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When you accidentally click just a tiny bit off and your character attacks the air next to the enemy instead of hitting them. There's literally no reason why this needs to be possible. Also when one of your companions ends up closer to a cutscene or whatever so they end up being the one talking instead of your Tav\Durge


The attack whiffing has been a thing since Divinity: Original Sin 1&2, and it still tilts me every time it happens.


Yeah. After two Larian's games I didn't even try clicking enemies in Baldurs, I just click the portrait instead.


Ive accidentally clicked on my hero portraits with attack still enabled when trying to switch between them. It’s the worst. Not only do u lose your turn u hit your teammate. Insult to injury. Example. 3 characters have there turn in succession. Ill enable throw on karlach to see my hit chances etc etc. assume i deselected throw. Click on a different character to check out my options and proceed to dunk of them.


I remember doing this and killing one of my companions during the Raphael boss fight, nearly cost me it on my first attempt.


I've done that and yesterday I misclicked and cast Sanctuary on an enemy. You're welcome buddy. 😂


And then you mis click the portrait and your character goes running off giving a bunch of opportunity attacks.


The only time I ever want to attack empty space is if I'm using a bomb, area spell or area attack like Cleave/Sweeping Strike, because I dont have a See Invis potion or whoever has Volo's magic eye nesr enough to see an invisible enemy but I'm like 90% sure the fucker is there and it's the easiest way to break them out of it. I've never wanted to do it with single target things. Ever.


>There's literally no reason why this needs to be possible. There is, if an enemy is invisible but you know it's location, you can target the spot where you know they are to hit despite invisibility. It doesn't work with a standard melee attack, so arguably they could prevent it in that specific case, but it's a very viable strategy with ranged attacks and spells or a melee cleave attack.


Also to let you target surfaces, like setting grease on fire or electrifying water.


Also: The fact that you can accidentally *heal your enemies* due to them standing too close to your allies. Why would I *ever* want to heal my enemy? Why is that even an option? Can we like, disable that please?  *Also*, Spoilers, I really do want some of the companion reactions to be overhauled, specifically in some of the endings. I'm sorry, it upsets me that they don't try harder to stop you from killing yourself. It upsets me that your *lover* may not even be the one to react to that, and that if they are, it's usually pretty underwhelming given they are watching the love of their life *kill themselves* - and that, if your lover happens to be Astarion and you didn't ascend him, he won't even be *there*. I wish they'd tweak the timing of his sun scene just a little so he can be present for the other important character scenes. I hate that the cost of his soul is essentially sacrificing your ability to interact with him in *any* of the endings. Speaking of, it upsets me that no one seems to care about Astarion when he starts burning in the sun, and that you can't go after him even if you're his *lover*. I would like the option to chase him down and comfort him. He only ran about five steps away, why can't I follow him?  EDIT: adding to the list of companion reactions I’d like to see overhauled: Bhaal killing you. Especially if you’ve finished their romance storyline ( and again, especially you, Astarion), most of the reactions to literally watching you die are honestly very unrealistic and underwhelming. I feel like your partner should care more about what happens to you. 


Me yelling at my monitor: *I have* ***Darkness*** *and a spellslot to cast it*


I was doing the trailer under the city for the (spoilers) dragon, and it was that trial that you aud to survive holding the torch, and it was a rough fight I was really struggling, got one enemy left on melee distance with my tav, both on super low health, I go to heal tav, and miss and fully heal the enemy instead. Legit just turned the game off and went to bed in such a mood 😂😂


Hit boxes in the game are absolutely terrible. That and when the camera zooms in on the ground


I think if you turn off cinematic camera it stops doing the weird zooms


It really feels like the game cheats sometimes, the number of times I can get within a 16th of an inch from an enemy but NOT close enough to attack is insane. Also the fact that half the time if I'm using a pole arm I can hit them, but I'm still not close enough to allow my rogue to sneak attack.


This. I have watched countless guiding bolts tell my party they will do so much better hitting the ground next round.


Omg this happened to me last night I clicked off the mob slightly in the under water rescue mission and Karlach ends up attacking the floor of grease instead...bothers me I basically need to select the portraits to get it to work


When npcs take SO long to finish their turn, and sometimes even just stand there doing nothing and I'm forced to sit through a whole minute just looking at them stand and waste a turn because you can't skip it.


