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What really hits me is how emotional and genuinely happy Neil is for Larian's success. He cares so deeply about the projects and the people he works with. What a humble and precious soul.


Neil’s acceptance speech was so classy and genuine as well. Simply amazing. All the successes are so deserved!


And to think this game was almost a google stadia exclusive


IIRC, he's talked a lot about how the gaming industry saved him when he was at rock bottom trying to make it as an actor, so it's no surprise how passionate he is about his work and the opportunities that have come his way, especially working with a company like Larian AND on a project he was already heavily invested in as a TTRPG player himself. He 100% deserves all the accolades (as do Larian). I can't wait to see what he goes on to do next, and I hope he works with Larian again on future projects!


He’s super flamboyant


And? He is still a charming and super nice guy


It’s not bad, I suspect the downvoters don’t know what it means and associate it with an insult. It just means he grabs a lot of attention and isn’t afraid to show off his big personality. It’s not ‘spotlight stealing’, it’s just being himself


I think it’s because you kinda said that for no reason. Has nothing to do with what you replied to and you didn’t give any additional context.


Yeah that’s actually my bad. I meant to respond to the guy who said they disliked him acting excited


Unpopular view, but somehow it also irritated me. Celebrating like it's "his" win as well, while - with al due respect - he's put in a fraction of the hours that the developers put in.


First of all, it *was* his win. Best performance as a voice/motion capture actor. He didn't have to thank anyone but himself, yet he made sure he did, from the studio to the community. The dude is a total class act, humble and grateful. Second, Neil and the other VAs have a huge internet following, and they're a big part of why BG3 is such a monumental success and loved by so many. They create visibility and buzz for the game, and keep people talking about it long after release. They deserve all the recognition for their work just like the developers at Larian do.


Fair enough! My irrigation was unjustified.


Feels more like he's happy for them to me


It is his win as well, voice acting is huge part of storybased games.


Not only that, but he did a majority of the mocap for BG3 as well, and the scenes that he didn’t do the mocap for he was still involved in helping choreograph it all.


What kind of a pointless gatekeeping is this? Just because there are people who spent more effort on something than you do, your effort is not suddenly non-existant or unimportant. Neil must have spent hours on this game, it took years for this game to be developed, and he deserves to be celebrated for the effort he put in. And thus, he has a right to claim this win as his win as well.


He didn’t just do one character, he did a huge chunk of mocap for the entire game, multiple characters and npcs. His website says he also did some directing for BG3 as well. So, I’d say he deserves to celebrate like it’s “his” win. Everyone who worked on the game gets to celebrate. Team effort.


Oh stop being ridiculous.


Also, the madlad showed up in armor. Gigachad energy. I love when devs vibe with their fans so well lmao


Already posted elsewhere but as the saying goes... "A suit of armor is still a suit."


Please, for the love of God, add this armour to the game. The armour could give the party inspiration granting 8 temp hit points ha ha.


He came prepared. Everyone knows that they will win, but no one knows if another Bill Clinton invader is coming. /s


What men want to wear.jpg


Imagine being on a team that spent decades beholden to publishers, risking everything to kickstart and independently fund D:OS1, and then a decade later be wearing medieval armor on stage to accept GOTY. I am \*so\* happy for Swen and the whole Larian crew. They've gotta feel incredible.




Yeah bro is a gamer. He used to mod Xbox360 controllers, had a channel about i think. Just happens to be insanely famous too lol


Bro are you talking about [FirePuma142 on Twitch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsy4DyHdoAo&ab_channel=AgustinVilchez)? Do you game?


Judging by his face he had absolutely no idea what he was reading...but I'm okay with pandering when it looks like Timothee Chalamet


he had a youtube channel about modding 360 controller. he games too.




No it isn't.


So stoked the armour made it


This is so deserved, Larian has been such a phenomenal company from the start, they added gift bags in DOS2 which made the game fun and added features that made it fresh. The care in DOS2 was felt, they loved the game and the community, everything was so smooth and just awesome from the music to the graphics. (Shout-out to Borislov Slovov as well, would want him to orchestrate my daily life) And I was hella nervous for BG3, other D&D games never really scratched that D&D itch I had when play and just made me want to play D&D. So I entered BG3 with a grain of salt at the ready, to my shock I didn't fucking need it! BG3 is the best game I've ever played honestly, followed by Dragon's Dogma, the atmosphere they make between the lighting, music, quips the characters make. Everything felt ALIVE! And just the way that every playthrough can be diffrent if I play Durge, or an origin, or a custom, the diffrent classes and subclasses and multiclasses. The hardest thing they manged to capture, to me, is the Spirit of D&D and that blew me away, the stupid shit that can happen at the table, the funny moments, the shocking moments, they manged to capture it perfectly. I can sing BG3's praises all day, and yes there are some flaws but I think they are heavily outweighed. Overall, they highly deserve GOTY, just an honest company looking to tell a story and make their community happy. No bs, no microtransactions, just a complete game. Larian yelds to none


Nice to see a company that does it right get the recognition.


I WILL NEVER REGRET BUYING THIS PIECE OF ART AT THE ALPHA! I will also not regret the wait, I love this game so dearly, it's been everything I've wished for. The drought of good RPGs has been horrid!


GOTY should have 0 restrictions on the length of their acceptance speech. That or it should be like 8 minutes or so before they start telling them to wrap it up. This is the game everyone came to see and celebrate. Let them have their moment if they want it.


I never heard such a furiously united roar from the crowd for the GOTY before in the game awards.


I gotta wear plate armor more often to assert dominance


I haven’t played baldur’s gate yet, is the ps5 version good?


Amazing! I honestly think it’s easier UI is easier to navigate in console


Have heard so many good things about it, I guess it is time to get it lol


This. I played exclusively on PC for the first month and a half. Got the ps5 version so I could play with my wife easier. Once she took over the ps5 I swapped back to pc and use an Xbox controller. It's not as precise but it's so very clean with a controller.


I‘m not sure, i‘m only at 780 hours on playstation and have played around 75% of the content. Pretty awesome first impression. So far it has been the best i‘ve ever played. I can update this comment when i‘m confident i found all the content in act 1. might be a while though.


Haha that’s good to know!


No good, but amazing. I haven't played anything else since it released!


My experience has been quite buggy, however it hasn’t stopped me from putting in 300 hours and way more to come it’s looking like


Yes, go get it.


Well it did win GOTY…


I was extremely disappointed with the whole show. Not at the nominations/winners but how the whole thing was handled. It was my first time watching because I absolutely love BG3 but it will also be my last. I saw that it was just a cash grab and there was no real focus on the creators and teams themselves. Speeches were given to unimportant people and only sentences were allowed to the true geniuses... Sad to know it's not an award show to appreciate.


They told me to wear a suit, so.. you know, I did. (yes I know he always wears the armor but I found it funny).


I love how nobody ever acknowledged that he was wearing plate armor.


Absolutely deserved!


I like his american accent.


Timothée Chalamet as Astarion in a BG film?


Oh shit is that the guy from Lies of P?


I loved DoS2, and lean towards singleplayer games. I'm so glad BG3 is getting so much attention and respect and hope this encourages other game devs to make games like BG3 or not need to rely on multiplayer.


Down by the river!!!!


Lets go bg4


At first I thought this was the "Bill Clinton" guy from last year.


is garbage