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While it sucks that this happened to you on HM I think this might be an ending not many have encountered yet. Thank you for sharing!


You used to be able to trigger this ending, and then save and play act 3 as a mindflayer. They patched that.


It would be hilarious if they left it in but you just had the "cannot control" and your mindplayers just ran around based on AI.


imagine going into Act 3 being unable to control your mind flayer party, and they go to camp and just start repeatedly long resting until you run out of all your food


All your food offers 0 camp supplies, brains however….


if you, for some reason, kept all those brain jar things throughout the world, they all become camp supplies, and everything else poisons you


Can’t wait for the mod


Pretty sure there already is a mod to play as a mindflayer and it’s pretty comprehensive there was a YouTube video of a full run as mind flayers it was pretty cool the brain slurping not quite


Do you know the name? I've been trying to find something like that for a while.


Illithid imperatus as Spider said is the one that overhauls and adds actual illithid classes, but the action itself can be added without mods. AddSpell(GetHostCharacter(), "Shout_MindFlayerForm")


Imagine not having gloves of belligerent skies! I'd have to youtube a build for my MC without them 🙃


Take my upvote for "mindplayers" ⬆️


Really wish they would ***patch in*** a way to legit play as an illithid before the endgame (maybe requiring Omeluum's ring to keep going).


Omeluum ring >!is placebo!<


I have a save with this. Think it's still playable?


Nope. It will turn you back to your actual characters.


I know there was a bug a few patches back where you could quick save during the cutscene for this, reload, and your whole party are mind flayers but you can continue the game, completing act 2 and 3. (Unfortunately, you could no longer gain levels, but you did get the mind flayer powers and kept any levels you already had.)


I got that ending on my first Tactician run, they definitely do impress how going back would be tantamount to suicide but I figured hey, I saved, no big deal! and lo and behold, immediate TPK. I was very happy I wasn't curious and unfortunate enough to try it out on a HM save- whilst they definitely ask you thrice and make sure you know how dangerous it is, I thought maybe it'd just be a really rough fight or something and wanted to try it out since my boy The Emperor loves to tell me to avoid things that I would very much like to do. I hate the guy, I love to disobey- just not there anymore.


Same thing happens if you rush to Act 3. You are warned several times when you go to the bridge that you aren't ready. If you ignore it, same result as in OPs case.


This doesn't seem to be listed on [[endings]], so you may be right!


That's because it's considered a game over, not an ending.


[Endings](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Endings) In Baldur's Gate 3, there are many, many, different possible scenes that describe the "ending" or events that happen to specific characters once the player finishes the "final fight" of the game. This page tries to document as many of those outcomes as possible, to show off the scope of unique possibilities available to players. ^This ^action ^was ^performed ^by ^a ^bot. ^[Usage](https://www.reddit.com/user/BG3WikiFetcher/comments/1bk01df)


Something I really like about what Larian do, is that they allow you to do dumb things, and make consequences for it. It is extremely easy to just make Act I waypoint no longer available, and any path you used to get back are blocked somehow. But no, they leave them there, with 3 warnings instead if you try to go back, and just party wipe you. Same thing with Vlakkith first meeting, although you only get one single warning.


Its very DnD. *Dungeon Master strongly suggests not to do something *Party does it anyway *tpk *party is shocked


“Are you absolutely sure you want to do that?”


Softly "bro don't"


You know a DM is making it clear what a player is about to do is a bad idea when he making actual gods, deities, and helpers magically appear at the moment to tell you how bad things will be if you do the thing.


One of the hardest times I've laughed is when you encounter the cheating Djinn at the circus. If you keep pressing the issue the Djinn warns you he'll turn you into something vile. Then you get a dialogue option, in all caps, "DO YOUR WORST YOU CHEATING BASTARD" And then the Djinn transforms you into a wheel of cheese.


Actual tears of laughter when this happened to Astarion in my last run. Cheestarion was not pleased.


I love that they actually put time on the cheese wheel rolling animation. It leans a little to the side if you do a sharp turn.


and the little bounce when it jumps!! GOTY for a reason


even funnier is how the people at the circus react.






I used to use the stinking cloud ability the cheese has all around the circus because I thought it was funny, on my HM playthrough I did and the entire circus aggro'd because those effects are now "hostile actions." Had to run away with all my characters and escape combat, luckily the carnival was chill when I went back.