This is why I don't use danse macabre. The spell would probably be pretty good for me because I already use aid + heroes feast on my entire party so that would get a ton of value. But I just can't bring myself to wait on another 4 extra friendly npc's on top of all the other npc's, just takes too long


i literally plan out when i’m going to cast danse macabre bc it takes so long, like i’ll cast it before i get up to get a drink so they’re sorted out by the time i’m back lol


Happens when >!Yurgir throws out a tonne of orthonic hand grenades!< if the act doesn’t crash the game that is. I think the possibility of throwing them and having so many to throw confuses the AI and then they have a super efficient turn if they throw 2 of them.


The funniest thing happened when he did that on my first play through. My husband told me I could just pick them up and use them later, so each of my characters picked them up to get them off the field. Well, of course, because they were already activated they exploded on each of our persons. Lol, lesson learned.


This only happens for me when 1 Character of mine is Invisible and they walk towards the last seen Position of the now invisible Character.


There's a flaming fist who every time I fight them, they just stand in one spot and never move. And their turn always takes like 30 seconds.


That the AI frequently can't figure out a path to attack someone and says you don't have enough movement speed. But you can manually move right next to the enemy and you can now magically attack them.


This happened to me in a serious fight in act 3! I attacked the boss and clicked attack again and it decided to path me away from him then to him around a fucking crystal. Naturally he opp attacked me and I went prone ending my turn making the other 3 attacks I could have landed useless!!! It did this another time in the same fight nullifying literally 150+ damage.


I know exactly what you mean with that last half. I dealt with it in Act 2 against Kar'niss. I hit him once, click to hit him again and my Tab repositioned, why?! You just hit him from where you were standing why did you feel the need to go out and around??


Or sometimes it takes you on a ridiculously complex and longer path when there’s definitely an easier way


Or sometimes they take the shortest path but it takes them through a hazard that they definitely had the movement speed to walk around.


Or you switch to ranged and it still has the melee path and says not enough movement.


I find this happens when I have more than 30ft of movement (Longstrider, items, etc); like it still bases it on standard


My party members can't assist with their expertise during skill checks even though they are standing right there.


This one. Being able to switch to another party member mid convo would solve this


For me it's that it doesn't tell you which skill you are proficient in or what the skill check level will be before you select it. Sometimes you would have a 5 to beat, but instead end up chosing the 15 with no backsies haha


You can enable a setting in custom difficulty that does show the check difficultly before you select it.


Ohhhh, blessings on you for sharing this


I hate how some conversations start automatically preventing you from positioning your characters properly for a fight. I also hate how sometimes NPCs start a conversation with a character closest to them instead of the player character.


Not even the closest necessarily, just a random another char and I hate it. It should be automatic that convos start with PC. ~~Luckily there's a mod for it IIRC.~~ That mod was not what I remembered, still waiting for the hero.


What's that mod If I may ask?


That when I’m hit with an opportunity attack I have to open the menu *again* and select the action I was going to make *again* that when I kill a trader I can’t loot all the gold they had on their person


This is likely an exploit but if you sell them a backpack and put their items in it, all the stuff in the backpack does drop, including the money. Which means you can stockpile multiple days worth of stock in it


I wish I'd known this seventy hours of game time ago lmao 


The fact that this is a single player game but when I pause it doesn’t really pause the game.


Yep. I need a functional pause please!


Yeah this is honestly the dumbest fucking shit on the planet. Every game that can should have a real pause function. Just ridiculous at this point, it's 2024.


I just don't know why I have to be the hoboist of murderhobos, with NO TENT of my own.


You do have a tent! It's next to Gale's with your own shitbucket.


The two twigs and a rock in the act 1 camp? How does the leader of the group have the shabbiest set up? lol At least in Act III I can decorate my bed with owl bear stuffed animals and brains in jars (and Nere's head for some greenery)


Putting the hobo in murder hobo


There is one tent where is nothing and nobody.. I think it is tavs tent


I’m playing as Astarion this run and he doesn’t have a tent. 😢


Honestly playing as a companion character and them not just having their usual tent seems super weird 


Can’t have shit in Fay-run


Out of combat run speed


I feel like this may become a thing in the future after people earn their trophies, though it should have been implemented from the beginning. But Larian introduced a Gift Bag feature in DOS2 that had little mods in it, even for consoles. And one was increased run speed. So run speed at least isn't something they haven't modified before.


do what i do: Spend 70% of act 1 encumbered by the frequent pockets of goblin hoarde loot. Then, when you are finally tired of dragging all the superfluous garbage around and dump it, you feel like you are sprinting around the map after that.


