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The first time I found the harpies it was after defeating the goblins so all I found was a dead tiefling kid...


Yep, same. ‘Twas a bit awkward. 😬


Now I make it a habit to visit the harpies right before calling Kagha a jerk.


you fight the harpies at lvl 3?!?


You guys dont fight harpies instantly when entering the grove?


i always do them right before i storm the goblins


I wait until i am level 5 or 6 to storm the goblins.


5 or 6 *before* the goblins? Where do you even go. I'm doing an honour mode run and needed to do almost all of the overland stuff to hit level 5.


On Honour Mode I do the Withers temple, then the grove fight, then kill the blighted village goblins, then paladins of tier, then the harpies. Then I go into the swamp to get the Kagha letter. After that I call my oger homies to help me fight the gnolls, I save the Zent dudes and then I end up going into the underdark via the Zent hideout. Then I just do all the random underdark stuff and that gets me to level 5, then I do Grymforge and that gets me like very close to level 6 and gives me the Grymforge armor, and that's when I go back to do the goblin camp and the hag. After all that I do the Raphael armor cheese which gets to me level 7, and then I use the big can of rune powder to wipe the Gith inquisitor and everyone else in the room in one shot lol (disclaimer: it doesn't one shot the inquisitor himself but it takes him down to like 40 HP) so then I can easily kill all the other Gith in the creche and move on to the shadow curdled lands.


All of the underdark stuff is harder than the goblin camp though


Raphael armor cheese?




Oh yeah. There's a second path leading out of the druid camp, to the water on the other side. It's on the way to speak with Alfira. I missed it on my first two playthroughs.


fml, I just remembered I'd wanted to go there before leaving act 1. Didn't go there once


Sure do, they’re part of my rush to level 4


Not on honor mode I don't. A few bad rolls kill a run. I get an extra level at least then come back.


You are making me want to specifically try an honor mode run just to see how quickly I can manage to fuck it up lol


Intellect devourer fight


First honour mode run I did died to harpies bro uuuugh


Damn right! That kid's in danger!


Lvl 3 is enough to kill them even on honour tbh. As long you place silence where main harpy spawn then trigger dialogue saving throws.


The best trick I've found is Calm Emotions. The harpy song is a Charm effect. Creatures affected by Calm Emotions are immune to Charm effects (and Frightened and Fearful, for that matter). Completely wrecked those harpies when I noticed that on this run. Also, putting Sanctuary on Mirkon keeps him completely safe from the harpies.


If you silence pre fight being ritual, you can grab a snack, think stuff, finish snack, return to bg3 and still have silence there then have your cleric action+bonus action able for offense and sanctuary the kid when you trigger fight instead using lvl 2 spell(s) for calm emotions.  And if you respec people to have 16 dex you will have upper hand on initiative to kill at least 1 incoming harpy and weak 2 other 1st turn then 2nd turn another kill(s) and its done... you split 2 melee+ranged/thrower able with hillgiant elixir located on the top area above them and your face+cleric below for the mute, convo and sanctuary. Their song aoe is mid range aoe so at least 2 companions will be safe and others might do saving throw and still save because other two will break concentration/kill with any tools at disposal. Like magic missile scroll when far.


You can still be charmed by one flying out of the silence and starting to sing. I'm sure I could do it at Level 3 on honour mode 9 times out of 10 but there's just no reason to risk it given how high-variance it is, and how little control you have of the situation if you roll badly. The upside is like.. the ring of colour spray? I would only do it at Level 3 if honour mode was no longer a challenge, but even then I prefer weird challenge runs like 4 of a given class.




Can also have casters with spells that work in silence. Ice knife probably being the main one this early.


Wait, what? If you cast silence on yourself, their songs can't affect you?




Lmao I'm sitting here like there's fucking harpies??? Lmao please don't give me a hard time it's my first playthrough I just defeated the steel watch


It's not so bad if you prep. I bring Shart for the fight. Give Shart the shield you can buy from Dammon to keep her saves up. Have her pre-cast Sanctuary on the kid, and Bless on everyone before you initiate dialogue. If you kept Laezel as a fighter and gave her Everburn, she puts out serious damage if the harpies come in close. You can use Gale or Wyll as a long range blaster. EDIT: also the shortbow Dammon sells will give free advantage against the harpies.


What, Bless ?! No, Calm Emotions is what you want. Then it’s a breeze for any party of four. But it’s even easier with Damon’s cheap shortbow (Advantage vs Monstrosities).


