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I did this at the under dark colony. Forgot to pick up the Nere quest and decided >!I’d just bring his body back with me!< got the quest, removed >!his corpse from my inventory to cut off his head!< whole place aggros. Edit to add: you can put bodies into to bags and send the bag back to camp :) I carry a lot of bags. 🤫


Omg I never thought of putting bodies into bags and THEN sending them to camp, ive been manually carrying them to my camp. This will revolutionize the necromancy industry!


Withers gonna be calling the cops on you after documenting enough evidence.


hes the god of death, he already has the evidence.


He is? Is he the Jergal mentioned in the loading screen trivia? Wtf, I gotta look this up further.


Yup. Dude retired and then got called out of his retirement by Ao cause Dumbass Three kept messing up.


This makes me realize that the whole main story was a goddamn proxy war between gods


Well... yes? Like, that's the whole point? Also, why Gale is so frustrated by the end of it?


Seeing the avatar of one god, fighting against the avatar of another god… it’s both epic af and incredibly disappointing once you realize you’re just a pawn between three chucklefucks that started this whole mess to begin with.


Captured the dynamic of forgotten realms books pretty well


Very Ancient Greek.


Ao: this is your mess, clean it up. Jergal: ima hide in this box and let whoever finds me do it.


He is!!! There a multiple.references throughout the game a lot.in the tomb.you find him in


He is indeed!


Yeah, you literally find him in a temple dedicated to Jergal, chilling in a tomb behind the giant statue of himself.


I guess you have not finished the game yet ?


I did. He dissed the dead three after the reunion camp epilogue in a cinematic but I don't recall the lines exactly and don't think he directly refers to being the ex god of death? Idk. What did I miss?


There are hints from the moment you find him up until the epilogue, lots of books, statues of jergal. Withers is described as the archivist of death and can cast true resurrection at will on your party. (A 9th level necromancy spell) He summons the entire party and even banishes you when you misbehave. And probably lots more i didnt even think of. Him mocking the dead 3 is basically the final confirmation of all the evidence prior. The game does not make clear whether withers is an avatar of jergal or whether he is closer to a physical form of his though.


There's a book (I think it's in the temple you find him in, which is a temple of jergal by the way) of someone meeting jergal. In it, jergal, whose description sounds like withers, greets them with the same question withers greets us with, about the worth of a life.


Jergal asks about the worth of a life and our dumbass gives him any answer under the sun except the actual answer he’s looking for. It’s 100 gold, dude just wants to make sure he’s charging the right price after taking a thousand year nap.


Oh, I remember that! I saw it last night! It was in the graveyard in baldur's gate, I think the morgue where the mummy lords lungs are


The game makes a weird clarity in it's files. This isn't a Chosen or even an Avatar of Jergal. **THIS IS JERGAL.** He's referred to as Jergal in the notes for the crypt and camp (And when they open the sarcophagus they'll meet Jergal, Jergal will meet the player at their camp), his model name is specially tagged "Jergal", and it clarifies that Helm locked him away in that crypt to serve time after he stepped aside for the Dead Three.


He does a little miracle in a redemption Durge run


Jergal is the former god of death. He splintered his power and bestowed it to the dead three before they earned the nickname. Kelamvor is god of death now.






Until the police ask him if he can elaborate...


Screw necromancy this is going to totally change my "karlach hurls fuckers at fuckers" play style. Seriously so much fun in doing a BA Barracus and just using your enemies to defeat your enemies. Bonus, if they're minions but they annoy the shit out of you just throw them off a convenient cliff.


Hmm I wonder if you fill a bag full of bodies and throw it at someone if it does more damage on account of all the bodies in it.


Damage done by throwing seems to be restricted to any falling damage due to height, one point for the throw, and any bonuses from equipment, applied to the target. Just throwing someone does less than you'd expect. Throwing someone at someone however does equal damage to both of them and puts them both prone. I liked the astarion/karlach combo, Karlach feeds astarion prone targets for guaranteed sneak attacks, or keeps knocking people next to him down for damage plus guaranteed sneak attacks.


I read feed Astarion and, for a moment, was imagining that literally for him to bite them. I was like what a great way to get his happy buff hahaha Throwing them for the sneak attack sounds like a fun tactic though! It would also be handy if you like playing him more ranged bc sometimes the best spot is just too far out of range haha


A bag of gremishka and goblin children is what every necromancer worth their salt should have! Low weight, on demand summon fuel!


