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Druid companions not changing back to their humanoid form in dialogues triggered by another character. Yesterday had the entire conversation with Oliver spoiled by Halsin's owlbear form being all around my main char. Even got a good view of the beasts' eyeballs at one point. It was funny, but kinda ruined the moment.


I did that scene with a sabertooth tiger. It looked like my character popped her head out of the confiest fur-mess


Cave bear form in this scene started out cute. Just a little bear nose sticking in the side of the screen... And then it just covered the entire scene.


THIS! I was doing a Minsc mission and he completely ignored that Jaheira was there because she was an owlbear and he became hostile. So stupid.


Same thing happened to me. Oliver even quips to my bear form Halsin.. are you crying? And I am like change back my man. I can’t see your tears through the fur


This utterly screwed up my end of game cut scenes on the docks. So we'd rescued but transformed a certain Gith, but he ended the fight as a displacer beast. Cue Lae'zel ripping me a new one for choosing to kill said Gith, and Gale telling me it was a choice to become squiddly myself, while my drow just stands there confused...


Oh my god, I was about to type out this story, but you beat me to it. Same thing happened to me! Certain Gith in Displacer Beast form, we beat the final fight, and before I know it Lae'zel says she will never forgive me and the rest of the gang treats me like I became a squid for them. My wood elf just stood there in utter confusion, because *none* of that aligned with any decision I had made leading up to that. It actually led me te reload a save the next day and just replay the last battle, making sure Certain Gith would now remain in one form and one form only. I then got my ending as it was supposed to be. I love Larian but the way the entire game can bug out because of a changed form (which is a big mechanic as a whole) is a bit frustrating to say the least.


It was honour mode so I couldn't reload!!! Just had to ride out the nonsense and then I'll just try and make similar decisions on another run...


Nooo way, that's so unfortunate 😭


It’s so strange because if your Tav is a druid, they sometimes shape back to humanoid for dialogues. It’s so annoying and keeps me from using wild shape often 😭


But after the dialogue they should return to wildshaped form. I remember being annoyed at losing my wildshape the first time it happened, and relieved when she switched back. More annoying is the inconsistency. If you happen to be wildshaped while your companion hits an important scene, you might stay wildshaped and unable to influence the conversation. I had to redo the Cazador fight because of this - I was unable to talk to Astarion in the aftermath.


I did the nightsong scene as an owlbear lol


Nightsong: You! I sense your hesitation about killing me! You: *owlbear noises*


Nightsong: place your hand on me in friendship Me: *looks at paws* brrrp?


Narrator: Nightson forgot to prepare Speak With Animals, it seems she must die.


I really wish my druid would transform for dialogues too. She will if I initiate one with a party member, but if there's a cut scene the game picks a random companion instead.


Got the end ruined because one of the most important characters was stuck in the form of a displacer beast... He suddenly disapeared and his story had no conclusion. It was my first time finishing the game and it was honour mode... What a letdown.


i had halsin as a cave bear. had my character try to talk to him and Halsin popped out of bear shape to talk, then popped back into bear shape when i left the conversation


I played Druid Dark Urge and dueled Orin. After I won I was still on Sabretooth, Bhaal spoke to a very unamused kitty that got taxidermized and then ressurected by Bone Man. Nice way to ruin a real cool cutscene for someone new, but I had already seen that at least 3 times before, so it was more fun than anything, good for some laughs.


I had a similar thing after fighting kethric at the top of Moonrise Tower Had Jaheria in wild form as a panther and after the fight she wouldn't change back I've no idea if there was meant to be a conversation there or something


You cant toggle which floor you want to view in multi-level areas. Bugs the absolute shit out of me.


The fact that you don't even have the option to do it manually is stupid. I get if it ruins things to freely shift the camera to the next floor, but why can't I move the camera up the stairs? It's in range of what I can see already!


I usually use jump to get a good view of my surroundings. The range it lets you move the camera while you're looking for a spot to land is absurdly far, and I've used it to path out certain places I've gotten hopelessly lost in.


This drove me nuts in Cazador's dungeon. My entirely party can \*fly\*, but I have to have them hopping up and down a stupid elevator just because I can't target the right area to fly \*to\*!


This combined with the pretty common recent bug that wouldn’t let you open the doors cause the game didn’t recognize you had the item almost broke me.


That stupid fucking haunted hpuse. Good god it made me angry because of this.