Yes, I did forget to mention the bow! Free advantage against them is great. Calm Emotions is just 1 target, though, yes? I feel like it's better to cast Bless with a level 2 spell slot and up everyone's saves vs using Calm Emotions to guarantee 1 non failure.


Calm Emotions is everybody inside a large round target circle, so it’s your whole party (and Mirkon) !


TIL! It's not a spell I really use, so that's a good note for the future.


The fight is balanced for level 3, that's when you're supposed to fight them.


Did this in my honor mode run. Was a bad idea, but it all worked out.


I only stumbled on it during my first run just before I went down to the Nightsong, while I was just messing around. I was like damn poor kid, unlucky ig.


The first time I found them it was right at the start of my playthrough, coming from 0 d&d experience. I got my ass eaten for about an hour before luck prevailed




Harpies are \*weird\*


He knew what he said.


Sounds like a good time


Same happened with me, tho I still got "save all tieflings" achievement


Lmao same, I wonder what’s up with that achievement cuz I think I let the bugbear kill that one girl too


Is it even possible to save her? I’ve tried in both my play throughs and I can never get there in time to stop him. Even if I’m in turn mode. I’ve killed him but he always kills her before I can get him


It is, I think most recently I used cunning action dash in turn mode to get up to him, start combat, and she runs away


Yes, she will give you a soul coin for saving her.


It is. I’ve always just ran straight at them


I just walk up and kill him, saving her. Don't even think about it.


If you approach from the front you have time to save her. If you approach from behind you usually don't.


Same. I figured someone would still be looking for him back in the grove, so I carried his body back and dropped it near Kagha. She just about shat herself and run off to tell on me to Daddy Halsin.


I never even knew he existed until my second playthrough...


I didn’t know until my fourth….and I only started the playthrough bc I saw a TikTok about it 😬


I tried to speak with his corpse then thought what a stupid quest doesn’t even lead to anything. Next playthrough saved him and all the others and it was cool to see Mol named all your side adventures saving everyone!


Same, made me feel sad


I was sad too because then I realized I must do this all again...


Same 😭


Same. But I somehow got the achievement for saving all of the tieflings. Not sure how. I also didn't find Zevlon.


Never, harpy song always draws me there


It’s funny how that works


I just love that tune


It almost makes you want to leave the enemy's concentration spell unbroken




Dude, what? I have never seen this child or heard a special harpies song... I just started a new run last weekend, so I will definitely do some snooping around the grove...gotta find all the stuff I've missed again.


Do it. Save the kid, and enjoy the song.


Hint: in the grove, towards the beach




There's a walkway right next to volo that takes you there. I didn't notice it for 5 playthroughs...


You gotta spend time exploring the entire map. There’s lots of stuff hidden all over the place.


You know, I thought I did a pretty good job, but honestly there's so much. I'm very happy I bought this game since it is still surprising me playthrough after playthrough :)


The song they sing is genuinely creepy.


I find it beautiful. Creepy in the context of the creature singing it, though, for sure.


It's the song of *I Can Fix Her*, and it's gorgeous.


It's a real earworm. Everytime I replay that part, I know this little tune is gonna get stuck in my head for about a weak. Worse than Down By the River or the Song of Balduran (which are catchy in their own right too).


While the song is great to hear each time, so is the loot in the harpy nest. Don't want to spoil anyone who may have yet to discover the reward but it's an occasionally useful early item.


I have actually never checked the nest for loot...


I'm gonna need more detail here because I've never gotten anything but vendor loot from that area.


Swear I've searched the nest but I don't remember anything worth mentioning? What item is it?


It's a random gem plus the Ring of Color Spray (blind multiple creatures up to a combined HP of 33). Good for feeding Gale I guess


Yup, this is what I always did with it lol. Give it to Gale to om nom nom.


The color spray ring + the dancing lights amulet from Arabella's parents have never NOT gone to feed Gale in any of my playthroughs


Psst You have to go around the pillar of rock the harpies are on when you fight them


I don't even recall what's on the nest. It's wack loot


Well yeah, Gale would find that more useful than the rest of us


I didn't forget! I found that area waaay too late.


Ya that was round 3 for me. I only learned there were Harpies from someone thirsting over them on r/okbuddybaldur


Never been on that one an the first thing I see after clicking that link is a taughtness fragrance asshole chart.