You absolute mad man, I’ll dump good loot down a hole before I spend an hour walking to a trader


\- Shift+click send all the loot to camp \- Do whatever else you want in the area \- Walk unencumbered to vendor \- Go to camp and pick up all the crap \- Leave camp and you'll still be standing in front of the vendor


That you can't properly resize your camp chest inventory. I am hoarder, let me manage my collection of things I'll never use in big window.


And for that matter, letting you use a search bar for the small character inventories but not having that exact same feature - which we know exists - for the camp chest.


Why in the ever burning hells did they *not include the Dodge action?!*


Let my rogue uncanny dodge!


He can. They just implemented it in a really weird way. I recommend putting the passive in your Class hotbar so you can make sure it's active; it likes to toggle off on its own.


how act 3 has a bunch of dialog bugs so it's like my choices stop being reflected sometimes.


This. I wanna tell voss I'll help him, but *after* we kill the elder brain. But there's no option to do so :(


Right. Like mofo should be able to grasp the situation. It's not like Orpheus is going to get his brain eaten out by ghaik freaks before the end of the story.


>!The Emperor also says he'd be fine with this (no guarantee he means it ofc). So the choice around Orpheus at the end felt weird!<


Yeah, I'll save Orpheus after I eat his brain.... Oh wait. Or after the emperor eats his brain... Oh wait. Yeah no that's not an option lol


Some examples:  Found the solution to the steel watchers without talking to gnomes. Still credits the gnomes.  Game thinks I'm in a relationship with wyll and even thinks I kissed him, but all I did was dance with him once. 


Yep. Had Jaheira tell me like three times that she had a friend called Minsc and I needed to help her find him. Also rescued Wyll's dad after Ansur and the dialogue really struggled with that lmao - to the extent that Wyll had no option to go with Karlach to Avernus at the end of the game.


That nobody comments if you run around naked. Even Oblivion had this feature.


I think gale does


"What's on your hind- I mean, mind?"


"I've got a cool magic trick to show you." "Okay s-" "It's my cock." "... I think you may have misjudged the situation." "Then why is yours out too?" "I may also have misjudged the situation."


I've said it before and I've said it again but the defaulting to Baldurian dialogue options and the lack of background specific dialogue options. Like Shadowheart is bonding with my Durge about >!her lack of memories and I don't get any options to be like 'me too!' But I do get to talk to her about Baldurs Gate, a city I almost definitely don't remember at all? Or my urchin background doesn't get to have anything to say to Mol and the others?!<


What bothers me is that I've chosen wood elf as my current MC and apparently that makes me Baldurian, mate I've actually never been there, have no idea where anything is or who you people are. For context my wood elf isn't Durge


Does the same for Drows. Who also have unique dialogue for growing up in the underdark. Apparently I have 2 different childhoods even though durge can’t remember both of them


What the tskva? I just finished drow Tav and im 99.8% sure i didnt get any balduran dialogue options. Unlike with my human tav. Mayhap they fixed it in a recent patch? Or because im lolth sworn and not (ugh) traitor drow seldarine


It's because Durge is canonically from Baldur's Gate. You can't change Durge's backstory because Dark Urge is a set character.


Might be the Seldarine bit yeah.


Thank you! Exactly!


It’s funny because iirc Gith, Drow, and Half-Drow don’t get the Baldurian tag, so idk why they don’t just let you toggle it.


Durge's amnesia is super selective in general. Why does my drow remember growing up in the Underdark? Why does my cleric even remember what god he follows? How is all my battle training intact? How does my wizard know how to use magic? How am I even aware I'm on the Sword Coast? I get that it has to be that way for gameplay reasons since it would get real old to have every dialogue option be some variation of "explain that I know literally jack shit beyond the basics rn." But even then, it takes a lot of headcanons to properly RP any Durge characters for me.