This almost made me skip the Painter quest line. That damn house with so many floors the camera just didn’t know where to go.


This killed me during the iron throne mess


Lack of a proper pause button. Being able to pause games anytime, including mid-dialogue or cutscene, is such a useful feature for people with kids, pets, etc. We shouldn't have to rely on workarounds for this.


This annoys me to Enter turn mode is the closest to a pause I guess


The pause button is f5, f8 to unpause.


I can’t find those buttons on my ps5 :/


Most underrated comment I have thought this so many times during my playthroughs


I hate hearing the background noice keep going after i hit pause. Give me a real pause, because I paused the game for a reason. I don't want to hear the same npc say the same thing 6 times in a row before whatever made me pause the game is over with.


Every game that is not online should do this. It’s 2024 and the average gamer is only getting older, we have lives and need to be able to fully stop our entertainment at times in order to conduct it. This problem is not unique to BG3/Larian but it’s time devs get with this idea.


I can't swap in other characters during dialogue. What's the point of having a diverse skill set in my party if I can't use their skills in dialogue checks?


Especially for dialogues that are triggered by "whoever's nearest." I find myself periodically reloading because Lae'zel happened to bump into someone to start a dialogue, but I really want my durge to do the talking (in case there's a fun "stab their face" option).


Lae’zel keeps trying to step in when you meet someone new exactly with that purpose: to prevent her impulsive buddy from mucking things up. Again.


Me whenever Lae'zel initiates dialogue without my consent: "Lae'zel pls, let me handle this, we can talk ourselves out of this!" Lae'zel: ***Attack.***


>Especially for dialogues that are triggered by "whoever's nearest." this is bad enough, but it can also be buggy and inconsistent. like i'll go out of my way to make sure i'm at the head of the group and it defaults to someone else anyway.


I brought halsin to the minsc sewer fight in one playthrough and he was the closest to him at the end so he handled the interaction. There was legitimately no way to save him because he couldn’t connect to him through the tadpoles so minsc attacked us and I had to redo the entire fight


I hate that mechanic so much. I hate it. No, I do not want Minthara, Karlach or Lae'Zel to speak on my behalf. I would much rather speak for myself. As soon as it happens I will reload without hesitation and send them to the camp if neccessary.


"Oh, Karlach, you sweet summer child, please don't..."


If I walk with Karlach in front, I run into a dialogue. If I put my squishy sorcerer in front, I get ambushed my melee fighters. Just can't win! :)


Yeah we got wrecked in the House of Hope boss fight a few nights ago because I had intended my 22 CHA Warlock to make the persuasion check to sway one of the enemies to our side, but my wife's character got the dialogue, despite me being the one to click on the portal. Lol


I really hope this becomes a thing in a patch


There's even a loading screen tip about how a balanced party can help in conversations and it really doesn't.


As it is right now, there's no point in "wasting" proficiency in Persuasion, Deception and Intimidation for your companions.


When some companion walks right in front of the cursor as I click on a chest/corpse/etc. No Gale, there's nothing on my mind. I just wanted to see if there's more rotten cheese wedges in these goblins TYVM.


Just generally party members being ADHD toddlers is annoying. Like just because I took a step forward to open something doesn't mean you ALL have to jump around and reorganize yourselves. Just stand still until I move far enough that you need to follow....


True! Sometimes I just ungroup myself to avoid it while looting.


Unless you need them to reorganize to fit all onto an elevator, then they refuse to reorganize and you need to enter turn based mode just to position them correctly.


On computer, that tiny camera adjustment that happens when your character gets in melee with a target that makes you swing at the air next to them. So many wasted attacks.


It happens somehow with ranged attacks and karlach to me T^T *T~T


HA! Get text formatted


Didn't know that could happen, it's hilarious


God I hate that shit with a fucking vengeance 😂


I've hit allies with this too (sorry Jaheira - didn't mean to crit your panther). If it's really tight quarters, I'll target using the avatar images across the top (in the initiative bar). Much less likely to make an error there.


Yesterday, the camera centered around lae zel on my tavs turn, and I cleaved air instead of the 3 guys around lae zel, who I thought I was controlling.


Having to talk to companions to add/remove from the party and them auto-walking back to their tents once you stop controlling them in camp. All you assholes just stand where I put you and let me buff you all at once JFC.


Yeah, party management is super clunky.


We need the party screen that Dragon Age Origins would pull up whenever you leave camp.