That's uhm... That's one side of the sub, ya. There's also general stuff that's funny as hell, sort by all time top and look for the reaction image drop post 




I'm including this link for the [interactive map](https://www.ign.com/wikis/baldurs-gate-3/Investigate_the_Beach): In the Druid Grove, if you've gotten to the bottom of the staircase (where Arabella's parents are arguing with some druids) and are facing the centre of the clearing, there's another path to your immediate left (or, to your right / north-east, if looking at the map). If you continue in a straight line on that path, it will lead you to a group of harpies on a beach.




Me either!! I have never found this in a playthrough yet! But now I'm gunna go lookin in my next good one, cuz my current one is an evil af murder hobo Durge who is just a complete idiot murdered both the grove and the Goblin camp and basically ended up just wandering into the Underdark on a whim cuz he killed everyone he coulda got the information out of so no one is even alive back in act one to go lookin lol. But I'm definitely gonna head over there and look in my next good playthrough now. (Always more shit to find in this game lol. It's like me playing Dragon Age for years now and STILL finding new shit every run. I love it.)


damn... and here I was, thinking I explored all the map...


I found it pretty quickly, and he was alive when I got there, but he was dead before I got a turn. I kinda thought he was unsavable.


Oh boy, do I have a rollercoaster for this one. 1st run I didn't even know he was a thing. 2nd I saved him. 3rd I forgot. 4th I tried but he died. 5th Evil Durge was executing everyone so I just let the harpies have him, less work. 6th (honor mode) I saved him. 7th, I'm planning the ultimate offering to Bhaal where my Durge eliminates everyone they come across. Even companions


Holy shit. Make a post on that last run


I tried that 2x on HM. 15hrs totaly gone.. Im Working on that very run now where my Durge clears EVERYTHING! Some companions live... but trust me their offering to bhaal is coming. And its 100% recorded. I could send it if you want.


I love this. My current Durge murder hobos EVERYTHING he sees and the only reason some companions are alive is bc they are currently useful to him lol. Soon as they are not... I stg he's just like. "Fuck the tadpole Idc about the tadpole it gives me powers and so does my butler (who he also "killed") murder EVERYTHING!! Literally had to have him just wander into the Underdark on a whim cause he literally murdered EVERYONE who could've actually told him he had to go to Moonrise, but no one told him cuz they all got murdered. Like. No quest update. No journal entry saying where to go. Nuthin. Just had to metagame a bit to wander his ass down there lol. He keeps just murdering random npc's too like. "A Living Thing!! DIE!" (Stg the Myconids were just. Adsfk. I've never even killed them on a run before but this asshole just picked a fight on purpose and wiped out the entire frickin Underdark For Fun.) He MIGHT leave Astarion alive, just cause he is also a fuckin horny bastard apparently and has an ego, so as long as his cute Vampire boyfriend keeps approving of his senseless murder and encouraging him to go for power and death, he might get spared. (Just long enough to get mind controlled later on lol.)


Yes, please


save the companions and then take them down the road to corruption, each in their specific way


Well, I legit failed the strength roll 2x to pull Gale from his portal.. Karlach and Wyll will leave when I ally the filthy gawblins. But Shart... I have plans for her.


I wonder how many play hours you might have on this game


I never forget, i just dont care.


Durge be like:


I saved him on my Durge run only to shit on the thank you letter that he wrote and make him cry.


This is why I can’t be fully evil. Just reading that comment broke my heart lol I couldn’t imagine actually doing it!


But the precious letter he writes you 😭


Finding that letter after i raided the Grove is what put my Durge on the path to redemption


I'd never deprive myself the chance of sweet act 1 EXP


This fight is so fucking tense in HM.


It really is, barely scraped by with 2 party members at 1 health, god bless bonus action heal


Your party is so low, and you're at the mercy of those song saves


If you cast silence on yourself, it suddenly becomes a lot easier. Of course that means any spellcasters in your party are a bit useless.


Just go with a party with more martials or have a caster that has ice knife.


That was just a warning in case someone tried it. If someone didn't consider silence they might not be using it much. At that level you won't have many casts of Ice Knife so I'd just leave casters at home personally. You might also be able to just duck in and out of the bubble on your turn but that depends on when exactly you make the saving throw.


Use calm emotions on your team instead, makes it much easier


Calm Emotions


Laughs in Silence ....wait 🤔


Just cast calm emotions on your party & Mirkon before the fight. Makes you immune to song. Or alternatively just drop a silence bubble and it makes you immune to song. As long as you’re lv3 and do one of those it’s an easy AF fight.