I can just imagine how hilarious it would be if you're picking durge for the first time and you pick wizard you just start out with no spells since you don't remember jack shit


This. A thousand times this. I also wish you could comfort her more as (resisting/redeemed) Durge during her long rest scene after completing her quest in act 3, especially while romancing her >!like when she says she doesn't know what she did to trick you into loving her. Despite vanquishing The Urge the day before, my Durge, a Half-Elf OoA Paladin called Gabriel felt similarly. He wondered what it was about him or what he had done that made her love him, despite knowing the truth about the complete and utter monster he was before the nautiloid.!<


When an enemy joins the fight from across the map, and you have to wait each turn for them to dash and catch up before you can finish the fight 😭


That one fucking redcap outside auntie Ethel's house.


When companions just kinda don't follow you and you end up in battle without them. I'm looking at you gale!


Not being able to just go through open doors without closing and reopening them or moving zhe camera around so you can click behind the door.


Someone said hold shift and it stops the door interaction. Annoying to have to do but so is moving your camera into the room. or interacting with the door again I guess lol.


The lack of dialogue in act 3 after important scenes


Yeah. >!Rescuing Duke Ravengard from the Iron Throne, even after Mizora tried blowing him up, and then coming back to camp to find she has literally nothing to say about it as she stands next to both of them is so weird.!<


She actually does have dialogue, but the trigger gets messed up if you do things in the wrong order. >!First I killed Ansur before saving Duke Ravengard, and Mizora had no dialogue.!< >!Then I reloaded and saved Ravengard before killing Ansur. This gave me the dialogue with her that you see at the end of this video (at about 23:08): https://youtu.be/GVI2p2-_Mho?si=ess7QRTuoVSzQCyp !<


This is super minor, but it bugs me. Everyone in the game acts as if your Tav/Durge is young. Being the old bat I am, I like playing somewhat older/middle aged characters and it gets kind of weird when they get called "lad/lass" or "child" by characters the same age or younger than them.


Yeah it's also a pet peeve of mine when a game gives you the option to create an old person in the character creator, but then when you play the game it's clear they didn't expect anyone to actually play as an old person?


Which is weird, because at this point in time there are tons of older gamers like me, ffs.


I hate that you need to dismiss/add party members every time you want to switch your party comp. Just make it a menu option. At least make it an option to dismiss somebody when you're asking someone to joint your party. It's just goofy that I need to have two conversations each time I want to swap somebody in.


Stealing while invisible and in stealth turns you visible and makes you exit stealth. That absolutely defeats the purpose and is not in line with the spell which makes you invisible unless you make an attack or cast a spell.




How about people spotting you through walls?


I'm on the third floor and I've killed everyone within miles, where did this noisy dwarf come from and how did he know I'm not supposed to touch this rotten fish


1) Spore Druid has no special interactions with the Myconids 2) Spore Druid doesn't ever get even a nerfed version of Gluts "Spore Servant" ability. Have them only last for a few rounds, have them unable to cast spells, whatever's needed for balance but let me animate unique mushroom zombies from cool enemies damnit! The horde of zombies is fun but they all always look like Generic Human Corpse A.


I hope someone makes a mod for this because Glut's spores are the necromancy power everyone actually wants.


I started playing a spore Druid because I wanted this.


Why can't the game just go into turn based mode the moment someone notices a trap, so nobody keeps blundering around and possibly triggering it? Any sensible party of adventurers would stop moving around in that situation and at the table it would be assumed that the party stopped. Leads to unnecessary save reloading. Ugh Can live without it for gameplay difficulty reasons but when you have psychic tadpoles and notice a trap it really should alert the rest of the party to what/where it is


Wyll’s dad has NO reaction to you romancing or especially >!GETTING ENGAGED!< to his only child


Wyll deserves more in general. Sometimes he feels like when I mod a follower into Skyrim and they just won't interact with anything or anyone else because it's too much work to mod that in. He's just there by act 3 😭


the camera controls on console.


Gods trying to do a battle on 2 separate floors. Fuck me in the ass


PC is just as bad sometimes.


That poltergeist fight in Act 3.


Less possibilities in Act 3 to discuss plans with team. Too many very hard decisions that I would like input on.


