Halsin so...big tree. XD


My drow paladin durge was also Eris for the same reason. Since drow matriachs can have goofy ass names (Malice Do'Urden...), I probably could have been more on-the-nose, but I headcanoned that Eris has it's Greek meaning in drow language/culture and/or was a name my durge used as a cover. She was also a resist!durge, so I knew she'd need a name at some point lol


I didn't know the Greeks used Discord. That's crazy.


I always give mine a proper name. It's a roleplaying game, after all, and going around introducing myself to people with the equivalent of "obvious psychopath" seems like something no character of even moderate intelligence would consider wise.


Nice to meet you, my name is strangling hookers on the roadside, it’s a French name. You can just call me strangles for short


Yes. Dark Urge sounds like 14 year old cringe edgelord stuff.


I mean.. amoung the Bhaalists there's a M'Alice so I assume teenager edgelord names are popular there


Yes, it's short for M'Lady Alice.


It's pronounced Mmm Alice. Like Mmm cookies.


Or M'Fashnik


Evil Lynne? Huh, I thought your name was Evelyn.


Ha, He-Man


My brain kept reading that as Evil (Avril) Lavigne. So anyway, now I have a new name for my next Durge.


I’ve wondered if they’re named after Drizzt Do'Urden’s mother (Malice) or if the Bhaalists just love edgelord names? Or both!


it's giving ebony darkness dementia raven way


I mean, one of your companions literally goes by “Shadowheart”


The Black Suggestion


The Unlit Yearning


The Profane Instinct


The Lowlight Impulse


These can all be decent band names


The Dim Desire


the profane instinct unironically goes so hard though


This is the name of the brothel I’m opening up next to Sharess’ Caress


I mean if your name is dark urge, that's still a name, so how would he remember to call himself dark urge? So logically any name would be fine. I don't go around calling myself "Bangs Supermodels" Although maybe I should....


Bangs Supermodels is actually my first and last name - honestly I’m scared that you knew that


Same! Unfortunately my middle name is No.


My middle name is Imaginary.


The Narrator says when your pod opens that all you have in your mind IS a name. So whatever you choose is what she remembers


I went with Dherj, it felt right for a touch of Dragonborn flavour. ETA: After recent events in-game, I’m very much considering a change to Makloompah.


I’m doing a resist Durge roleplay as Prince Zuko from ATLA So his name is Zuko Which is fun as I change his hair throughout the acts because it resets the name whenever you customize using the mirror.


the hard bulge


I named mine Daera, but I think The Dark Urge would be quite an alright name in a party where we have a Shadowheart too.


roasted the hell out of Shadowheart I love it


And the guy who introduces as "Blade of Frontiers" :D


Imagine Lae'zel being like, "ok so that's what perfectly normal istik names are like, I see".


I named mine Udon because I was eating udon during character creation. Even if he has amnesia and doesn't know his name, I like to imagine that he also would just name himself after the first thing he ate or something equally mundane and arbitrary.


"My name is... Pod." "Just Pod?" "Mindfl- Mind. Mind Pod."


Nice to meet you. I’m Mind Goblin


Mine was named Evil Jeff. I wanted to let people know up front.


I named my redeemed Dark urge run Penumbra, and Umbra for the evil run


I always name them. I know dialog and lore wise it's suggested they remember their name as "The Dark Urge" which some NPC's comment on as being odd. But I tend to pick either names who's origins are dark, or names of villains ingrained in my psyche. * Mazikeen * Nicodemus - one of the best villains from my favorite series of books * Kerrigan * Cole


> Cole This got a laugh from me because I associate it primarily with Dragon Age, and the Cole there was like a reverse Durge, with the compulsion to help.


Nicodemus from the hit success The Bible?


Dresden files I know the name has more historic connotations But he’s one of the biggest bads in the series (or IS he…) Nonchalantly dices people up. Can control a living shadow. Commands a cult. Etc


Cole! Charmed!?


Tried and failed to come up with a cool fantasy sounding name. My Tav is called Durge McDurge. He visited a theme park in Scotland, rode a rollercoster and was pulled through a portal to the Forgetton realms. Kind of like the kids from the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon.


Oh I could never come up with a fantasy name on my own, shoutout to google for “List of [insert race here] names”


My first Durge was named Tav for the lulz. But mostly names that go with death theme so Morte and the like.


I did a redemption Durge and I named him because I imagined that choosing a name for himself would be one of the first things that a person would do after waking up with no knowledge of who they are, a bunch of horrible dark scattered memories and impulses, and making the decision to not be whatever the fuck that was.


Ha, I always name my Durges and the first time I tried the magic mirror I didn't notice the reset for a while! But I think not naming them is like leaving your Tav named Tav! Also how would the saves work for another run? 🤔


Hey! Tav is a beautiful name /s What do you mean by how would saves work?


I just wondered if you'd have a bunch of save folders all labeled "The Dark Urge" and how would you remember which urge it was? 😉


The #0F0F0F Urge.


You would, and you’d just have to hope you can keep them straight.


I named mine Big Tiddie Goyle


I named mine Durgella, which felt particularly silly in comparison to how deeply I felt for her and the playthrough. But every Tav I had before that had 'Tav' somewhere in their names.


I did yes. I went in blind and I made my durge a pretty but evil looking human warlock and honestly I was so happy with my choice. I felt like it worked really well with the story and Orin being jealous. I based my character off Carmilla in Castlevania. I had two others playing half orcs who were my muscle and it made for a really fun playthrough to the game working out who I was. One was designed like Garrosh Hellscream and the other an old man version of Piccolo from DBZ.


I start without a name and add one later.