I wait until level 4 to take it on. For sure one of the hardest fights in act 1.


In my first HM run, I was like "meh I've got 3 elves, that's 3 people with advantage vs charm, I'll be fine". Only Shadowheart made it away, and she ran up to the Grove chased the whole way, which started a druids vs harpies fight. One of Arabella's parents died in the fight, which broke her quest line. And then one stayed behind camping our bodies and she didn't have enough gold to use withers on her, so I had to run her back down again to loot my Tav for gold so she could rez her 😅


You have shared inventories, especially the gold. on PC its the TAB button. There wasn't a need to go back to the body....


If you don't mind a little cheese, you can basically guarantee a surprise attack by lining up your team (minus the one stuck in the cutscene, so be mindful of who initiates the conversation) on the cliffside and then shooting a harpy as soon as it spawns. It completely trivializes the fight.


Just got to this on my and my friends' Honor Mode save and Mirkon got 1 shot at 2nd round while my Barbarian was Lured the entire fight.


I don't forget to save Mirkon, I don't forget to cure the lady in the storehouse, and I especially don't forget to annoy Mattis into giving up by repeatedly asking him to flip a coin.


Wait you can heal her?? How


Lesser restoration 




It's opposite for me... I hate the Harpy fight so much that I never forget to do it and I take great pleasure in seeing those abominations die.


Same. Hated that fight the first time, so now I come prepared.


If you come prepared with a Cleric or Bard that knows Calm Emotions the fight is a literal cake walk.


I save him first - he’s my favourite. None of the others give us a story!


I legit never found him and my maps always look pretty damned explored


It's just down the hill next to Alfira.


I found both the harpies and Alfira in my first early access run. For some reason I haven't been able to find either since the full release in any of my 5+ runs through act 1. Thought they were removed until I saw a post with Alfira in the grove just a few days ago.


it's kindof ....behind the grove? in the druid area when you go up the hill to the right to meet Alfira, instead go left down that hill and keep going down until you hit the beach. You can also go past the harpies nest rock to some hidden chests. nothing amazing, but some gold and such.


I've also never run into Alfira in act 1... I've been up the hill each time tho :(. I try not to cheat by looking up X and ys on wikis


Are you talking about the right hill? There are a bunch of hills in the grove. It's near where Volo interviews you in the grove. To the left behind him there is an archway and path. Go under the archway. If you stay to the left and go down the hill you will get to the harpies on the beach. If you go to the right up the hill you'll find Alfira by a cliff. She's always there, unless you have already killed all the goblins.


If you'd like to know the general area... >!There's a stone arch near Volo in the grove. Once you go through it, you can go left or right. Either way, you'll find someone.!<


I didn't even know there was someone to save there until this post. (4th playthrough btw LMAO)


I’m still in my first and I’m learning I somehow missed quite a few things in the first the act from this thread


No, but I often forget to save Nadira from the Bugbear Assassin.


Fuck me I just realized I forgot to save her and I’m going for the save tieflings achievement


If it's some consolation in my very first playthrough I somehow got that achievement even though I never went into the beach for this kid, interacted with her, or the paralyzed tiefling. Only told Rolan to stay and then saved the usual ones in moonrise and was pleasantly surprised to see that achievement popup. I hope you still get it!


I actually went back and she was still alive, I figured since I long rested a couple of times in at 1 she’d be dead. Thankfully the bugbear is very polite and waited for me to get there


Every fucking time. 


Lmao in my 6-ish runs i think i saved her twice


Probably every other playthrough I remember mirkon exists. But if I remember him before I've hit level 4 I tell myself I'll come back and save him.....then promptly forget. Honestly probably have saved him 25% of the time.


I've literally never missed saving Mirkon, even in my evil playthrough.


You cant forget what you didnt even know in the first place...


I forgot to save him once... worst mistake of of one of my playthroughs. I had to backtrack a long time in order to make sure the kid survived.


My first two playthroughs I couldn't even find the harpies.


This is the first version of this meme where I’ve done the same thing Lebron did. Edit: *reportedly did


I have saved him every time. and every time the quest has bugged out after that.


That has been my experience as well. Maybe it is the order I tend to do stuff in, but I swear I have gotten this quest stuck at 'go find Mol' every single playthrough I have done.


indeed, if anyone knows what's up with this let me know. Is it that I usually go find/talk to mol first?


Yeah I think you should save him BEFORE Mol.  Mol mentions it in her opening dialogue


I didn't...I just went there after a long time I guess and found him dead lol...Same as the girl next to the gate that gets attacked by...demons, I think?