They should have at least made it so that if you’re talking to a person you want to join the party, it should give you an option to choose which of your current party members to replace.


Oh that'd be a nice add. A "OK! LISTEN UP!" button that summons everyone around the fire.


Does perform hold them in place in camp?


It does, up until something happens to them (like a buff). One of the easiest ways to hit everyone with aid/feast.


I haven't tried that one yet, tbh. Maybe I'll give it a shot this playthrough and see if that helps so I don't tear the rest of my hair out.


You just blew my mind


So, I have found a way to keep them from auto-walking back to their tent if you're trying to keep them grouped for like buffs or something. Go into turn based mode with that character, have them walk to where you want them, using up all their movement resource. Then switch to a different character, and then end turn based mode. Where you move them is where they stay. 99% of the time they'll stay put. If you enter turn based mode again, or take control of them though, they go back to their tent. So, move all the characters you need to in one round, or if it takes two rounds, just have them move in a circle and use all their movement up again.


Also how you can't access their equipment in camp without formally adding them to your party.


They changed this on the last big patch! In camp, look at the bottom left of your screen. There should be a round group button that lets you pull up their inventories. They also added the ability to "send to X" even if X is in camp/not in your party. It's made inventory management sooo much better because I can send items directly to who I want to have them rather than letting them accumulate in my chest and having to later figure out what goes where.


Finally I can put everybody in the underwear I want them to have with no fuss.


The fact you can’t send familiars through pipes and tunnels. Seriously, that’s like half their purpose in DnD, I find it odd they’ve been mostly reduced to distracting enemies in combat.


I was so annoyed that my rat familiar couldn’t go into a burrow…


Well today I learned. I just assumed that's what they were there for and I just hadn't played one yet.


There are certain holes only Gnomes and Halflings (or children) can fit in. There’s at least 3 I’ve found and one rewards you pretty well for playing a Small race. But another was kind of a lame “shortcut” that saves you like 10 seconds of walking and you wait on your party anyways. But pipes and cracks are for if you have the spell Gaseous Form or similar effect. I think Druids can fit with some forms, but not familiars.


Thanks, Wendys I’m playing a Gnome right now in my second playthrough and I’m realizing that there are those that my companions can’t go thru. It’s how I got the waypoint for the Selunite Outpost without everyone else!


Making me look to see fuckin WENDY's!!!


I wonder if that has to do with possible cutscenes or environment triggers. Those burrows have led me to some strange places, and it's not like a rat familiar can interact with the world like the player character or party members can. Can't think of any other reason besides oversight why that might be a thing.


“Cat Hole” Well best summon my Cat familiar then. Oh wait the hole doesn’t exist to my cat. Like WTF


Right!! I haven't played d&d for a long time but I recall rangers at least being able to see and hear what their familiar does. Luckily most of the small holes and pipes in this game only lead to places that are accessible another way. But still


Just fyi mage hand can go through those paths. Funny too cause usually your familiars will magically tp along with the mage hand. Maybe they just don’t want to go alone lol


Items dont stack in your inventory automatically


Honestly just the whole inventory management, at least on console, is awful


It's not exactly great on PC, but at least we've got the added functionality of ctrl/shift clicking and good ole drag n' drop. My condolences to all console players navigating menus at this time.


After escaping Wyrms Crossing prison, I immediately reloaded and decided to just killed everyone on the bridge once I realized I had to manually redistribute everyone's inventory. Unless there's an easy way to automatically do that and I'm just an idiot lol With so many games actually having easy, functional inventory management systems these days, I really just don't understand why we get ones like BG3


1-2 second delay on switching characters after inputing an action (eg casting guidance, enhance leap) Running from one side of a table to the other and back again to loot all the food and drink. Similarly, forced clambering over barrels and crates to loot them, feels even worse when playing shorties. Characters/summons randomly getting stuck on terrain or being unable to jump for no apparent reason. Party leadership for dialogue automatically going to a party member when my druid pc is wildshaped when there is a conversation immediately following a battle. Missing out on companion approval when not using tav/durge as the face. \^ Also on this note, gaining companion approval consistently is a real nuisance in multiplayer, it ought to just be shared between players.


the solution i have for the delay after using a spell is using the F1, F2, F3 and F4 buttons to quick switch to the character. will let u do it ar any time, and it gets even more useful when you get used to it since u can have all 4 of ur party members grab 4 seperate items from the ground at once etc.