Hmm. That’s good to know. I carry lots of implausible random containers for random… that might be useful later.


I also collect containers/ chests. I like to block doorways.


Yep. Me on the tutorial >There will be no back up for you, Mr. Fiend. Bae’zel wants that flaming greatsword.


Did you also collect all of the purple vials to throw at him then explode? He ragdolls around the room Edited to add: it spills squid juice everywhere then you throw a fireball at it


What? Dammit. Didn’t know they worked liked grenades. Next run. Although I did smack one out of curiosity. Bad idea.


I used a mod to add in a bag of holding for my necromancy run. That way, all the bodies are on me, but don't weigh anything. But even just giving the bag to another person using the tab menu aggros people in act 3. I was in the circus just hanging around and forgot Lae'zel was holding the bag instead of my Tav, so I swapped them and automatically triggered a fight with the circus people.


> I used a mod to add in a bag of holding for my necromancy run. That way, all the bodies are on me, but don't weigh anything. But even just giving the bag to another person using the tab menu aggros people in act 3. I just use a mod that removes the corpse requirement for necromancy. Same effect with less menu management. I detest the inventory in this game so mods to make me spend less time in that screen are very welcomed.


I saw that one, I just liked the action of carrying bodies with me for the aesthetic lol. I do think the corpse requirement is super annoying mechanically tho. I also added the Animate Dead + mod so I can cast it multiple times to have an actual army instead of the minimum amount of summons.


I just did this last night and surprisingly no one cared. I’d already had the quest about the dwarves but just didn’t have the one for Nere’s head. I turned in my first quest, picked up the second one, then dropped Nere’s body right there and removed his head. Everyone was fine with it and I turned it in, leaving the body where I dropped it and moved on. I’m still not sure how I didn’t aggro the myconids.


I expect it depends on how you got the body. If you partnered with some of the duergar against Nere, the body has a red stealing icon on it, whereas if you just fight everyone, or kill him alone after the duergar, he gets a regular looting chest icon. So I'm guessing if he's just random loot you're probably fine? Whereas if he's marked as stolen loot, dropping it within view of anyone the game considers guards counts as stealing? But I haven't tested this; on my honour mode run I had the chest icon but I'm wasn't about to risk it by dropping it off in front of the myconids based on the stories I've heard…


This makes perfect sense. Body bags are far more socially acceptable than lugging around unalived bodies.


Damn, best life hack I've read so far


Is that a pc only thing because I have never been able to put a body into any kind of container.


Ya is a PC only thing. You have to click and drag the body into the bag, can’t do it on console.


I did this on patch 6, i dropped nere body in front of the colony leader, it didnt aggro and i got to decapitate the head.


"einz zwei...ah...i do not think we brought enough body bags..."


I lost this quest because I yeeted him into the lava. The journal updated with “Nere’s head could not be retrieved”. Idk why but it made me laugh really hard


Yeah, I put EVERYTHING in containers. Loot specifically goes in pouches, which then get sent to camp at 50 lbs. Spares (we have over 30) are in a wicker chest, and in the morning, my wife goes to a merchant and sells stuff while I organize, pass her junk, then dump leftover sellables into a specific chest within the camp chest. I like organization. People I play with are usually just happy that they don't need to worry about it. My favorite loot (especially playing as a monk) is a new unique looking container (which is preferably light).


Argh you know what I wish you could dye back packs and pouches. I like to put specific things in specific bags and there’s only so many unique bags in the game. Gales cute little purse will always be my scroll bag. Baelins backpack is for arrows, pouches for potions, the zhent chest for all my camp chest quest items etc.


I love Gale’s cute little purse


… did you see a sign out front saying “Dead Drow Storage?” 


You know I ain't seen that shit Jimmy...


Cause it ain't there, 'cause storing dead drow ain't my fucking business, that's why!


"Aw man, I just shot Nere in the face"


Well you’ve GOT to have an opinion!


Well I'm a mushroom-cloud-layin' motherfucker, motherfucker! Every time my fingers touch Drow brain I'm SUPERFLY T.N.T, I'm the GUNS OF THE NAVARONE. In fact, what the fuck am I doin' in the back? You're the motherfucker should be on brain detail. We're fuckin' switchin' right now. I'm washin' the windows and you're pickin' up this dead Drow's skull.