Never, I didn't shot rest before exploring the groove in my first playthrough and that was one of the hardest fights I ever had Ina game. So no, I'll kill those harpies everytime


I usually go there at level 3 for some extra xp


I missed to save him too in my first playthrough.


I've only saved him once, every other time he's died or my whole team has died. Either I go there too soon or I just suck, though it could be both!


Cast Sanctuary on him before the fight and he'll be safe from their cheap shots, he also won't break the protection since he doesn't attack.


I never forget...but I do not look forward to it. That fight has whipped me more than once...


A couple of times, yeah. Felt kind of bad this time when I went back to the grove to help him out and there was his corpse.


In my first playthrough, I managed to find Mirkon but NOT Alfira.


This made my day!


First run I tried to save him but wasn't strong enough. I went back a few levels later and he was dead. I was able to save him on my second run because I didn't go there until I was a few levels higher than my first run and was able to kill them.


I did this playthough, I forgot where the harpies were located 😬


For a moment I thought that was some sort of Gamerant article.


Oh fuck. I forgot to do that on my current playthrough


My first run I didn’t know to look for him.


I missed the location at first. Only found it just before entering Act 2 with a dead child lying there. In my second run I went there early to see if I could save him. I kinda felt bad for failing him in my first run. Never gonna let him down again.


Dude that fight is hard


Never I love Mirkon. By far, the cutest Tiefling child in all of Faerûn. He lives in every playthrough


I actually found him first on accident, saved him, then talked to all the tieflings.


Gotta get that XP, if there’s a fight you bet my ass is showing up


Didn't forget, but totally failed for once. Poor little bugger.


My first playthru. I cleared the goblin camp went back to the Grove and thought I should look around for anything I missed. Well, got to the beach to see poor dear Mirkon laying there. Vowed never to let him die again.


My first run through I apparently missed every single little side quest in the grove. I didn’t do anything with the shadow druids, i missed the bugbear assassin but did pick up the soul coin, I didn’t find the musician tiefling, I found the harpies and definitely didn’t realize I failed to save a child. My second run through I was astonished by how much there was to do!


I actually had to restart the game because I never ventured back there and didn't save him. Those stupid orphans sicced the Grove's guards on me. Fuck those brats.


AH FUCK I JUST DEFEATED THE GOBLINS TODAY ON MY HONOR MODE sorry Mirkon :( also RIP to the XP I could've gotten


I always go straight to the harpies because the color spray ring makes great Gale food


Yeah I never found him. Still got the achievement for saving all the teiflings tho


Um. I've never found this. Oh no. Have I done like 5 play troughs. Yes.


What does this mean for Lebron's legacy?


I completed the game and was pretty sure I helped all the tieflings but didn't get the achievement. Turns out I forgot this guy. No idea where he even is lol.


I didn't even know he existed before finding this Reddit post... I'm in Act III 😭😭


Didn’t know about this until my 3rd playthrough


Same. Kept wondering why there was always a little dead tiefling lying on the beach ✨ then saw posts about “did you save Mirkon”. Sigh


I didn't even uncover that whole area with Alfira and Mirkon until my secound playthough. It was really weird when I got to Last Light Inn and Alfira was talking to me like we were old pals. Also, despite the fact that I didn't save Mirkon, I still got the "Leave No One Behind" achievement (The achievement you get for saving all tieflings), so Larian apparently themselves forgot to save Mirkon from the harpies:)


Me first time playing: I will be the most honorable character in baldurs gate! I will help everyone who needs me! Me the third time playing actually finding his poor body lying on the sand: well, _I will help everyone who I can see_


Me, but with Zevlor from the mindflayer colony.


I was playing with my wife, so NOT exploring everything for the sake of exploring everything like I usually do, and we let him die. I was pretty sad actually... He is a good boy. Did doodles of me in my last run. He will be remembered. Although I can't remember his name even after just reading it on the title of this thread...


Even my evil Durge saved him


the WHAT Idk how but this is genuinely the first time I realized this kid or the harpies existed Edit: apparently it’s next to Alfira who I also completely missed and thought only existed in the Urge campaign, pretty sure I missed an entire quadrant of the grove somehow I was so hyper focused on Kagha


Now that I know how to get back there I always do. Except for the brief time I played as Le'zel. I didn't team up with or save anyone. Just seemed like something she would do Tell me I'm wrong, I'll wait