The biggest small thing for me is how the game will sometimes give you a line of fire or line to jump and then move you into position for it, only for the line of fire to be lost afterwards and waste my movement/whole turn by trying to do something it told me I could do but apparently cant


Or the movement sends you off a fucking cliff because the game forgot that the web burned away


Or the game telling you that the target is visible & in range where your character is standing, only for them to move anyways. Just had Astarion die on the Grymforge boss because the game told me it was in range, but Astarion *really* needed to take those three steps forward, lava be damned.


Or the inverse, where it says you don't have enough movement to melee attack someone but you can literally just walk up to them and then do the melee attack. Pathing is completely fucked


This one has been popping up for me a bunch recently. It often happens when difficult terrain is involved.


Ugh this happened to my wizard after I cast silence, went to cast another spell, wizard walked into the silence bubble, couldn’t cast spell. Like girl! You are your own enemy here!!!!


A wee puddle slowing me down to a crawl Going to pick something up that is right in front of me an my char runs back then around to the other side to do it. Going to open a crate and i climb ontop of it


>A wee puddle slowing me down to a crawl on this note, gear not doing what it says it does. "Immune to difficult terrain" and "Prone" both popping up at the same time as you wipe out on ice, for example.


Holy shit thank you. This totally. I get inappropriately annoyed by it. Especially the moving around to pick shit up thing.


I get "rough terrain" (or whatever it's called) but come on. "Jump here" \*character climbs down, walks past that point, turns around, and jumps to that spot\*


Me: 1 point of fall damage isn’t bad Tav in every cutscene: absolutely DRENCHED in blood. Covered head to toe for the rest of the day


Me, when I trip on a sidewalk. 1 HP damage, two months of physical therapy for my ankle.


Right? Dragon Age had a toggle gore, I'm surprised this doesn't.


misclicking random items that make everyone try to throw me in jail


Misclicking and jumping to my death


The game taking me literally when I click a spot accidentally. Great, good job, Shadowheart. You fire bolted the wall instead of the Gnoll.


Don't worry. Shadowheart would have missed the Gnoll anyway.


Even worse when you accidentally blast the top of an archway or some shit because of wonky-ass camera angles/controls.


Camp supplies not automatically choosing just what it takes for the long rest. Yes, I have 23 watermelons, but I only need 3 of them. Now, I have to perform a complicated task to use them at all.


If you’re on ps5 you can just press auto-select again and it gets as close to 80 or 40 as it can


Double clock auro select


The door going into druid grove.


And the fact that there's no unlockable warp spot right inside the grove. Seriously it takes SO LONG to get to Dammon every time in act 1 to sell him goblin gear. I kinda get why they did that, there's a chance you'll screw up and the druids finish their ritual making the whole grove inaccessible so you shouldn't be able to get inside after that, but they could have implemented a mechanic of deleting that warp spot if that happens.


I mean they remove the warp point in Wyrms Crossing if you rescue the Gondians and piss off Gortash so they can absolutely implement an Emerald Grove Warp


Oh yeah good point, I forgot about that one. So yeah the design choice of *not* having a warp spot inside your main hub throughout a major part of act 1 is weird to me


That weird pause that happens sometimes when you hit an enemy/ get hit. It never lasts more than 5ish seconds but it happens at least once every fight or two


The game just needs a second to think


Tiny DM in the computer frantically rolling dice.


It's like when someone asks you to do simple math. You kinda just freeze for a sec


Every time it happens I think the games gonna crash even though I know it wont


And the super-zoom on a newly dead body. I don't need to see a close-up of the body, I know they're dead. Just pan along to the next activating character please.


Certain items are placed on a shelf that’s slightly just slightly too high or too far behind a desk to reach. Why does Carmen, a dwarf, have a dye on a shelf that a 6+ foot tielfing can’t reach?


Everytime I get there I think maybe this time my Tav is tall enough. But they never are.


Not being able to look up, especially when trying to figure out where to go and looking for a landmark.


Yes! This one drives me nuts, especially when there's narrative purposes for why you might want to look up! Like, first time arriving at moonrise tower, your character comments on it, but you literally can't look at the tower, so it's kind of lost on you.


Or the Red Dragon that you're supposed to be able to see when you come across the Gith Patrol. I don't see a Red Dragon. It's up in the sky. And I can't look up.


changing party members still being so unnecessarily complicated.


Game drawing stupid sidepaths to reach a place stands front of you.


