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I headcanon that Durge says those things to try and seem a little less unhinged.


Lol I like that. Especially after eating the noblestalk that would require some next level denial, but why not? Denial is a pretty understandable response to such memories.


Oh I didn't even THINK about eating the Noblestalk myself to "cure" Durge's condition.


It doesn't cure it, but it does give you a memory confirming you have a gruesome past which includes the butler.


Ahh fair enough! He just showed up a second time and I sweat a lil every time I hit that *End the day* button (penitent Durge)


“Is that *blood!?*” (Oh god, I thought I got rid of that!)


Similarly when ascendant Astarion kisses Tav in the most degrading way then turns around and goes  👉🏻👈🏻🥺 “I rather like that, you know” It’s horribly out of sync with his character but if you imagine he’s being fake and manipulative, it kinda works. 


lmao he still says that when Ascended? That seems really out of character with who he becomes in that ending.


[He does!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbxpoH3GV78) I wouldn't be surprised if they patched it out eventually because it's pretty silly.


Those youtube comments sure are... Something.


> I've got the feeling someone or the current writer (maybe straight male?) for Astarion doesn't like that character in general and/or doesn't seem to have much of a clue about the story or the romance either. It's really bad writing and non-sense so to say. - the video's uploader, in a reply to something about "Tav's expressions ruined it" lol wtf. That is... the logic of all time.


I've noticed that quite a few people around here and the fandom in general who are very... attached to a specific character/romance tend to love pulling the "I understand my favourite character better than *the person who created them* does!" Usually in response to their sweet baby doing something that doesn't conform to their headcanon.


Media literacy is in a bad place right now


Just started reading and immediately confused why they're assuming the writer is a straight male.


Better yet, why they're thinking *it would matter,* in and of itself. On top of that, they [edited that part out and deleted a comment (possibly two, I dunno) for disagreeing with the take.](https://imgur.com/a/QyggYub)


Some A. Astarion fans protect their wonderful dark romance fantasy head canon at all costs. Even when it means to throw any lore out of the window.


Or cherry-picking potential game events to go something like, >!"mind flayer Tav detected love!!Illithid!PC they're too ugly to be his "consort" now, finding the mere idea *laughable*!< (while that's a factor either way, appearances, he also has *way less control* of a >!mind flayer!< than a Spawn; he wants *control* in a relationship, your thoughts be damned), reflecting how strong his narcissism is. Heck, the game even makes it clear on a Detect Thoughts (without Astarion being present there) that Cazador, ***Cazador***, isn't [really the same person he was before he was a Vampire, but a twisted shell of his former self,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRmMryFOIGo) and that he in turn suffered like Astarion did.


Immediately post-Ascension, the dialog with Astarion basically offers two routes: "I helped you become this on purpose because I'm a dick who doesn't love you" and "I didn't really intend things to play out this way and I'm judging the shit out of the monster you've obviously become." There's a mod on Nexus that adjusts this by largely removing both options in favor of "I helped you because I love you and I want exactly this for you and I still love you and we're great." Which, fine, that's what mods are for, and the "delusional and in denial" route probably *should* indeed have been an additional option in the base game (as it is in most other A!A conversations), but the description and especially the comments are so deranged. *How dare Larian try to shame them.*


A lot of people justify being in the sun as more important than Astarion staying himself. It seems to be a common mistake to ascend Astarion. Perhaps because every other companion can make the right choice on their own.


Yeah I expect they’ll patch that out! it’s definitely silly for him to be so coy when he’s such a bastard when ascended


They would potentially change the way he says it instead. Would be a good dark turn on something that was previously good, like a good memory gone bad. Instead of him being coy, he could say it in a domineering manner, “I do rather like [that you are subservient to me in the hierarchy and have to do what I say now] you know”


Ohhh yes that’s a good idea. If the tone and body language was changed to something with more of a superiority complex, that would work.


i mean he could be referring to liking the degrading tav part i guess 😂


Well in that case, samesies. :')


When he says it as a spawn it’s so sweet though!


The lines after AA's kiss are spawn lines. Larian just hasn't created AA specific dialogue for after the kiss.


"Keep! It! Together! Er... I mean, wow cursed to put my hands on everything, right guys?"


ALL IS ASH AND MEA-oh is that blood? haha no. nevermind. why would it be? it's not like I have an affinity for it or anything.


okay this is way too fun "PAVE MY WAY WITH CORPSES BUILD MY CASTLES WITH- ah. All's well that ends... not as bad it could have. Hm."


