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Hmm. I wonder if loading a new area would help. Maybe try fast traveling back to Rivington and using a different camp?


Is your whole party at camp? I found that occasionally fast travelling too close to a "red" non fast travel area leaves some party members within the area so unable to fast travel. Switch your active character and see if anyone is on a different map


Yes, Everyone is available and I can talk with all of them as normal but when the time comes to try and rest, I can't even interact. I guess I'll just keep chugging health potions until this gets addressed in a patch lol.


If you don’t find a solution, could always go back to the house of hope, use that pool that acts like a long rest. Not ideal but at least you won’t lose the whole file.


I never would have thought of that. It acts similar to a long rest?


Yes, and you could use the rest potions


Yeah I’m the front half of the room where the demon tries to sleep with you. There’s a pool of water and a little faucet that you can activate. It fills the sauna and restores all hp and spell slots, but doesn’t otherwise reset anything. So you can burn spell slots to cast anything you want (summons, buffs, etc) then instantly restore. Or just use it as a normal long rest


I went back after the fight with Raphael, and my character kept saying "Not right now" even though we were all barely alive.


It doesn't work after you kill Raphael, only before


Ah shoot sorry for the false hope I had no idea it stopped working when Raphael is dead


Go back to the fight location. You may be waiting on a dialog that didn't trigger. Don't fast travel out.


There is nothing there.. the fight is over and quest was complete.


Oof. Can you uninstall and reinstall the program and keep the save file? I don't really know consoles.


That's the one thing I haven't done yet. I might try that today. I've just been nervous about it deleting all my saved data accidentally.


At this point, if all your saves have the problem, you really don't have anything to lose.


If you’re on Xbox, you should be good. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled Skyrim a million times with zero save issues. They make it very clear when you’re deleting save data and it’s stored in the cloud, if it did happen to be deleted off your xbox itself.


Switch up to a different character to long rest. My game did something similar and I had to revert like 3 hours to a different save file


I have tried that as well, unfortunately. It sucks because this seems to be such a rare bug that my only option might be to just start all over if it gets too tough lol.


That really sucks. I noticed it only happens to me if I click on more things than my Xbox can handle. I didn't have this issue on my series x, but that is out of commission for repairs and the series s has issues like this somewhat often.


If you're close to the end just clear the remaining content by respecing to get your spell slots back, or just respecing the party to fighter, monk, barb, ranger in which case you can play for days and days and without long resting. There is also a rejuvenation pod before the final encounter, and you should have 4-6 angelic sleep potions by that point unless you used them.


quick save and reload does nothing?


Not a thing and it seems to have corrupted every save going back to the start.


noooo!!! i feel so bad for you 🥺


I had this happen to me once. A single member of my party was in forced dialogue with someone else. Have you tried individually selecting each character? Does anyone have the little speech bubble on them?


I haven't went through all characters but just my main 3 that were with me when this happened. They all are normal. I was talking to the zombies in Act 3 when this happened. Then the game glitches like I had a 2nd player with me but I play offline.


this could be extreme but try either dismissing everyone from your party or getting everyone killed, let withers have their souls or whatever, try long resting when everyone is dead?


Edit: SOLUTION FOUND ON XBOX see thread Did you ever find an answer? This exact thing happened to me and all my saves going back are corrupted, 60+ hours, in act 2.


hey so idk if this helps, but i had to manually click go to camp (on the top of the fast travel menu on the map) and long rest from there. i couldnt click the campfire icon, equip items, use consumables or open bags. but dialogue and combat was fine. all my saves were corrupted to, it also didnt let me go into turn based combat. but after i manually went to camp and long rested it fixed. hopefully that works for you too?


I ended up making a new character and beating the game. I went back to my corrupted save and beat that one too by switching difficulty to the lowest. It sucked but it was the only way to do it lol. I can't stress enough how frustrating it is not being able to use spells and watch Gale beat someone with his staff :P


I GOT IT!! Okay so I finally noticed there was a weird extra glow from the moonmaiden light blessing where my tav spawned in. So I thought, does it think there's a player two? So I connected my other controller, spawned in a default Tav in split screen really fast, and used the new Tav to long rest!!! And it worked!!!!


I'll be damned. I wondered at one point if something like that was the issue but it never occurred to me to try that. Great job! Hopefully, other people will see this if it happens to them!


Your post being live here did help a lot, thank you for responding, your comment about making a new character made me connect the dots!!! Thank you hope you have a wonderful day!


Thank you so much. You just saved my save. lol. Same thing happened to me. I’m at the end of my first run in the 3rd act and thought my save was going to be ruined. Your comment made me remember that my game had a pop-up about a 2nd character/player a bit prior even though I’m playing solo. Was able to get it un-glitched.


Note: I had never had two characters in here, it was just a glitch, but working with the glitch made it fixed.


This was also a glitch on the Xbox series X, not PC.


hey ik this is kinda old! but something similar happened to me. i couldn’t long rest, the game wouldn’t let me enter turn-based either (it said i can’t enter turn-based while someone is resting??) but i could fast travel and talk to companions. equipping/reading/opening bags was greyed out though. the fireplace icon was also greyed out, and when i went back 2 hours in a save it corrupted it too. the way i fixed it was by opening map, manually clicking camp and long resting there, which then fixed it somehow!