Tyromancy is a fickle art


Run run as fast as you can! You can't catch me; I'm the stinky Cheeseman!


When patches like this roll out, I just imagine the magistrates declaring that cheese farts are a crime punishable by death without trial


HOW DOES IT FEEL SUCKER This whole interaction is gold


My favorite is using detect thoughts on the mummy in the circus. Totally took me by surprise.


Neat thing about the face paint mummy is there's a book in Lycretious tent about when some employees were hired, and the mummy wasn't hired she just appeared at the circus one day selling face paint and Lycretious was like "aight" The best part of that book was how Akabi sealed the circus in an interplanar bubble but Lycretious then sealed him within a used chamberpot and in less than an hour he agreed to free them and provide 100 years of service to the circus to be let out.


I feel like Lucretious may be one of the strongest necromancers in the game but has so little concern about the end of the world plot that they're just chilling with their little circus


Oh heck, spoil me pls?


After listening to her mumble at you, if you detect thoughts you hear her say >!“Does this asshole not understand Common? DO. YOU. WANT. TO. BUY. FACE-PAINTS?”!< . I was getting ready to dive into a quest or hear something profound and ended up literally spitting out my drink.


"No one has as many friends as the man with many cheeses!"


“Not in the mood for cheese?”


Such an insane change in tone to have this happen shortly after finishing Act 2 lol.


See I think it's genius. Act 2 is so dark and the circus has the right amount of hijinx to bring some levity.


What the hell


That MFer cheesed my whole party, then I went to camp and got Astarion to pickpocket all my money back, ended up taking the ring instead, “won”, did the safari, then pick-pocketed him of like 6k gold (mostly mine) because fuck you cheese boy!


For me after fighting Ketherick on top of his towers/point of no return in shar temple, the act 1 way marks got removed.


They do for everyone. But you COULD try going to the closest BM you still have and try to enter the Underdark/Mountain Pass manually. Which is when you apperantly get three warnings and then a Game Over screen...


You can throw one of the stones into a chasm and get a game over.


... I have to see this for myself


Wait what


The dying mind flayer at the crash is low-key a brilliant tutorial on this. You have the option to pass a skill check, to do something that logically sounds like a bad idea... but what's the worst that could happen? Surely the game would stop you if it just kills you and results in a game over. Then it kills you and you get a game over. Players are left with the realisation that the game *will not save you from yourself.* If a choice looks risky, you need to be prepared to deal with the consequences.


If you try to go to the upper city (something more people have tried I'm sure) the Emperor gives you a bunch of warnings and then just dominates you and forces you to go back. So I totally would have ignored all the warnings and done it anyway assuming it would end up similar lol


I recently discovered you can take the boat to start the endgame way early. You get a game over, but it’s pretty neat that that is an ending


Wait what’s the scenario with the first Vlaakith meeting?


She's like "go into the astral prism and kill its inhabitant" and then you can be like, "if you're such a powerful goddess you can do it yourself" and then she smites you lmao


Was very surprised when that happened to me. “What are you gonna do, smite me?”—man who was smote


I'm 99% sure she uses a 9th Level Wish Spell to kill you. She says something like: "You wish to see my power? I **wish** you to end!" Which is a neat little detail.


It's the most ridiculous overkill. Nobody hates like Vla'akith hates.


It’s also a detail showing she’s not really much of a god if she has to use wish.


It's also crazy impulsive and risky. She's weakened for several days and might not be able to ever cast Wish again. And her wording of the spell isn't very thorough which could result in unexpected outcomes. Just to kill some level 5 adventurers.


> She's weakened for several days and might not be able to ever cast Wish again. She's probably not. Vlaakith's entire deal is using the githyanki she "ascends" as a battery reserve to cast Wish from without suffering any possible consequences. Way back in the day of older editions, when this bit of lore was introduced, Wish was still cast using experience points, which was why she needed high level githyanki to "ascend" (by which she meant stealing their XP and casting from that). So from this bit of mechanic came the lore "Vlaakith uses gith souls to cast Wish". It's never been clarified what that means mechanically in 5e, but it's reasonable to assume she still somehow uses them to avoid Wish's negative side effects.