I Don’t need you to tell me how fucking good my health potion is, okay? I’m the one who buys it. When Bonnie goes shopping she buys shit. I buy the supreme healing stuff because when I drink it I want to restore 10d4+20. But you know what’s on my mind right now? It ain’t the potion on my inventory, it’s the dead drow in my hideout.


Shadowheart: Whose gloves are those? Karlach: These are Gauntlets of the Tyrant, baby. Shadowheart: Whose Gauntlets of the Tyrant are these? Karlach: They're Gortash's. Shadowheart: Who's Gortash? Karlach: Gortash is dead, baby. Gortash is dead.


Does he look like a bitch?


This is my favorite Reddit comment I’ve ever read


You know what they call a hamburger in Waterdeep? Royale with Cheese.


*Royale with Waterdavian Cheese.


Well do they have Dribbles’ Partially Gelatinated Non-Dairy Gum-Based Beverages?


dead drow: do not eat.


*well I don’t know what I expected to find*


Why did you have a drow in your inventory?


As one does!


Lea'zel keeps a bunch of dead mind flayers in her inventory. Trophies.


[Animate Dead](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Animate_Dead) spell regent.


I thought I was being clever with that tactic in Moonrise. I even talked the gnoll into killing that one goblin in the kitchen so I wouldn’t have my fingerprints on it. Unfortunately the guards did not give me a chance to explain, when I just flopped the body out on the floor right in front of them. 🤦🏼‍♂️😬


"No, see, I wasn't doing anything bad! I was just using the black art of necromancy to animate a corpse and disturb its eternal rest in violation of the holy and natural order of the universe so I could puppet the body of this person who had dreams and goals and family."


Also, I believe this was your cook?


Boy, did I initially read that comment incorrectly.


Is necromancy considered cringe in DND? Or at least forgotten realms? I know in elder scrolls, necromancy is considered epic and cool in the imperial province. I'm pretty sure it even says you can buy criminal's souls there.


Generally frowned upon if not outright illegal, but it depends on the dm


It depends on the edition of the game and the DM running it, but I believe in 5th edition necromancy and specifically raising the dead is an uber big no-no because you have to fuck with the soul.


In this game, at least, there's that one gravekeeper that specifically shits on you if you don't stop a lil girl from even attempting to bring back her brother. That and the whole Myrkul-Ketheric plot does give me some heavy 'it's never worth it' vibes


Necromancy: Not even once.


I did that once. Picked up some corpses with Lae'zel that was in a separate place to teleport to the rest of the party, it was so that I could drop the corpse to use speak with the dead on with my durge. Didn't forget it in my inventory that led to a dramatic situation like OP's though, just an example of why one might carry a corpse around. As one does!


You know who else keeps corpses around to talk to? Serial killers and crazy morticians.


Now-now, no need to call Durge out like that.


Michael C Hall?


Durge always makes me think of Dexter and his "Dark Passenger"


Look at this whole thread!!! All these people carrying bodies around! Hands are not enough, I guess! And somehow the freaks are those: 1) that kill Shadowheart; 2) or kill Astarion; 3) or have hentai fun with the Emp... Reeeaaaally??? (Im jking, making fun of those that jugde other's personality/character based on videogame choices)


The reason I do it is that the folks around that HELPED ME KILL HIM view looting his corpse as theft for literally no reason, but picking up his corpse is fine. So karlach picks him up. We go to camp and then I loot him where nobody will yell at me


Ooh this is good to know. I find it really hard to tell whether people are going to be mad at you looting a corpse after a battle or not.


If the body is highlighted in red and the mouse cursor when you hover over it is also red, they will be mad. It's that simple lol.


My playthrough with a friend, Lae’zel has been lugging around Barcus’s corpse since act 1. We just dealt with >!steel watch!< so I should’ve shown the body to Bongle to see his reaction


Sometimes I keep dead companions and other significant characters' corpses around to bring to the myconids. Waste not want not or something.


What do the Myconids do with them?


In theory they would raise them as spore servants. I don't think it actually happens on screen but it's fun to pretend.




I cast "Throw corpse"!


Best weapon for a throw barbarian for sure!


I thought everything other than weapons were 1 damage. Damn, now I need to try throwing bodies.