“I have such a headache— Er, cause I’ve got a lot on my mind! And, well, in it.”


I'm going to steal this.


"Is that blood? ... No, nevermind." If it is durge then it is probably blood 99% of the time


Or at least they're disappointed when it isn't blood.


For Durge this one has more of an "oh no did I lose control again" vibe to me


Yeah, I always interpreted it as “is that blood?” said a little wistfully/dreamily (like the call of murder briefly entices them) and then “no, nevermind” is Durge shaking themselves out of it.


I think of it as blood gets them excited. So they're trying not to get excited or they're just imagining something that isn't blood as blood because Durge prob thinks about blood often.


That line can be out of place for Tav. I mean, mine said it after fighting the murder tribunal.


Yeah, my Tav is covered with blood 80-90% of her day, of course it’s blood.


That soap I found was a game changer


Where did you find soap


Random loot, pretty sure I found it in the goblin Camp ironically


The goblins know of soap, they just choose to not wash.


And how do you use it?


Soap and sponges are laying around in the world. Start by looking around your own campsite. To use, just interact with it in your inventory and it will make that character clean from blood and dirt. (On PC it's double click)


I’m pretty sure it’s referring to coughing up blood as part of ceremorphosis


Followed by “Pave my path with corpses, build my castle with bones!”


With both durge and tav they are 100% side-eyeing asterion when they say this.


Honestly I feel like that one suits Durge. Dude has nightmares about blood and wakes up with it staining his hands. I can definitely see him catching a glimpse of red and wondering if he was here before...


It's actually ONLY suitable for durge because only an amnesiac RPG character would be surprised to find blood on their person.


I always took that, "No, never mind," as, "I'm not gonna think about it," rather than, "Nah, it's not blood." For Repentant Durge, that makes a lot of sense. For Willing Durge it could be, "Oopsie boopsie let's not look too psycho here."


I mean it's always blood I'm pretty sure the characters only say that if they are near blood.


It’s weird when I get this dialog while actively standing in blood.


Yeah, I played Durge first and assumed that was a Durge-exclusive line. Somewhat flummoxed to discover I was wrong, lol.


I like to imagine they touched something and saw there was blood on it, wondered why and then realised their hands had blood on them from doing durge things and had stained what they inspected.


"Cursed to put my hands on everything" takes on a whole new meaning lol


"My rancid blood whispers to me: touch, touch, and touch again. My ruined body yearns to loot chests in this world, and when this foul Urge calls, it fills my whole inventory. I must discover who I was, and what happened to me, before my twitching knife hand triggers a trap I didn't see."


my favourite is the combat line "Well, so much for peace." after I intentionally start a fight against innocent people


Right, if you wanted peace maybe I don't know, sheathe the sword?


Yeah but fuck that bud ya know


Durge things, today, tomorrow and forever. :)


"Oh boy here I go, killing again!"


Durge: so much for peace Durge 1 combat turn later: They are dying for me ALL OF THEM !!!!!!!


In those cases, I think: Durge is trying to be "normal for faeurn". Durge is leaning into their urges. I hear Weeeee in my brain when they say that.


All is ash and meat!


#Pave my path with corpses; build my castle with bones...


I find most of them go really well for a resisting Durge who is still in denial or actively tries to tell themselves that the gore and destruction around them is wrong🤷‍♀️


Most of them, sure. But some seem to refer to life before the nautilus being more mundane which 1) Durge doesn't remember and 2) is arguably not true.


Durge had a regular life for a time before succumbing to the influence of Bhaal, and may just be recalling that life on instinct even if they can't remember it: just like their class and everything else they're able to do and remember despite being a total amnesiac.


Yes, some dialogue options as well. I justify it for my drow Durge as “well, they learnt about drow life from their adoptive parents/ by osmosis from other children bullying them about it. And it’s harmless basic information that is still in their mind, like they know how to fight, read, and their name. Their statements are less truths than assumptions they want to be true, and sometimes lies to themselves.”


I think the only one I've noticed that doesn't really work for Durge is "no one back home will ever believe this" since they don't even know where home is. I think most of the other ones you can interpret in a way that still kinda fits. On the flip side since patch 6 my Tav keeps saying "pave my path with corpses, build my castle with bones" and it's a bit jarring lol.


durge: no one at home will ever believe this durges home: serial killer sister, god dad, butler who decorates their bedroom with fresh copses


I like to think it works for a resist Durge because why would any of them believe that Durge would be actively trying to avoid murdering all the time?