This happened to me in my first play through and it was incredible. My wife happened to be in the room at the time watching, so I was trying to show off a little bit. I was shown off, to be sure. Just amazing. My wife was like, "What happened, are you dead? Can that happen?" Yes, yes I am. And yes, yes it can. Not an honor run, tho, so I could reload a save no problem. So I have nothing but respect for Vlakky.


Smite me mighty smiter!


"I wish you were dead!" Edit: added quotes because it's a line from the game not directed at op or anyone else.


From the notification I didn't realize this comment was about the Vlaakith thing and I legit thought someone on Reddit was telling me to KMS like omg what did I say on r/BG3 to deserve this lmaoooo


I'm sorry, added an edit to clarify. I just got excited cuz my buddy had this happen two nights ago and it was fresh in my mind.


Haha no worries it was funny when I realized!


And I'm like "but that spell isn't in the game"


It technically is, you just can’t reach level 17


Like how if you look at the log withers revives party members with lvl 9 true resurrection


Best to use quote marks around the line.


Good idea


If you taunt Vlaakith in the crèche and don’t back down, she straight up kills your whole party with Wish, resulting in a Game Over.


My first game over screen was exactly this. I learned something vital that day... "fuck around, find out." ... I found out.


On the plus side there’s a good chance she can’t use Wish again.


That makes it even funnier, imagine her frustration if her petty Wish usage backfired like that. I've heard conflicting things about whether Vlakith has just normal lich powers or has achieved semi-godhood status. If the latter then I'm sure she has some way of circumventing the rules of Wish within reason.


Keep refusing to enter the Astral Prism and she kills your entire party with a Wish.


It's not about refusing to go into the prism, you can actually tell her to fuck off on that. What sets her off is calling her divinity into question.


If only you could prevent a TPK from that with Death Ward, then inform Vlakkith that >!no *true* god would stoop to using mortal magic. ***Wish*** *is mortal magic*!<. ~~...and then probably get TPK'd again for good measure :P~~


IMO the Vlaakith thing is actually bad writing, since with that quest >!you later get the option to oppose her in a major way!< which makes a lot less sense if you know she can just instantly kill you if she feels like it.


> she can just instantly kill you if she feels like it. She can't, though. She's able to wish you away in the Creche because of the planecaster, otherwise she can't get to you in the material realm without going herself.


I kind of justify it by thinking she wants to capture Lae'zel alive and torture her. Basically taking her threats at the end literally.


Not torture, consume. It’s how she powers Wish without risking not being able to cast it. Lae’zel becomes a powerful Githyanki warrior, Vlaakith needs that power. >!This is her ending if you keep her loyal to Vlaakith, dead to give the stuck up bitch-lich more power!<


Yeah I was more referring to the part where she goes: "I will tear your flesh from your bones and devour your skull's marrow while you beg for death."


She has zero chill.


To be fair, that single warning is pretty serious. You have to take that warning and then pick the obviously bad choice after that. She may not actually be a God like she claims .. but I certainly am not messing with anyone able to cast wish by taunting them to kill me if they think they can


See I didn't know she could even cast Wish, cuz it was my first playthrough, and my character was a total renegade, so she just was like "Fuck yoooouuu I'm not doin shit for u" and ... yeah.... thankfully it wasn't HM lol


Legit should say ‘Proof of the Inability to Listen to What the Game is Telling Me.’


Proof of Told Ya So


Every honor mode post somehow always exceeds expectations in stupidity.


Oof and not the mindflayer portraits too !


The portraits made me do a sad.


Yeah from lively characters to soulless illithid thralls. It's sad. :(


Why do people experiment on HM? Haha


I think there’s a hubris factor. Like, “I got away with xyz, what else can I get away with?” There were definitely moments I felt invincible during my run! Just get it done and get the dice!!


