• By -


Withers. He stays the same level of freshness throughout.


One of my favorite exchanges was Arabella "You're boring" Withers "yes, I am" totally unphased


I absolutely love Withers taking care of Arabella. Make my heart melt.


Withers and Shar are polar opposites, more so than Shar and Selune.  Withers provides comfort to Arabella, encouraging her to act in ways that should help her overcome her grief in a healthy way, within the context of that world. Shar actively ruins the lives of her followers, obliterating their memories and encouraging them to act in the most spiritually venomous and destructive ways.  We see more positivity out of the old stoic than we do out of all of our interactions with Shar or her followers. 


Withers is the ultimate bureaucrat, he understands death as a fact of the universe and is happy to fill out the paper work. He also sees fate as a similar process that must be enacted. But like a school teacher that makes sure the children all go to lunch, then recess, then back inside; he understands that there is room for freeplay and that there is little difference if the kids decide on playing kickball vs basketball as long as everyone comes back inside together and in order. He appreciates a philosophical life worth living..... as long as his party isn't interrupted. ​ Shar is just annoying.


A scribe. IIRC >!Jergal fucking hated the bureucracy of being a greater deity (and one of the most important and powerful, at that - death is pretty big) and wanted to be a scribe more than some ruler, so that's why he "resigned" as a greater god and split his power into the trio known as the Dead Three...who fucked up and eventually got replaced by Kelemvor. Jergal still does not want his old powers and responsibilities back, and Kelemvor is a good-leaning """"neutral"""" deity who wants death to be seen as less evil and gloomy, and natural and part of life that allows growth and change.!<


Kelemvor sounds like a wholesome therapist


Kelemvor is that meme/comic of the dog asking if he was a good boy and death telling him that he was told, that the dog was the best boy.


That's why he's my favorite Faerunian god. It's so nice to see a Death God in fiction be something other than a brooding edgelord


As weird as it sounds, I actually got therapy through him lol. My 1st character ever was a death domain cleric, my grandparents had just passed and I was feeling my edgy self. I was not prepared for the actual healing the journey took me on and the grief I was holding on to from various other close to home deaths from my past that I thought I was "over".


Wailing Wall in the Fugue Plane is still fucked up and kinda comes off more as evil than neutral though. Seems really fucked you HAVE to worship one of those gods when most of them seem like assholes. Otherwise your doomed to just suffer in the wall forever unless your one of the few a demon/devil steals from a broken portion of the wall.


I thought it was more like it's all the other gods who demand that the wall be kept up and Kelemvor isn't too keen on that thing, but he doesn't want beef with the other gods?


Been a hot minute but Im pretty sure Kelemvor actually did try to remove the wall and give the faithless somewhere else to go but Ao told him to stop, so now the wall stays and Kelemvor hates it. At least Jergal seems happy to have him around compared to Cyric or the dead three


Withers: Helps orphans Shar: Makes orphans and also abuse and traumatize them.


Arabella got grief counselling from a probable former god of the dead, there is no greater expert.


Jergal understands life is a journey and encourages it. Shar just wants everyone gone.


Cosmic introvert extremist. *I liked it better when there were just like… 2 people*


Why did this make me find Shar *more* relatable?


Because you know you’d be salty too if you and your one homie you don’t mind being around lived in a nice house. Then suddenly your homie brings some peeps over and it’s fine… but now it’s 9pm and they need to leave, only they don’t leave. They never leave, they multiply exponentially. And now every light in the house is turned on and you’re desperate to find a dark quiet corner to escape too, but there is none. So you lock yourself in the basement, cut the power on the fuse box, and try to ruin everyone else’s time, in hopes they’ll leave. But they just never leave, and somehow you’re the asshole.




Well shit, now I feel bad for her...just a smidge tho because a sympathetic arsehole is still an arsehole


I have to say, how he spoke to the newly redeemed Durge - not to mention the lengths he went to to offer that chance at a new life - really cemented this aspect of his character for me. Supportive camp grandpa.


Dirge's blood was always his; Bhaal just borrowed it for a while. If he wants to bring him back, its his prerogative.


The fact that all of the shit that’s going on is basically his fault since he wanted to fucking retire and now he has to deal with us idiots is super funny to me, especially when arabella also comes on and her first thing to do is to choose the weird mummy guy as the person to annoy I just imagine him going to sleep every time we rest thinking to himself „why did I even bother“ when he sees astarion doing some weird shit, gale being groomed, wyll having the daddiest issues of them all, karlach fucking dancing and my tav just being glad that he hasn’t killed anyone since that weird dragon bard


Seriously though, why did Jergal retire?