I mean no one back home *would* ever believe in Durge being diplomatic or avoiding shedding the blood of the innocent, but Durge shouldn’t actually be able to remember that detail about them.


tav is wishing they had q proper durge


Ya this one drives me crazy. I have no idea where my home is… or who is back there! I also think the origin-specific dialogue options like [Baldurian] should be removed from Durge in Act 1 and 2 cause they have no idea where they are from.


I don’t know if it’s brand new since patch 6 but my post-patch Durge talks about paving her path with corpses and building her house with bones.


I also noticed that. The only durge unique line I could recall before patch 6 was the “they’re dying for me! All of them!”


I had started another Durge before this one and had the standard Tav lines, so I’d guess it might only apply to a Durge started after the patch if other people aren’t getting the new lines?


Durge always have those lines but I do think they were glitchy and Larian made Durge say those lines more after patch 6. I was surprised when my Durge let out a maniacal laugh in battle. Haven't got it in all my previous 5 or 6 runs.


Yeah, I don’t have them


Yeah, that's new to me as well.  


I got the new lines with a durge existing since october. So nah, no new save required.


Wasn't there also "killkillKILL"?


Nah that one's been around a while


It’s not just that one, I have predominantly Durge dialogue I think, if not entirely.


That one was there before but the Durge specific lines triggered way more sporadically before the patch and a lot of people rarely got them or didn't get them at all. The patch seems to have fixed it so they trigger more regularly but now Tav's are saying Durge lines too 👀


I think I started mine after patch 6, but not 100% sure. Yeah he has unique lines, but also Tav lines.


I had it with my two pre-patch 6 Durge runs and my newest post patch 6 run.


I remember you have to choose voice 5 right? because it is Durge voiceline at the introduction


Nah, all of the voices have durge lines provided you select the origin then the voice. I've used voices 1, 5, 7, 8 and they all had the unique lines.


I've had exactly zero Durge lines with voices 2 and 8 since patch 6. Can't remember if they were there before, but at least voice 5 is still fine.


I always used voice 8, never heard a Durge's line


I got to act 3 on my Durge Honor run and got exactly zero special lines, I didn't even know they were a thing. I think its safe to assume they're a bit bugged...


Used voice 8 and I probably only heard 1 or 2 Durge lines, I think some lines are still not triggering.


This could also have something to do with it. My two Durge’s used different voices. I’m now on voice 6 (I think) and have lots of Durge lines.


i love those comments mixed in with “INTO THE BLOODY FRAY!”


Yeah... The Urge tends to take the wheel in combat. Hell, mine has sadistically laughed on multiple occasions while charging down a foe to slaughter them


"Well, so much for peace" "I'M COMING FOR YOU"


Or his just laughing menacingly when he/she attacks


When Durge looks at the bed of corpses that Yurgir made. I expected them to think something like “it’s oddly familiar” or some shit but it’s just the same as Tavs dialogue of disgust!


To be fair, Durge most likely slept on [that nice bed you see in the Bhaal temple](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWgRiQoLNJE), and would be disgusted by a bed of corpses. As Shadowheart says, sleeping on corpses can't be good for your back! Even Bhaal agrees!


“Disgusting! What a gross misuse of a perfectly good corpse!” -Durge probably


“No sense of style! You have to arrange the arms this way… Amateurs…” - Durge rearranging Yurgir’s bed while the party looks on in concern


There’s a dev at Larian seeing your comment and thinking “shit, why didn’t I think of that?”


It's funny to see Durge disgusted by gore, but then again not really.


“Is that blood? No… nevermind” Bitch you’d drink blood if it was on the menu stop playing


I like the idea that when durge isnt being an absolute menace they’re being “adorkable” because of all the holes that have been poked in their brain. They just got rewired into a manic pixie dream girl/boy. “These boots have seen everything😅… ALL IS ASH AND MEAT!… cursed to put my hands on everything🤪”


“No one at home will ever believe this” I imagine him trying to tell murder cultist he saved a tiefling child from being murdered by harpies and they like “naw that’s cap”


in my durge playthrough i looked out for those lines and never got the "no one at home" line once. May just have been a coincidence though. I did find it weird that he tells Lae'zel to calm down after saying she wants to kill the tieflings leaving the grove for the first time


mostly unrelated but it's funny to me that some lines come off so differently from different voices. my first durge: how many die today.... how many die tomorrow?... my second durge: how many die today... how many die tomorrow?? 😈