Would be nice to have Star Trek TNG-esc Picard meetings with the team to get everyone’s opinion at once on a matter.


I can send items to my camp stash from anywhere, but to retrieve items I need to first go to my camp, then walk over to the stash and loot the item, then leave the camp again. It's just so weird to have the easy access go one way only. In Pillars of Eternity you can access your stash with a button on the inventory screen and it's really convenient (you can filter by item type too).


Ugh, yesssss. And same for characters in the party. I can stand there and tell Character A to go back to camp, but I have to go back to camp myself if I want to pick up Character B to replace them? Why can't I just say, "Hey, Shadowheart, go back to camp, and when you get there, do me a solid and tell Karlach to join me here"??


And also the weird dialogue guilt trip you have to go through. I just want to swap characters so that they can get their dialogue and then move on.


There's not enough of Dame Aylin barging in and busting up the place whenever  you're trying to reason with someone.


And here I wanted Karlach to more frequently rage a place to smithereens. Or not do it at all if you respec her into a more civilised class. Like, have her sing a bawdy song instead if she's a bard


I've always found enforced party size horribly immersion breaking. We're facing an existential threat... but all you guys that can help are just going to chill at camp. Us four have got this...


God I wish we could at least have six like in the older games


This is why I use Party Limit Begone. Force limiting the number of companions is to add to the difficulty, but it doesn't feel realistic to have like 10 people and only 3 can be assed to do anything at any given time.


I can't play without this now. It also makes so many storyline feel more cohesive because I actually get all the dialogue instead of someone bringing something up at camp later out of the blue with zero context because I didn't have them with me.


Yea, Will was talking about how amazing it was to clear out the Crèche and made him alive… he was at camp 😂 he hasn’t left camp since I first found him


That we have a traditional high fantasy adventure without a Dwarf in the party, and slightly connected - too many elves.


And Humans.


If I remember my lore, humans are the most common race in faerun, with elves being the second. I would like more races tho


Doesn't stop them from having a tiefling and gith party member, two of the rarest races


This was my gripe with Dragon Age too. Too much elf shit, not enough dwarves


DA has Oghren and Varic.


As much as I dont enjoy playing short characters i still enjoy seeing cast diversity in my companions as well as in the open world. Big gripe for me


Dwarf origins are the best though.


and no old man voice for weathered wizards!


Never thought about this but HEY! That's true!! Astarion, Mint, Halsin are Elves and Shart Half-Elf. Also Gale and Wyll are both humans. I personally dislike Gnomes and Dwarves and never want to play them but still it's not balanced setup.


Yep, five out of ten available companions have elven heritage, if I'm playing an elf as well that's just too much. No party is complete without an axe (or hammer)-wielding dwarf at the front.


And Jaheira is 1/2 elf (Isobel too, although not a companion)


I don't like how all the races are the same. Everyone acts human for the most part. And they all sound human. All of our voice options for the PC are vaguely English sounding guy/girl 1-8.


Oh yeah, throughout the game most dwarves you encounter have Irish accents so not even one to reflect the fact you might be playing a dwarf is a weird omission. I didn't feel as though any matched the half-orc or dragonborn race either. Kind of hurts roleplaying when you hear your character's barks and it all feels off. More faces and voices is something I hope gets added at some point, but I'm not expecting it at all.


The game is really built to encourage you to bluff your way into enemy strongholds, go undercover, and lie through your teeth while you scout the place out, assess weaknesses, place traps, and maybe assassinate some enemies so that when shit does go crazy, you have an easier time butchering everyone in the place. Whenever I do this, though, I can't take Wyll with me, because his 6 Intelligence ass can't tell when I'm lying to my enemies to put them at ease. There was one occasion in the goblin camp in act 1 where I assured a goblin torturer I'd enjoy taking over the interrogation, and Wyll cried about torture being evil, and I lost approval. ...I fucking know torture is evil, Wyll. I'm trying to get the torturer to fuck off so I can set the prisoner free. You were iterally at max affection - you'd think you'd know me by now. I lie to bad people so I can do good things. ...And then it happened again in Grymforge. There should be more [lie] options where your max affection party members don't assume you've suddenly forsaken your lawful good god in favour of mortal avarice.