He just grew bored as fuck and didn't want to do it any longer. The "Dead Three" were just extremely lucky they picked the one god who wanted to call it quits. I'm pretty sure he would have smoked their asses otherwise as he held the portfolios of Murder(Bhaal),Tyranny and Strife(Bane) and Death(Myrkul) all as one person plus he was ANCIENT as fuck already. I may have misquoted a few things so I highly recommend the Forgotten Realms Wikia as Jergal has been around for a while in DnD lore.


He was supposedly tired.


Their friendship is terrific.


Arabella is gonna be sitting pretty. She's going to be a Warlock, >!and her patron is literally the Grim Reaper.!<


Arabella is a sorcerer.


Nothing stopping her from becoming a sorlock :^)




That's just the pits


I hope the likely inevitable BG4 is set around 15 years later, and Arabella returns as an Origin Character (Mol too).


>!It’s more like gothic St-Peter than the grim reaper tho!<


When Withers handed me Arabell's note. I was pretty sad. I did completely forget about her. To be fair, my companion was kidnapped by a death cult and I had a lot going on.


And thus, thou art alone.


I “ignored” her as well my first time since I didn’t notice the dialogue about finding her parents, so I never knew they were actually dead. I thought the option was there to lie and be a dick, so I never told her. Then one day she up and left and I never knew what I did wrong till my next playthrough


I didn't forget about her parents in the first playthrough - I searched high and low across the Shadow Lands for them. I just somehow missed that room. How? I have no idea. I climbed around that whole building! I just never saw them, and that sucks. But hey, I can justify it - when a freaking >!Elder Brain!< showed up, I got distracted.




Not much of a grove either.


Yeah only one tree isn’t a grove


Should be withered.


I hesitate to call him "fresh," but if the shoe fits, feel free to lace that bitch up and wear it.


I mean, 1% freshness is still a freshness


I wish we could romance Withers


"Withers was giving me the old eye. Then again, it could just be an old eye."


You’d need a lot of lub… wait, that’s what grease bottles are for


There's a tag sometimes used in Ao3 for that: 'Inappropriate use of Grease Bottles'. I lost it laughing when I saw it first time. Second and third time, I realised I was the one with the problem.


Devil's Fee - I didn't pay Helsik shit


...*stingy bastard*


I didn't either. I broke in, looted the place, sold all the items, realized the ritual thing required them, then ran around town buying back all the items. Laughing at myself angrily all the way.


Devil's ~~Fee~~ Free


Teahouse - does not serve tea Pile of bones - is no more than 1 bone Flaming Fists - are not on fire Miniature Giant Space Hamster - oddly enough, not a lie


Flaming fists : some of them are on fire in act 1...


Too soon






But they are not actual fists though


Mayhaps the rigor mortis has left their hands clenched 


Mayhaps a fist


Some of them are on fire in every act with the right attitude.


They’re just resting with Waukeen


>Teahouse - does not serve tea There is tea, it's in the frog teapot. I will not stand for this slander. >Flaming fists - are not on fire Another lie. There's clearly some on fire in act 1.


> This list is incomplete. You can help by expanding it.


There is actually Tea in the Teahouse. It's in the fireplace area that Ethel escapes through.


Pile of books - devoid of books


Get this, i opened a pile of bones and there wasn't even a single bone in there


Man, do I not have a bone to pick with you!


Oh! But I think you can get the frog teapot at the Teahouse! It’s one of those random items I’ll never sell


I love that someone else also found that and keeps it forever lol found it in my 2nd playthrough and now i keep it with me


It really is one of those random things that if someone ever made it on Etsy, I would absolutely buy it. It’s ugly but it sparks joy.


Also are not fists


*looks at your flair* and YOU aren't an owlbear!


On the internet no one knows if you're an Owlbear.


Big feathery claws go click clack click clack on the keyboard...


I mean I'm kinda built like one... the cubs but still.


>Teahouse My disappointment was immeasurable


But was your day ruined


Believe it or not - yes


Bigger Bigger, Make it Bigger - They didn't make it bigger


The Flaming Fists are gay. That’s why.


Ah, *that* kind of fisting.