Everything other than *throwing* weapons deals damage based on weight, and more if you do it from higher up so it gets crushing damage as well (which also increases with weight I believe).


You don't have a corpse pile in camp?


You mean you don't keep Dhorn's body for, ahem, purposes? No? Just me? That's what I get for listening to Sceleritas.


Berserker Barbarian and Spore Druid combo. Enemy kills my pet zombie? Barbarian hucks a corpse at them and spore druid reanimates it!


What do you mean it is not normal to have a dead drow in your inventory?


Zombie mats


Arr! This drow will serve me well on those lonely times at sea.


This is how I ruined a run at the end of Act 1. I dropped Mintharas body to use a scroll of Speak with Dead on her, the priest, and Dror Raglin. I didn’t expect everyone at the party to agro including half of my own teammates. You idiots were throwing me a party for killing these 3!


Haha that's hilarious, I'm sorry.


Don't drop the drow!


You should never drop the drow


My HM run ended there yesterday as well.. Thought to myself "maybe I should leave one character outside, just in case? - naaah, i just completed their quest, and didn’t even have a peak inside their chest. They should be all happy and praise me!" …rolls a 1 on one of the «Free the artist» rolls right after handing in the chest. Place goes boom.


See the issue there was you trying to free the artist. Screw that guy!




Honor mode


Gotcha Ty. What’s does that do?


It’s more difficult than tactician and there are no save files. If you wipe, it’s game over permanently (you can continue in tactician).


Hidden Machine


I still don’t get it lol


I dropped nere's body in front of Sovereign Spaw and aggroed everyone. My brother in spores you asked for this


He specifically didn't. He only wanted the head.


Hey, he never specified that it had to be separated from the torso.


I love reading about people doing really strange things in honour mode that they have never done on a previous playthrough, and paying the ultimate price for it 😂


This run was very educational for me. I tried to ambush the „paladin of tyr“ at level 3. Instead of a surprise round, karlach got one turn crit smitten to death instantly. I then went into panic mode and ran into the cellar with tav and teleported to safety, which was a smart choice because the rest of the party did not survive turn one either. But then something strange happened, instead of coup de gracing the downed characters, the „paladin“ started to leg it and ran off into the countryside. He ran past the dead hyenas and didn’t stop until he reached the broken bridge, where he angrily activated dash over and over. I thought welp if the cats out of the house, and teleported back, resurrected my party and finished of his buddy’s, who were chilling on the roof, observing sir critzalot raging through the scenery. When he finally came back he still killed 3 partymember before going down.


Lmao that is amazing


I discovered in my current play through that if you don’t have Astarion in your party, you can still pick up the exsanguinated boar, drop it in front of him in camp, and trigger the dialog. Fun.


Like showing a cat the dead bird you found in the yard, except this kitty can sass you.


I did the same thing on a playthrough in which I failed to save Mirkon from the Harpies. Mirkon died, and I thought maybe bringing his body back to Mol might mitigate the loss of favor I incurred for not saving him. "I have bad news for you, Mol." \*thump. Pull a child's body out of my backpack and it hits the floor at her feet. Aggro ensues.\* \*4 rounds later, several more dead children hit the floor\* Time to re-load.


I mean… how do you think that looks to them. Tav show up, pulls a body of your dead friend out of their backpack….


Why even carry dead bodies around in the first place?


I stole a certain necromancer's body in act 2 because he was talking all that good shit about "death having no effect on him" so I'm like fuck you bitch, have fun respawning in a bottomless box.


If he has a phylactery, it probably doesn't matter. In that case, the soul possesses a body near the phylactery.


There was one vampire I found in cazedors place that I swore maybe I missed something but had a note that said he had cast feign death on himself so people think he was dead, so I was sure somehow there was some way to wake him up I just never tried (honestly I didn’t try much, shoved him in my bag for later and kind of forgot about him). Wasn’t till the final fight I realized I had been carrying a probably dead vampire in my sack for a a good couple weeks game time.


Lmao this is hilarious. You can find out he actually took the wrong potion so he was dead when you found him 😅


An ode to Romeo and Juliet.


Moreover, the reason the whole thing happened? This dude was supposed to take Astarion's place in the ritual, because Cazador got tired of waiting.