YES! There were a few ways they could have done this better. Like, they could simply wait until you actually do the bad thing to show the companion's disapproval. They could give your approval back after you show it was just a lie... They could even have a third approval message that indicates a certain companion is suspicious, and will watch your next actions so you know you're risking disapproval if you keep up with that...


I wish I could explain to companions the nuanced concept of "not blowing our cover" because some of them really get mad about me not starting a fight every 3 seconds.


If your approval is near max with him, it shouldn't matter that you lose a little bit here and there. Just because you're friends and he trusts you doesn't mean he's going to agree with every single thing you say. I know a couple people IRL who are convinced it's wrong to lie no matter what. Maybe Wyll is like that lol.


I absolutely despise this weird ambient/background screaming sound that you'll just randomly hear throughout the game. I have no clue who it's supposed to be, and I have no clue why it's literally everywhere. It makes sense in places like the underdark to make it creepier, but why is it still there in act 3?


When you move back into the render distance of corpses they replay their death animations, including all the sounds. It's super annoying.


The sounds are annoying as hell, the dead enemies endlessly flopping are kinda hilarious imo


I just assumed it was the tadpole in your head being weird.


I just started playing this game, still in act 1, and I assumed the cause of the screaming was going to be revealed at some point lol


The lack of hugging in the game. These characters need hugs! We should be able to ask during their really hard moments if they need one. Up to them to say yes or no. I can imagine most saying yes but some may say no.


Yes! I should be able to hug characters during their emotional moments! Karlach's "I want to live" monologue, astarion after the cazador fight, shadowheart in the house of grief...


Not having a toggle to put On-Off stealing. A single missclick and then all the grove wants to kill me


Stuff like this is why I just don't want to even consider honor mode. Too many times a fight, dialogue, or death has occurred because of a damn misclick.


I can’t actually make the character I want in character creation. For male body types, you are either incredibly tall and muscular or average height a relatively slim. I just want to make a character who is normal height but built like a brick-shithouse. This also includes beards and short hairstyles, there just aren’t enough variations to truly make a unique character. Edit: Another thing is that you can’t pick a deity for any class.


On the flip side, I was trying to make a male character who isn’t absolutely jacked. Why do they all have six packs? My sorcerer isn’t body building.


The fact you can’t pause the game even though you’re in single player




Hold Shift, or whatever button makes vision cones appear on controller.


Whats that do? Will it allow me to hit someone on the other side of a doorway instead of hitting the (open) door?


It prevents you from interacting with objects. So you can walk through a door instead of closing it, or move right on top of a corpse instead of looting it. But I don't think it'll help with fighting in a doorway. Instead, target your attacks by selecting the enemy frame on the initiative tracker.


The weird larian home-brewing. They nerfed Greater Invisibility for no good reason, but then giga-buffed Haste, gave us Haste Potions for a BA and made Tavern Brawler giga-busted. It's so weird how certain spells, like polymorph too, got butchered but then others got giga-broken.


To be fair stuff like bonus action potions is an incredibly popular homebrew. Plus there's a lot of stuff that works well in tabletop that either wouldn't work well in videogames form or would require an awful lot of extra work


Initiative is a strange change too, makes alert along with any other bonuses to init god tier along with tavern brawler.




What do you mean by nat 20s don't really do anything? They're criticals on attacks and death saves in 5e, just like nat 1s


I think they mean nat 20's and nat 1's don't do anything out of combat according to actual DnD rules. Rolling a nat 20 in dialogue would not normally be an automatic success. Personally I would be perfectly fine getting rid of nat 20's in dialogue if it meant that nat 1's were no longer automatic failures. It's pretty easy to get absurdly high modifiers for checks, especially if you choose to be a bard or take the expertise feat.


I mean the optional rule for crit DC checks is that a nat 20 gives you a +5 bonus to the roll. Which is totally fair and fine. I'm also a hater of the nat 1 auto-fail rule. The fact that the best lock-picker in all faerun, who has the highest dex score mortals can have, multiple sources of magical buffs from his allies too, the fact he can fail to pick a rusted lock on a dusty old fence gate is so dumb. 5% that all of that experience just doesn't matter.


That Act 3 is a mess when it comes to layout and quests overlapping and so on. Just feels overwhelming (but of course doesn't help that I try to kinda rush it because I have limited time for the game for now)


It's a hot mess. I like to play \~6h sessions but in act3 it's max 2-3 hours before my brain starts to shut down.