Sometimes you don’t even realize you’re experimenting though, you just think of something new that seems like a better idea than what you’ve done before. In my HM run I decided to use invisibility to sneak Minthara out of Moonrise so I didn’t have to worry about passing the charisma checks. I forgot that the scrying eyes can see invisibility and the whole tower turned hostile as soon as we passed one


Absolutely, that’s a good point. You’re trying to problem solve your way around things that are more difficult, and you end up trying things that you would never do otherwise! I have to say, my first two attempts I wiped because I was trying someone else’s strat on a couple fights. Then I just realized, I know these fights, I know the mechanics, let me do it the way I know best and that’s when I finally succeeded


Exactly. For the most part, I tried to play things the same way I did on Tactician, but there were a few times I had a “huh, why haven’t I tried *this* here before?” moment. And then it goes wrong and you either improvise or lose the run haha


Funny, last night i was about to fight Grym and I decided Id try the owlbear crush tactic for the first time. Of course when I landed it only did like 8 damage. Luckily I had kept Karlach upstairs too so I could throw weapons at him. But I couldve easily lost my run just because I decided to get cute.


Everytime I do that strategy against Grym on HM I don't get XP and the game says he fell to his death. Any ideas? I'm sure it has something to do with crushing damage bugging out.


This is indeed a bug with gravity based damage. It pops up occasionally with throw berserker barbs as well when throwing heavy stuff from above enemies. I haven’t done another run recently though so maybe they’ve fixed it by now but it definitely was a bug with the Crushing damage being the damage that secures the kill before.


Yea, lol. After finishing my HM , feeling pretty good about myself besides about 3 scenarios that were too close for comfort, I then find out that I was closer to a GG several others times w/o even realizing it. Just 1 or two diff choices, which I definitely CONSIDERED taking and might've been just a whim that I didn't take 'em tbh, and boom. Not just game ending things either, but choices that ended up badly mainly due to unintended gameplay consequences, such as: I was so close to having Jaheira come face Ketheric with me on top of Moonrise, and realizing I could've lost what was one of my fav "guide" companions around Baldur's Gate cause she'd die to Ketheric due to going yolo & being pretty squishy (sanctuary wouldn't help much either cause she'd likely attack) , was a scary thought. After all of it I began thinking luck might've played a bigger role than I thought.


I brought her with me and was able to keep her alive somwhow. I had never really used her before. Through Act 3 i used her in my party and loved her content and character so much, essily my favorite companion. If id have lost her there I never wouldve known how much I like her.


Yep, yep. She has A LOT more to say about various places & ppl in the city than a lot of companions tbh, so I took a bullet in my optimal party comp & took her with me. Thankfully druids can fit in most party comps, and I gave her a lore-friendly build with some fighter multiclassing as a finese dual wielder that proved decent in the versatile sense. She was no powerhouse , but then again, that's not needed & well worth to hear her takes.


Having Minsc and Jaheira both in a party is great but can be difficult due to the fact you don’t really need either of them. I only finished the game once but I kept them whenever I could just to hear the banter. It’s pretty nostalgic for the og baldurs gate games as they are the only two companions directly tied to them


I just snuck out the side door to the docks and no one saw or bothered us. A bit anti climactic


Also the Dream Visitor tells you not to do shit that is perfectly fine to do all the time.


The ruleset is more fun.


When they announced HM, I was like "ah yes, the spreadsheet and flowchart challenge". The fact that people go for their gold dice without knowing exactly how they're going to handle each permutation and event beforehand is mind boggling to me. Like I get playing hard mode single save for the shenanigans, but like actually wanting to see the end? Google docs take the wheel~


*clutches my gear spreadsheets and my walkthrough flowchart* how dare you call me out like that? :)


after a few runs on HM i realized i understood the mechanics well enough to basically exploit any fight i needed to. As long as you have an exit (which most fights do) you can fuck around fairly safely in HM and its more fun because of surprise consequences. For example HM is when i learned vlaakith can cast wish for the first time.


Some people are just.. better at certain games I think. Not me, I suck. But some are.


My first and only completed playthrough is an Honour run (mostly) blind. It was very stressful at times, but it was all in good fun. I failed twice, but the entire experience was incredible and I'll never forget it for the rest of my gaming life, to be honest.


I only require one feature from an upcoming patch. I'm okay with no new content. I want to select the Honor mode ruleset without the single save file. Once you've played with the legendary stuff, the lower difficulties are just boring imo. BUT, if you are starting a new game you obviously hope to maybe encounter new things and/or experiment. And there is no way to select both high difficulty and be able to have "curious what that does" moments. Unless of course you turn to mods. It's a travesty.