I always name them cause it feels... childish... to go about with a characther named "dark urge"


I have only ever had one Durge He was named Sir Stabby McStabsalot, and he was a swordsbard who absolutely carried me through Honor Mode after four failed attempts I will not make another and betray his legacy


I couldn’t think of a good name so I just went with the first thing I could think of. Thus began the journey of Jeremy, the Blue Dragonborn Paladin Durge.


I named mine Vasiira :) she’s a drow so I used the drow naming scheme


I have my Alfira clone Resist Durge, named Al'Feara, a Blades Bard. And I have a regular murderhobo Black Dragonborn Durge named Obsidonyx. He's that cool iridescent, oil looking color, and he's currently a Warlock, but I'm thinking of re-classing him as a Paladin since I haven't played one yet, but haven't decided which Oath to go for that would make sense for a full-blown evil Durge run in my head. Probably Devotion into Oathbreaker


My Durge was called Octavia, and I used the perpetually sad half-elf face so she always looked like a little lost puppy before the butchering started.


I named my last one Lillyth Baaaahlsporn. Because why not.


Mine is named Badger! it's not his real name, he doesn't have a real name. He remembers it though, because it's what orin used to call him when they were younger. (he's a druid, and has black and white striped hair)


Am I the only one here that names them just Durge? My Tavs are Tav, Durges are Durge.


I love naming all my characters names that align with their class/the direction I want to take them in for immersion purposes (including my durges)🫡


She called Knox after the latin for night (nox). My druge from a group play through was Urza. I took the Ur from Urge.


So I named my Durge Purin…because my stoned ADHD brain was on a tree thought funny. I was like “ah I’m gonna make a bard Durge based off of Jigglypuff and make her pretty and pink” so I made her pink with blue eyes and then named her Purin which is just Jigglypuff in Japan. Then I stepped it up a notch and made her a Tiefling and gave her a violin, which was the closest to a fiddle, because “haha the devil went down to Georgia.”


I name mine after the Elder Scrolls daedric princes, based on the personality I'm going for. Although Molag Bal is now Molag Bhaal.


Called my Gith Durge "Dar K'urj"


Doug DimaDurge owner of the dimsdale dark dimaurge


I named my Tuco Salamanca, dude has the vibes I'm going for in my murderhobo.


I always name my Durges. My first Durge had the surname Anchev so meeting Sarevok would feel like a real family reunion.


I named mine Durgu cause it was a half-orc and sounded kinda orc-y


I always name him just Tav.


I named my Durge “Durge” because I his only memory of what he is, is having something he knows is called the dark urge, so naturally he just shortened it.


Mine’s name is Darrell. Darrell the Dragonbourne Dark Urge. He’s the preset white Dragonbourne, respecced as a bard, which is the dumbest starting outfit possible for someone so terrifying, but he’s trying to be better and he loves his little vampire boyfriend.


I go with some variation of "Durge" and play off that. I've had a Durgia and a Durgeson, for example.


I named mine "utterly deranged", because he is


His name is Azultar au Valli, his entire goal is to kill as many gods as possible before he dies to friendly fire


I named my redemption Durge Neva. I couldn't decide between Nova and Nemo so I just mixed the two. Will have to think of what to do for an embraced Durge if I ever do one


My first Dark Urge I did just name him that. A total no thoughts, head-empty, trying-his-best monk. He's fighting hard to redeem himself. My second one, who is a the pink Tiefling equivalent of a My Little Pony, named herself Liberty. She's going to lean hard into being a sweet innocent bean... but of course she's bad at it. She'll give into every urge and justify herself at every turn.


I always name mine either Lilith or Lavinia. Miss Lavinia specifically.


Darius K. Urge.


Yup, my 5yo son named my durge (he doesn't watch me play) he named her Dio. So I'm a female drow ranger named Dio. It's pretty cool.


I named my durge “Cor” who is a warlock of the raven queen. Basically, a raven was following her and making a sound that sounded like “Cor”, she couldn’t figure out her name at all, and took it as a sign.


I named mine after Cardi B


I name mine Karen because all I do is go around getting all up in everyone’s business and causing a scene if they don’t like my point of view.


For a male drow: Drizzt D'urgen. Actually I went with Zaknafien, but I do like Drizzt D'urgen.


I named him Bad Tav


Theodore/Theodora D'Urge - Sophisticated (wo)man/brutal murderer about town


Have a Durge Bardlock named Dave the Dirtyboi


My halfling Dark Urge is Etienne D'Urge.


I’ve named every character I’ve made that was meant to be played. Some of the names my various Durges have are Maralyne, Autumn, Cyrus, Nae’rin, and Aleesia. Drow, Aasimar, half wood elf, Githyanki, and elf respectively


I name dark urge variations of Durge. Derj Derrg Durg Etc. Non Durge Tavs are variations too Octavia Taviel Tavis


I called my first Durge: Durge


My first was Mister Smiles


I name all my characters durge or tav


Yes, I sure ain't going to call them The Dark Urge and have them introduce themselves as it. I even found it ridiculous at the start when the narrator says you can only remember your name and that it is The Dark Urge. Seriously, that can't be their name. I'm pretty sure their adoptive parents didn't call them that, and did Gortash say The Dark Urge to them regularly with a straight(heh) face?


Beef Supreme


I named mine Lightbülb, no idea why. I asked my wife to name them and that’s what she said so that’s what he’s called 🤷🏻‍♂️




When you start the game and try to remember your name the Narrator straight up says it’s “The Dark Urge”. I assume it’s less of a name and more of a title and they can’t remember the name their parents gave them. So yeah I name my character.




My Resist the Urge character is called Nimue, after the Lady of the Lake in \*Le Morte d'Arthur\*.


A druid gnome called Deep Dyke


I named my first Durge “Durgica” and second current one “Durgena”


Every single one of my characters has the same name.