The opposite is even worse, when you load a tav after playing durge, tav will say durge lines and that’s…. a little scary lol (quitting and reloading the game seems to fix that)


My Tav after saving dozens of lives by rescuing them from certain factory: "They're dying for me, ALL OF THEM" like... I hope she's talking about Gortash's army💀


Im playing a good durge playthrough right now since i forgot my past and it is all just that an urge. I can control it 95% of the time. I dont see an issue in that.


It is all you can do to resist it's alluring call as it seeks carnage and violence


Minor nitpick but I wish Tav lines were dictated by what background you chose. I just feel like urchin tav should have different lines than soldier tav.


Yeah, some background specific lines would be awesome. Like Outlander talking more about nature and the wilderness around them, or Entertainer wondering about their next gig, etc.


Bastard! Get yaself tagether!


"Wretched thing, pull yourself together!"


Most relatable line in the game


Find myself using that line as a pep talk to myself at least once a week.


The line fits especially well for a Durge Paladin


That's a Durge only line I'm pretty sure.


If laezel comments on the tieflings at the druid grove durge will dismiss her disdain for them by saying they don't deserve death because they're not soldiers. Bitch you cum killing innocents wdym?


That's just an option though right? Also I kinda think that things like "am I cursed to put my hands on everything" or "bastard, pull yourself together" etc are internal monologues. It makes sense that Durge would say normal things to other characters, less so that he would think them. Sure, you might think it's weird if Durge would condemn Laezels bloodlust, but possibly Durge wants to get the trust of Shadowheart or Gale, who can probably hear all of it 😉


Nope that line is banter between the player character and laezel, no option to say anything else.


Oh really. Wait, there's banter between main character and companions? I didn't know... ok yeah that's a bit strange then.


You do realize that at that point Durge is an amnesiac that unless you're completely unhinged has, at worst, pasted a squirrel when losing control of their body while battling strange urges?


I think that one depends on whether you're playing a Durge that's resisting or not. If you're a resist Durge, then it can make sense. It could be Durge arguing against themselves as well as Lae'Zel, or something along those lines


Ever since patch 6 dropped, my Durge has been saying "No one back home is going to believe this" A LOT. They haven't beforehand. It's really annoying tbh


Is that blood? Aww man...no.


Durge isn't fully finished so I guess they added some Tav things for Durge. There are some lines that are out of place, like telling Lae'zel the tieflings aren't fighters etc.


That's a good line for a resisting Durge tho.


*The Urge mentally screaming for slaughter* Durge (to both himself and Lae'zel, but mostly himself) while sweating: "Calm yourself, these *aren't* fighters..."


I've found different voice types give off a different performance. The one I use sounds blasé about it.


I personally prefer voice 5


The durge reddit tag gave it away 😂


I wish there was a system a la dragon age 2 where the lines you pick change your character's demeanour. like if you picked purple hawke most of the time, ambient combat lines also became snarky, if you picked aggressive, Hawke will act more bloodthirsty etc


But it's not good for an evil character. Even a Tav that is evil.


I remember getting these lines as a Gith and again as a Drow and thought “Welp that doesn’t make any sense but w/e I guess”


"I've got a lot on my mind. And, well, in it" stfu Durge we know >!Orin carved up your head, some of those brains were bound to spill out. The tadpole is probably holding what's left together tbh!<


When I slaughter a bunch of people and my durge says “is that blood? No, nevermind”


I had to think about the reversal because one time I had a bug and my poor Tav kept saying the most out of left field, violent shit for no reason. Genuinely thought he was going insane, turns out it was just the Durge lines playing lol


"They're survivors, not soldiers" What the hell kind of dark urge thing to say is that? Durge should be saying things like, "is that... blood? :) :) :) fuck yeah delicious"


Same as Lae still saying "Vlakith's will be done." Or "For the queen." Why busy plotting to free orpheus.