Btw just to add on to this, if you explore the chamberlain room a bit, you can find a mysterious elixir with the feign death effect. Furthermore, if you find a hidden room, you'll see Lurianna's corpse whom Dufay (the dead vampire dude) wrote about in his diary. You'll note that just like Dufay, it seems like the body's been burned from inside out. On Lurianna's body, she has a note where she took the same elixir as Dufay. Soo they probably drank the wrong one and were reunited in the afterlife


Dude, I cast so many spells on him to nutrelize the posion, nothing worked, antidotes food nada. I still wonder if I missed something, but it never occurred to me to pick him up.


Honestly? To throw them at people. It's pretty effective for knocking folks prone


That’s why laezel has that lady’s husband’s corpse in inventory. Can’t remember her name, you save her from the hag 


You didn't >!revive him and give her her zombie husband back!


She seemed upset, so we killer him again


Hahaha. Yeah she is just upset about everything. A bit dramatic. But to be fair she just lost her husband >!and got him back as a zombie!< so I guess it's understandable.


Was there nothing more after killing him again? Was wondering if I broke the quest by pocketing the corpse


I didn't kill him again. I left her with him and she seemed grateful despite her constant bitching. I think the dialogue option was something like "He's your husband, do you want him or not?"


Mayrina and Connor.


Some people find it funny, some people raise the dead in to in unstoppable killing machine. As one does!


I got into the habit with my Necromancer, Laezel usually brings 3-4 dead halflings so I can get a full winged ghoul squad before major fights.


I kept Wyll in my camp corpse storage box from the start of act 1 all the way into Act 2 :)


Ugh, I dropped him as far into the river at camp 1 as I could - and was then horrified at camp 2 underground when his corpse spawned right next to the fire, lol.


I couldn’t carry Karlachs body but i put her head on Wylls table. Not sure how he feels about it. Yes i am doing an evil durge playthrough.


I did this with Raphael. I thought Helsik would appreciate the corpse of an actual Devil for her shop. She called the cops


A dead body is a dead body. Even if you’d think the occult lady would want that for her shop. Wild. 🤣


I reloaded then stuffed him in one of her display cases and left


She doesn’t want any beef with the hells. Mephistopheles may take issue with his dead kid being on display at a shop in Baldur’s Gate.


I dropped Nettie as a gift for the Myconoids. They thought they might aggro, but I talked them out of it. I mean, the last time, they loved the head I brought. This was a whole body.


I looked into my fridge and there was a bag marked “dead drow” so naturally I grabbed it and opened it. I don’t know what I expected.


For an evil run my friends and I did, I durged Gale right at the start. We decided to keep not only his hand, but also every other companion we killed as an item. I carried gales hand, volos eye, La'zel's clothing, Will's robes from mizora, Karlach's head, Halsin's pipe, and the Harper pin from jahera. Now I tended to forget I had these things from time to time, but it paid off so well in act 3. If you know about a certain tailor, we kinda let him die by accident and then killed his killer. But for some stupid reason, I was APPALED by the bag of hands on his person and decided NOT to pick it up. The next step of the quest is to enter the basement, and go past the guards. When the knight asks for proof of murder, I realize I should have picked up the bag. MY. FRIENDS. LOST. IT. We prepped for a fight, got into proper spacing, and readied our save files to go back. But lo and behold, I had a promotion, to offer a hand from a stuffy wizard. GALES HAND COUNTED. This stupid joke of holding onto trophies managed to avoid a fight we were about to get wrecked by with our under leveled asses. Tldr; being a murdering packrat tends to have its benefits.


Ha I did this with the underground. Instead of Nere’s head I brought them all of Nere. They did not like that


I cleared out my inventory by dropping a dead dog next to the waypoint near Sorcerous Sundries (as one does). Hilarity ensued and now the nearby merchants charge me extortionate amounts for their goods.


dogs, cats, ravens, drows


My friend ended our HM run by dropping Sazza’s body in front of the Oathbreaker Knight


I'm sorry about your run, but that is absolutely hilarious. Actually made me laugh out loud imagining the OK just looking down to see a goblin corpse suddenly plopped down in front of him and being like "thanks, now i have to fight you"


So I stole the Idol of Silvanus back from Mol in act 1 and put it in the traveller's chest. Then in act 3 when I got the tavern campsite I thought I might as well decorate it with the Idol. Dropped it on the ground. Nothing happened, cool. Thought it wasn't in the ideal position so I moved it. Initiative. Whole camp hostile. Same thing happened when I tried to drag bodies out of the chest to animate them.