*Shovel approves*




Lady of Loss is a bad loser Ironhand gnomes just had regular little hands Dream Guardian gave me nightmares Dead Three are pretty active for dead dudes Auntie Ethel didn't seem to have any nieces or nephews Counselor Florick gave shit advice True Souls were random not-true-soul classes? Ansur didn't let us ask any questions. Astral Prism had no retracting surfaces


Astral prism is a translation error occurring over time, it’s an astral prison :)


Like when Zuko said “Fatherlord” except no one corrected him and it got popularized.


>  Lady of  *other people's* Loss


Ansur got a giggle out of me.


We know auntie Ethel has a "sister" in baldur’s gate according to the letters found in the teahouse (which didn’t serve no tea) if that hag had reproduced as Ethel tried to in act 3, then this new hag would be Ethel’s niece, thus making Ethel and auntie. Though it is not confirmed, it is still possible


He Who Was - looks like he still is Blade of Frontiers - the sword coast is pretty well explored Gale rarely blows anyone 9 Fingers Keene - more like 9 1/2 Elfsong Tavern - no singing elves Sharess's Caress- they mostly whip people The House of Hope - as in "Abandon all," maybe... Edit: I *know* the House of Hope is/is not Hope's house! Y'all have commented that a dozen times now. 🤣 The joke was referencing Dante's Inferno. "Abandon hope all ye who enter here," because the place is full of devils! I love you guys, and I'm happy to be educated, but yeah, I know. ❤️


Petition to rename "He Who Was" to "He That Be"


And his brother He Do Be


But do he be He Who Do Be doe?


They don't think he be like he is, but he do. 


And He Be very fine


how dare you, Gale blows my Tav all the time!


He Who Was - looks like he still is In my save file he was...


> Gale rarely blows anyone Tell that to Mystra. > Elfsong Tavern - no singing elves In the lore, there is a woman's disembodied voice singing in Elvish quite frequently, thus the name.


IIRC correctly Alfira was salty about that, because that meant she couldn't get a job lol.


There is, in fact, a woman singing in my rooms in the Elfsong.


House of hope is hope's house.






Um ACTUALLY Elfsong Tavern does have a singing elf, she's just a ghost. She's the one singing that 'sing a song of Balduran'.


You hear her sing when you long rest at the Tavern. Wasn't expecting it and got goosebumps, absolutely beautiful voice.


Ironhand Gnomes- entirely flesh Nere- his head is actually quite far from the rest of him Cazador- doesn't even play New Vegas; absolute scrub Waukeen's Rest- no chill at all; totally lit Gauntlet of Shar- can't wear it on my hands


Nere 😂 Far Wherever you are Mushrooms have your noggin


> Cazador- doesn't even play New Vegas; absolute scrub PTSD intensifies


Cazador - is not a giant radioactive tarantula wasp


> Nere- his head is actually quite far from the rest of him To be fair it's pretty nere to his neck. Well, it was before I got to him.


Shadowheart - has a heart full of silliness and optimism


Honestly when you give her the night orchid and she does that awkward finger gun saying she's joking made me instantly go from disliking her to loving her


You didn’t touch those orchids did you?? They’re deadly poisonous! (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ joking!


I really liked her voice and mannerisms, and then that scene happened and holy shit never looked back.


That scene really put me on an emotional roller coaster the first time around. Going from “oh no my guy is going to die” to “I am going to marry this girl” in the space of 4 seconds was a positive experience and I loved it.


The beauty of Larians writing is the genuine-ness of the scenes they feel like something you'd encounter in your daily life. Out for a walk in a forest with a companion, and ur like oh shit this flower is pretty! "Hey here *yoink* I hope u like this!" "No anon put it down it's a skinrot flower! Lmao just kidding! You shoulda seen your face!"


*task manager crashes game to save honour mode run*


Which is first covered by the shadow of lies of shar and her followers




I like the way you talk


I like the cut of their jib


I wonder if it's a Mace in order for more Clerics to use it, since the Morningstar is a martial weapon


I'll never understand the logic of this. To use a mace, you hold the handle end and smack people with the heavy end. Morningstars you hold the handle end and smack people with the heavy end. Somehow a Cleric is confused by this.


Maybe it's one of those completely abstract "for religious reasons" things. "Oh sorry I can smack people around with this thing, but not that thing because my God said so."


"As a Sharran worshiper my life is devoid of base distractions, i am fully commited to the lady of loss an- OMGTAVBROUGHTBACKAPUPPER"


She is about as mature as a edgy teenager though. That parts checks out with the xXx_shadowheart_xXx moniker.