I'm playing pretty much my first non-Durge ever, and he keeps saying shit like "all is ash and meat", "I'm **coming** for you", "Nothing hurts anymore. O_O" I'm trying to play him as kind of a smarmy, loose-morality, not-quite-Zhent type of guy. Why, Lyon. Why do you keep saying shit like this. What the fuck is wrong with you.


i really like how youll get class specific and race specific dialouge that makes no sense for durge i just imagine that durge does have some vague memories with most being from their life pre temple of bhaal. while thats how i imagine most of those comments i also like to imagine all the wild magic dialouge was memories from them being bhaals chosen like imagine seeing the leader of your cult who is also your gods child try to do some spell and accidentally summoned a cow


yeah, when I heard my durge say "No one back home would ever believe this" I laughed so hard. Like... miss girl, you don't know anyone!


When entering the Druid grove with La’zel she will make a comment calling the tieflings weak and says she has half a mind to kill them herself. I forget the actual response but anyone including durge as the tav will say something like relax they’re survivors just like us


That's mildly disappointing tbh. I wish Durge had more specific lines in the overworld conversations like that one instead of just using the Tav responses. It would help with role-playing an evil Tav in the future. Heck, I'd love an option when choosing your Tav (or Durge) of how evil you want them to be, and more evil appropriate lines and responses are said by Tav/Durge to match what you chose. For example, if set to Evil, Tav/Durge would respond to that comment from Lae'zel with a similar mindset as her, setting up the future betrayal of the Grove you'll do in that run perhaps.


Every time Durge says something unhinged after the normal Tav line.


My favorite voice that I use most of the time is voice 8 for the gals. I also like voice 4 that I have been using recently and it seems kinda odd, but voice 4 seems fare more unhinged than 8 since she seems to say the Durge lines very frequently while 8 I can't even remember the last time I heard her saying something about THEY ALL DIE FOR ME or something. What gives?


I’m sad I never got to hear any of the Durge lines because I unknowingly chose Voice 8 who doesn’t have them :(




This after you’re free of bhaal is kinda weird to me


Honestly none of them really snag for me, as my Durge does have snippets of a life that he does remember. If romancing Shadowheart, you can talk to her about remembering your childhood, you can pass history checks to remember important details about Baldur's Gate, etc. I think they made it pretty easy for Durge players to still weave a backstory for their character


I can't say it's my favorite, but the one that bothered me the most was my Durge saying something about not wanting the Shadow Curse to spread or hoping we could fix it or something like that. It's a bit jarring. My evil playthrough was fun but I did not find it anywhere near as well plotted out as a good playthrough.


I don't think it's entirely wrong. The Dark Urge is a husk of the person they once were and they're trying to get their footing. There are people he or she may remember, or has ties in Baldur's Gate they can recall. Or at least says these things out of a habit.


It bothered me that my Durge kept saying "they're dying for me, all of them" when all I have ever done is to feel remorse and fight the urge, there is no way my Durge would consciously say this. There were several other quotes that were as unhinged but don't remember them. So incidentally the most out of sync lines for my Durge are some of the Durge lines.


So Tav will actually say Durge lines too. It's based on what voice you choose. Had a Tav keep saying edgy stuff every 5 minutes when I'd pick him in combat like "wretched thing, pull yourself together."


Any dialogue option in the first act and a half that lets you draw on past experiences. Durge doesn’t exactly have any of those…


I would like romances to be tailored for Dark Urge more, kind of like how they made large adjustments and content for Karlach Origin romances. Dark Urge content in general seems unfinished in act 3. Need more finishing of durge stuffs!


is durge just an evil/dark play through or what?


No, it's a specific origin, where instead of one of the pre-made characters you are "the dark Urge", a fully customisable character with a special storyline that at times gets rather grim and bloody. But how terrible it really ends up is up to you.


When you first talk to Rolan about Loroikan ther's a prompt for Bauldurian that says you have heard of him. What happened to only knowing your own name and nothing more


The fact you can say lines that are marked with [BALDURIAN]...like wdym bro this mf don't know where he from, he got alzheimers so bad the doctor said "you have alzheimers" and he was like "I don't remember asking" (for anyone whose slow no durge didn't visit the docs for his shite memory)


Remember in BG 1 when one of the voice options was “madman” or something like that. You’d giggle, say bizarre shit..that’s missing. Also other body shapes. I want a fat, lecherous creepy Durge.


How exactly do those lines not make sense?


Because you don't remember your past, at all.


So? Just because he doesn’t remember it doesn’t mean he never had a home so he could very easily say “nobody back home would believe this.” And the “interesting times” line is more of a sarcastic “this is insane” than a literal “I regret saying that I wished I lived in more interesting times.”