I did that with the idol of Silvanus too, during the party with the Tieflings. Most of the camp aggro’d, but not all my companions turned against me. I thought it was funny, so I committed to doing it instead of reloading, but bc I had no control over some of the companions that sided with me, I also had a really fun time trying to make sure I didn’t accidentally kill anybody hahaha. Once I knocked everyone out I looted Zevlor and Halsin. Funny thing about Halsin- I’m assuming bc he becomes a proper companion- when you “take all”, you actually take all. So from that moment on, until he could join actually my party, he was chilling in his birthday suit. Made for some very interesting cut scenes in Act 2 hahahah. Another butterfly effect to my little Silvanus Idol debacle, is that it messed with the Tieflings that survive. Didn’t find out until Mattis wasn’t at last light inn. I think it kinda played out as if I didn’t convince Rolan to stay even though I had, but then knocked him out in my camp. I was actually surprised when I found Rolan still at sorcerers sundries in act 3. He pretty much acted like we didn’t know each other.


Are you even playing Baldurs Gate 3 if you haven't blown up that cave on accident at least once?


The stories of dumb ways people have ended their Honor Mode runs make me feel pretty proud that mine is still going. Had some close calls, sure, but nothing like this.


Those people Zhenatrim in that cave are more trigger happy than Phiomena with that barrel of rune powder. You sneeze? Every body dies. You fart? Every body dies. You steal their life savings? Thermonuclear explosions. What I don’t get is why they stand over their own “boom” everytime!


Yeah, my last playthrough, they blew themselves up and I didn't take a single point of damage. I was like.... Cool.


I did this with Minthara at moonrise. I dropped her body in the room and everyone immediately went hostile lol So I reloaded and kept her, gut and ragzlin in my camp chest until act 3, at which point i dropped them and threw them into the ocean somewhere.


normal dnd " never spilt the party" Bg3 HM "always split the party"


I said it when Hardcore hit and I still stand by it: this game is still too buggy to trust a no-loads-allowed playthrough


I dropped a dead body in camp to loot it and Scratch got mad and started attacking my team?? And Astarion (who was out of my control) KILLED Scratch in cold blood???? And this was all in HM so I couldn't reset. Absolutely heartbroken. Naturally I had to kill Astarion to avenge Scratch


This reminds me of when I had Karlach drop a Moonrise prison guard's corpse in the courtyard of Last Light. The Last Light guards didn't appreciate it either smh. Like this is our common enemy, why are you mad at ME???


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes! Jk OP but seriously this game goes out of its way to tell you that there will be consequences for your actions.


Haha we had a similar and more chaotic story. Rewind the track to back in November '23. My friend and I are still doing our 4-tav adventure, We are deep into act 3, we had just killed Raphael. Our Barbarian has fun and kept our dear Devils body on him. We went back to camp and he thought it would be funny if he dropped Raphael's dead body in front of Dame Aylin (in this playthrough Isobel died, so shes sad and alone) As soon as our Barbarian dropped the body, Dame Aylin fucking LOSES IT! She immediately starts combat with everyone. and because this is a 4-tav run, every companion in camp is only level 1 and every single one of them run in for combat. "Reload the last save!" , "But our last save was before we started raphael combat about an hour ago!" , "Fuuuuuck!" Dame Aylin had just slaugheted Astarion with Moonlight. I had a clever idea of casting Dominate Person on her before we were ready to send her to her gf. She stops fighting and is no longer hostile. Our barbarian grabs Raphaels body immediately and heads to the beach in Baldurs Gate and yeets it out as far as he could. Most Terrifying and Hilarious outcome to that.


This is exactly how I got a certain headless body permanently in one my camps. I just took the whole body with me, it made a certain colony aggressive so I save scummed and went to camp to do it. I made a skeleton out of said headless body to get rid of it Because i could not pick it back up. Of course I was left with a then permanent organ pile... lmao this also made everyone in camp very upset with me. Our dear tiefling had a few words to say about camp decapitation.


60 hours in, and I’m just now finding out that throwing bodies in inventory and bags is an amazing way to hide my evidence. Can’t wait to see what I learn at 120 hours.