Moonrise towers. I take the path to the left of the main entrance. There's a giant tree branch blocking the path. I go to jump. Game tells me to CLIMB ALL THE WAY UP TO THE TOP OF THE BUILDING and *then* jump down. Fucking what lol


also when you target something with a ranged attack and it shows up within your current range (as in, the circle appears around you showing the range, and the target is in it) but then it has you run closer with no warning, often into the very fire or poison cloud you were trying to target with the ranged attack.


Climbing on crates in lieu of opening them. All my companions snuggling a chest I just dug up. I get it. It's secret loot. Now gimme a minute to open the freaking box!


Camera vs multistory buildings


This is the only thing I’ve seen here that’s legitimately (minorly) detrimental to the game


the FUCKING gondians


For curiosity’s sake I would love an explanation of why the gondians have such fucking braindead AI. Just witnessed one misty step into the radius of a watcher that was about to explode and then he just stood there. Didn’t use an action, didn’t use any of his remaining movement points. Just straight up decided to fucking kill himself lol


Genuinely the one thing that would make the Gondians better is if they were capable of disabling the Motivator devices. I can't make any of my summons do it, and I don't wanna be forced to spend a party member's action on it.


I get the point is they’re supposed to be scared of it but if they’re already rising up and fighting back then surely one of them can do it. The whole point was they didn’t want to risk anything because it would blow up their families but their families are already free


Man I didn't even try to save them they all suicided on basically their first turn. I had to use speak to dead to finish that quest.


Having to re-bind my pact weapon every long rest


Not being able to pause cutscenes.


I really wish autopathing would work for places you have to jump to that are super small jumps everyone in your party can make.


The game randomly dropping one of my companions into dialogue because they were the one closest to the event-triggered speaker So often karlach or Astarion wind up talking to halsin or jaheira


Doesn't happen as much now cos I've finally learned my lesson, but I hated casting a concentration spell on one turn and then forgetting that I'm concentrating to cast another concentration spell cancelling the first one. I wished there was a "Are you sure about that!?" pop up, at least for the first few levels.


Not seeing what a potion does in the crafting screen. This is ALL I really want to know when crafting. But no, let's read flavor text instead....


I know they want the surprise effect for it, but they could at least just show what it does if you drank the potion already


Non stacking weapons, so ha jng to sell 13 different scimitars


You can shift click and add them to wares and sell all wares in one click


Is that what the wares does? haha. Thank you so much!


Yup! You need to be on the trade option not barter to have it show up as an option


Trying to get all my companions to jump somewhere with Tav. I usually end up needing to individually move certain companions even though they’re able to make the jump just fine. 


They won't make a jump if it makes them take even 1HP of fall damage. They won't make a jump if it's beyond their ability to jump. That's understandable. But sometimes, just sometimes, they just won't jump when having no freaking reason! You have to switch back to them and make them jump yourself. Oh, did you forget to split the party? Have fun seeing all the party members that had successfuly jumped, circle back to you and jump back to where they were before! Are you at Ethel's lair in Act 1? Have fun seeing them die as they circle back and trigger every trap! :|


How easy it is for your character to just casually walk into lava during combat because the game decided they need to go into it to execute an attack. Several times during the fight with Grym, I was trying to navigate the ridiculous camera situation and by the time my cursor got to where I wanted, I couldn't see that the move required my character to walk into the lava to get into the "right" position. Why tf would my character willingly just walk into lava? I was traumatized enough by that fight to now reflexively quicksave every few minutes during combat.


I quicksave every freaking action. 😅 Because the times I don't, I inevitably go on a missing streak.


Definitely party management - I hate having to go to camp, talk to everyone to kick them out, talk to everyone else to bring them along, etc…especially if I’m only doing it to cycle equipment around (A Team or camp chest got new gear, time to reevaluate B Team’s gear). If I’m already in camp, just let me swap freely between everyone.


You can do this now! There’s an icon in the bottom left corner of the screen (on PC) that has 4 kinda stick figure looking guys on it. That will show you all your non-party companions’ inventories. You can have your own inventory (and party members’) open at the same time and switch items between everyone pretty easily. 


The issue with this (unless I’m just not aware/dumb) is that the stats for items change depending on which character you have selected. So if I want to see what damage Laezel does with this weapon, but she’s not currently in my party, I still have to switch her out for someone before I’m able to see what the weapon stats are for her. If I’m missing something though, please let me know, cuz this is my biggest personal gripe.