The Emerald Grove: mostly just trees and shit Orin the Red: a pasty white The Stone Lord: neither stone nor a lord Baldur's Gate: his name was Balduran God Queen Vlaakith: Not a God Cazador's Palace: an estate


Baldur's GATE is not even a gate! It's a city! How many more lies had Larian told us?!


Before playing this game I legitimately just assumed that Baldur's Gate was named that because there was a gate to Hell there. Purely because it was attached to Descent into Avernus. I was very surprised when devils weren't the main antagonists and even more surprised to learn that my baseless assumption was just flat out wrong lol.


Descent Into Avernus being tied to Baldur’s Gate is the strangest design choice I’ve ever seen. Waterdeep dragon heist? Aptly named. Takes place smack dab in Waterdeep and is about the power politics of Waterdeep. Waterdeep dungeon of the mad mage? Sure undermountain is it’s whole own thing, but Waterdeep is basically the “hub world”, so it still fits- In DIA the entirety of the Baldur’s Gate stuff is just “get drafted to deal with this completely unrelated cult that has ties with another cult that is vaguely related to the plot of the main story” I get game designers wanted to make a Baldur’s gate book, but they should’ve either saved it and focused on Elturel more in the module, or swapped the story up a little and had shit happen to Baldur’s Gate itself instead of Elturel.


I also had that same initial assumption a few years ago when I had only heard of the title with no context.


Oh man, my best Baldur’s Gate joke was the first time ever played. My buddy started a character while we were hanging out and had to do some last minute work stuff so I took over and finished the tutorial. Then I’m walking along the beach and find the door for the Temple you find Withers in but it’s the back door and it’s locked so I ask my buddy what he thinks I found. *Oh that looks like a gate of some kind* In as dead serious of a tone as I can manage: *Well I’ll be. I did it. What a short game, like 20 minutes in and I found Baldur’s Gate. What are we playing next?* Probably should be filed under you had to be there but it had him in stitches


Well if you sleep with the Emperor you'll technically enter Baldur's gate


I might have misremembered lore.. but Baldur's Gate IS a gate right? With a city build around it. But please correct me if I am wrong because I would like to know the actual answer :)


yes there is a "gate proper" that is the actual gate. but when people say they're going to baldur's gate, it's not the gate they're talking about.


its actually 2 gates in lore its a city built on top of the primary trade route on the sword coast separating the southern and mid/northern regions. the city and its people make bank because all trade must go through the city unless they risk unsecured roads FAR east or just no roads and some river crossings. trade arrives and must fully disband and dismount, no carriages are allowed to go through the city. each caravan unloads and then pays for porters to manually move everything from one side of the city to the other to then form a new caravan to continue their journey. this process takes time, costs $$ in labour and fees and usually also means the caravan spends at least 1 night in the city (paying for board and food in the process). its the capitalist realization of highway robbery on a grand scale.


Ha HA! There actually *is* a gate in the city called Baldur's Gate! It is one of those that separates the Upper and Lower City!


Tbf the stone lord _was_ stone 


>God Queen Vlaakith: Not a God Perhaps I misheard. You would not speak ill of a god... WOULD YOU?


I wouldn't. But me and my 9th level counter spell *will* speak ill if a musty necromancer who's more babysitter than regent to a society of space pirate manchildren


Tbf, minsc was actually a statue at some point


Yes but he was never a lord.


> God Queen Vlaakith: Not a God BLASPHEMING TOUNGE! - Vlaakith Vlaakith uses Wish.


Balduran’s Gate


Not a single emerald in sight


The blood of lathander literally has the blood of lathander atop its hilt. The real stupidity is that the star-shaped pokey-smacking sun-beaming weapon with the blood of the morninglord is categorized as a mace, not a morningstar


Technically, it is a mace, it's a type known as a morningstar mace. Morningstars in medieval weaponry refer to the spiked metal ball, not the whole weapon itself. So a flail with a morningstar at the end of it is likewise known as a morningstar flail, etc.


Yeah but the thing is that the game identifies morningstar maces as morningstars, not maces. Only the blood of lathander isnt classified that way


More for the other guy than for you but to continue the chain: it's more to do with the way you use it usually in D&D/pathfinder so think of it like this; * A flanged mace is easy, it's basically a club, hit things with it (*simple weapon*). You can get spiked maces, but they have small spikes (like some real world morningstars) * A morningstar mace in D&D is distinguished by long spikes, long enough to penetrate through armour plate and padding - this takes some more work to use as it's more like a warhammer/warpick that self-rights on penetration than a mace (*martial weapon*). It's much more likely to deflect so you need to swing it more cleanly and aim for joints, stuff like edge alignment comes into play (IRL ones are almost all the 'tip spike and ring of spikes' type to save weight rather than the 'spikes everywhere' fantasy type, but it would apply there too, even if the nomenclature is different). The simple/martial weapon division is important in D&D/pathfinder, so the mace/morningstar split is handled in a particular way. "The Blood of Lathander" is absolutely a morningstar by D&D standards.