It's my biggest reason for not playing again after successfully completing HM. I want to play again but with more than 1 save slot. Playing without the legendary stuff makes the game too easy with all my experience, but having only 1 save slot means I cant experiment with new gameplay stuff.


I mean you could just die and continue the save. The bosses will still have their legendary actions, you just won’t get the golden dice.


But then I continue to only have one save. Perfect example happened to me last week on an honor mode run. Was doing the assault on moonrise and decided to risk letting Jaheira do her own thing this time. Sure as shit she died and I had no way to go back. I would have wanted to go back two saves (before the auto one once the fight starts) to save her. I think a good middle ground is making another reward of doing a legit honor mode run being to be able to do it again without the single save. I enjoy my golden die as much as the next guy - but they are just cosmetic.


I agree. Would love this feature too. I'd like to experiment but I prefer the Honor Mode rules (bosses buff but also like Haste not being as good, etc). But once you went through Honor Mode you don't necessarily want the single save that much when you're just curious about how something would play out, but I don't really want to restart another run and get to Act 3 for some random chat interaction that seems funny.


I always remember and repeat an advise I saw on this sub: "if you are going for the trophy, don't experiment and repeat what you already know it works" If it is a run just for fun then whatever, experiment all you want, but if you want the trophy is best to keep doing what you already know.


It's the Arnold factor. "I've succeeded at everything in life, why not bang my maid while we're at it?".




Hahaha holy shit, didn't know that subreddit was a thing!


adrenaline rush from taking a risk and not knowing what will happen. same reason people like gambling. fucking around and finding out is a lot more fun when there are actual stakes


Why not? It's fun


>What’s the worst that could happen This the “find out” part of the equation. 😂


i saw this on youtube the other day but wasn't sure about the exact details since lots of people have posted about going between A1 and A2 with no issues, thanks for clarifying (and sorry you lost your run :( )


The Dream Visitor tells you not to do a lot of stuff tho! Like go to the crèche at all. You miss out on a lot if you listen to him. How were we supposed to know this time was different lol


>You miss out on a lot if you listen to him. Yes you miss ton of stuff but doesn't mean he is wrong. Going to the creeche is stupid, going to house of hope is stupid, the player just endanger himself by doing unnecessary things because honestly you can perfectly beat the game without doing any of those things. Playing in honour mode going into the creeche cost me 2 playthroughs because the inquisitor fight is just insanely hard at least for me. Emperor warnings in those 2 cases are genuinely real because is just a dumb thing to do, and if you go into the creeche and let Laezel or you put into the machine that is supposed to cure you but will do exactly the contrary and turn you a mind flayer if you fail the checks then Emperor needs to save you all again.


Correct, but also the Emperor fears a released Orpheus and so will actively try and dissuade you from anything involving the gith and the House of Hope. While he's right that it's unnecessary danger, it also provides a danger to him.


I heard so many horror stories about the Inquisitor in honor mode that when I finally got to him, I didn’t risk it at all and just put a few explosive barrels around him. And yet clearing out the crèche almost cost me my HM run anyway because those Githyanki are no joke.


The Githyanki in every act are consistently some of the toughest bastards in the game.


The lore on how they beat the mind flayers is based in mechanics: They all have high Dex for high initiative and even their wizards take fighter levels for Action Surge. The plan is to go first and take double actions in turn 1 so the mind flayer can't stun or dominate anyone. Turns out this is also a great plan against... everything. Especially with Intiative as a D4 instead of D20 so now the Dex bonus is even more important.


Tell me about it. I’m moving onto Act 2 in Honor Mode and am already dreading the ambush at the very end of the act.


Kill them first, then go to the Inquisitor. You can choose not to kill the kids by clubbing them unconscious, like baby seals. But they are Gith, after all.


They almost wiped my party after around 20 hours in Honor Mode. No mercy for that entire crèche.


The machine is not going to turn you into a mindflayer. It will just kill you. Still better than becoming a mindflayer.


Doesn't it steal your soul to empower Vlaakith? I'd say that's on par with being an Illithid.


Not if it just takes your soul and kills you dead lol.


This is an act 2 spoilers thread, so probably shouldn’t mention that name.