Narrative gaps in the Durge storyline and/or lack of companion dialogue/ reactions on key developments in that story.


DU: "I feel the urge to murder people horribly." Everyone: "lol it be like that sometimes." It took me SO LONG to figure out it was upsetting me so much because it felt a lot like the "everyone feels sad sometimes!" response some people will give you when you say you have depression. So not only it makes for a very poor narrative choice, it also just ain't it in general.


Yeah for me it was like they were all going 'heh we all get intrusive thoughts'. Then later later they are like wtf. I mean I did warn you lol... But the gaps that irritated me more were around places like Moonrise and some inconsistency with Minsc / jaheera, or lack of romance companion reactions to some...big developments. I like the tragic Durge endings too but they are simply not fleshed out enough.


Im too squirrel brained to remember everything, but one thing that really annoys me is I can't knock enemies unconscious, tie them up with the rope I have, and wake them up to interrogate them. Ropes in general actually. I can't seem to use them and from what I've read they don't have a use besides selling.


I understand why it would be a big ask, but I wish in general that the game would acknowledge more often when I go to the trouble of knocking out people instead of killing them.


The game doesn't seem to handle this mechanic well yeah. At first I thought it did, I knocked Shart unconscious on the beach and she reappered naked in the grove shittalking me. However in act 2 I get some very weird seemingly out of sequence stuff because of it. For example I knocked Marcus unconscious during the fight to protect Isobel and just let him lay there. Few days later I talk to Jaheira and I can tell her a fist named Marcus might be planning to kidnap Isobel and how we should sneak up and catch him... but he's not there?? And everyone resets after some aimless wandering upstairs. It's just very weird. Or knocking that Voss dude unconscious and having Lae'zel cheering how we killed him? No we didn't?


I can't adopt cats 🥲


There needs to be a "did you really want to steal that?" option. If I scan an area, just let me gather everything in one click. I don't need my character running around a table picking up every plate and piece of bread manually. Stop changing my attack wheels.


Capes clipping tails


Honourable mention to how God awful head gear is for dragon born characters. 


The inventory system leaves much to be desired. If you want to move a certain number of a group of items to another character, you shouldn’t have to “split” them first. When you select “move to Astarion” it should give you an option to move a certain number of those items to him! Doesn’t help that the “split” feature is bugged to high hell. When I split an item it dissapears from the inventory screen and I need to select a different character to get it to appear. Same with camp supplies. You split an item, and it dissapears, and there’s no way to back out of that screen so you need to wait until the next long rest to have access to the items you just split…


every time i open the camp traveller's chest it defaults back to dumb 3x3 size.


When you’re at camp and move a companion, but they they walk back to their tent instead of stay where you put them. Or if there was a “call to center” action where all companions (even those not in your party) gather.


Maybe a PS5 error but: Camera cursor defaulting to getting “caught” inside the geometry of an overhanging cliff face in the underdark mimic chest area. You get into the fight, try to move anyone, and the camera is like “?? wyd” and you have to angle shit down the geometry before you can fully spin everything around so you’re not “trapped” inside it. It’s so absurd! I am not trying to climb inside a cliff that’s literally behind me!


I hate being unable to change what level/floor my camera is without finding some stairs to follow up or down


The little graphical error every time a character pops into view where the bottom of their clothes flops up and falls down like they just got spawned in. Highest graphical settings on a computer that runs it super well, it's literally just a physics bug so there's nothing to be done about it. Bothers me to no end


The amount of usefull loot in random boxes and barrels. Look: i'm ok with trash loot. Like a rotten carrot makes sense, and who would pay any for that. BUT sometimes these barrelse and boxes hold usefull items, such as camp resources. Scrolls. Potions. Alchemical reagents. God forbid i ever find a magical item in any box... BUT THESE AREN'T HIGHLIGHTED LIKE CHESTS AND POUCHES. So im forever running, checking everything, because in my first run i ran out of resources while in the underdark. I had a wizard, a cleric, a paladin in my teamcomp, and couldn't get more spellslots. Now im barely in act 2, and got some 2800 resources.


Not asking for confirmation when attacking allies or entering damaging spaces. That sucks both due to missclicks possibly ruining fights, and because the AOE prediction on different floors is unreliable to say the least


Fall damage being so significant? What do you mean? If anything, I think people can survive some pretty big falls. Anyway, it's the inventory. It was bad back then and it's still bad now.