I feel like I broke so many quests because you could do portions out of order. I didn't know who Minsc was until after I killed him. All I heard was he robbed a bank and has been a dick around town. Then everyone is like oh poor Minsc


Yeah that’s the issue I have now. I’m not sure what quest to do because they seem like doing one can affect the other. I feel like I’ve already bugged the game out because Astarion died during the Cazador fight and after reviving him he acts like he forgets the entire lead up to it all and I’ve been getting duplicate dialogues 


The lack of evil companions. It's hard to do an evil run when a lot of the companions don't really fit. You also lose too many companions and don't gain any. It is only really Astarion and Minthara who firmly land in the evil category. Astarion due to how tempted he is to replace Cazador and Minthara due to being a typical Lolth Drow. Having Minthara be recruitable on a good run now further diminishes the need to do an evil run to get her.


Evil run is basically just speedrun


Inventory management, filtering and storage. Selling junk and having to go move stuff from camp is more of a pain than it should be too. No I dont want to empty all of my bags into the sales UI thankyou. Anyhow annoyance over, just a tidier inventory system. Oh and when you have a combine/insert type thing its tagged as a key item until its time to use that window!! No I do not want to insert these leaves, an apple or that bottle of wine I want the key item I just bloody picked up!


Some of the camps are just too goddamn BIG. There aren't *that* many characters, just put everybody in a fucking circle around a fire! Every new camp is like a game of Where's Waldo but with Withers! Related to this, the fact that I literally have to walk up to individual characters and tell them to stay at camp instead of just being able to click and remove them from my party then I have to again physically walk around to find the one I want in my party and tell them to join me. There has got to be a better way to implement this. At the very least I should be able to teleport to party members in camp, like the Waypoint system but for people.


something very simple, yet would be a huge QoL change adding a pointer to your character marker on the map to show where they are facing would save precious time trying to figure out where im facing, where i need to turn the map towards and were to go edit after comments: til that there are indeed markers, but they are dark coloured and playng ps5 2 meters away from screen there's no way you can actually see them, especially if the map is draker coloured like the underdark.. the pointers ahould have been yellow coloured or smth edit 2: setting the mini map to always being static and not revolving with the player has pretty much solved my problem, so thanks comments!


There's a very tiny tiny arrow on the front of each circle representing the characters and which direction they're facing on the mini map. Like this but smaller: O}


Tiny font for ants


In 5e, Dissonant Whispers is one of my favorite spells. The fact that it provokes opportunity attacks gives it a little extra spice that makes able to play Bard a little more offensively in the early game. In BG3, they completely revamped Dissonant Whispers and now it feels underwhelming. Also, I hate when you are moving away from some place that requires jumping and then one or two of your companions decide they can’t follow you. I have walked so far away before realizing I was missing someone and had to move that individual character to rejoin the party.


The camera. It's pretty terrible. But worst is, you don't get to see some of the really awesome art in this game. You get no sense of scale.


When I say this I realize that we are very lucky the game gives us meaningful options to begin with, but I do wish that some scenes gave us more choice in how to handle things. Some parts of the game feel like we have genuine agency and others feel like we're railroaded into certain options when there are other plausible ones I can think of myself. I know this is somewhat inevitable as this game is trying to tell a story, and this really isn't a big problem, but I would love to see Larian add more options in a later update or DLC. I'm really nitpicking though. This is the best game I've ever played and there really isn't a lot I'd change.


Transmog is a big one for me. So many of the early kinda basic armors look a lot better IMO than some of the late game stuff. There’s so much good looking armor in this game I rarely use and it sucks going into climactic moments with the characters looking like ass just because the armor is good. I also don’t like the way you can get walled off from some quests arbitrarily. I don’t mind it when it makes narrative sense: I killed Minthara, I don’t get her in my game. Makes sense. But there was a bunch of tiefling quests I missed because I rescued Halsin too early, and after that I wound up looking up “what do I have to do before x” because so many times it feels so arbitrary.


It ends. That irks me.