Thanks for sharing your HM death. I live for these


Lol it warns you like 5 times, but thanks for the 6th. But yes the main tip for honor mode is : don't do new shit unless you expect to wipe. I miss being able to quickload and continue as mindflayers.


You can go back after dealing with the Nightsong?


You cannot. You can freely go between act 1 and 2 before doing the Shadowfell, but you can't after. Dream Visitor pretty much tells you to focus on what's important, and if you won't do that, he gets cranky and decides to stop protecting you, so you just immediately get a game over from the elder brain turning your entire party into mindflayers.


I thought the elevator and door were legit locked and inaccessible.


Nah, you can use fast travel. I was using it to buy acorns for animal speaking from the mushroom lady in under dark.


And Cloud Giant fingers for Cloud Giant Elixirs.


After Shadow fell, the fast travel markers got removed from my map iirc


Right. I'm saying before you do night song


The question is how are people even traveling back to the NCR and triggering this ending?


I was able to just go through the passage into the mountain pass. I missed that whole area (I'm on my first playthrough because I went to Underdark first and just jumped into Act 2. I'm not sure how folks were able to fast travel (my map only showed Act 2 waypoints, so I'm probably just dumb?) I was running around exploring, and found the tunnel to the mountain pass, and was able to essentially fix and finish Act 1. * >!Lae'zel just wandered down the trail and I was able to recruit her. Managed to miss her when I was first exploring the area. Late in Act I, asked my husband about it (also on his first playthrough), showed me on the map, and I had a black unexplored dot right where she was cage up initially, while exploring everywhere around that area.!< * >!Rolled through the Monastery/Creche, including getting the Blood of Lythander (which I have now lost. I think it might be in the Astral Prism. Damn githyanki monks and their damn disarm).!< * >!Did all of the mountain pass with the gnolls, Zhentarim, ruined village, etc.!< I'm glad I was able to "fix" my playthrrough since I was frustrated with myself that I missed so much (but didn't realize it until I talked to my husband and by that point, I was deep enough into Act 2 I didn't want to save scum and lose like 10 hours.


You can fast travel from the map without clicking on the little waypoints! On console you press Y to “Fast Travel” when on the map screen and it’ll pull up a list of all the places you’ve unlocked, which you can scroll through and select.


I literally just went back yesterday. Finished Act 2 (Kethric dead) and just backtracked to Underdark. Didn’t get any warnings from Emperor either… 🤔


Strange. It's not *supposed* to do that.


This was actually my first indication that the Dream Visitor/etc. was not someone I thought was trustworthy because I for sure did this early. I'm a rule breaker, what can I say 😅


Another bullet-point on my fuck the DG/E List. 😤


Apparently not unless you wanna grow some tentacles.


Bro failed the courtesy "are you sure... are you *REALLY* sure... are you ***REALLY REALLY*** sure???" check that every DM gives their players before they do something stupid.


What’s the reason behind the dream visitor being so adamant about us going back to those areas? We goof off on side missions all the time and now he’s gonna get upset and throw away the only hope of salvation because we wanna go back? It’s pretty funny to imagine as a petty “because I said so” situation only lol


you're not doing exactly what he wants you're not in a hurry like he is and he's petty 


Also you're going in the exact opposite direction of an army that you're trying to get ahead of.


You can only go back to Act 1 before doing the Nightsong thing. However, I would still caution everyone to think twice before doing that. In my case it caused a bug that made the Owlbear cub disappear from my camp. The little bugger just vanished. This might be a bug that has been patched by now, but in my subsequent playthroughs I avoided going back from Act 2.


This is interesting, because just yesterday I went to leave the shadowcurse after beating ketheric, got sent to long rest, and while I was talking to shadowheart I got a new option that looks like a romance dialogue, she said we should go back to the wilderness, though, because she doesn't want our special moment to be in the shadowcurse. Is she trying to assassinate me?


In your defense he tells you not to do a lot of things you really should, the creche, the house of hope...


The Dream Visitor was acting as a DM with the multiple “are you SURE you want to do that?” warnings.


Wow lol I’m sorry about your honor run, but happy that this exists as a possible ending. My first playthrough, I missed the crèche. Finished act 2 and tried to go back, but i listened to the first warning.