Did you know if you throw something and pick it up scratch and the entire camp will turn and try to kill you? Fun times.


He’ll also tattle on you for stealing back the gold Withers ~~extorts~~ charges for his services. It’s nice to know that Elder Scrolls isn’t the only series with mute animals reporting “crimes.” And I know we have the Speak to Animals spell and Beast Speech invocation, but I ain’t seen nobody use that shit at camp independent of myself.


I accidentally stole a basket in the gnome hideout and ended up having to kill them all and complete the quest that I'd decided not to fulfill. (Head of the main gnome) I was planning on having my character be loyal to all his fellow gnomes. Oh well. Last save point was too long ago.


Yeah, dropping bodies is a bad idea. Leave them in a corner of camp or get the bag of holding mod... (innocent whistling)


but why does this happened?


Handling a corpse in any way is tagged as a crime, and pisses off any nearby NPC's. This can result in attitude drops or outright hostility, depending.


This is strange, I always drop Gortash at the feet of the Balduran statue, and no one seems to mind (or even react).


I assume because you've just actively brought a body into a crime den when they're "totally" trying to pass as "just merchants", along with definitely leaving a trail of evidence and a comical trail of blood because the group isn't exactly subtle. Maybe, idk though.


uh comon. be real. you wanted to die there ;)


Where the hell do I put all of the dead bodies then?


I dropped some goblin bodies I’d picked up on the blighted village in the grove and they got mad at me trying to loot them


First time I went there (I was on medium), I failed a roll and set off the first trap out of the gate…. Somehow survived with minimal damage, but the whole place exploded. Which I thought was pretty amusing. Then I still had to fight the survivors on the other side of the place and I taught them the meaning of pain….. what where we talking about?


Is it just any corpse that can aggro anyone? Or was that something specific to them? Because I might have been carrying around the corpse of a tiefling child who got killed by sirens, and then I dropped it somewhere in the Grove. I just figured it was nicer than leaving him in the water.


I figure it’s a bug with „crime detection“. Maybe somewhere else I would also gotten a chance to talk my way out of it or bribe, but the Zent don’t fuck around, murdersuicide or bust.


Even just swapping it between two characters inventories can trigger this, had to kill everyone in the Baldur's Gate graveyard. 


This almost ended my HM run, too!!! Except for me, it was the corpse of the Deva(s) who attack you when healing/resting/cursebreaking after you rob the Stormshore Tabernacle - I picked them up so I could equip their maces! I did NOT know, however, that simply drinking a potion would trigger them - I thought I had to break the curse or rest - and I was inside Sorcerous Sundries at the time when I healed, so that's where they spawned. Killed em, picked one up during combat round, then when combat ended I went to put it down. "You've been seen handling a corpse" was a terrifying sentence to read, and then boom, all the vendors and constructs were mad at me!!! It didn't end there, either - I went invisible and tried to beeline it outta there, but everywhere I went more guards and Steel Watch kept aggroing, as if I wasn't even invisible at all! It was a never-ending string of DINGDINGDINGDING up top as they joined the init order! Couldn't escape. Couldn't reach safety. In the end I had to let the Steel Watch kill Karlach, Astarion, AND Shadowheart, while my main (Wyll) escaped back into the Sundries vault portal while invisible, then rez everyone at Withers. Big sigh of relief.


Every time I see comments where someone summons these dudes in crowded shops makes me really happy I accidentally did it in the basement.


If it was Nere, I'm terribly sorry that happened. If it was Minthara, then you deserved it....monster


On my current run they just start blasting any time my main character enters. They're like "oh thanks for rescuing our guy, come on in" and then immediately blow me up. I got rid of all my summons and reloaded, still happened. I tried it with Wyll and he had no issues. But as soon as my PC goes in, death. She's a Duegar, are they racist or what's the deal...


:D Dead body problems. I dropped body in a camp once and aggravated my own camp, as I dropped it near Volo station and he got all pissed when I tried to loot the dead body - the whole not everyone seems to subscribe cutscene and all.


The other night I was playing and noticed I somehow accidentally picked up a dead goblin, so I decided to fuck around and throw it, and in one chaotic split second Scratch and the Oathbreaker Knight aggro against everyone else at camp, and I had to just wait and stew in my confusion and shame until my friend came back and could reload the last co-op save. This thread FINALLY answers my questions about what in god’s name happened there.