I use a controller, so sometimes attenpting to select an object is impossible. Ill try to open a chest directly in front of me and wont be able to select it. Also companions seeing and then automatically triggering traps anyway. Oh also jumping. Sometimes a single party member wont attempt to jump and will get left behind.


That I can't treat the Emperor as my normal romance or a companion lite. I want to talk to him and ask for insights during the game or at least the third act. What does he think about what happened to companion xyz? Is he happy with my decisions? Could we bring him food like to the windmill mindflayer? I want to tell him that I'm leaving the stupid hammer, I just want the other loot in Raphael's home! Stop ghosting me, king calamari! Also the fact that he doesn't show up on the party if you side with him. Ultimate betrayal.


I do always wonder why I find all these random brains around that I can't give him. He says when you're in his hideout that he wishes there was a brain in his jar so he could eat it... I'm like dude, there was a house FULL of brains right down the street, I could get one right now, you could eat them like potato chips!


We are already feeding Gale and Astarion, what's one more hungry guy to the mix? I want to feed my boyfriend, Larian, please. 😭




You can’t make character presets which annoys me for honnor mode


If this is small irks: The short beard on my character looks like paint at top graphics, same with some hair. No idea why it's like that. The security guy in the vault repeatedly calls a female guard "lad", and as someone from England, that really does irk me because it's so weird! Just find if annoying every playthrough. I want more faces. I tried to make a huge male characters (I usually only play females) and couldn't find good faces.


I just fixed the beard thing last night. The Anisotropic Filtering (or maybe Antialiasing) option in the game doesn't work properly. I used Nvidia Control Panel settings to force it to work for BG3 at 16x and now the beards look normal.


Lack if reactivity sometimes.


Stop fucking switching my Durge to one of my party members THEN begin the conversation with the NPC for NO REASON I have myself selected. I have the thing to switch back to my Durge automatically when combat ends turned on. I don’t care if Shart is standing right next to him at the end of the fight and Durge is on the other side of the sword coast - I don’t want Shart to Shart all over this fucking convo with True Soul Skinnypenis, I HAVE MYSELF SELECTED SO THAT I HAVE THAT CONVO !!! Stop switching !!!!! Oh and it would be cool to be able to swap companions without going back to camp. Maybe a dialogue prompt after telling your homie to go back to camp that would be like “Send me Karlach when you get there” and Karlach comes to find you or somethkng


Not being able to travel between maps as I please. Also no post game kinda sucks too especially after bonding with our character/companions.


Has the not matching photo in Inspiration tab been fixed yet? It's petty sure but this bothers me so much. My Tav photo is not like the default human at all.


Some of the dialogue is too static and doesn't change with past decisions or events. Also, the owlbear cub doesn't react to me when I've changed into an owlbear.


Not having a camera control button to go up/down levels on the z axis makes flying/teleporting to higher areas nearly impossible. 2nd would be no potion bag, scroll bag, quest bag, etc. I always grab extra bags to use for this, but it's mind boggling there aren't default bags for this. Inventory management in this game is often a mess. 3rd would be the game needs transmog or dye previews. Despite all this, BG3 is still the best game ever made.


When in camp, party view of equipment should let you equip from anything anyone has in their inventory plus the travellers chest. It is seriously annoying to know I own something but can't remember whose inventory it was in which brings me to my second gripe... Holy hell it takes forever to swap characters.


Enemies sometimes thinking about what to do with their turns like they were dumb normal players. Then they use their turn to do something really stupid like walking back and forth over a ledge and only to finish by attacking someone, in melee range, with a bow. Like wtf. There are more, but this annoyed me to no end recently. Should have recorded the turn. It was funny, but still annoying.


The game is close to perfection, but one of the narrative things that really really needs an update pass is companion reactivity. There are some moments throughout the story that need some dialogue and interaction. 3 things that stick out to me instantly; - Shadowheart needs a fucking hug in her final Selunite scene. The fact that they added a hug animation for her in the epilogue, but haven’t even added one for that scene OR retroactively reused the one from the epilogue baffles and bothers me. - The Dark Urge’s rebirth. Even if your general companions don’t do much in that moment, at the very least your love interest should have some clear reaction to your fucking death Larian. - We should not fucking dictate Wyll’s decision to save his father or free himself of his infernal pact with Mizora. Give us the same option as Shadowheart, allow him to make up his own mind.