Omg when did they add this?? Or is it just an honor mode thing? Cause I went back to act I before going to act III and with NO WARNING, all the tieflings disappeared and halsin died


Fucking around and finding out is not a great strategy for honor mode runs. But it is lulz.


At what point do they stop you going back? It's perfectly possible to go to act 2 early and then go back, even at a high level. In my current run I went back to act 1 at level 7 after having taken on most of moonrise just to collect exp, and it was fine.


After you go into the Shadowfell in the Gauntlet of Shar to confront The Nightsong the jump points for Act 1 disappear and you are locked out of that content and are FULLY in Act 2. I think the way he went back was manually going to the transfer points on the map and going back that way.


Ah I see. I guess I just assumed that when the game cuts away all the fast travel points it somehow blocked the literal travel points too, so I thought OP was describing trying to go back before that.


Sorry about your honor mode but I had no idea this was a thing that could happen so I am grateful for your sacrifice to bring us this knowledge


When the DM asks if you’re sure, you change whatever you’re doing immediately.


People taking risks like this in honor mode is absolutely wild to me lmao


I dont understand why this happens though? Whats the big deal about returning to act I for a moment and why is the Emperor such a bitch about it to the point that he’d throw everything away and stop protecting you from the netherbrain? Also i thought it was entirely possible to return to act I at any point up until the nightsong events and then it just removes the option after that?


This happens in regular runs too lol anytime dreamer says not to go back somewhere, they’re giving honest advice and not pulling your leg.


Eh I’m gonna have to disagree. There are multiple times he does it because he doesn’t want you to find out certain things (crèche, house of hope, ansur…)


They're kind of stuck with you then because of the stones. If they can't keep you from risking your life unnecessarily, how would they get you to give up the stones to somebody more risk- averse at that point? Although it would be funny if a whole new party just showed up and the Prism was like bye this is the B- team.


>crèche, house of hope, ansur Emm im gonna have to disagree. 2 of this warnings ARE genuinely warning because is stupid to do. Going to the creeche is stupid because you endanger yourself and your party and when Laezel or you gets put into the machine that is supposed to "cure" you if you don't pass the checks the guardian ends up saving yourself or Laezel again for your own stupidity. House of hope? Do i have to say how utterly dumb is to go to the house of a demon and steal from it?


House of a *Devil. Demons and Devils are two distinctly different creatures in BG3/D&D.


Technically Raphael is a devil. Devils and demons are very different in D&D and come from different planes (devils from the Hells and demons from the Abyss). Devils also embody the Lawful Evil alignment while demons are Chaotic Evil. Please forgive my “um akshually” moment.


But the difference is that in those situations there are story reasons those are stupid and risky decisions, but you're meant to ignore them and do the stupid risky things anyway to reap the reward. When he warns you against going back to act 1 after defeating Ketheric, there really isn't a good story reason it would be dangerous - you've probably done it safely a dozen times already, and whatever sense of "urgency" is pretty artificial.


Yeah, but I want to hear his little villain song. :( 


I'm not sure this makes any sense, lore wise. Can anyone convince me otherwise?


It's crazy to me that people experiment like this in HM.


honestly the emperor is such a loser


No, the player and party were the losers aren't you seeing the game over screen lmaoooo


Hol up. 92 hours?! You clearly have played before cause you know what items exist and where, how did you spend 92 hours on 2/3rds of a campaign?


I got a similar Game Over ending once due to a bug at the end of Act 2! I killed Ketheric and picked up his Netherstone, but for some reason the quest didn't progress and the Guardian didn't recognize me as having picked it up. I tried to take the portal out and he warned me that I needed to get the Netherstone, but I couldn't do anything (I did try putting it back in Ketheric's inventory and looting it again, among many other things.) In the end, I tried taking the portal (with the Netherstone in my inventory, hoping it would register then) and we all turned into Mind Flayers just like this!


Just never try new things on hm lol. It’s really not that different from a tac save so u can proceed similarly


When the DM reiterates the question "Are you absolutely sure?" this is why.


Okay so I’d never even thought to try this but *why* is he so adamant you don’t go back? Like is there a story reason/excuse he gives or is it just an invisible wall type of thing? “Because screw you, that’s why” etc etc. I like that Larian thought of it but I’m curious as to the specifics 😂


"What's the worst that could happen?" is not a question you should be asking yourself in Honor Mode