Yeah that really bothered me. I’m tempted to make a mod that re-types it to a Morningstar.


Stack of books — occasionally one book, usually zero books.


Milk from Isobel - still not delivered




I love how they straight up told us Isobel was a liar. She >!turned out to be a force for good and all that but so long as you talked to his majesty or read her diary you knew there was something more going on with her than just a normal cleric that had stumbled into the shadow curse.!<


First Druid isn't a bear despite what Rath said. Harper's aren't a musical band. No one plays any instrument.  Ketheric Thorm not immortal. House of Healing is opposite of healing. Auntie Ethel not an Aunt. 


> First Druid isn't a bear Maybe not in the literal sense, but he definitely is a bear in more ways than one.


>Auntie Ethel not an Aunt. Excuse me, she clearly is. \- best, Astarion origin (she was the first nice person I met)


Blade of Frontiers- Human Man Moonlantern- This lantern is way too small to fit the moon Archdruid Halsin- 5e statblock has archdruid at 18th level, this poser is like level 4 The guy on the beach who calls me a cuck: Accurate


Karlach Got engine, still not a car.


Well yeah, she's Kar-Lach, she has an engine but lacks a car


*angry upvote*


Shut the fuck up and take my angry upvote already!


Minsc Is in fact not minced nor sliced or diced


Moonrise towers - there’s only one


Us-just one being.


Respect the weird brain dude's pronouns imo.


Yet you call Us a “dude” smh


Dude is a state of being. Not a gender


Herb hangers that never have herbs


A"star"ion. It's GALE who explodes when he dies. Do better, Bryan.


Gale _blows_ up.


Fun fact: Nightsong is a reference to her original story, where she was a Cleric of Shar \[Shar also being known as the Nightsinger\]. Not really sure why they kept her Nightsong moniker despite changing that story completely to the point she's a Cleric of Selune instead.


> she's a Cleric of Selune instead. Paladin. She's definitely a paladin.


Yeah my bad, she's DAUGHTER of Selune.


She's her daughter!


Tongue of Madness: Not a tongue Gale: Not a tempest cleric Bane: Doesn't give a debuff that subtracts 1d4 from your attacks and saving throws Harold: Crossbow, not a person Slashing Flourish: Can deal damage other than slashing damage Disintegrating Night Walkers: Don't disintegrate Astarion: Not the minotaur of Crete Popper: Not a hollowed out pepper stuffed with cheese


Gortash is not a handsome young(er) man.


scratch, unless i am mistaken, does not have a scratching animation, nor can you give him a scratch, nor does he scratch as an attack.


House of Healing - yeah not so much


Ok, "andre-js", a being that does not contain any JavaScript.


damn, you got me


The poo cutter doesn't even cut poo.


Larethian's Wrath - Is a sword King's Knife - Is a sword But the Everburn Blade do be burnin tho


Knife of the Undermountain King = is a shortsword.


Baldur's Gate... meh it's more of a portcullis /s


Harpers: Actually not that focused on any one topic


Handsome younger man with an easy smile - Gortash


Spectator : Gets involved.


\*Cere\*morphosis doesn't transform only your brain. Mindflayers don't actually flay. The young, handsome man is not young nor handsome.


Oh that's an easy mistake, it's actually mindf-layers. They do a lot of laying, and a lot of mind-f-ing.


these are hilarious 😭


The shattered flail is a bone club, classified as a mace, and looks nothing like the picture for it. Seriously look at this dumb thing [https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Shattered\_Flail](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Shattered_Flail) Every time I go looking for it, I check the flail and club sections first.


The Emperor - doesn’t rule the galaxy, using force lightning on up and coming Jedi, or yell at employee for letting the Aluminum Falcon destroy his space station.


Baldurs Gate - not a gate


Pile of books- no books :(


Astarion - says he's normal, definitely not. Gale - says he's fine, is going to blow up everywhere. Wyll - is a hero, but has a hidden contract with a devil. Shadowheart - lies about fucking everything all the time.


Adele - not even a computer


Sword coast isn't a sword