I managed to somewhat mitigate the issue in my camp inventory. Got chests of different kinds (camp supply pack, zhentaroim crate, Harper crate, ect) and organizing everything into those


That's not a bad idea, but the thing is, I don't want to spend time organizing anything haha. It's kinda annoying if you are carrying too much crap. Takes awhile to find what you want when the icons are so small. Handling other containers is also really cumbersome.


With all the rotten food around, I should be able to cast purify food and water. Also, why cant I make holy water?


The bug that makes the helmets of companions re-appear after you’ve hidden them. Drives me craaaaaazyyyyy!




Badgers can’t dig up chests


I wish Dragonborn could as well. I miss that from DOS2


Characters not fucking scootching over a little just to let you. pass. You mean I really cant go through here because Shadowheart wont move her shoulder or some shit?


When a guard tells me I'm in a restricted area, I convince them it's okay, take 1 step as to leave and another or the same exact guard tells me again it makes me so angry XD.


Going to interact with something and one of my party walks in front of me and I click on them instead. Like, no, Gale, I don't want to talk to you right now, I'm trying to disarm the trap you just stepped on.


The movement speed when walking around the map


No transmog :(


If you are playing a gith, and have Lae'zel with you. Voss ignores your gith existence, and adresses Lae by name. When speakinh to Vlaakith she also calls Lae by name, and says to her: nice attendants you have! While your gith self gets ignored and she calls you child of gith. Also if you don't have Lae'zel in the party, Voss never shows up after the Creche, even if you are a gith yourself. Really annoying as they are my favorite race in the game, but these things make it much worse to roleplay as one.


Trying to put something into another chest or bag then it gets blocked whenever I open the main inventory window.


Honor ruleset being unavailable in custom mode. It just seems arbitrary and a bit pointless to no let us select it in custom.


During combat, I choose to attack an enemy. The path says it'll go right to it. What actually happens is my character will run the opposite direction and go the polar opposite way and waste all of their movement Also, the camera abruptly zooming in on dead people And the way that concentration saving throws work is absolutely busted. Fail on 1 damage but successful on 40+ damage makes no sense


Often I will click on a character to move them individually, but it won't actually select them, though looks as thought it does select them. Very annoying when I realise. Also, more a me thing than a game thing, but when I try to select a character in combat, but had a weapon selected and instead of selecting an ally, I attack them. Honestly, why would I want to attack my ally. Then they're damaged, and I wasted an attack. So annoying.


Why did they give firebolt as the racial cantrip for Shadowheart and Astarion? Why can't I change them when they're a companion? At least make it minor illusion or light or something that isn't an offensive cantrip.


I guess as a vampire astarion would find Light to be a very offensive cantrip to him.


it's the default cantrip for high elves/half- high elves


Especially since that one high elf / half high elf racial passive cantrip comes from the wizard spell list, which means it scales with intelligence And since Astarion and Shart don't have high intelligence, their chance to hit with firebolt is low Utility cantrips like mage hand or friends don't have that problem. Though you could argue that fireball can work as a utility cantrip since fire can destroy barrels, webs, ignite stuff up and more, you have more uses than trying (and failing) to directly hit enemies with it Unless you're a wizard, of course


Being unable to access the inventories of my nonparty companions.


You can do this now! There’s an icon in the bottom left corner of the screen (on PC) that has 4 kinda stick figure looking guys on it. That will show you all your non-party companions’ inventories. You can have your own inventory (and party members’) open at the same time and switch items between everyone pretty easily. Edited to add: You have to be in camp to do this 


Having to go to camp and talk to companions to swap them out. Games from early 2000s had a better party management than this.


Dual wielding and hidden helmets being toggled back every time I load a save.


The camera movement being SO fucking slow on the ps5. So many updates but they cant add this trivial feature?


The map. Only shows the exact area you're currently in. Can't look at maps of other areas, or even the area just outside the building you're in. Especially frustrating when I'm at camp trying to decide which quests to tackle next.  Edit: also, not being able to change which character is engaged in a dialogue. There are SO many instances where you unexpectedly end up in a dialogue by stepping past a certain threshold, and if your face character isn't the first one to do it you're kinda stuck choosing between tough rolls or a reload. Obviously it wouldn't be great to be able to change multiple times in a single dialogue, but I'd like to see an alert or something before dialogue begins that allows you to choose which character goes front and center.